IRC log of lld on 2010-09-16

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:47:26 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #lld
13:47:26 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:47:45 [emma]
rrsagent, bookmark
13:47:45 [RRSAgent]
13:48:26 [emma]
zakim, this will be LLD
13:48:26 [Zakim]
ok, emma; I see INC_LLDXG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes
13:48:59 [emma]
Meeting : LLD XG
13:49:05 [AlexanderH]
AlexanderH has joined #lld
13:49:18 [emma]
Chair: Emmanuelle
13:49:36 [emma]
13:49:53 [emma]
Previous minutes:
13:50:19 [emma]
Regrets: Ray, Annette
13:50:34 [emma]
Resgrets+: Andras, Bernard, Jodi
13:50:37 [kcoyle]
kcoyle has joined #lld
13:50:57 [emma]
Regrets+: Andras, Bernard, Jodi
13:51:09 [LarsG]
LarsG has joined #lld
13:51:11 [emma]
rrsagent, please make record public
13:51:31 [emma]
still looking for a volunteer for scribing
13:52:36 [matolat]
matolat has joined #lld
13:54:47 [jneubert]
jneubert has joined #lld
13:54:49 [Zakim]
INC_LLDXG()10:00AM has now started
13:54:56 [Zakim]
13:54:57 [TomB]
TomB has joined #lld
13:55:04 [emma]
zakim, IPcaller is me
13:55:04 [Zakim]
+emma; got it
13:55:20 [antoine]
antoine has joined #lld
13:55:22 [fsasaki]
fsasaki has joined #lld
13:55:35 [Zakim]
+ +49.173.609.aaaa
13:55:40 [GordonD]
GordonD has joined #lld
13:55:53 [Zakim]
13:55:56 [Zakim]
13:56:01 [TomB]
zakim, ??P5 is TomB
13:56:01 [Zakim]
+TomB; got it
13:56:40 [Zakim]
13:57:01 [gneher]
gneher has joined #lld
13:57:03 [Zakim]
13:57:25 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate TomB
13:57:56 [Zakim]
13:57:57 [Zakim]
13:58:11 [monica]
monica has joined #lld
13:58:17 [antoine]
zakim, ??P17 is me
13:58:17 [Zakim]
+antoine; got it
13:58:27 [Zakim]
13:58:29 [emma]
zakim, ??P16 is GordonD
13:58:29 [Zakim]
+GordonD; got it
13:58:50 [antoine]
zakim, jeff.a is matolat
13:58:50 [Zakim]
+matolat; got it
13:58:54 [kai]
kai has joined #lld
13:58:55 [digikim]
digikim has joined #lld
13:58:58 [digikim]
13:59:06 [Zakim]
13:59:19 [antoine]
zakim, ??P20 is kc
13:59:19 [Zakim]
+kc; got it
13:59:21 [marma]
marma has joined #lld
13:59:29 [rsinger]
rsinger has joined #lld
13:59:31 [antoine]
zakim, kc is kcoyle
13:59:31 [Zakim]
+kcoyle; got it
13:59:44 [antoine]
zakim, who is here?
13:59:44 [Zakim]
On the phone I see emma, +49.173.609.aaaa, TomB, Felix (muted), jeff (muted), LarsG (muted), GordonD (muted), antoine, matolat, kcoyle
13:59:46 [Zakim]
On IRC I see rsinger, marma, digikim, kai, monica, gneher, GordonD, fsasaki, antoine, TomB, matolat, LarsG, kcoyle, AlexanderH, RRSAgent, Zakim, emma, jeff_, ww, edsu
13:59:54 [Zakim]
14:00:08 [Zakim]
+ +1.330.289.aabb
14:00:14 [Zakim]
14:00:34 [antoine]
zakim, aabb is marcia
14:00:34 [Zakim]
+marcia; got it
14:00:48 [Zakim]
14:00:51 [Zakim]
14:00:59 [Zakim]
14:01:12 [antoine]
zakim, [IPcaller] is AlexanderH
14:01:12 [Zakim]
+AlexanderH; got it
14:01:19 [emma]
zakim, who's here ?
14:01:19 [Zakim]
On the phone I see emma, +49.173.609.aaaa, TomB, Felix (muted), jeff (muted), LarsG (muted), GordonD (muted), antoine, matolat, kcoyle, ??P24, marcia, ??P26, ??P30, rsinger,
14:01:22 [Zakim]
... AlexanderH
14:01:24 [kai]
zakim, +??P26 is me.
14:01:25 [Zakim]
On IRC I see rsinger, marma, digikim, kai, monica, gneher, GordonD, fsasaki, antoine, TomB, matolat, LarsG, kcoyle, AlexanderH, RRSAgent, Zakim, emma, jeff_, ww, edsu
14:01:27 [Marcia]
Marcia has joined #Lld
14:01:27 [Zakim]
sorry, kai, I do not recognize a party named '+??P26'
14:01:29 [antoine]
zakim, ??P26 is gneher
14:01:30 [Zakim]
14:01:32 [Zakim]
+gneher; got it
14:01:32 [kai]
zakim, ??P26 is me.
14:01:36 [Zakim]
I already had ??P26 as gneher, kai
14:01:47 [digikim]
zakim, ??P30 is me.
14:01:47 [Zakim]
+digikim; got it
14:01:54 [michaelp]
michaelp has joined #lld
14:01:54 [antoine]
zakim, who is noisy
14:01:54 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'who is noisy', antoine
14:02:01 [TomB]
zakim, ??P26 is gneher
14:02:02 [Zakim]
I already had ??P26 as gneher, TomB
14:02:02 [kai]
zakim, who is making noise?
14:02:13 [Zakim]
kai, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: emma (18%), +49.173.609.aaaa (34%), antoine (18%), marcia (19%), Oreste (35%)
14:02:13 [antoine]
zakim, who is here?
14:02:17 [Zakim]
On the phone I see emma, +49.173.609.aaaa, TomB, Felix (muted), jeff (muted), LarsG (muted), GordonD (muted), antoine, matolat, kcoyle, ??P24, marcia, gneher, digikim, rsinger,
14:02:22 [Zakim]
... AlexanderH, Oreste
14:02:24 [Zakim]
On IRC I see michaelp, Marcia, rsinger, marma, digikim, kai, monica, gneher, GordonD, fsasaki, antoine, TomB, matolat, LarsG, kcoyle, AlexanderH, RRSAgent, Zakim, emma, jeff_, ww,
14:02:29 [Zakim]
... edsu
14:02:38 [marma_]
marma_ has joined #lld
14:02:40 [Marcia]
Zakim, mute me please
14:02:41 [antoine]
zakim, who is making noise?
14:02:44 [emma]
zakim, ??P24 is probably Kai
14:02:47 [Zakim]
14:02:47 [edsu]
Zoia, LC is edsu
14:02:49 [oreste]
oreste has joined #lld
14:02:53 [Zakim]
marcia should now be muted
14:02:59 [Zakim]
+Kai?; got it
14:03:00 [kai]
still think i am p26...
14:03:05 [emma]
zakim, please mute aaaa
14:03:07 [Zakim]
antoine, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: emma (33%), +49.173.609.aaaa (68%), TomB (75%), [LC] (9%)
14:03:18 [Zakim]
+49.173.609.aaaa should now be muted
14:03:26 [Zakim]
+ +44.194.346.aacc
14:03:30 [kai]
zakim, who is on the phone?
14:03:36 [Zakim]
On the phone I see emma, +49.173.609.aaaa (muted), TomB, Felix (muted), jeff (muted), LarsG (muted), GordonD (muted), antoine, matolat, kcoyle, Kai?, marcia (muted), gneher
14:03:38 [antoine]
zakim, aacc is monica
14:03:47 [Zakim]
... (muted), digikim, rsinger, AlexanderH, Oreste, [LC], +44.194.346.aacc
14:03:49 [Zakim]
+monica; got it
14:04:07 [emma]
Scrive: Tod
14:04:13 [emma]
Scribe: Tod
14:04:20 [emma]
scribenick: matolat
14:05:06 [antoine]
zakim, who is here?
14:05:06 [Zakim]
On the phone I see emma, +49.173.609.aaaa (muted), TomB, Felix (muted), jeff (muted), LarsG (muted), GordonD (muted), antoine, matolat, kcoyle, Kai?, marcia (muted), gneher
14:05:09 [Zakim]
... (muted), digikim, rsinger, AlexanderH, Oreste, [LC], monica (muted)
14:05:12 [edsu]
Zakim: LC is edsu
14:05:12 [jphipps]
jphipps has joined #lld
14:05:14 [Zakim]
On IRC I see oreste, marma, michaelp, Marcia, rsinger, digikim, kai, monica, gneher, GordonD, fsasaki, antoine, TomB, matolat, LarsG, kcoyle, AlexanderH, RRSAgent, Zakim, emma,
14:05:19 [edsu]
Zakim, LC is edsu
14:05:20 [Zakim]
... jeff_, ww, edsu
14:05:25 [Zakim]
+edsu; got it
14:05:31 [Zakim]
- +49.173.609.aaaa
14:05:46 [antoine]
zakim, who is here?
14:05:46 [Zakim]
On the phone I see emma, TomB, Felix (muted), jeff (muted), LarsG (muted), GordonD (muted), antoine, matolat, kcoyle, Kai?, marcia (muted), gneher (muted), digikim, rsinger,
14:05:50 [Zakim]
... AlexanderH, Oreste, edsu, monica (muted)
14:05:51 [Zakim]
On IRC I see jphipps, oreste, marma, michaelp, Marcia, rsinger, digikim, kai, monica, gneher, GordonD, fsasaki, antoine, TomB, matolat, LarsG, kcoyle, AlexanderH, RRSAgent, Zakim,
14:05:54 [Zakim]
... emma, jeff_, ww, edsu
14:06:02 [rsinger]
edsu: heh, "Zoia,.."
14:06:08 [Zakim]
+ +49.173.609.aadd
14:06:19 [antoine]
zakim, aadd is jneubert
14:06:19 [Zakim]
+jneubert; got it
14:06:27 [antoine]
zakim, who is here?
14:06:27 [Zakim]
On the phone I see emma, TomB, Felix (muted), jeff (muted), LarsG (muted), GordonD (muted), antoine, matolat, kcoyle, Kai?, marcia (muted), gneher (muted), digikim, rsinger,
14:06:28 [matolat]
Topic: Administrative
14:06:30 [Zakim]
... AlexanderH, Oreste, edsu, monica (muted), jneubert
14:06:31 [Zakim]
On IRC I see jphipps, oreste, marma, michaelp, Marcia, rsinger, digikim, kai, monica, gneher, GordonD, fsasaki, antoine, TomB, matolat, LarsG, kcoyle, AlexanderH, RRSAgent, Zakim,
14:06:34 [Zakim]
... emma, jeff_, ww, edsu
14:06:51 [Zakim]
+ +1.607.222.aaee
14:07:05 [antoine]
zakim, aaee is jphipps
14:07:05 [Zakim]
+jphipps; got it
14:07:07 [matolat]
ACTION: To accept minutes of previous telecon:
14:07:09 [matolat]
14:07:15 [Zakim]
14:07:45 [matolat]
RESOLVED:To accept minutes of previous telecon:
14:07:56 [antoine]
zakim, who is making noise?
14:08:06 [Zakim]
antoine, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: emma (5%), TomB (10%), Kai? (30%)
14:08:23 [matolat]
Topic: Face-to-face meetings
14:09:22 [matolat]
kcoyle: need a set of goals for F2F
14:09:43 [matolat]
emma: Not yet, want to discuss Use cases
14:10:32 [matolat]
emma: discuss Topic list at F2F, don't have the goals for F2F
14:10:55 [TomB]
q+ to suggest that, as a goal, we clarify what deliverables we want to achieve by end of charter
14:11:01 [emma]
ack TomB
14:11:03 [Zakim]
TomB, you wanted to suggest that, as a goal, we clarify what deliverables we want to achieve by end of charter
14:11:10 [matolat]
kcoyle: Very broad topics, we need to help guide our thoughts to make good use of the time
14:11:24 [antoine]
q+ on use cases requirements topics
14:11:48 [Zakim]
14:12:08 [matolat]
TomB: chartered 1 year, number of wiki pages, artifacts, but we need to understand what we can deliver in our timeframe
14:12:35 [Zakim]
14:12:41 [emma]
ack ant
14:12:41 [Zakim]
antoine, you wanted to comment on use cases requirements topics
14:13:07 [matolat]
TomB: may want to decide what deliverables we can work on and what should be next steps
14:13:23 [Zakim]
14:14:05 [matolat]
Antoine: Use case call will be closed,
14:14:43 [antoine]
q+ on organization
14:14:49 [emma]
ack ant
14:14:49 [Zakim]
antoine, you wanted to comment on organization
14:14:49 [matolat]
Emma: main goal F2F is to define the deliverables from the use cases
14:15:51 [matolat]
Antoine: question on mic and speaker, can supply them?
14:16:22 [kcoyle]
for computer?
14:16:47 [antoine]
karen, yes
14:16:55 [jeff_]
i can ask if we have it
14:18:15 [marma_]
marma_ has joined #lld
14:18:34 [antoine]
14:19:04 [matolat]
RESOLVED: Potential attendees in Pittsburgh to use wiki page to indicate whether they are attending or not at
14:19:50 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate TomB
14:20:02 [matolat]
Topic: Use cases and case studies - update
14:20:12 [matolat]
emma: use case call sent
14:20:30 [emma]
14:21:10 [antoine]
typically people send answers quite late :-)
14:21:53 [jar]
jar has joined #lld
14:22:41 [matolat]
antoine: number of lists that added and not sure if mail has been sent
14:23:21 [Marcia]
14:23:39 [Marcia]
14:23:41 [antoine]
zakim, unmute marcia
14:23:41 [Zakim]
marcia should no longer be muted
14:24:23 [matolat]
marcia: has sent to her lists added
14:24:59 [Marcia]
Zakim, mute me
14:24:59 [Zakim]
marcia should now be muted
14:25:29 [matolat]
emma: Discussion of two related use cases (Joachim and Ed)
14:25:31 [matolat]
14:25:32 [matolat]
14:27:36 [Zakim]
14:28:10 [antoine]
zakim, matolat.a is michaelp
14:28:10 [Zakim]
+michaelp; got it
14:28:17 [Zakim]
14:28:19 [emma]
14:28:50 [Zakim]
14:29:15 [michaelp]
michaelp has joined #lld
14:29:26 [matolat]
antonie; what data like at the start and how was it enriched
14:29:39 [edsu]
antoine: good question :)
14:30:15 [matolat]
Joachim: link to German authority file LLD impl
14:30:51 [matolat]
Joachim: difficult because don't have authority file idenitifers
14:31:50 [matolat]
Joachim: few American newspaper articles available, hope that other German databases to link to
14:33:15 [matolat]
I don't know if I caught all of that Joachim (please add comments?)
14:33:41 [matolat]
Joachim: metadata is mostly attached to folders
14:34:42 [edsu]
14:35:00 [emma]
ack fs
14:35:10 [matolat]
Edsu:Use case NDNP
14:37:03 [matolat]
Edsu: part of 20 year project digitize american newspaper. Start to move microfilm to be digitized
14:37:11 [jneubert]
jneubert has joined #lld
14:37:46 [matolat]
Edsu: 250 harddrived, of batches (xml. tiff. ocr files)
14:38:17 [matolat]
Edsu: LD is webapp that sit on top of data, search OCR and browse
14:38:54 [TomN]
TomN has joined #lld
14:39:13 [matolat]
Edsu: data is being cut off in 1922 copyright issues avoided
14:40:05 [matolat]
Edsu: each batch gets a name, browse from batch to issues
14:40:53 [matolat]
Edsu: problem how to get data to researchers
14:41:37 [matolat]
Edsu: have relational db, that could be dumped, this where LD approach helps
14:42:11 [matolat]
Edsu: mint cool URLs, get rdf that describe the data
14:42:49 [antoine]
q+ to ask about use of ORE in two cases
14:43:31 [Zakim]
14:43:55 [matolat]
Edsu: not hierarchical, graph view makes linking more natural.
14:44:36 [matolat]
Edsu: link to dbpedia get geo coordinates to map newspaper coverage?
14:44:39 [antoine]
zakim, who is making noise?
14:44:41 [Zakim]
14:44:50 [Zakim]
antoine, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: emma (85%), antoine (7%), edsu (64%)
14:45:26 [Zakim]
14:45:32 [matolat]
Edsu: links to flikr to allow folks to interact with data more
14:46:03 [antoine]
Ed: really great!
14:46:47 [matolat]
Edsu: FOAF to describe the agent that produced the data, some additional project define vocab
14:47:05 [TomB_]
TomB_ has joined #lld
14:47:20 [Mzeng]
Mzeng has joined #Lld
14:47:56 [Zakim]
14:48:05 [TomB_]
TomB_ has left #lld
14:48:35 [matolat]
Edsu: example use of data to explore Chicago news titles relate
14:49:14 [emma]
14:49:19 [emma]
ack an
14:49:19 [Zakim]
antoine, you wanted to ask about use of ORE in two cases
14:49:27 [matolat]
Edsu: how to make annotations more readable. would be nice to capture them and add to the data set (e.g., from flikr)
14:50:22 [matolat]
antoine: have that 2 cases data been compared?
14:50:52 [matolat]
Edsu: look some at ORE data, but the vocab is small
14:52:34 [matolat]
Edsu: could be too generic
14:53:07 [matolat]
Joachim: want to apply to search results that are not covered by other vocab.
14:53:12 [Zakim]
14:53:15 [edsu]
here's an example of some rdf for a page w/ some oai-ore
14:54:04 [matolat]
Joachim: would allow to describe the boundaries of aggregation
14:54:38 [matolat]
Joachim: describe the links of aggregation
14:55:41 [matolat]
Edsu: nice about ORE, allows people to extract not just the metadata, but the things being described
14:56:12 [antoine]
14:56:20 [emma]
ack antoin
14:57:20 [edsu]
jneubert: you first :-)
14:57:26 [matolat]
Antoin: did you feel to need to choose the original data that you got?
14:58:20 [matolat]
will take question offline
14:58:45 [Zakim]
14:59:13 [antoine]
ACTION: Everyone to elaborate on topics in the wiki [recorded in]
14:59:15 [antoine]
14:59:16 [Zakim]
14:59:24 [Zakim]
14:59:29 [Zakim]
14:59:30 [Zakim]
14:59:31 [Zakim]
14:59:35 [Zakim]
14:59:35 [Zakim]
14:59:37 [edsu]
cheers :-)
14:59:37 [digikim]
14:59:40 [matolat]
ACTION: Everyone to elaborate on topics in the wiki [recorded in] --continues
14:59:47 [Zakim]
14:59:57 [Zakim]
14:59:57 [emma]
15:00:04 [Zakim]
15:00:07 [Zakim]
15:00:09 [emma]
rrsagent please draft minutes
15:00:11 [Zakim]
15:00:19 [michaelp]
michaelp has left #lld
15:00:26 [TomB]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
15:00:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate TomB
15:00:30 [antoine]
zaki, please list participants
15:00:37 [antoine]
zakim, please list participants
15:00:40 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been emma, +49.173.609.aaaa, TomB, Felix, LarsG, jeff, antoine, GordonD, matolat, kcoyle, +1.330.289.aabb, marcia, rsinger, AlexanderH, Oreste,
15:00:43 [LarsG]
LarsG has left #lld
15:00:45 [Zakim]
... gneher, digikim, Kai?, +44.194.346.aacc, monica, edsu, +49.173.609.aadd, jneubert, +1.607.222.aaee, jphipps, michaelp
15:01:18 [Zakim]
15:01:24 [Zakim]
15:01:45 [marma]
marma has joined #lld
15:02:09 [antoine]
ACTION: Potential attendees in Pittsburgh to use wiki page to indicate whether they are attending or not at [recorded in]
15:02:11 [antoine]
15:02:26 [antoine]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
15:02:26 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate antoine
15:03:52 [emma]
zakim, bye
15:03:52 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees were emma, +49.173.609.aaaa, TomB, Felix, LarsG, jeff, antoine, GordonD, matolat, kcoyle, +1.330.289.aabb, marcia, rsinger, AlexanderH,
15:03:52 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #lld
15:03:55 [Zakim]
... Oreste, gneher, digikim, Kai?, +44.194.346.aacc, monica, edsu, +49.173.609.aadd, jneubert, +1.607.222.aaee, jphipps, michaelp
15:03:59 [TomB]
zakim, please unmute me
15:04:00 [matolat]
15:04:02 [emma]
rrsagent, bye
15:04:02 [RRSAgent]
I see 4 open action items saved in :
15:04:02 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: To accept minutes of previous telecon: [1]
15:04:02 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:04:02 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Everyone to elaborate on topics in the wiki [recorded in] [2]
15:04:02 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:04:02 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Everyone to elaborate on topics in the wiki [recorded in] --continues [3]
15:04:02 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:04:02 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Potential attendees in Pittsburgh to use wiki page to indicate whether they are attending or not at [recorded in] [4]
15:04:02 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:04:13 [oreste]