19:59:07 RRSAgent has joined #svg 19:59:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/06/29-svg-irc 19:59:09 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:59:09 Zakim has joined #svg 19:59:11 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 19:59:11 ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG()4:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute 19:59:12 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 19:59:12 Date: 29 June 2010 19:59:58 GA_SVGWG()4:00PM has now started 20:00:05 +[IPcaller] 20:00:11 Zakim, [IP is me 20:00:11 +ed; got it 20:00:50 + + 20:01:08 +[IPcaller] 20:01:16 Zakim, [IP is me 20:01:16 +anthony_work; got it 20:01:26 Zakim, +33 is tav 20:01:26 +tav; got it 20:04:41 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/products/24 20:08:43 scribenick: anthony_work 20:08:50 scribe: Anthony 20:09:04 Topic: Last Call Comments 20:09:40 ISSUE-2331? 20:09:40 ISSUE-2331 -- references -- raised 20:09:40 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/issues/2331 20:09:47 ED: looks pretty easy 20:09:50 AG: I can do that one 20:10:32 ACTION: Anthony to Fix solidColor wording raised in ISSUE-2331 20:10:33 Created ACTION-2806 - Fix solidColor wording raised in ISSUE-2331 [on Anthony Grasso - due 2010-07-06]. 20:10:47 ISSUE-2332? 20:10:47 ISSUE-2332 -- Comment regarding Text layout -- raised 20:10:47 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/issues/2332 20:11:04 ED: That one is more tricky 20:11:19 ... need more tests on that one 20:11:28 ... seems like the section in 10.7 is missleading 20:12:27 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2010Jun/0166.html 20:12:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2010Jun/0175.html 20:13:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2010Jun/0180.html 20:13:06 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2010Jun/0181.html 20:13:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2010AprJun/0153.html 20:13:56 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2010AprJun/0154.html 20:14:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2010AprJun/0155.html 20:14:13 ED: There was discussion on the member list as well 20:14:28 ... I had a look at this awell 20:14:50 ... I don't think the text-text-06.svg test can pass 20:14:55 ... according to the section 20:15:09 ... there are other rules we should test when ligatures are formed 20:15:19 ... when you have letter space or kerning 20:15:58 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/publish/text.html#TextLayout 20:16:25 ED: End of that section is the bullet list 20:17:07 AG: Do you think it's the bullet points that need fixing 20:17:45 "Ligatures only occur when a set of characters which might map to a ligature are all in the same text chunk." 20:18:10 ED: The above text put in an email by Alex D 20:18:11 "As mentioned above, ligature formation should not be enabled for the glyphs corresponding to characters within different text chunks." 20:18:21 ... the last bullet point is somewhat similar 20:18:35 ... we should remove the last one if we remove the first one 20:18:58 h\ 20:19:34 s/h\/ED: The knock on effects of removing those bullet points could be a problem 20:20:40 ... Do you want me to investigate what other dependencies there are with ligature forming rules 20:21:47 ... I'll check Tiny if there's any wording 20:21:57 ... looks the same 20:22:40 TB: Do you understand the purpose of the rule? 20:23:09 ED: I guess it depends on how the x and y position rules are suppose to work 20:23:20 ... if it applies to the glyph or the character 20:23:57 ... I think the x and y are based on characters and not glyphs 20:24:36 ... so the list of coordinates in x corresponds to the first n characters 20:25:06 ... do we have any tests for that particular thing? 20:25:21 AG: I made complicated one for the rotation values 20:25:31 ED: Do you have any ligatures in that one? 20:25:40 AG: No just uses a standard font 20:25:58 ED: Would be a bit more obvious if we use an Arabic font 20:27:46 TB: If you're moving characters around you should not use ligatures which is what the 1st bullet put in the last 3 is saying 20:28:01 ... but if you read the 3rd bullet point there's an inconsistency 20:28:18 ED: That is sort of suggesting that we remove that one as well 20:28:30 ... One way to move on this is to make some tests 20:28:39 ... and see what implementations are doing 20:28:59 TB: I guess I'm trying to see where this would be used 20:30:29 ED: One problem with the test as it is 20:30:39 ... the fact it requires SVG fonts 20:30:51 ... because we can't test Firefox 20:31:17 ... I think I can take an action to come up with a few new tests 20:32:17 ACTION: Erik to Create some new tests that relate to the problems in ISSUE-2332 20:32:17 Created ACTION-2807 - Create some new tests that relate to the problems in ISSUE-2332 [on Erik Dahlström - due 2010-07-06]. 20:33:19 ED: I would suggest waiting for this to see if there are any opinions on this 20:33:56 ... it would be nice to see some more tests with ligature forming 20:34:05 ISSUE-2333? 20:34:05 ISSUE-2333 -- more BackgroundImage/enable-background issues -- raised 20:34:05 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/issues/2333 20:35:06 ED: There is some suggested wording 20:36:43 ... I don't think it's more clear to remove that sentence 20:37:23 ... Instead of removing the text could add to the wording to make it more clear 20:37:38 instead of removing "which might require the SVG user agent to allocate 20:37:39 buffers as large as the current viewport." we could instead make it say "which might require the SVG user agent to allocate 20:37:39 buffers as large as or larger than the current viewport." 20:38:23 ED: Depends on what we think is the right thing to do 20:38:53 TB: What happens if you create an image outside the viewPort and then use it? 20:39:12 ... I know Inkscape people will create symbols outside the viewport 20:39:22 ... then expect to use them with the use inside the viewport 20:39:37 ED: I think it makes sense to be able to generate things outside of the viewPort 20:40:20 ... you have an x,y offset for enable-background=new 20:40:32 ... so could set negative values for that 20:41:01 ... doesn't have to be negative just outside the viewPort 20:42:40 ... I think what the spec is trying to say is if you don't give any values then you end up with an allocation the size of the viewPort 20:43:19 ... wait it's not exactly like that. You give it the size it needs 20:43:34 ... in that case I agree we should remove that part of the sentence 20:44:16 RESOLUTION: We will remove the last part of the sentence as suggested 20:44:37 ACTION: Anthony to Remove the last part of the sentence as suggested in ISSUE-2333 20:44:37 Created ACTION-2808 - Remove the last part of the sentence as suggested in ISSUE-2333 [on Anthony Grasso - due 2010-07-06]. 20:45:14 ISSUE-2334? 20:45:14 ISSUE-2334 -- filter primitive subregion and feGaussianBlur, feTile and infinite filter input images -- raised 20:45:14 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/issues/2334 20:45:47 ED: Says it's following a change I made very late to the spec 20:46:14 s/ED: Says it's following a change I made very late to the spec// 20:46:47 ED: We've discussed this before 20:46:58 ... it was one of the issues raised by ROC 20:47:43 ... as Opera implemented it's a hard clipping region 20:48:21 ... you might not get the edges as you expect, things might extend outside the filter primitive subregion 20:48:45 ... I think he wants to get rid of the clipping part so graphics will look the way they should 20:50:09 AG: I've noticed the same thing with blur filters 20:50:25 ED: I dunno if we change the meaning of subregion is that useful 20:50:36 ... to say that the width and height are ignored 20:50:55 ... as in analysis the filter change to see what areas are affected 20:52:17 AG: Wouldn't you want to keep the max width and height in the filter chain 20:52:27 ED: You may want to do the clip though 20:52:37 TB: Are there any use cases for this? 20:53:00 ED: I have used the subregions for cases where the filters are very expensive to run 20:53:49 ... essentially for us this is a rectangular clipping region 20:55:12 ... this is a change I would be more willing to make in the filters module 20:55:39 ... because it can be useful for very expensive filters 20:56:00 TB: Let's take the case of the blur 20:56:07 ... you have two choices 20:56:13 ... with the area defined 20:56:27 ... you use only the stuff within the region to calculate the blur 20:56:42 ... or that it has a region of interest 20:57:17 ... if you're restricting the output area then you're not going to have artefacts along the edge 20:57:37 ... if you're only concerned about the output you wont have any discontinuity 20:57:57 ... that's what I think this is getting at 20:58:05 http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/filters.html#FilterPrimitiveSubRegion 20:58:59 ED: In the cases I've seen, it's not just the subregions clipping things 21:00:16 ACTION: Erik to Investigate ISSUE-2334 and report back 21:00:16 Created ACTION-2809 - Investigate ISSUE-2334 and report back [on Erik Dahlström - due 2010-07-06]. 21:00:34 ED: Potentially it's a bigger change than I feel comfortable doing for this spec 21:00:42 TB: I think it's about defining it better 21:01:51 -anthony_work 21:01:55 -tav 21:01:56 -ed 21:01:56 GA_SVGWG()4:00PM has ended 21:01:58 Attendees were [IPcaller], ed, +, anthony_work, tav 21:02:31 Zakim, bye 21:02:31 Zakim has left #svg 21:02:43 RRSAgent, make minutes 21:02:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/29-svg-minutes.html anthony_work