IRC log of html-a11y on 2010-07-15
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 00:28:52 [Judy]
- Judy has joined #html-a11y
- 00:40:40 [Judy]
- Judy has joined #html-a11y
- 00:48:17 [janina]
- janina has left #html-a11y
- 01:28:48 [Judy]
- Judy has joined #html-a11y
- 01:42:15 [MikeSmith]
- MikeSmith has joined #html-a11y
- 01:43:13 [Judy]
- Judy has joined #html-a11y
- 02:00:26 [Judy]
- Judy has joined #html-a11y
- 02:21:58 [MikeSmith]
- MikeSmith has joined #html-a11y
- 15:00:06 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y
- 15:00:06 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:00:08 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 15:00:08 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #html-a11y
- 15:00:10 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be 2119
- 15:00:10 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)11:00AM scheduled to start now
- 15:00:11 [trackbot]
- Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference
- 15:00:11 [trackbot]
- Date: 15 July 2010
- 15:00:19 [janina]
- zakim, call janina
- 15:00:19 [Zakim]
- ok, janina; the call is being made
- 15:00:33 [MichaelC]
- zakim, this is 2119
- 15:00:33 [Zakim]
- ok, MichaelC; that matches WAI_PFWG(HTML TF)11:00AM
- 15:00:39 [MichaelC]
- zakim, who's on the phone?
- 15:00:39 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Eric_Carlson, John_Foliot, Janina, Michael_Cooper
- 15:01:17 [paulc]
- paulc has joined #html-a11y
- 15:02:19 [Zakim]
- +kliehm
- 15:03:12 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, call Mike
- 15:03:12 [Zakim]
- ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
- 15:03:13 [Zakim]
- +Mike
- 15:03:49 [janina]
- Meeting: HTML-A11Y telecon
- 15:03:50 [janina]
- Chair: Janina_Sajka
- 15:03:50 [janina]
- agenda: this
- 15:03:50 [janina]
- agenda+ Identify Scribe
- 15:03:50 [janina]
- agenda+ Actions Review
- 15:03:50 [janina]
- agenda+ Subteam Reports
- 15:03:52 [janina]
- agenda+ Remaining Deliverables & Timelines Discussion
- 15:03:52 [MichaelC]
- regrets+ Cynthia_Shelly
- 15:03:54 [janina]
- agenda+ TF at TPAC 2010
- 15:03:55 [MichaelC]
- regrets+ Marco_Ranon
- 15:03:56 [janina]
- agenda+ CAPTCHA survey:
- 15:03:58 [janina]
- agenda+ TF Recommendations Followup at the WG Diescussion
- 15:04:00 [janina]
- agenda+ Resolved & Rejected Bugs & Bug triage
- 15:04:02 [janina]
- agenda+ next meetings, confirm date/time, choose scribe
- 15:04:04 [janina]
- agenda+ be done
- 15:04:32 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, Mike is me
- 15:04:32 [Zakim]
- +MikeSmith; got it
- 15:04:43 [Ben]
- Ben has joined #html-a11y
- 15:05:09 [JF]
- <scribe>JF
- 15:05:23 [oedipus]
- oedipus has joined #html-a11y
- 15:05:31 [Zakim]
- +??P3
- 15:05:37 [Ben]
- zakim, ??P3 is Ben_Caldwell
- 15:05:37 [Zakim]
- +Ben_Caldwell; got it
- 15:05:58 [paulc]
- I am still booting up and will join by phone ASAP.
- 15:06:02 [Zakim]
- +Gregory_Rosmaita
- 15:06:44 [JF]
- Actions Review Mike C: there is some Canvas Actions what shouel we do?
- 15:06:58 [JF]
- Janina - await Steve F & Rich S to join the call
- 15:07:06 [JF]
- Action 22
- 15:07:06 [trackbot]
- Sorry, bad ACTION syntax
- 15:07:22 [MichaelC]
- action-22 due 1 Nov
- 15:07:23 [trackbot]
- ACTION-22 Organize joint discussion of testing task force and html a11y task force due date now 1 Nov
- 15:07:33 [JF]
- Advance to Nov 1 and turn into Tech Pleneray issue
- 15:07:39 [Zakim]
- +Rich
- 15:07:57 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 15:08:05 [JF]
- Action-44
- 15:08:08 [paulc]
- zakim, [Microsoft] has paulc
- 15:08:08 [Zakim]
- +paulc; got it
- 15:08:13 [richardschwerdtfe]
- richardschwerdtfe has joined #html-a11y
- 15:08:38 [JF]
- Mike C: is this an actual action item, or just a reminder
- 15:08:41 [JF]
- ?
- 15:08:49 [MichaelC]
- close action-44
- 15:08:49 [trackbot]
- ACTION-44 - monitor status of @alt in HTML5 spec; when SteveF's Alt Guidance is published, ensure that what is in SteveF's note supersedes or corrects HTML5 verbiage; propose changes to HTML5 based on SteveF's alt doc closed
- 15:08:51 [JF]
- shouold we close it as an action?
- 15:08:53 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, mute me
- 15:08:53 [Zakim]
- MikeSmith should now be muted
- 15:08:53 [JF]
- agreed
- 15:09:04 [JF]
- 15:09:37 [MichaelC]
- close action-46
- 15:09:37 [trackbot]
- ACTION-46 Work with WAI UAWG to find home for "image analysis heuristics" text from HTML5 spec (HTML WG issue 66) closed
- 15:10:11 [oedipus]
- oedipus has joined #html-a11y
- 15:10:27 [janina]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 15:10:27 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Eric_Carlson, John_Foliot, Janina, Michael_Cooper, kliehm, MikeSmith (muted), Ben_Caldwell, Gregory_Rosmaita, Rich, [Microsoft]
- 15:10:29 [Zakim]
- [Microsoft] has paulc
- 15:10:33 [JF]
- 2
- 15:10:50 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:10:53 [JF]
- Steve F has a number of actions assigned - will wait for him to join us or defer
- 15:11:07 [JF]
- 3 open actions re: Canvas
- 15:11:26 [MichaelC]
- close action-12
- 15:11:26 [trackbot]
- ACTION-12 Ensure there is a dependency between the HTML5 specification and the HTML 5 2D Context specification to ensure that the author has the ability to set the visible focus, for <canvas>, to ensure that a magnifier may follow the visual focus. This would be driven by the shadow DOM. closed
- 15:11:28 [oedipus]
- regrets+ Kenny_Johar
- 15:12:35 [JF]
- Rich: is this group just handling HTML, or is it looking at media queries, etc.?
- 15:12:48 [JF]
- Greg: believes it should be in the PFWG
- 15:13:00 [JF]
- we should discuss coordination with them
- 15:13:17 [JF]
- RichL HTML spec suggests do whateve the media queries says
- 15:13:32 [JF]
- Eric: would like to be involved in that effort as well
- 15:14:24 [MichaelC]
- close action-17
- 15:14:24 [trackbot]
- ACTION-17 Define CSS attributes and meta data for alternative content selection closed
- 15:14:50 [Zakim]
- -MikeSmith
- 15:15:07 [MikeSmithX]
- MikeSmithX has joined #html-a11y
- 15:15:22 [JF]
- Actions section completed
- 15:15:24 [MichaelC]
- action-17: migrated to PF ACTION-692
- 15:15:24 [trackbot]
- ACTION-17 Define CSS attributes and meta data for alternative content selection notes added
- 15:15:26 [MichaelC]
- close action-19
- 15:15:26 [trackbot]
- ACTION-19 Work with the Canvas API subteam to include and API for caret tracking that drive magnfication closed
- 15:15:37 [JF]
- SubTeam reports
- 15:15:38 [oedipus]
- rich, there was a thrad on changing the media group tactile to have 2 media types tactual (non-natural language based tactile images) and braille (natural language based tactile output) -- gottfried (i think) and i had an exchange on it and janina liked the idea but thought the verbiage was too confusing -- will follow-up via email
- 15:15:45 [oedipus]
- scribenick: oedipius
- 15:15:48 [oedipus]
- scribenick: oedipus
- 15:16:12 [MikeSmithX]
- Zakim, call Mike
- 15:16:12 [Zakim]
- ok, MikeSmithX; the call is being made
- 15:16:14 [Zakim]
- +Mike
- 15:16:28 [oedipus]
- JF: Media Sub-Team update: making good progress turning requirements into technical requirements
- 15:16:35 [MikeSmithX]
- Zakim, Mike is me
- 15:16:35 [Zakim]
- +MikeSmithX; got it
- 15:16:39 [oedipus]
- JF: worked thorugh 50% of requirements
- 15:16:42 [MikeSmithX]
- Zakim, mute me
- 15:16:42 [Zakim]
- MikeSmithX should now be muted
- 15:16:43 [Zakim]
- +??P9
- 15:16:56 [oedipus]
- JF: encourage people outside of subteam to weigh in and offer feedback and comments as things progress
- 15:17:03 [Stevef]
- Stevef has joined #html-a11y
- 15:17:32 [oedipus]
- JF: need to have technical requirements and user requirements stable enough to advance to the HTML WG next week -- perhaps 10 days left before moving reqs higher up the HTML5 food chain
- 15:17:54 [JF]
- Thanks to Greg
- 15:17:56 [oedipus]
- zakim, +??P9 is Steve_Faulkner
- 15:17:56 [Zakim]
- sorry, oedipus, I do not recognize a party named '+??P9'
- 15:18:01 [oedipus]
- zakim, ??P9 is Steve_Faulkner
- 15:18:01 [Zakim]
- +Steve_Faulkner; got it
- 15:18:06 [JF]
- Steve F on ARIA mappings
- 15:18:12 [JF]
- not much has happened in the past week
- 15:18:23 [JF]
- have already provided a change proposal and a bug
- 15:18:38 [JF]
- HTML chairs have requested bug be expedited
- 15:18:40 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:19:14 [JF]
- Janina: wants to know about the change Proposal
- 15:19:20 [oedipus]
- s/scribenick: oedipius//
- 15:19:47 [JF]
- now that we have a bug, se should now have an agenda item to vote a resolution to advance the change proposal
- 15:19:56 [oedipus]
- i/<scribe>JF/scribe: John_Foliot
- 15:20:06 [oedipus]
- i/<scribe>JF/scribenick: JF
- 15:20:10 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:20:14 [JF]
- spec text exists, but what is need is feedback and consensus around the change proposal
- 15:20:24 [JF]
- SteveF asking about getting a poll around this
- 15:20:58 [oedipus]
- i/Thanks to Greg/scribenick: JF
- 15:21:00 [JF]
- Janina: appears process is sticking point - work is ready
- 15:21:01 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:21:10 [JF]
- can we bring this work to the group for next week?
- 15:21:21 [JF]
- SteveF: what does this entail?
- 15:21:40 [JF]
- Janina: should we run a survey on this?
- 15:21:45 [oedipus]
- s/a thrad on changing/a thread on changing/
- 15:21:52 [JF]
- SteveF: makes it a more formal 'support' from the TF
- 15:22:24 [JF]
- hopefully people will read the proposal before voting - not yet had any response on the draft change propsal
- 15:22:49 [JF]
- SteveF: suggests overall question: after reviewing the changes, do you support them?
- 15:23:05 [JF]
- are there more than one question to be asked here?
- 15:23:53 [JF]
- Rich: everything is in the proposal, (needs some minor edits)
- 15:24:13 [JF]
- SteveF: we want people to review the text we choose to replace, based upon the proposal
- 15:24:45 [JF]
- PaulC: not sure if a survey is the best forum for that question/decision
- 15:24:54 [oedipus]
- strong plus 1 to CfC
- 15:24:56 [JF]
- likely could happen via emails
- 15:25:06 [oedipus]
- make TF members read the text before commenting
- 15:25:34 [JF]
- Rich: reason for suggesting a poll is that if people have an issue with a certain section they could highlight
- 15:25:46 [JF]
- Janina: this could be highly granular quickly
- 15:26:10 [JF]
- SteveF: the main thrust is that the current starting point is whlely unsuitable in the current spec
- 15:26:24 [JF]
- what we don't want to get into is a point-by-point comparrison
- 15:26:34 [JF]
- but rather seeks an alternative starting point
- 15:26:44 [JF]
- it goes to philosphy more than actual text
- 15:27:16 [oedipus]
- regrets+ : Denis_Boudreau
- 15:27:31 [JF]
- Do we support an approach that suggests that ARIA does not introduce a confromance issue
- 15:27:46 [JF]
- Janina : lets keep it simple
- 15:28:09 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:28:27 [JF]
- SteveF: we have already put it out for comment, thinks a Chair should ask for 'closure'
- 15:28:55 [oedipus]
- s/SubTeam reports/TOPIC: SubTeam Reports/
- 15:29:00 [JF]
- Janina: Discussion on remaining deliverables and time-lines
- 15:29:09 [JF]
- talking about TPAC as a deadline
- 15:29:26 [JF]
- some discussion that this might slip slightly
- 15:29:36 [oedipus]
- i/talking about TPAC/TOPIC: TPAC 2010 Meeting Planning
- 15:29:39 [JF]
- but we are targetting to be comple in this calendar year
- 15:29:49 [JF]
- ARIA, drag-n-drop...
- 15:30:09 [JF]
- does anyone think that DnD have issues that will stall beyond year end
- 15:30:42 [JF]
- the 1 or 2 others are media a11y
- 15:30:51 [JF]
- and the other is "accesskey"
- 15:31:00 [JF]
- perhaps looking at a name-change
- 15:31:07 [JF]
- to access-command
- 15:31:31 [JF]
- what PF will be forwarding is a set of user requirements
- 15:31:35 [oedipus]
- GJR notes that these are set of requirements for satisfying navigational requirements, not on specific attributes or elements -- those will be decided upon by TF
- 15:31:37 [Stevef]
- q+
- 15:31:47 [JF]
- with no recommendation on *how* it is to be met
- 15:31:56 [JF]
- expect work to start on that within the week
- 15:32:27 [JF]
- anyone have any thoughts on what work will entail? anyone see a reason why this cannot be completed by end of October?
- 15:32:47 [JF]
- Greg: have started to take what is in HTML5 re: accesskey to see what (if anything) is lacking
- 15:33:01 [Zakim]
- -kliehm
- 15:33:02 [JF]
- will report back to Tf
- 15:33:16 [JF]
- looking at accesskey, tabindex and command
- 15:33:35 [JF]
- this is what is in, this is what is out, and can it (they) meet the requirements
- 15:33:45 [JF]
- Greg: I beleive we can get this done and fixed
- 15:33:53 [oedipus]
- ack ste
- 15:34:12 [JF]
- SteveF: what happens with the whole text alternatives issue
- 15:34:13 [MikeSmithX]
- q+ to note that we got feedback from Gez on drag-and-drop
- 15:34:26 [Stevef]
- q-
- 15:34:31 [JF]
- Janina: that is still on the agenda
- 15:34:36 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 15:34:36 [Zakim]
- MikeSmithX should no longer be muted
- 15:34:44 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, unmute Mike
- 15:34:44 [Zakim]
- MikeSmithX was not muted, MikeSmith
- 15:34:57 [JF]
- while we still have deliverables, the only one we are not sure we can deliver in time for TPAC is the media issue
- 15:34:59 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, who's muted?
- 15:34:59 [Zakim]
- I see no one muted
- 15:35:15 [JF]
- everything else appears on target
- 15:35:51 [JF]
- MikeS: want to mention about DragnDrop that we have seen some feedback
- 15:35:56 [MikeSmith]
- q-
- 15:36:00 [MikeSmith]
- q-
- 15:36:05 [MikeSmith]
- ack Mike
- 15:36:05 [Zakim]
- MikeSmithX, you wanted to note that we got feedback from Gez on drag-and-drop
- 15:36:05 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:36:37 [JF]
- Janina: Task Force at TPAC - hoping to get this group together then and there
- 15:36:55 [JF]
- depends on our agenda at that point
- 15:37:01 [oedipus]
- i/SubTeam reports/TOPIC: SubTeam Reports/
- 15:37:03 [JF]
- Next: CAPTCHA survey
- 15:37:36 [JF]
- Janina: this has been discussed, and this might be resolving iteslf through changes in the spec
- 15:38:02 [JF]
- Greg: I think we need to keep an eye on this, and if it is out of the next 2 publications, we can rest easy
- 15:38:07 [JF]
- keep in our back pocket
- 15:38:47 [JF]
- Discussion now: we as TF need to become a little more formal about our reccomendations to the WG
- 15:39:05 [JF]
- we have already sent a number up, and are in process at the WG
- 15:39:20 [JF]
- encourage all to continue to work on these issues at the higher WG level
- 15:39:34 [JF]
- if there is a survey we can continue to particpate
- 15:39:49 [JF]
- Janina: we should discuss how to track these proposals now
- 15:39:51 [oedipus]
- i/Discussion now:/TOPIC: TF relationship to HTML WG & Keeping 1 up-to-date with the other
- 15:40:18 [Stevef]
- q+
- 15:40:34 [JF]
- we have a responsibility to follow through and tracking our recommendations
- 15:40:55 [JF]
- is the wiki sufficient to track these issues?
- 15:41:12 [oedipus]
- q?
- 15:41:15 [oedipus]
- ack ste
- 15:42:15 [JF]
- SteveF: Laura has been asking about some ARIA attributes and feedback
- 15:42:26 [JF]
- on the list, with little feedback outside of SteveF
- 15:42:55 [oedipus]
- SteveF post "rationale for role=presentation"
- 15:42:56 [JF]
- SteveF thinks however that ARIA-labeledby is not appropriate
- 15:43:03 [JF]
- and provided his rationale
- 15:43:29 [JF]
- laura is still looking for other rationales as this is/was a request from the chairs
- 15:43:37 [oedipus]
- q+
- 15:44:16 [JF]
- correction: aria-label is under question, not labeledby
- 15:44:57 [Zakim]
- -Rich
- 15:45:18 [JF]
- Greg: the text in the spec is not in line with discussion. believes that it needs to be naked attributes without the aria prefix
- 15:45:27 [JF]
- JF: why?
- 15:45:54 [JF]
- Greg: believes there are a number of aria properties should be non-prefixed in the spec
- 15:46:33 [oedipus]
- JF: saying primary reason to remove prefix is ease-of-authoring? no matter what we call is secondary to functionality needed
- 15:46:54 [oedipus]
- JF: have aria deployed today -- in effect, abandoning something trying to establish
- 15:47:03 [oedipus]
- JF: could introduce confusion
- 15:47:14 [janina]
- q?
- 15:47:21 [janina]
- ack o
- 15:47:35 [Stevef]
- q+
- 15:48:07 [oedipus]
- JF: GJR saying change name of attribute -- but already have implementation into new name with aria- prefix
- 15:48:15 [oedipus]
- JF: less author confusion with aria- prefix
- 15:49:03 [oedipus]
- JF: get GJR's rationale, but flip side of coin is need to say "don't forget to do these things" and here is how
- 15:49:52 [oedipus]
- JF: worried that opening a huge new can of worms -- aria- prefix allows us to advance them all forward -- don't want to go down a rathole
- 15:50:37 [oedipus]
- JS: if make change, have to pull back rec and go with another one - could be politically problematic
- 15:50:38 [eric_carlson]
- +1 !
- 15:50:40 [JF]
- SteveF: agrees with JF
- 15:50:54 [oedipus]
- SF: advises gregory to bring up in TF
- 15:50:59 [JF]
- What material changes with the name change?
- 15:51:13 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, mute me
- 15:51:13 [Zakim]
- MikeSmithX should now be muted
- 15:51:38 [JF]
- Greg: aria-* carries a weight with it. what does it mean to the average developer
- 15:52:03 [JF]
- we need to ensure that things remain backward compatable
- 15:52:34 [JF]
- if @alt is going to be deprecated or made obsolete then we need to ensure native attributes
- 15:53:03 [JF]
- SteveF: nobody is suggesting to make ALT obsolte, but rather we want to provide additional means of achieving the end goal
- 15:53:19 [JF]
- it's about increased choice, not change
- 15:54:24 [Zakim]
- -[Microsoft]
- 15:54:34 [JF]
- Greg: believes that the WG has been putting up barriers for ARIA adoption, and so wants things to be modular
- 15:55:15 [JF]
- JaninaL if we send a rec forward, and then decide later that it is not correct, we lose cred
- 15:55:52 [JF]
- Janina: this group voted out the ALT text issue a few weeks back
- 15:56:05 [oedipus]
- GJR also doesn't want ARIA "frozen" at 1.0 in HTML5
- 15:56:12 [JF]
- there was a rationale for labeled a few weeks back
- 15:56:28 [JF]
- SteveF: Laura keeps asking for that rationale, and it has not come forward
- 15:58:05 [JF]
- SteveF: it is more than just a name-change, it is about introducint something new to HTML5
- 15:58:40 [JF]
- Greg: feels that ARIA is a cludge targeted at AT
- 15:59:03 [JF]
- SteveF: user agents can be encouraged to provide equiv. functionality to user as well
- 15:59:41 [oedipus]
- s/feels that ARIA is a cludge targeted at AT/feels that use of ARIA in HTML5 that is not native is a kludge
- 15:59:55 [JF]
- Janina: must cut this short as it is the top of hour. Does anyone else want to re-visit this guidance?
- 16:00:18 [JF]
- suggest moving this discussion onto the list for further follow-up
- 16:01:01 [JF]
- Suggests making follow-ups on status of recommendations as part of weekly agenda - seems to have met approval
- 16:01:15 [JF]
- final item - how to follow up on outstanding open bugs
- 16:01:43 [oedipus]
- i/final item/TOPIC: Bug Report Triage & Handling SubTeam Proposal
- 16:01:43 [JF]
- Mike C and laura logical bug shepards, but looking for other volunteers
- 16:02:06 [Zakim]
- -Steve_Faulkner
- 16:02:23 [Zakim]
- -Ben_Caldwell
- 16:02:24 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, drop me
- 16:02:24 [Zakim]
- -Michael_Cooper
- 16:02:24 [Zakim]
- -Eric_Carlson
- 16:02:26 [Zakim]
- MikeSmithX is being disconnected
- 16:02:26 [Zakim]
- -MikeSmithX
- 16:02:27 [Zakim]
- -Janina
- 16:02:38 [janina]
- janina has left #html-a11y
- 16:02:41 [Laura]
- Laura has joined #html-a11y
- 16:02:50 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees were Eric_Carlson, John_Foliot, Janina, Michael_Cooper, kliehm, MikeSmith, Ben_Caldwell, Gregory_Rosmaita, Rich, paulc, MikeSmithX,
- 16:02:50 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #html-a11y
- 16:02:53 [Zakim]
- ... Steve_Faulkner
- 16:02:55 [JF]
- zakim, please part
- 16:03:12 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 16:03:44 [Ben]
- Ben has left #html-a11y
- 16:05:00 [JF]
- rrsagent, please part
- 16:05:00 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items