12:00:19 RRSAgent has joined #pling 12:00:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/08/10-pling-irc 12:00:21 zakim, this will be pling 12:00:21 ok, tlr, I see P3P_PLING()8:00AM already started 12:00:26 zakim, call thomas-781 12:00:26 ok, tlr; the call is being made 12:00:28 +Thomas 12:00:56 zakim, who is on the phone? 12:00:56 On the phone I see +358.504.87aaaa, Thomas 12:01:26 rigo has joined #pling 12:01:41 +??P1 12:01:55 zakim, ??P1 is Rigo 12:01:55 +Rigo; got it 12:02:17 +Ashok_Malhotra 12:02:48 i am dialling in now.... 12:03:47 present+ Hannes 12:04:04 zakim, who is here? 12:04:04 On the phone I see +358.504.87aaaa, Thomas, Rigo, Ashok_Malhotra 12:04:05 On IRC I see rigo, RRSAgent, Zakim, tlr, Ashok, renato 12:04:19 +??P3 12:04:24 zakim, 87aaaa is Hannes 12:04:24 sorry, rigo, I do not recognize a party named '87aaaa' 12:04:42 zakim, ??P3 is Renato 12:04:42 +Renato; got it 12:05:07 zakim, +358.504.87aaaa is Hannes 12:05:07 +Hannes; got it 12:06:12 scribenick: rigo 12:06:22 Scribe: Rigo 12:06:35 agenda: http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/2010-08-10 12:06:46 rrsagent, set log public 12:06:54 rrsagent, pointer? 12:06:54 See http://www.w3.org/2010/08/10-pling-irc#T12-06-54 12:07:46 RI: http://www.w3.org/2010/api-privacy-ws/ is main agenda item today 12:07:56 ...tlr will give overview 12:08:34 tlr: draft subject to further editing, hope to have it out in a week 12:08:59 ...45 participants across industry, around 43 position papers 12:09:09 ...privacy icons idea 12:09:26 ...may fail for the same reasons as P3P 12:09:59 ...identify the parameters that users care most about and come up with machine readable things 12:10:17 ..others vendors reluctant, but firefox eager to implement 12:10:43 ...other thing: data that is gathered via API from the user, parallel to geopriv 12:10:56 ...what secondary use, how long retain 12:11:48 ...user agent incentives, how to set the defaults, is that desirable, is it ok to leave the enforcement to legal system... 12:12:13 ...fairly interesting research papers, also from GSMA and from Hannes (for works at IETF) 12:12:43 ...clear that there is interest for best practices for implementation guidance for user agent 12:13:07 ...charter an interest group that would succeed PLING and that is chartered more broadly 12:13:26 RI: PLING would morph into PIG 12:14:04 tlr: PLING chartered until feb 2011, and what focus would draw more focus into the group 12:14:26 ...browser vendors not eager to participate in policy languages 12:14:48 HT: policy languages didn't go anywhere, so we should really question that 12:15:50 RI: how PLING can be better serving to W3C 12:16:17 HT: better to discontinue PLING and focus on DAP and implementation guidelines 12:16:44 ...browser folks actually tried to derail policy languages discussion 12:17:06 ...the browser folks aren't there yet, it is an uphill battle, nothing gets recognition 12:17:19 tlr: unfortunately, your perception is accurate 12:17:51 ...geolocation implementation experience, when there was discussion of things that the spec didn't say 12:18:43 ....and others shouting that they wouldn't have wanted in the spec things like user interface guidelines 12:19:46 ...browser vendor folks want to be helpful 12:20:01 +??P4 12:20:25 zakim, ??P4 is David_Chadwick 12:20:25 +David_Chadwick; got it 12:20:40 Privacy Rulesets 12:20:41 http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/privacy-rulesets/ 12:20:51 + +1.920.564.aabb 12:21:16 zakim, aabb is John 12:21:16 +John; got it 12:21:43 RI: was there some discussions on semantics like retention for those rulesets? 12:21:51 brb 12:22:45 ...is that a language that is put together 12:22:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2010Jul/0121.html 12:23:20 tlr: proposal evolved, proposed in the WG later in the week, try to break it down to 3 basic profiles 12:23:29 ...to frame expectations 12:24:57 ..lengthy discussion with someone from Chrome, others comments from browsers were reluctant 12:25:32 RW: PrimeLife in Helsingborg reported about rulesets as a business model of selling them in software 12:25:54 tlr: look at URI, they want to simplify to the max, a complete different approach 12:26:35 HT: data handling workshop, given discussion about the previous workshop 12:27:19 W3C Workshop on Privacy and data usage control 12:27:20 04/05 October 2010, Boston 12:27:25 http://www.w3.org/2010/policy-ws/ 12:28:15 q+ 12:29:42 q= 12:29:43 q- 12:30:24 RI: thanks tlr for summary, looking forward for report 12:30:31 ========================================== 12:31:16 RI: 2.2 OASIS Privacy Management Reference Model (PMRM) Technical Committee 12:31:28 http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oasis-charter-discuss/201006/msg00000.html 12:31:35 RI: has anybody joined 12:31:42 s/unfortunately, your perception is accurate/discussions were indeed difficult 12:31:47 Ri: should we do anything about it? 12:32:01 HT: What are they actually doing 12:32:28 AM: they had a 2 hour telecon, where they spoke about reference model, very complicated model 12:33:17 ..when you get any kind of data, you have to specify what kind of data, how long you detain it ... not very different from P3P, but may be useful to talk to them 12:36:01 RW: is more of competition to ISO SC 27 WG 5 12:36:32 HT: ISO stuff seriously underspecified 12:36:51 HT: is OASIS stuff publicly available? 12:37:08 AM: don't know, can dig out the reference model 12:38:00 The current members: 12:38:00 http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/membership.php?wg_abbrev=pmrm 12:38:18 ...top down reference model, than it can be subsetted to special needs 12:39:57 RI: don't know if we have sufficient momentum for hte best practices 12:40:44 ...MAWG we made proposal to include policy languages 12:40:46 http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-mediaont-10-20100608/#core-property-definitions 12:41:18 ma:policy 12:43:20 tlr: not in the last call tracking, we had some request to them, something looks like we should check 12:43:27 RI: confirm that we should check 12:43:45 .. I'll check that and make sure that they took it up 12:43:50 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pling/2010May/0006.html 12:46:13 q+ 12:46:33 ack tlr 12:49:52 tlr: last call comments due 11 July, but I think we can still make a comment. 12:50:08 also, Creative Commons isn't a "Security Policy"?! 12:50:16 RI: properties ma:copyright and ma:policy are very confusing, that was our main comment 12:50:38 tlr: could rename copyright to ma: riightsholder 12:51:23 ACTION: Renato to contact MAWG and propose changes to ma:copyright definition and change "security policy" in ma:policy 12:52:16 tlr: liaison with geopriv is mainly done and there are two opposing models and we discussed a lot with the result to agree to disagree 12:52:26 ...so the item is done 12:53:25 http://www.cs.kau.se/IFIP-summerschool/ 12:56:32 http://www.primelife.eu/ 12:57:23 q+ 12:59:14 q- 13:00:30 https://clique.primelife.eu/ 13:01:34 -Thomas 13:01:36 -John 13:03:58 ODRL Workshop...privacy, icons, virtual goods... http://virtualgoods.org/2010/program.html 13:04:05 -Ashok_Malhotra 13:04:09 RI: Namur 13:04:26 Social Web XG - Final Report 13:04:26 Section on Privacy and other standards: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/wiki/FinalReport#Social_Web_Technologies_and_Standards 13:04:49 ... social web XG is writing up final report, but very draft for the moment 13:05:02 ...announce Polcy WG 13:05:41 http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/2010-09-14 13:05:44 Next meeting: 14 September with invited talk from Pete Bramhal talking about EnCoRE 13:05:56 RI: AOB? 13:06:01 Adjourned 13:06:10 rrsagent, please make minutes 13:06:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/08/10-pling-minutes.html rigo 13:06:16 -David_Chadwick 13:06:17 bye 13:06:23 -Renato 13:06:26 -Rigo 13:06:28 -Hannes 13:06:28 P3P_PLING()8:00AM has ended 13:06:30 Attendees were Thomas, Rigo, Ashok_Malhotra, Renato, Hannes, David_Chadwick, +1.920.564.aabb, John 13:06:33 thanks for scribing rigo! 13:49:44 zakim, bye 13:49:44 Zakim has left #pling 13:49:49 rrsagent, bye 13:49:49 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/10-pling-actions.rdf : 13:49:49 ACTION: Renato to contact MAWG and propose changes to ma:copyright definition and change "security policy" in ma:policy [1] 13:49:49 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/08/10-pling-irc#T12-51-23