16:04:30 RRSAgent has joined #hcls2 16:04:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/10/28-hcls2-irc 16:05:02 zakim, this is hcls 16:05:02 ok, matthias_samwald; that matches SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM 16:05:06 Zakim, please dial ericP-office 16:05:06 ok, ericP; the call is being made 16:05:08 +EricP 16:05:15 Zakim, who is here? 16:05:15 On the phone I see Bob_Powers, Joanne_Luciano, +, +1.317.655.aabb, ??P22, ??P27, +1.781.431.aacc, EricP 16:05:17 On IRC I see RRSAgent, joanne, epichler, bbalsa, michel, soroush, matthias_samwald, Zakim, ericP 16:07:19 soroush_ has joined #HCLS2 16:07:43 i volunteer for scribing. 16:07:47 thanks 16:07:50 scribenick: matthias_samwald 16:08:16 joanne: in the last telecon, chime summarized some of his work. 16:08:37 ... the information did not have enough detail to tell us which mapping would be right, because there was not enough information. 16:09:30 1 person with 3 bodies? 16:10:13 ... a sample from the same age/date/gender from a different location. we imagined a situation where supplies are short. we decided we did not have the authority to decide about identity. 16:10:42 ... the patient data is ambiguous. 16:11:01 +mscottm 16:11:31 ... the different options should be presented in the paper to the readers. 16:13:32 ericP is this a model problem, or a data input problem? 16:14:00 joanne: question: "when it happens, what are the possible causes?" 16:15:25 scott: a question when you are trying to map is, are you starting with the correct term -- as a recommendation, there should be disambiguation built into the interface. if a clinican is labeling a clinical report, they should be offered many choices to help them disambiguate. 16:15:53 soroush_ has joined #HCLS2 16:16:04 joanne: another issue is when the categories are too narrow. 16:16:53 ... if the annotator has to record something that has not been seen before, it will not be recorded/annotated. 16:17:19 ... you have to expect that unusual / unexpected things will need to be captured. 16:17:30 http://esw.w3.org/HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Data/MappingDataToSNOMED 16:18:07 michel: i have made a mapping to SNOMED terms on the wiki. 16:18:35 ChristiDenney has joined #hcls2 16:19:15 scott: alignment is a different process than data entry. 16:19:32 scott: but the underlying decisions that need to be made are probably similar. 16:20:13 Bob has joined #hcls2 16:20:19 michel: regarding the mapping table on the wiki -- what does our coverage look like? 16:21:06 ... how many patient records do not have any matches, what are we proposing to do about it? 16:21:28 joanne: the table... is the data from all patients combined? 16:21:37 michel: don't know, chime gave me the link. 16:21:44 Michel: Summary of last week's meeting? 16:21:44 Joanne: Went thru Chime's record, discussed what could not be matched 16:21:44 ... decided that it was important not to make inferences where they didn't exist 16:21:44 ... granularization didn't have enough detail 16:21:44 ... Second case was where inference was not warranted 16:21:45 ... influenza case had sample coming from same...but different parts of body 16:21:47 ... different modes of taking samples, but we didn't have authority to infer 16:21:49 Eric: Is this a modelling question? 16:21:51 Joanne: Data are ambiguous 16:21:53 ... this is what Chime was working on last week 16:21:55 ... answering Eric: these are the kinds of things that do come up 16:21:57 Eric: We get to resolve the ambiguities, port to Indivo, more modelling, bugs are in Indivo 16:21:59 ... yes there's value in disussing in the paper, since people will encounter this 16:22:01 ... but those are resolvable bugs in our model etc 16:22:03 ... Invdivo model carries these interpretations, gives a concrete example 16:22:05 ... prepares people for encountering these, point out to reader that these can be fixed 16:22:07 Scott: Disambiguation? There will always be cases where data themselves have not be disambiguating 16:22:09 ... need to have disambiguation built into the interface, at the clinician front end 16:22:13 Joanne: Two thumbs up! 16:22:15 Scott: If you've done that then minimizes noise later on 16:22:17 Joanne: If categories are too narrow, as in galaxies, people need to be able to record that things have not been seen before 16:22:20 ... want to make sure that unusual things can be noted 16:22:22 Scott: Yes, this also should be captured 16:22:24 Michel: Q about mapping of terms 16:22:26 Joanne: We can look at coverage 16:22:32 (above section was at beginning of call!) 16:22:37 oh, i was scribing here as well! 16:22:58 okay, you take over! 16:23:04 (I was off on hlcs2!) 16:23:44 mscottm has joined #hcls2 16:23:46 Joanne: Map to more than one snomed category, but there weren't that many cases like this 16:23:58 scribenick: Bob 16:24:36 Michel: Q is more tech, In patient data conversion we were keeping track of labels 16:25:04 Eric: Going Indivo to TMO? 16:25:22 ... Will the Indivo xml carry these IDs? Yes 16:25:41 ... this is place where tests are not carefully done yet 16:25:51 ... rest of these tests have interesting modeling questions 16:26:12 ... Indivo writes down a code w coding system, units, etc. 16:26:27 ... combination of coding and ids gives you snomed 16:26:40 ... But we want to start picking away at these, modeling w TMO 16:27:19 ... too many, so we bring them in slowly, elevate some of them to our first-class way 16:27:34 ... can start putting in further information 16:27:57 ... goal here is to take bp, figure out mechanics 16:28:10 ... problem is that some test results are not structured 16:28:37 ... also have very structured tests, but some are just values 16:29:00 ... ex: had to make up a genetic test, result 16:29:15 Michel: Share the structure? 16:29:58 Eric: This came up early b/c w SNPs 16:30:55 ... genotyping SNPs 16:31:18 - + 16:31:39 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/TMO-Indivo/file/3334734509e9/syntheticPatients/AD_PCHR_1.xml#l702 16:32:00 + + 16:32:31 ... these are tests w lots of structure 16:34:04 Discussion of what is deep in this representation... 16:34:39 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=snp&cmd=search&term=rs72547528 16:35:19 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_ref.cgi?rs=72547528 16:35:19 + +1.302.598.aaee 16:35:36 Michel: See C/T, chromosome, position, etc 16:36:50 Michel: This is analogous to term-mapping, in that there is no corresponding record in dbSNP 16:37:14 ... needs to be formalization, but up to you whether to embed 16:37:47 Eric: Alan R. had raised Q, to what degree are we capturing all the information? 16:38:22 ... there are laws re capturing data, etc, so we can't throw anything away 16:39:14 Michel: Next-gen seq, how to get back to raw data from annotation? 16:40:01 Scott: We can throw down challenge to Indivo re SNPs 16:40:48 Eric: Clinics have laws that say you have to do all this, but EHRs are not motivated to 16:41:22 Scott: Maybe a placeholder in our data to enable this capability 16:42:00 ... going back to low level from high level, sort of a reverse use case 16:42:13 http://esw.w3.org/HCLSIG/PharmaOntology/Diagrams 16:42:31 Michel: Here is the diagram to represent elements in the first query 16:42:57 ... describe visually the query and identify elements in our KB 16:43:27 ... query is largely described in relation rather than in type 16:43:46 ... could be domain and range restrictions, but we haven't done that 16:44:06 ... we had discussion re specialization of relations 16:44:13 Trish has joined #HCLS2 16:44:18 ... Will RDF still have this structure? 16:44:43 Eric: Yes, roughly. If something better, then would use it 16:45:07 ... would like to have the extra predicates so consumers don't have to constrain by type 16:45:17 ... use where I can 16:45:50 Michel: We have in linked-data: specific predicates sitting in one namespace 16:46:14 Eric: We need some inference if we are over-specializing our predicates 16:46:59 Michel: Coarse relations, use them in different combinations 16:47:10 ... we should create a mapping of relations 16:47:27 Eric: We can do this in specific use cases 16:48:07 ... point out that there can be more general use cases, what can be queried w/o inference 16:48:22 Joanne: Use cases is what drives the TMO 16:48:39 Eric: Yes, this would be the prize if we can show 16:49:08 Michel: TMO isn't playing a big role if we don't really use predicate mappings 16:49:31 use case - query the dataset - use dataset specific types/relations 16:49:39 use case - query all datasets - use TMO types/relations 16:49:44 but requires mappings 16:49:46 Eric: Use case: get query across datasets, but can still ask intelligent questions 16:49:49 at the type and relation level 16:51:22 Eric: Do we get to ask readers for more general queries? 16:52:07 ... maybe say that these are questions for the community, OK as an interest group 16:52:36 Michel: Contrast two different queries w different predicate formulations 16:53:22 Scott: Chime's queries were from wiki, not aligned w TMO? 16:54:19 ... should we change queries or TMO or both, from last week's call 16:54:39 Michel: Some of this is just in patient data, not in TMO 16:55:14 ... before: mapping at type-level, we could query the type but could not do it w relation 16:57:09 Michel: Scott, we want to contrast sparql within-dataset, against TMO types and relations across all datasets that are aligned 16:57:45 ... LODD we could query irrespective of which dataset, we did not have relation mapping 16:58:23 ... objects, individuals call for relations, we want to query on these sorts of predicates 16:59:06 Eric: LODD certain amount of coding to make things similar, so queries get similar units, etc 16:59:35 Michel: One query for a union across datasets 16:59:53 Eric: How general can you get before there is no useful unified query 17:00:06 ... Ex: BP need normalization 17:00:42 ... what query can we get in this non-normalized form? (excellent point) "Head-scratching time." 17:01:20 Michel: Take the paper that we had, start adding in new work. 17:01:41 Eric: We can point out about EHR integration 17:02:10 - + 17:03:40 - +1.317.655.aabb 17:05:31 Michel: Want to convey that linked-data play nicely in the whole business space 17:06:44 agree, at least for now no need to include SNP data but point to source 17:07:28 ... Nobody is going to undertake the whole process to convert everything 17:08:10 ... they can just take their own part. SNP is a good example. 17:08:35 -mscottm 17:08:57 hand of God? 17:08:58 ;) 17:08:59 need to move to next call 17:09:04 yup 17:09:04 bye 17:09:07 bye 17:09:10 (i need to leave, bye!) 17:09:14 -??P27 17:09:17 i can work on some MS items 17:09:27 - +1.302.598.aaee 17:09:53 -EricP 17:09:54 -??P22 17:09:55 -Bob_Powers 17:09:56 - +1.781.431.aacc 17:09:56 -Joanne_Luciano 17:09:57 SW_HCLS(TMO)11:00AM has ended 17:09:59 Attendees were Bob_Powers, Joanne_Luciano, +, +1.317.655.aabb, +1.781.431.aacc, EricP, mscottm, +, +1.302.598.aaee 17:28:51 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls2 17:57:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:57:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/28-hcls2-minutes.html michel 17:57:17 rrsagent, make log world-visible 20:04:32 jodi_ has joined #hcls2