IRC log of tagmem on 2010-09-16
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 17:00:35 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #tagmem
- 17:00:35 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 17:00:37 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 17:00:37 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #tagmem
- 17:00:39 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be TAG
- 17:00:39 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot, I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM already started
- 17:00:40 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference
- 17:00:40 [trackbot]
- Date: 16 September 2010
- 17:00:59 [Yves]
- Agenda:
- 17:01:09 [Zakim]
- +Jonathan_Rees
- 17:01:56 [Ashok]
- Ashok has joined #tagmem
- 17:02:17 [noah]
- scribenick: masinter
- 17:02:29 [noah]
- meeting: TAG Teleconference of 16 Sept 2010
- 17:02:33 [Zakim]
- +Ashok_Malhotra
- 17:02:39 [Zakim]
- +Yves
- 17:02:50 [noah]
- agenda:
- 17:03:04 [johnk]
- johnk has joined #tagmem
- 17:05:30 [noah]
- zakim, who is here?
- 17:05:30 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Masinter, noah, Jonathan_Rees, Ashok_Malhotra, Yves
- 17:05:31 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see johnk, Ashok, Zakim, RRSAgent, noah, jar, ht, masinter, Yves, trackbot
- 17:05:38 [masinter]
- Larry talking about getting brief "MIME and the web" on today's agenda just to set direcdtions
- 17:05:49 [masinter]
- topic: agenda
- 17:06:30 [ht_home]
- ht_home has joined #tagmem
- 17:06:35 [masinter]
- topic: scheduling meetings
- 17:06:54 [masinter]
- ashok won't be on some telcons (missed which ones)
- 17:07:06 [masinter]
- noah wants people to get some writing done
- 17:07:31 [Zakim]
- +??P7
- 17:07:34 [masinter]
- topic: approval of minutes
- 17:07:46 [Ashok]
- I will niss the next 3 telcons ... next telcon I can attend is Oct 14
- 17:08:02 [noah]
- Minutes of Sept 2.:
- 17:08:25 [johnk]
- +1 also
- 17:08:26 [masinter]
- resolution: minutes of Sept 2 approved
- 17:08:27 [Ashok]
- s/niss/miss/
- 17:08:39 [masinter]
- topic: administrative items
- 17:08:50 [masinter]
- noah: F2F coming up
- 17:08:51 [ht_home]
- I am coming
- 17:09:09 [jar]
- I'm planning on it
- 17:09:11 [masinter]
- Larry, Ashok, Jonathan will be there
- 17:09:21 [johnk]
- I can't say yet, but *should* be there
- 17:11:49 [masinter]
- noah: Contact from Mark Nottingham (IETF liaison to W3C), suggesting that Alexey M. IETF application area director is planning on being at TPAC, suggested possible meeting with TAG
- 17:12:16 [Zakim]
- + +1.760.705.aaaa - is perhaps Alan
- 17:13:23 [masinter]
- noah: suggest responding to MNot suggesting meeting at TPAC on Thursday
- 17:13:47 [Zakim]
- -Masinter
- 17:13:59 [noah]
- YL: I can take the action
- 17:14:16 [noah]
- ACTION: Noah to respond positively to Mark Nottingham regarding meeting with Alexey at TPAC
- 17:14:16 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-463 - Respond positively to Mark Nottingham regarding meeting with Alexey at TPAC [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2010-09-23].
- 17:14:26 [ht_home]
- I will unfortunately now not going to be in Lyon at all
- 17:14:26 [noah]
- HT: I will, unfortunately, not be in Lyon
- 17:15:14 [jar]
- I won't be in Lyon either
- 17:15:14 [noah]
- ACTION: Yves to coordinate agenda for TAG/IETF meeting at TPAC
- 17:15:14 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-464 - Coordinate agenda for TAG/IETF meeting at TPAC [on Yves Lafon - due 2010-09-23].
- 17:15:29 [noah]
- ACTION-464 due: 2010-10-23
- 17:15:47 [noah]
- ACTION-464: due 2010-10-23
- 17:15:47 [trackbot]
- ACTION-464 Coordinate agenda for TAG/IETF meeting at TPAC notes added
- 17:16:11 [jar]
- ACTION-464 due 2010-10-23
- 17:16:12 [trackbot]
- ACTION-464 Coordinate agenda for TAG/IETF meeting at TPAC due date now 2010-10-23
- 17:17:01 [Zakim]
- + +1.408.332.aabb
- 17:17:38 [Zakim]
- - +1.408.332.aabb
- 17:17:51 [Zakim]
- + +1.408.332.aacc
- 17:17:52 [noah]
- scribenick: Ashok
- 17:18:54 [Ashok]
- Noah: We need to do some writing. Will talk to people one-on-one
- 17:19:23 [Ashok]
- Topic: Metadata Architecture
- 17:19:26 [noah]
- 17:19:46 [Ashok]
- Noah: Jonathan would like to pass this on to someone else
- 17:20:28 [Ashok]
- jar: I cannot think about anything non-trivial to say ...
- 17:20:51 [jar]
- masinter: survey what w3c is doing?
- 17:21:03 [Ashok]
- Larry: Can we survey waht W3C does about metadata and problems thereon
- 17:21:25 [Ashok]
- s/waht/what/
- 17:21:59 [Ashok]
- Noah: Should we follow the links from the action
- 17:22:36 [Ashok]
- jar: I cannot do this ... would be better if we got some fresh eyes looking at it
- 17:22:57 [Ashok]
- ... or postpone to January
- 17:24:02 [Ashok]
- Noah: We could close it but wait till Tim is around
- 17:25:04 [Ashok]
- ... or someone follow the links
- 17:25:11 [jar]
- agenda:
- 17:25:11 [noah]
- Take a look at email:
- 17:27:02 [noah]
- Tracker, this discussion is about ACTION-282
- 17:27:23 [Ashok]
- Ashok: That's about metadata access ... this issue is about Metadata architecture
- 17:27:52 [noah]
- I think Larry is proposing: "Draft a finding on which metadata technologies (RDFa, photo EXIF, etc.) do I use when?"
- 17:28:06 [noah]
- Maybe we should retitle the action?
- 17:28:10 [Ashok]
- Larry: People don't know how to write metadata ... lots of confusion
- 17:28:13 [jar]
- masinter: A success criterion for this activity. RDFa, microdata, XIF, XMP, GPS, privacy policy. People are confused about what to use when. It's a confusing mess. What happens when they conflict? When I want to change it? Operational issues among W3C and other specs.
- 17:28:58 [noah]
- NM: I think we also discovered that the advice in is misleading; ACTION-282 is mostly NOT about metadata access.
- 17:29:17 [noah]
- LM: I'd like an architecture which is a framework into which these specific mechanisms can be placed.
- 17:29:19 [noah]
- q?
- 17:29:38 [Ashok]
- Larry: We need a framework into which these mechanisms can fit
- 17:30:00 [Ashok]
- jar: That matches my memory of how this came up
- 17:31:17 [noah]
- jar: F2F discussion would be good...we're ready
- 17:31:21 [Ashok]
- jar: Perhaps duscuss at f2f
- 17:31:58 [Ashok]
- Larry: Perhaps create an outline
- 17:32:49 [Ashok]
- noah: I can put on an agenda
- 17:33:10 [Ashok]
- Larry: May be good to have a reading list
- 17:33:47 [Ashok]
- ... I will send mail
- 17:34:00 [noah]
- . ACTION: Noah to schedule discussion of ACTION-282, which metadata mechanisms to use when. Get reading list from Larry and www-tag.
- 17:34:27 [noah]
- ACTION: Noah to schedule discussion of ACTION-282, "which metadata mechanisms to use when". Get reading list from Larry and www-tag.
- 17:34:27 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-465 - Schedule discussion of ACTION-282, "which metadata mechanisms to use when". Get reading list from Larry and www-tag. [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2010-09-23].
- 17:35:53 [Ashok]
- present: Larry, Noah, Jonathan, Ashok, Henry, John_Kemp, Yves
- 17:36:10 [Ashok]
- regrets: DanA
- 17:37:03 [Ashok]
- Topic: Generic fragment id processing
- 17:38:15 [Ashok]
- Noah: There is inconsistency in 3023bis and frag-id processing for RDF+XML
- 17:38:35 [Ashok]
- ... disagreement about what should be done
- 17:39:24 [Ashok]
- ... TAG recommended that 3023bis back off but we got strong pushback saying that generic processing was desirable
- 17:39:32 [noah]
- Larry's email:
- 17:40:00 [noah]
- q?
- 17:41:05 [Ashok]
- Larry: Is there usecase for putting Xpointer in the frag-id?
- 17:41:29 [Ashok]
- Noah: Recaps the generic processing argument
- 17:42:05 [noah]
- ack next
- 17:42:47 [Ashok]
- Yves: Issue is not have XPointer supported but all media types must have a syntax compatible with XPointer
- 17:43:10 [noah]
- Martin Duerst's Note:
- 17:43:21 [noah]
- Roy Fielding's note:
- 17:43:39 [noah]
- Norm Walsh's note:
- 17:44:06 [noah]
- q?
- 17:44:14 [johnk]
- johnk has left #tagmem
- 17:44:31 [noah]
- Norm writes:
- 17:44:31 [noah]
- >> I find that unsatisfactory. It leaves generic XML processors out in
- 17:44:31 [noah]
- >> the cold once again by expecting them to be aware of all of the media
- 17:44:31 [noah]
- >> type registrations for all +xml formats.
- 17:44:56 [noah]
- q+ to go back to talking about conneg
- 17:45:13 [Ashok]
- Henry: By using +xml they buy into XML and thus folks expect XML processing
- 17:45:39 [noah]
- ack next
- 17:45:41 [Zakim]
- noah, you wanted to go back to talking about conneg
- 17:47:11 [Ashok]
- Noah: So, people can read different documents and process the content differently
- 17:48:36 [Ashok]
- Larry: You want frag-id processing be generic
- 17:48:51 [jar]
- ht, noah: the URIref 'identifies' one thing when the processor has read the rdf+xml spec, a different thing when it reads 3023bis. maybe that's ok?
- 17:49:07 [jar]
- ... a single document, same media type in both cases
- 17:50:22 [jar]
- masinter: I want to push back on Norm's and Roy's use cases
- 17:50:39 [Zakim]
- -Alan
- 17:50:54 [Ashok]
- Larry: I want to push back on their usecases ... don't understand why frag-id processing has to be generic
- 17:50:58 [Zakim]
- +John_Kemp
- 17:51:03 [noah]
- HT: XSL stylesheets that format rdf+xml
- 17:51:30 [jar]
- I don't buy that one. It would be meaningless (almost always) in the RDF interpretation
- 17:51:35 [ht_home]
- Note that XInclude is _not_ an example, because it does not allow the use of FragIDs
- 17:52:05 [Ashok]
- Larry: I will ask Norm or Roy for concrete example
- 17:52:09 [noah]
- ACTION: Larry to ask Norm, Roy and Martin for concrete use cases where generic processing of fragment ids is important
- 17:52:09 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-466 - Ask Norm, Roy and Martin for concrete use cases where generic processing of fragment ids is important [on Larry Masinter - due 2010-09-23].
- 17:52:11 [ht_home]
- jar, the example I have in mind preserves the RDF semantics but restructures the RDF XML
- 17:52:56 [jar]
- grumph. need details.
- 17:54:10 [noah]
- topic: AWWW and the Web interaction model
- 17:54:13 [noah]
- ACTION-355?
- 17:54:13 [trackbot]
- ACTION-355 -- John Kemp to explore the degree to which AWWW and associated findings tell the interaction story for Web Applications -- due 2010-06-07 -- PENDINGREVIEW
- 17:54:13 [trackbot]
- 17:54:42 [noah]
- John did some writing:
- 17:55:38 [Ashok]
- Discussion of John's document
- 17:56:26 [noah]
- AWWW section on
- 17:56:32 [noah]
- AWWW section on "Interaction":
- 17:58:05 [Ashok]
- Noah: AWWW slices into 3 themes, identification, interaction, data formats
- 17:59:49 [Ashok]
- John: How does client know it can use a particular URI ... client/server agreement
- 18:00:51 [Ashok]
- ... update of state w/o user interaction e.g. web sockets
- 18:01:59 [Ashok]
- ... need to define 'user agent' ... may be more than a browser
- 18:02:29 [Ashok]
- ... acts on behalf of server also
- 18:03:24 [Ashok]
- Larry: Web apps break our model of knowledge ... downloaded code knows stuff client does not know
- 18:04:29 [Ashok]
- ... client runs downloaded code on behalf of server
- 18:04:31 [noah]
- Larry: what's interesting is the client is executing code not (just) on behalf of the client, but rather downloading code that acts on behalf of the server
- 18:04:44 [noah]
- I think that's a really useful way to put it.
- 18:05:54 [Ashok]
- John: Clients act like servers and servers like clients
- 18:07:34 [Zakim]
- -ht_home
- 18:07:50 [Ashok]
- Larry: Client has to know security bounadries not the semantics
- 18:08:42 [Ashok]
- s/bounadries/boundaries/
- 18:09:30 [Ashok]
- Noah: John, can you write a document ... maybe a sketch
- 18:09:39 [Ashok]
- John: Yes
- 18:10:04 [noah]
- LM: Be careful about terminology about "client", "server" and "knowing"
- 18:10:23 [Ashok]
- Larry: Be careful about terminology -- client, server and knowing
- 18:11:00 [Ashok]
- ... only need URIs for states you need to come back to
- 18:11:06 [noah]
- What I asked John to do was an early draft of either an updated version of, or else perhaps a finding that would be the start of a complementary section in some TAG publication
- 18:12:08 [Zakim]
- -John_Kemp
- 18:12:37 [noah]
- AM: Larry, you commented on my writeup saying that, and I agree with you. Raman came back and pushed back, but I've forgotten what his point was.
- 18:12:40 [noah]
- AM: Do you know?
- 18:12:46 [noah]
- LM: No.
- 18:13:55 [noah]
- topic: MIME and the Web
- 18:13:56 [Zakim]
- +John_Kemp
- 18:14:05 [Ashok]
- Topic: MIME and the Web
- 18:14:48 [Ashok]
- Larry: I wrote a blog post on use of MIME and how it could be aligned better
- 18:15:09 [Ashok]
- ... suggested some improvements to MIME registry
- 18:15:52 [noah]
- LM: Thinking of splitting into two documents.
- 18:16:12 [Ashok]
- ... may be easier to get agreement on status and history than the improvements
- 18:16:20 [noah]
- We are discussing:
- 18:16:31 [noah]
- LM: Also might relate to versioning issues
- 18:16:52 [Ashok]
- ... also about sniffing
- 18:17:18 [Ashok]
- ... probly separate versions from variants
- 18:17:27 [ht_home]
- ht_home has left #tagmem
- 18:18:06 [Ashok]
- ... finally about distrbuted extensibility
- 18:18:34 [Ashok]
- ... I want to bring learning from other MIME types to HTML
- 18:20:30 [Ashok]
- Larry: Pehaps descriptive expositions of what has happenned
- 18:20:46 [Ashok]
- Noah: Can you do some work on this
- 18:21:01 [Ashok]
- Larry: I will have another document in a week
- 18:22:26 [noah]
- ACTION: Larry to revise Mime & Web blog entry, perhaps leading to Internet Draft
- 18:22:26 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-467 - Revise Mime & Web blog entry, perhaps leading to Internet Draft [on Larry Masinter - due 2010-09-23].
- 18:23:30 [noah]
- 18:23:42 [Ashok]
- Topic: Pending Review Actions
- 18:23:53 [Ashok]
- 18:25:02 [noah]
- NM: I've closed ACTION-322
- 18:25:05 [noah]
- ACTION-322?
- 18:25:05 [trackbot]
- ACTION-322 -- Jonathan Rees to brief Science Commons counsel re forbidding hyperlinking -- due 2010-08-20 -- CLOSED
- 18:25:05 [trackbot]
- 18:25:23 [Zakim]
- +Masinter
- 18:25:27 [Zakim]
- - +1.408.332.aacc
- 18:25:36 [noah]
- ACTION: Noah to invite Thinh to telcon where Tim will be available to discuss "forbidding of hyperlinking"
- 18:25:36 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-468 - Invite Thinh to telcon where Tim will be available to discuss "forbidding of hyperlinking" [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2010-09-23].
- 18:25:41 [noah]
- ACTION-468?
- 18:25:41 [trackbot]
- ACTION-468 -- Noah Mendelsohn to invite Thinh to telcon where Tim will be available to discuss "forbidding of hyperlinking" -- due 2010-09-23 -- OPEN
- 18:25:41 [trackbot]
- 18:25:56 [masinter]
- masinter has joined #tagmem
- 18:26:23 [masinter]
- zakim, who is here
- 18:26:23 [Zakim]
- masinter, you need to end that query with '?'
- 18:26:29 [masinter]
- zakim, who is here?
- 18:26:29 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see noah, Jonathan_Rees, Ashok_Malhotra, Yves, John_Kemp, Masinter
- 18:26:31 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see masinter, Ashok, Zakim, RRSAgent, noah, jar, Yves, trackbot
- 18:26:54 [noah]
- ACTION-355?
- 18:26:54 [trackbot]
- ACTION-355 -- John Kemp to explore the degree to which AWWW and associated findings tell the interaction story for Web Applications -- due 2010-10-05 -- OPEN
- 18:26:54 [trackbot]
- 18:27:32 [noah]
- 18:29:02 [Zakim]
- -Ashok_Malhotra
- 18:29:03 [Zakim]
- -John_Kemp
- 18:29:13 [Ashok]
- Adjourned
- 18:29:15 [Zakim]
- -Yves
- 18:29:16 [Zakim]
- -Jonathan_Rees
- 18:29:17 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Yves
- 18:29:18 [Zakim]
- -Masinter
- 18:29:30 [Ashok]
- meeting: TAG Weekly
- 18:29:38 [Ashok]
- chair: Noah
- 18:29:53 [Ashok]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 18:30:06 [Ashok]
- rrsagent, pointer
- 18:30:06 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 18:31:09 [Zakim]
- -noah
- 18:31:10 [Zakim]
- TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended
- 18:31:12 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Masinter, noah, Jonathan_Rees, Ashok_Malhotra, Yves, ht_home, +1.760.705.aaaa, +1.408.332.aabb, +1.408.332.aacc, John_Kemp