13:51:32 RRSAgent has joined #contacts 13:51:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/09/03-contacts-irc 13:51:37 rrsagent, make record public 13:51:40 Cristina_OMA-CAB has joined #contacts 13:51:40 zakim, this will be contacts 13:51:40 ok, tlr; I see Team_(contacts)14:00Z scheduled to start in 9 minutes 13:51:48 Meeting: Contact Coordination 13:52:51 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-device-apis/2010Sep/0003.html 13:52:54 Chair: tlr 13:57:44 Team_(contacts)14:00Z has now started 13:57:52 + +1.418.656.aaaa 13:57:59 zakim, call thomas-781 13:57:59 ok, tlr; the call is being made 13:58:00 +Thomas 13:58:29 zakim, aaaa is [Viagenie] 13:58:29 +[Viagenie]; got it 13:58:33 zakim, Viagenie has MarcBlanchet 13:58:33 +MarcBlanchet; got it 13:58:40 zakim, Viagenie has SimonPerrault 13:58:40 +SimonPerrault; got it 13:58:58 +??P6 13:59:15 zakim, ??P6 is stpeter 13:59:15 +stpeter; got it 14:01:17 Suresh has joined #contacts 14:01:31 +??P7 14:02:21 zakim, ??P7 is DongYoungLee 14:02:21 +DongYoungLee; got it 14:02:36 + +1.425.391.aabb 14:02:40 +bryan_sullivan 14:02:42 richt has joined #contacts 14:02:52 Dong-Young has joined #contacts 14:03:09 zakim, aabb is Dan?(ATT) 14:03:09 +Dan?(ATT); got it 14:03:10 Presence+ Dong-Young_Lee 14:03:10 + +44.208.783.aacc 14:03:16 + +1.760.705.aadd 14:03:19 zakim, aacc is alexey 14:03:20 + +44.759.510.aaee 14:03:20 +alexey; got it 14:03:33 +[IPcaller] 14:03:40 Present+ Dong-Young_Lee 14:03:43 zakim, aadd is richt 14:03:43 +richt; got it 14:03:47 zakim, +[IPcaller] 14:03:47 I saw [IPcaller] just arrive 14:03:51 + +1.361.889.aaff 14:03:57 zakim, aaee is Cristina_OMA 14:03:57 +Cristina_OMA; got it 14:04:10 zakim, [IPcaller] is Suresh 14:04:10 +Suresh; got it 14:04:17 dom has joined #contacts 14:04:17 Present+ Suresh_Chitturi 14:04:45 + +1.412.420.aagg 14:04:57 zakim, who's on the call? 14:04:57 On the phone I see [Viagenie], Thomas, stpeter, DongYoungLee, Dan?(ATT), bryan_sullivan, alexey, richt, Cristina_OMA, Suresh, +1.361.889.aaff, +1.412.420.aagg 14:05:00 zakim, aagg is CyrusDaboo 14:05:01 [Viagenie] has SimonPerrault 14:05:02 +CyrusDaboo; got it 14:05:37 +??P24 14:05:40 zakim, ??P24 is me 14:05:40 +dom; got it 14:06:04 Present+ Dominique_Hazael-Massieux 14:06:56 ScribeNick: Suresh 14:07:10 RRSAgent, pointer? 14:07:10 See http://www.w3.org/2010/09/03-contacts-irc#T14-07-10 14:07:15 Topic: Introductions 14:07:42 tlr: W3C defines an API for contacts/address book 14:07:56 Trying to understand the format to use for the API 14:08:34 It currently is based on PoCo, but we are aware of IETF vCard and we have received a liaison from OMA CAB re CAB Format 14:09:25 Topic: Quick overview of the various efforts 14:09:51 IETF Intro 14:10:11 -bryan_sullivan 14:10:14 Marc: new version of vCard spec is vCard4.0 14:10:25 Out in Mar 2010 14:10:48 +bryan_sullivan 14:10:50 Last occured two months ago, recevied comments, review under progress 14:11:01 simon has joined #contacts 14:11:01 s/Last/Last Call 14:11:06 yo 14:11:07 + +1.217.337.aahh 14:11:26 zakim, aahh is PeteResnick 14:11:26 +PeteResnick; got it 14:11:29 we are pretty late in the new process for changes but their is some room 14:11:49 tlr: any clarifications? 14:12:03 OMA CAB Intro: 14:12:25 Cristina: OMA CAB is defining a service around address book 14:13:17 The relevance for this discussion is the format for contacts, we considered vcard, poco, and other fields of community interest 14:13:39 we would like to see this format be re-used as much as possible including W3C 14:13:51 +??P26 14:13:57 zakim, ??P26 is danbri 14:13:57 +danbri; got it 14:14:09 zakim, mute danbri 14:14:09 danbri should now be muted 14:14:10 W3C DAP Intro: 14:15:16 Richard: we are working between the device and the web, we are looking for a solution to address this 14:15:45 we have PoCo which looks like a superset to vCard, but we also have a new format CAB 14:15:56 could the person who is typing in the background kindly mute their audio? 14:16:20 xxx: why do you think vCard is a subset and not a superset? 14:16:22 [poco has all the opensocial fields; these aren't in vcard] 14:16:32 s/xxx:/stpeter/ 14:16:45 CAB has considered vCard, PoCo, OpenSocial, OASIS, etc in the CAB format 14:18:49 Suresh: it is not fair to say PoCo is a superset of the vCard, it depends on the version of vCard, etc. to make this judgement 14:19:20 (vcard might have also have some constructs not directly in poco, true) 14:19:30 tlr: Cristina, can you clarify from CAB and how you see convergence? 14:19:45 most input from Joseph Smarr was to take features *out* of vCard to make it aligned on PoCo 14:20:00 Cristina: we have considered all formats including vcard, and PoCo 14:20:09 OASIS contacts 14:21:02 wonsuk has joined #contacts 14:21:17 Present+ Wonsuk_Lee 14:21:40 Mike: we have OMA come to us showing interest but no contributions later on 14:21:51 s/Mike/Marc/ 14:22:24 vCard charter only included binding to XML but did not include functioanlity from OMA 14:22:53 Cristina: Individual companies representation was in IETF but not from OMA 14:23:26 +wonsuk 14:23:30 tlr: are we in a position to converge or are we so far that it is difficult? 14:23:53 Cristina: From OMA, it will be a major change to go back and change the format 14:24:22 Rich: Does this mean there are implementations, or a process issue? 14:24:43 tantek has joined #contacts 14:24:57 apologies for the delay 14:25:04 Cristina: a little bit of both i.e. implementations and process issue 14:25:18 hi danbri 14:25:21 what'd I miss? ;) 14:25:30 Jerry: There is also an industry initiative RCS which is considering to use CAB Format 14:25:52 RCS (URL?), CAB Format (URL?) 14:26:22 -bryan_sullivan 14:26:22 e.g. genealogy stuff 14:26:31 Peter: In IETF, we considered social network extensions 14:26:32 nwidell has joined #contacts 14:27:13 It has not been an effort to define everything (e.g. zodiac signs) but allow extensions to support new fields 14:27:38 +bryan_sullivan 14:27:41 genealogy stuff has very little to do with social network extensions - what was the justification for adding the genealogy stuff? 14:27:56 (no address book I know of implements any of the genealogy stuff) 14:28:01 tlr: the most important part of divergence seems to be platform piece...can you elaborate on the differences 14:28:08 no, i mean that genealogy stuff is an example of stuff that was considered for extensions 14:28:09 zakim, who is noisy? 14:28:17 it's not in core 14:28:19 dom, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Dan?(ATT) (5%), Cristina_OMA (5%), Suresh (14%), +1.361.889.aaff (9%), CyrusDaboo (9%), wonsuk (43%) 14:28:26 but simon, why are there DDAY BIRTH DEATH properties? 14:28:35 marcblanc has joined #contacts 14:28:38 tantek, I beleive that was an off-the-wall example to state that vcarddav are not throwing the kitchen sink in to vcard v4.0. 14:28:38 1. they were already in vcard 3 14:28:47 2. they were widely used in implementations 14:28:54 tlr: can you explain structural differences vcard 3 and 4? 14:29:17 DDAY BIRTH DEATH are NOT in vcard3 14:29:20 what implementations? 14:29:22 either 1 or 2 14:29:28 not both 14:29:33 name / give a URL to *any* address book sw 14:29:36 that has DDAY BIRTH DEATH 14:29:37 and I don't remember, it's in the mailing list archives 14:29:45 sorry, citation required 14:29:47 I'm not buying it 14:29:47 Peter: structure and semantics is similar in vCard 3 and 4, but we have fixed some semantics in vCard 4, sync of vcard objects between multiple devices 14:29:48 ;) 14:30:10 tlr: Cristina, can you elaborate on CAB? 14:30:20 "search the archives" is an insufficient answer 14:30:25 it's been two years! 14:30:35 if the spec authors cannot provide URLs to references, how can any of the rest of us be expected to find them? 14:30:43 CAB (URL?) 14:31:09 i'll search afterwards and send you the ref 14:31:14 Cristina: The structure was developed from scratch, it revolves around individual and group, however, we have provided mapping to vCard 14:31:29 I believe the CAB spec is public, rhi 14:31:34 s/rhi/right? 14:32:04 -bryan_sullivan 14:32:14 Suresh: yes, the draft is public 14:32:54 Suresh - could you post a URL to said public draft? 14:32:58 +bryan_sullivan 14:33:47 the link to cab 1.0 TS including the CAB format: http://member.openmobilealliance.org/ftp/Public_documents/COM/COM-CAB/Permanent_documents/OMA-TS-CAB_XDMS-V1_0-20100831-D.zip 14:34:23 see sub-clause and (for structure and semantics) 14:34:27 what's in the .zip? 14:34:31 is there a direct link to some HTML? 14:34:58 in the zip, there are 2 Word documents 14:35:12 dom, that's a joke right? you're not being serious are you? 14:35:19 I'm afraid I am 14:35:22 indeed 14:35:36 for completeness for all to review: 14:35:39 seriously folks, if you can't post HTML of your draft/proposal, you don't deserve to contribute to WEB standards 14:35:42 no sympathy 14:35:42 vcard4: http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-vcarddav-vcardrev/ 14:35:55 this is no longer the 1990s 14:35:59 vcard xml mapping: http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-vcarddav-vcardxml/ 14:36:00 the link to the mapping between CAB format and vcard 2.1 and 3.0: http://member.openmobilealliance.org/ftp/Public_documents/COM/COM-CAB/Permanent_documents/OMA-TS-CAB-V1_0-20100901-D.zip, see sect. 5.4.3 14:36:38 5.4.3 for mapping to vCard 14:37:13 correct - not on phone 14:37:27 call day/time turned out to be very bad for me, Chris Messina (also traveling), and Joseph Smarr 14:37:48 -bryan_sullivan 14:37:54 tlr what's the "PoCo question" ? 14:38:23 +bryan_sullivan 14:39:22 +nwidell 14:39:31 tlr: action item to set up a mailing list between the groups 14:39:53 tlr - will yet another mailing list that everyone has to follow actually solve the problems? 14:40:15 tlr: action point: Cristina to circulate the final draft of OMA CAB specs 14:40:54 from W3C perspective we will continue discussions to see how we can resolve this issue 14:40:58 Suresh, tlr - I request circulating a URL to HTML on the public web of the draft of the OMA CAB specs 14:41:07 something that can be indexed/searched by web search engines 14:41:33 has anyone done vCard XML and CAB specs? 14:42:03 is that what you mean? vcard xml mapping: http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-vcarddav-vcardxml/ 14:42:21 Cristina: not sure if everyone has looked at the liaison from OMA to W3C 14:42:51 Cristina has joined #contacts 14:42:54 we have two options: 1) W3C adopt CAB, 2) provide API to support only the common fileds across different fields 14:43:18 Cristina: 2) maybe more appropriate 14:43:43 Wonsuk: +1 for 2) 14:43:57 Richard: dependency on external formats can be a problem 14:44:15 Bryan: all specs are open in OMA 14:45:03 Bryan please provide URLs to the licenses which you mean by "open" in this context by OMA 14:45:10 e.g., Creative Commons, OWFa, etc. 14:45:17 CC0 preferably IMHO 14:45:44 -bryan_sullivan 14:45:58 +q 14:46:26 Cristina: the situation is still the same with vCard in terms of maturity 14:46:43 we're talking about vcard 4 here. vcard has been around for a long time 14:46:58 +bryan_sullivan 14:47:27 for vcard 3.0 and 2.1 we provide a mapping in cab 14:47:54 richard: extension mechanisms in vcard is good 14:48:24 richard, why? please cite URLs to use cases. 14:48:29 Suresh: CAB is in XML and will let you add extensions 14:48:56 xxx: vCard 4 allows you to provide extensions 14:49:02 that was cyrus 14:49:12 s/xxx:/cyrus:/ 14:49:40 extensions that can be registered in a managed IANA registry, available publicly, with pointers to specs. 14:49:43 re: XML and extensions - in practice on the web, XML extensions have nearly universally been a failure 14:49:50 e.g. death of XHTML2 etc. 14:50:06 tantek, my point explained on the call (but not minuted) was that vCard 3.0 was published a loong time ago. Then an industry organically co-ordinated to create impp extension at a later date (all in IETF) 14:50:39 ah, centralized extensions - ok - that makes more sense - thanks richt 14:51:00 ...so extensions could allow industries to align organically or within specific industries (e.g. browser makers). That the hypothesis of my argument. 14:51:44 Suresh: our position is that the second option is the most practical way forward 14:52:19 It is a short term solution and in long term we should aim for convergence 14:53:15 tlr: the questions is whether we can provide API extensions and whether CAB and vCard extensions are useful from DAP perspective 14:53:56 say "q+" on IRC 14:54:51 Cristina: there are efforts to offere mapping between multiple formats, so it is only matter of putting the formats together and taking the common denominator 14:55:12 is there a wiki for vcarddav work? 14:55:19 or OMA work? 14:55:40 http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/vcarddav/trac/wiki 14:55:48 (not used currently by the wg) 14:56:15 Suresh: de IETF folks think about the short term solution i.e. use the common fields in the DAP API 14:56:27 s/de/what do 14:56:27 generic place for IETF wg with issue tracker, etc... 14:56:28 http://tools.ietf.org/wg/vcarddav/ 14:56:46 have to run 14:56:52 thanks for the URLs marcblanc 14:56:59 will be back on #contacts in about 30min 14:57:05 in case anyone wants to continue chatting 14:57:08 thanks everyone! 14:57:18 no wiki for OMA 14:57:34 Topic: Next Steps 14:57:47 (public minutes is good / essential) 14:58:03 tlr: will post the minutes and action items from the meeting 14:58:41 marc: from IETF, we will post these minutes and discuss within IETF the next steps 14:59:07 -dom 14:59:08 - +1.361.889.aaff 14:59:08 -bryan_sullivan 14:59:10 -Thomas 14:59:10 -[Viagenie] 14:59:10 -Cristina_OMA 14:59:11 -alexey 14:59:12 -nwidell 14:59:13 wonsuk has left #contacts 14:59:14 -richt 14:59:15 zakim, drop danbri 14:59:17 tlr: will send the conclusion, thank you all for the call 14:59:18 -CyrusDaboo 14:59:20 -stpeter 14:59:22 danbri is being disconnected 14:59:24 -danbri 14:59:26 -PeteResnick 14:59:28 -wonsuk 14:59:30 -Suresh 14:59:34 -Dan?(ATT) 14:59:41 -DongYoungLee 14:59:42 Team_(contacts)14:00Z has ended 14:59:44 Attendees were +1.418.656.aaaa, Thomas, MarcBlanchet, SimonPerrault, stpeter, DongYoungLee, +1.425.391.aabb, bryan_sullivan, Dan?(ATT), +44.208.783.aacc, +1.760.705.aadd, 14:59:47 ... +44.759.510.aaee, alexey, richt, +1.361.889.aaff, Cristina_OMA, Suresh, +1.412.420.aagg, CyrusDaboo, dom, +1.217.337.aahh, PeteResnick, danbri, wonsuk, nwidell 15:01:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:01:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/09/03-contacts-minutes.html tlr 15:02:52 dom has left #contacts 15:44:48 tantek has joined #contacts 17:19:32 Zakim has left #contacts 17:28:09 tantek has joined #contacts