13:50:44 RRSAgent has joined #rdfa 13:50:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/08/19-rdfa-irc 13:50:46 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:50:48 Zakim, this will be 7332 13:50:48 ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFa()10:00AM scheduled to start in 10 minutes 13:50:49 Meeting: RDFa Working Group Teleconference 13:50:49 Date: 19 August 2010 13:50:52 Regrets: MarkB 13:51:18 Present: Manu, Ivan, Shane, Benjamin, Knud 13:51:23 Chair: Manu 13:52:51 I am here, if you can clean up the minutes afterwards 13:52:59 I will have to run after the call 13:56:39 that being said: will we have enough people for the meeting? Many people are away... 13:57:03 scribenick: ivan 13:57:08 scribe: ivan 13:59:34 Benjamin has joined #rdfa 14:00:42 SW_RDFa()10:00AM has now started 14:00:49 + +1.540.961.aaaa 14:00:56 zakim, I am aaaa 14:00:56 +manu; got it 14:01:49 zakim, dial ivan-voip 14:01:49 ok, ivan; the call is being made 14:01:50 +Ivan 14:02:18 + +49.631.205.75.aabb 14:02:30 zakim, aabb is Benjamin 14:02:30 +Benjamin; got it 14:04:21 tinkster has joined #rdfa 14:04:22 zakim, drop me 14:04:22 Ivan is being disconnected 14:04:24 -Ivan 14:05:37 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/28 14:06:53 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Jun/0069.html 14:06:57 ok 14:07:00 trackbot, bye 14:07:00 trackbot has left #rdfa 14:08:35 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdfa-api/#data-parser 14:09:31 document.interface.hasFeature(..., ...); 14:10:27 DataParser.hasFeature() 14:12:29 document.interface.hasFeature("RDFaAPI"); 14:12:33 document.interface.hasFeature("RDFaAPI", "1.1"); 14:13:19 DataParser.hasFeature("RDFaAPI", "1.1") 14:13:39 DataParser.hasFeature("hcard") 14:13:43 DataParser.hasFeature("hreview") 14:13:47 DataParser.hasFeature("haudio") 14:14:01 DataParser.hasFeature("xhtml+rdfa") 14:14:06 DataParser.hasFeature("html+rdfa") 14:14:30 DataParser.hasFeature("application/xhtml+xml") 14:14:34 DataParser.hasFeature("application/xhtml+xml+rdfa") 14:15:50 All HTML5+RDFa parsers also support XHTML+RDFa. 14:16:06 However, all XHTML+RDFa parsers do not support HTML5+RDFa 14:16:32 DataParser.hasFeature("ooffice+rdfa") 14:18:07 DataParser.hasFeature("html+hcard") 14:18:10 DataParser.hasFeature("xhtml+hcard") 14:18:16 DataParser.hasFeature("hcard") 14:18:46 DataParser.hasFeature("html+microdata") 14:21:19 document.data.createParser("xhtml+rdfa", store) 14:21:35 myListofParsers[i].hasFeature("xhtml+rdfa"); 14:24:00 http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-in-html/#validation 14:24:32 http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-in-html/#document-conformance 14:24:45 Non-XML mode HTML+RDFa 1.1 documents should be labeled with the Internet Media Type "text/html" as defined in [RFC3236]. 14:26:23 DataParser.hasFeature("html+rdfa", "1.1") 14:27:20 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Jun/0069.html 14:28:17 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Jun/0065.html 14:29:28 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdfa-api/#property-group 14:29:39 attribute Object info; 14:30:07 [NoInterfaceObject] 14:30:09 interface IRI { 14:30:11 readonly attribute stringifier DOMString value; 14:30:12 }; 14:31:29 document.data.query.select({"property" : "foaf:name", "domnode" : true}); 14:31:55 Node n = pgs[i].info["domnode"]; 14:33:32 document.data.query.select({"property" : "foaf:name", "source" : true}); 14:34:14 Node n = pgs[i].info["foaf:name"]["source"]; n.background = "#bbb"; 14:34:41 Node n = pgs[i].info["foaf:name"][0]["source"]; n.background = "#bbb"; 14:35:43 var names = pgs[i]["foaf:name"]; 14:37:07 var firstName = pgs[0]["foaf:name"][0]; 14:37:48 firstName === "Benjamin" 14:37:57 var name = pgs[0]["foaf:name"][0]; 14:38:03 name === "Benjamin Adrian" 14:40:16 var firstNameNode = pgs[0].info["foaf:name"][0]; 14:40:29 var firstNameNode = pgs[0].info["foaf:name"]["source"][0]; 14:41:14 var firstNameNode = pgs[0].getInfo("foaf:name", "source")[0]; 14:41:35 var nameNodes = pgs[0].getInfo("foaf:name", "source"); 14:44:05 for pg in document.data.query.select(...) 14:44:08 { 14:44:37 for node in pg.getInfo("foaf:name", "source) 14:44:41 { 14:45:09 node.backgroundColor = "#bbb"; 14:45:11 } 14:45:13 } 14:46:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Jun/0065.html 14:47:20 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Jun/0087.html 14:48:10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Aug/0005.html 15:04:15 -Benjamin 15:04:19 -manu 15:04:19 SW_RDFa()10:00AM has ended 15:04:21 Attendees were +1.540.961.aaaa, manu, Ivan, +49.631.205.75.aabb, Benjamin 15:04:31 zakim, bye 15:04:31 Zakim has left #rdfa 15:20:40 zakim, bye 15:20:49 Benjamin has left #rdfa 15:43:03 rrsagent, bye 15:43:03 I see no action items