15:04:10 RRSAgent has joined #xproc 15:04:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/10/07-xproc-irc 15:04:14 Meeting: XML Processing Model WG 15:04:15 Date: 7 October 2010 15:04:15 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2010/10/07-agenda 15:04:15 Meeting: 181 15:04:15 Chair: Norm 15:04:15 Scribe: Norm 15:04:17 ScribeNick: Norm 15:04:42 zakim, who's here? 15:04:42 On the phone I see PGrosso, ht, Vojtech, Alex_Milows, Norm 15:04:43 On IRC I see RRSAgent, alexmilowski, ht, Zakim, Vojtech, PGrosso, Norm, caribou 15:04:53 Present: Paul, Henry, Vojtech, Alex, Norm 15:04:55 Regrets: Mohamed 15:05:14 Topic: Accept this agenda? 15:05:14 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2010/10/07-agenda 15:05:20 Charter expiration 15:05:28 Accepted. 15:05:33 Topic: Accept minutes from the previous meeting? 15:05:33 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2010/09/23-minutes 15:05:40 Accepted. 15:05:46 Topic: Next meeting: telcon, 21 October 2010? 15:07:28 Paul to chair if Norm doesn't make it. Most significant agendum: an agenda for TPaC 15:07:32 s/TPaC/TPAC/ 15:09:27 Topic: Charter extension 15:10:19 Norm: Apparently our charter expired. Liam proposes extending with two plans: 15:10:26 ...1. Finishing the default processing model 15:10:32 ...2. Maintenance 15:11:10 Henry: I think something non-commital should be there for V.next 15:11:15 ...in case we decide to do it. 15:11:27 Alex: At least the opportunity to define some new steps would be good. 15:12:07 Norm: So I'm hearing some consensus for attempting to get possible language extensions in our scope for the extended charter 15:12:21 Vojtech: Perhaps just looking around and seeing if we can help people with what they're doing. 15:12:40 Norm: Ok, I'll take that back to Liam 15:12:46 ACTION: Norm to discuss the charter with Liam 15:13:00 topic: Agenda items for TPAC 15:13:19 Norm: Expected to be present: Norm, Vojtech, Mohamed, and Alex. Regrets: Paul, Henry 15:13:53 Norm: Proposed agenda topics: questions about processing model document, errata on XProc language 15:14:36 ...Vojtech's observation on p:xslt and our xml:id story 15:15:01 Vojtech: What about the template idea? 15:15:15 Henry: Under the general heading of V.next, there's the template thing, iterate to fixed point, ... 15:15:22 Vojtech: We could take items from the XProc wiki 15:15:39 Norm: We can also talk about V.next 15:17:03 Alex: What about a time slot for other groups to come and discuss it? 15:17:35 Norm: Sure we could invite other groups. I tried to engage the TAG, but they're likely to be light on the ground. 15:17:48 ACTION: Norm to write a first draft of the f2f agenda 15:18:17 Topic: XML processor profiles document 15:18:33 Norm: Henry, you had an action to produce a new draft, I had hoped a pub-ready one, any progress? 15:19:07 Henry: I think I can get it done this weekend. 15:20:41 Paul: The moratorium starts on 28 October, last request by 27 October 15:21:05 Norm: We should be able to get in on that schedule. 15:21:37 Norm: Any other issues to discuss about the profiles document? 15:21:40 None heard 15:21:49 Topic: Any other business? 15:22:14 -PGrosso 15:22:15 Adjourned 15:22:15 -Vojtech 15:22:15 -ht 15:22:17 -Norm 15:22:18 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 15:22:18 -Alex_Milows 15:22:20 XML_PMWG()11:00AM has ended 15:22:22 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:22:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/07-xproc-minutes.html Norm 15:22:22 Attendees were PGrosso, [IPcaller], ht, Jeroen, Vojtech, Alex_Milows, Norm 15:22:38 PGrosso has left #xproc 15:28:17 Hey, RRSAgent, how about pushing that request along a bit, huh? I'm *still* waiting 15:42:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:42:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/07-xproc-minutes.html Norm 16:52:13 Liam has joined #xproc 16:57:43 ht has joined #xproc 17:22:53 Zakim has left #xproc 17:23:34 ht has left #xproc