14:57:05 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 14:57:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/09/27-hcls-irc 14:57:21 Zakim, this will be BioRDF 14:57:21 ok, kei; I see SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 14:57:57 agenda+ intro [kei] 14:58:15 agenda+ rat genome database [simon] 14:59:00 SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has now started 14:59:07 + +1.510.527.aaaa 14:59:30 agenda+ paper [all] 14:59:57 ChuckRockey has joined #hcls 15:00:26 Lena has joined #hcls 15:01:21 +Kei_Cheung 15:01:45 mscottm has joined #hcls 15:01:59 + +1.414.456.aabb 15:02:13 + +1.832.386.aacc 15:03:13 +mscottm 15:03:14 Simon has joined #hcls 15:03:36 Zakim, who is here? 15:03:36 On the phone I see +1.510.527.aaaa, Kei_Cheung, +1.414.456.aabb, +1.832.386.aacc, mscottm 15:03:39 On IRC I see Simon, mscottm, Lena, ChuckRockey, RRSAgent, Zakim, kei, egonw, ericP 15:03:40 Slideshare URL for todays presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/stwigger/ncbo-dbp 15:04:13 + +1.206.605.aadd 15:06:51 rfrost has joined #hcls 15:07:09 + +1.414.678.aaee 15:07:27 mdmiller has joined #hcls 15:07:49 +??P6 15:11:31 scribenick kei 15:11:41 ncbo biological project rat model 15:12:00 a variety of data including gene annotation data 15:12:10 good use of ontologies to help annotate these data 15:12:21 phenotype, trait, etc 15:12:36 rate genome database 15:12:54 linking bench work to informatics 15:12:59 Zakim, please dial ericP-office 15:12:59 ok, ericP; the call is being made 15:13:01 +EricP 15:13:27 use rat model for hypertension 15:13:38 quantitative trait loci 15:14:04 link genes within the loci to high blood pressure phenotype 15:14:54 gene expression in different genes, different rat strains, ... 15:15:10 use of geo microarray data at ncbi 15:15:21 use ncbo anntotator 15:15:40 run geo data through annotator 15:15:48 get ontology anntotation 15:16:02 rat strain ontology (obo format) 15:16:27 mouse anatomy ontology (small difference between mouse and rat) 15:16:46 rat strain, tissue (metadata) 15:17:20 give an example (slide 7) of geo series entry 15:17:42 gminer.mcw.edu 15:17:54 gminer shows the results 15:18:07 user has joined #hcls 15:18:11 web application to provide tag cloud 15:18:44 who has done particular experiments on certain rat samples 15:19:03 for example, neuromicroarray experiment metadata 15:19:51 annotator tool is used with some noise term removal 15:20:11 provide the ability to pick ontology during the automatic anntation process 15:21:48 nomenclature inconsistency create some problem with annotation 15:22:11 some problem with annotation in affy chips 15:22:15 agenda+ remaining Sample and Series data is the hard (ambiguous) stuff? 15:22:55 agenda+ comparative cost if annotation/specification work were pushed upstream 15:24:10 slide 12 probsets corresponding to babra1 receptor 15:24:57 link to genecard database 15:26:07 ontologies may help make the interpretation of data meaningful 15:26:34 data aggregation based on QTL 15:26:59 genes with QTL may be linked to hypertension 15:27:21 hypergraph structure is created using semantic web 15:27:37 slide 14: use of allegragraph 15:28:00 linking phenotype and disease 15:28:35 multiple sources of data are formatted in rdf and loaded into rdf store 15:28:43 ruby/rail was used 15:28:57 agenda+ contentment with results so far 15:29:00 a number of owl ontology are used 15:29:52 agenda+ sharing derived ontology alignment 15:30:10 in addition to rat data, annotations are collected for humn 15:30:44 annotated data are updated periodically 15:30:54 ontologies are access via bioportal 15:31:35 how to take functional info about genes and use sparql to do queries 15:31:59 rdg in relational database converted to rdf 15:32:13 with alignment with existing ontologies such as SO 15:33:52 try to figure the best way to model entities 15:35:03 support front end interface development 15:35:34 future work: register PURL for RGD 15:35:49 how to represent RGD data in RDF 15:36:20 avoid blank nodes in the RDF representation 15:37:18 rdf provenance 15:37:28 make data accessible and reliable 15:37:44 agenda? 15:38:29 - +1.510.527.aaaa 15:39:07 eric: how to resolve ambuiguity 15:39:28 simon: in some case, curators need to go back to the paper for answer 15:40:13 eric: how upstream one can push annotation 15:41:08 simon: full automation is difficult because the nature of annotation can be complex 15:43:02 simon: excel might be ontologized 15:43:17 simon: curation is a challenge even with the use of ontologies 15:43:51 eric: ontology alignment when mutliple alternative ontologies are available 15:44:45 simon: ontology mappings are increasingly available through ncbo 15:46:38 eric: relational vs rdf -- painful (short term vs long term) 15:50:07 scott: swobject might be helpful 15:50:45 scott: tie with geo? 15:51:34 scott: arrayexpress aims at rdf format in the future 15:52:41 michael: biologists need to add detailed enough annotation into geo and arrayexpress 15:56:28 (I'm sorry... I will have to leave to another meeting :-( I will send the co-authors a list of notes I have on written on the paper's reviewer comments) 15:56:37 (bye) 15:56:43 thanks, lena 15:56:57 - +1.832.386.aacc 15:57:36 - +1.414.678.aaee 15:58:27 mdmiller has left #hcls 16:00:45 -??P6 16:02:00 - +1.206.605.aadd 16:02:05 -mscottm 16:02:06 - +1.414.456.aabb 16:02:08 -Kei_Cheung 16:02:41 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 16:07:04 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:07:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/09/27-hcls-minutes.html kei 16:07:09 disconnecting the lone participant, EricP, in SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM 16:07:11 SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has ended 16:07:12 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 16:07:13 Attendees were +1.510.527.aaaa, Kei_Cheung, +1.414.456.aabb, +1.832.386.aacc, mscottm, +1.206.605.aadd, +1.414.678.aaee, EricP 16:09:11 Simon has left #hcls 16:32:02 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 18:55:04 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 18:55:10 matthias_samwald has left #hcls