IRC log of forms on 2010-06-23
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:05:01 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #forms
- 15:05:01 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:05:03 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 15:05:05 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be HTML_Forms
- 15:05:05 [Zakim]
- I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
- 15:05:06 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Forms Working Group Teleconference
- 15:05:06 [trackbot]
- Date: 23 June 2010
- 15:05:46 [wiecha]
- zakim, [IBM is me
- 15:05:46 [Zakim]
- sorry, wiecha, I do not recognize a party named '[IBM'
- 15:05:53 [pfennell]
- And the conference call code is?
- 15:06:23 [pfennell]
- Thank you :-)
- 15:06:30 [klotz]
- topic:
- 15:06:36 [klotz]
- klotz has changed the topic to: (klotz)
- 15:07:55 [wiecha]
- Scribe: Wiecha
- 15:08:10 [wiecha]
- Topic: Vacation schedule
- 15:08:17 [wiecha]
- Leigh: pls be sure to fill out
- 15:08:30 [wiecha]
- Leigh: regrets for next three weeks
- 15:09:12 [wiecha]
- next week 2 out on vacation
- 15:09:18 [wiecha]
- Uli and Leigh
- 15:09:36 [wiecha]
- zakim, who is here?
- 15:09:36 [Zakim]
- I notice IA_XForms()11:00AM has restarted
- 15:09:38 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see [IBM], Leigh_Klotz
- 15:09:40 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see RRSAgent, klotz, Zakim, ebruchez, pfennell, wiecha, trackbot
- 15:09:44 [pfennell]
- Sorry, I'm still having trouble dialing in, I'll be with you in a minute, or two...
- 15:09:49 [wiecha]
- zakim, [IBM is wiecha
- 15:09:49 [Zakim]
- +wiecha; got it
- 15:11:09 [ebruchez]
- all, I will join in a few minutes
- 15:12:03 [nick]
- nick has joined #forms
- 15:12:18 [nick]
- zakim, code?
- 15:12:18 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 93676 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), nick
- 15:13:05 [Zakim]
- +Nick_van_den_Bleeken
- 15:17:36 [pfennell]
- It's all going wrong for me today, either I get disconnected or it won't accept the passcode : 93676
- 15:17:56 [wiecha]
- yes, that's the code
- 15:18:57 [pfennell]
- I had this problem last week but it let me in eventually. No joy yet today.
- 15:21:00 [Zakim]
- + +44.782.483.aaaa
- 15:21:21 [nick]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:21:21 [Zakim]
- Nick_van_den_Bleeken should now be muted
- 15:21:28 [nick]
- zakim, unmute me
- 15:21:28 [Zakim]
- Nick_van_den_Bleeken should no longer be muted
- 15:22:22 [wiecha]
- Topic: Mediawiki
- 15:22:23 [wiecha]
- 15:22:41 [wiecha]
- converts to XML format
- 15:22:49 [wiecha]
- can pipe through XSLT to spec XML
- 15:22:58 [wiecha]
- need conventions to use in wiki markup -- references etc
- 15:23:33 [Zakim]
- + +1.650.515.aabb
- 15:23:47 [wiecha]
- Action: Charlie Wiecha to propose subset of spec XML to use in the wiki
- 15:23:47 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - Charlie
- 15:23:55 [nick]
- zakim, who is here
- 15:23:55 [Zakim]
- nick, you need to end that query with '?'
- 15:24:03 [nick]
- zakim, who is here?
- 15:24:03 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see wiecha, Leigh_Klotz, Nick_van_den_Bleeken, +44.782.483.aaaa, +1.650.515.aabb
- 15:24:05 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see nick, RRSAgent, klotz, Zakim, pfennell, wiecha, trackbot
- 15:24:37 [wiecha]
- Charlie: think we want to be fairly limited in the profile of spec xml to cover
- 15:24:43 [wiecha]
- Leigh: right, just start by defining the scope
- 15:25:47 [wiecha]
- Leigh: could use XML directly in the wiki
- 15:25:56 [wiecha]
- Charlie: probably wouldn't be nice w/o validation
- 15:27:19 [wiecha]
- Topic: XBL2
- 15:27:20 [wiecha]
- 15:27:36 [wiecha]
- Leigh: reporting on status from our own use for control definitions
- 15:28:24 [wiecha]
- we're not using the parameter enhancements but taking XBL as template then generating a transcoded XBL to include parameters directly
- 15:28:36 [wiecha]
- have asked to look at Orbeon extensions
- 15:28:53 [wiecha]
- in any event our work is not specific to XForms
- 15:29:33 [wiecha]
- Charlie: so is XBL a design-time thing?
- 15:29:38 [wiecha]
- Leigh: yes, as a macro language
- 15:30:22 [wiecha]
- Erik: XBL has template language, more limited than XSLT, but is live
- 15:30:40 [wiecha]
- so if the DOM mutates then changes are applied incrementally
- 15:31:06 [wiecha]
- also provides visibility control - shadow DOMs and mapping between outside and shadow tree
- 15:31:13 [wiecha]
- communicate through events
- 15:31:32 [wiecha]
- so not just a matter of expanding the templates
- 15:31:48 [wiecha]
- we have tried to use only XSLT for reusable components
- 15:32:06 [wiecha]
- this template-only approach has limitations, e.g. author of component should be able to use IDs which are not visible
- 15:32:18 [wiecha]
- some aspects of the component should be private, encapsulated
- 15:34:17 [wiecha]
- Erik: we've had to go further than the XBL2 spec to support private visibility and another level not in the spec which allows control to surface some markup into the outer scope
- 15:35:14 [wiecha]
- Charlie: I think there might be something in the spec about content merging
- 15:36:20 [wiecha]
- Charlie: might schedule some time at the F2F to talk about Forms WG relationship to XBLw
- 15:36:27 [wiecha]
- s/XBLw/XBL2
- 15:36:35 [wiecha]
- Leigh: would be good to have a profile of XBL2 we can use
- 15:36:47 [wiecha]
- need something simpler and understandable
- 15:37:38 [wiecha]
- Erik: not sure XBL2 is going anywhere...better than XBL1 but has quirks, poor template language
- 15:37:54 [wiecha]
- doesn't help us with features more proper to XForms
- 15:38:20 [wiecha]
- e.g. create a component like xf:input but has these new features
- 15:38:35 [wiecha]
- need to reproduce aspects of the original control
- 15:39:46 [wiecha]
- need for lots of coding in the control, variables, possibly local instance
- 15:40:12 [wiecha]
- lots of boilerplate code that's required...we may have some patterns from a forms perspective that we could build on commonly
- 15:40:36 [wiecha]
- Leigh: through standard libraries?
- 15:40:48 [wiecha]
- Erik: maybe using XBL inheritance
- 15:41:07 [wiecha]
- could provide standard base XForms binding or series of them which define our behavior
- 15:41:17 [wiecha]
- then extend those for the various controls and other elements
- 15:42:56 [wiecha]
- Charlie: I'm doing something similar in Dojo using inheritance and mixins to existing Dojo form widgets
- 15:43:25 [wiecha]
- Leigh: I think it's promising approach for components
- 15:44:41 [wiecha]
- Leigh: we should publish at least a Note or better a Rec-track document on this
- 15:46:27 [wiecha]
- at least from a templating approach...i.e. not requiring XBL support on the client
- 15:47:50 [wiecha]
- Charlie: not sure it's enough to do this w/o runtime support on the client
- 15:48:09 [wiecha]
- Leigh: think there's value short of full XSLT but requires minimum runtime support
- 15:48:58 [wiecha]
- Mozilla css matching rules is how XForms loads
- 15:49:31 [wiecha]
- Erik reports that this runtime matching is not required
- 15:50:54 [wiecha]
- Erik: the fact we're not currently doing dynamic expansion doesn't mean we're not interested
- 15:51:43 [wiecha]
- important to be able to change control appearances after the page is loaded, but our first requirement is for reusable components
- 15:52:20 [wiecha]
- so reusability was first requirement and then second use runtime type or @appearance to pick proper binding
- 15:52:46 [wiecha]
- but just having a component model for static templating is useful by itself
- 15:53:26 [wiecha]
- server vs. client is an implementation detail...could do it on the client
- 15:53:50 [nick]
- zakim, mute me
- 15:53:50 [Zakim]
- Nick_van_den_Bleeken should now be muted
- 15:54:19 [wiecha]
- Leigh: think there are two levels here
- 15:54:32 [wiecha]
- would like to get our experience to date written up
- 15:54:49 [wiecha]
- runtime behavior fits well with XForms behavior but is separable issue
- 15:54:57 [wiecha]
- e.g. two levels of compliance or spec
- 15:56:07 [klotz]
- two ways of doing output bound to date:
- 15:56:16 [klotz]
- 1. xforms:
- 15:56:32 [klotz]
- 2. xforms+xbl1:
- 15:56:42 [wiecha]
- Erik: dynamic mapping could also be a function of CSS classes
- 15:57:23 [wiecha]
- Erik: attribute setting also propagates to attributes and content inside the shadow tree
- 16:02:15 [wiecha]
- Action: Charlie Wiecha to look at JS implementations of XBL2
- 16:02:15 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - Charlie
- 16:02:16 [nick]
- 16:03:18 [wiecha]
- Leigh: next steps: document experience from Erik, Charlie to fill in requirements from Dojo widget component model
- 16:03:30 [wiecha]
- Charlie: should tee this up for F2F discussion
- 16:03:50 [wiecha]
- ...or sooner :-)
- 16:04:10 [nick]
- we could have a longer call on XBL2
- 16:04:28 [Zakim]
- - +44.782.483.aaaa
- 16:04:29 [Zakim]
- -wiecha
- 16:04:29 [Zakim]
- -Leigh_Klotz
- 16:04:30 [Zakim]
- - +1.650.515.aabb
- 16:04:40 [klotz]
- +1
- 16:04:51 [wiecha]
- actions?
- 16:04:54 [Zakim]
- -Nick_van_den_Bleeken
- 16:04:55 [Zakim]
- IA_XForms()11:00AM has ended
- 16:04:56 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Leigh_Klotz, [IBM], wiecha, Nick_van_den_Bleeken, +44.782.483.aaaa, +1.650.515.aabb
- 16:05:06 [wiecha]
- zakim, bye
- 16:05:06 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #forms
- 16:05:14 [wiecha]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 16:05:14 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate wiecha
- 16:05:18 [wiecha]
- rrsagent, bye
- 16:05:18 [RRSAgent]
- I see 2 open action items saved in :
- 16:05:18 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Charlie Wiecha to propose subset of spec XML to use in the wiki [1]
- 16:05:18 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:05:18 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Charlie Wiecha to look at JS implementations of XBL2 [2]
- 16:05:18 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in