15:56:53 RRSAgent has joined #rdb2rdf 15:56:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/06/15-rdb2rdf-irc 15:57:38 Seema has joined #rdb2rdf 15:57:56 zakim, this is RDB2RDF 15:57:56 Ashok, I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM in the schedule but not yet started. Perhaps you mean "this will be RDB2RDF". 15:58:18 zakim, this will be RDB2RDF 15:58:19 ok, Ashok; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 15:58:40 SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has now started 15:58:42 boris has joined #rdb2rdf 15:58:47 + +1.617.553.aaaa 15:58:47 juansequeda has joined #RDB2RDF 15:58:52 zakim, aaaa is me 15:58:52 +LeeF; got it 15:59:37 running 5 min lates 16:00:17 nunolopes has joined #RDB2RDF 16:00:41 +Ashok_Malhotra 16:01:50 +Seema 16:02:06 +Kingsley_Idehen 16:02:22 Zakim, Kingsley_Idehen is OpenLink_Software 16:02:22 +OpenLink_Software; got it 16:02:30 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 16:02:30 +MacTed; got it 16:02:32 +[IPcaller] 16:02:32 present: LeeF, Ashok, Harry_Halpin, Seema_Sundara, Kingsley_Idehan 16:02:32 Zakim, mute me 16:02:33 MacTed should now be muted 16:02:33 +Souri 16:02:34 + +1.562.249.aabb 16:02:41 Angela has joined #RDB2RDF 16:02:44 Zakim, who's here? 16:02:44 On the phone I see LeeF, Ashok_Malhotra, Seema, MacTed (muted), [IPcaller], Souri, +1.562.249.aabb 16:02:47 On IRC I see Angela, nunolopes, boris, Seema, RRSAgent, Zakim, Ashok, hhalpin, MacTed, LeeF, iv_an_ru, trackbot, ericP 16:02:48 Marcelo has joined #rdb2rdf 16:02:52 Zakim, [IPcaller] is hhalpin 16:02:52 +hhalpin; got it 16:03:03 Zakim, pick a scribe 16:03:03 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose +1.562.249.aabb 16:03:03 Souri has joined #rdb2rdf 16:03:16 present+: Souri 16:03:21 Ashok - s/Kingsley_Idehan/MacTed/ 16:04:17 juansequeda has joined #RDB2RDF 16:04:43 Juan? 16:04:44 +juansequeda 16:04:48 back 16:05:26 +alexdeleon 16:05:33 Zakim, who's on the phone? 16:05:33 On the phone I see LeeF, Ashok_Malhotra, Seema, MacTed (muted), hhalpin, Souri, +1.562.249.aabb, juansequeda, alexdeleon 16:05:45 prsent+: Alex, Juan 16:05:48 + +35385271aacc 16:05:59 Zakim, pick a scribe 16:05:59 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose alexdeleon 16:06:12 present+: Alex, Juan 16:06:19 Zakim, aacc is nunolopes 16:06:19 +nunolopes; got it 16:06:26 +EricP 16:06:55 present+: Boris, EricP 16:07:05 hhalpin: type a summary 16:07:09 ... and continue like this 16:07:12 Zakim, mute me 16:07:12 nunolopes should now be muted 16:07:13 scribenick: boris 16:07:29 ACTION: hhalpin to re-do scribelist to accurately reflect working group composition 16:07:29 Created ACTION-64 - Re-do scribelist to accurately reflect working group composition [on Harry Halpin - due 2010-06-22]. 16:08:00 scribe: boris 16:08:11 Ashok: I will be co-chair for the next few months 16:08:21 topic: Approval of minutes 16:08:21 Topic: Approval of Minutes 16:08:47 Ashok: approval of minutes 16:08:59 http://www.w3.org/2010/06/08-rdb2rdf-minutes.html 16:09:09 PROPOSAL: Approve minutes from 8th of June http://www.w3.org/2010/06/08-rdb2rdf-minutes.html 16:09:13 +1 16:09:19 +1 16:09:24 +1 16:09:41 ashok resolution 16:09:48 RESOLUTION: Minutes from 8th of June approved. http://www.w3.org/2010/06/08-rdb2rdf-minutes.html 16:10:03 RESOLUTI ON: Minutes for June 8 approved w/o objection 16:10:15 ashok RESOLUTION: Minutes for June 8 approved w/o objection 16:10:45 Topic: Panel at SemTech 16:10:55 ericP, richard, dan, juan, souri, ashok 16:10:56 Harry will not be there 16:10:59 I will be there as well. 16:11:00 now earlier I had a slightly different list 16:11:16 When is the panel? 16:11:21 Wednesday 16:11:25 earlier we had: 16:11:26 When on Wednesday? :) 16:11:34 souri, leeF, daniel, Juna, Eric, Orri 16:11:38 ashok semtech Topic http://semtech2010.semanticuniverse.com/sessionPop.cfm?confid=42&proposalid=3019 16:11:47 so I guess what I'm trying to figure out is....ashok, your definitely not htere. 16:11:55 Orri? 16:12:02 Souri, your definitely there. 16:12:07 hhalpin who will be there¿ 16:12:09 correct? 16:12:12 11:30am on Wednesday? 16:12:19 unknown attendance... hopeful 16:12:33 orri not on phone? 16:12:54 ivan is moderating. 16:13:00 I will be there. 16:13:32 Orri is the only real unknown. 16:13:44 :-) 16:13:45 hhalpin: will send the semtech people the update 16:13:54 ACTION: Send SemTech people an update once I hear Orri. 16:13:54 Sorry, couldn't find user - Send 16:14:05 ACTION: hhalpin to send SemTech people an update once I hear Orri. 16:14:05 Created ACTION-65 - Send SemTech people an update once I hear Orri. [on Harry Halpin - due 2010-06-22]. 16:14:28 hhalpin: do you want to brainstorm this here? 16:14:40 +[IPcaller] 16:15:08 If I were in the audience, I think I'd want to hear about (a) use cases (b) practical experiences (c) potential different approaches (d) why a standard? (e) timing (f) open questions 16:15:36 I was hoping to get some tech feelings from the audience 16:15:45 such as do people want SQL to SPARQL mappings 16:15:52 1) SQL to SPARQL mappings 16:15:57 (sorry I can not call in on the UK or FR bridge!) 16:17:08 I think the audience would be perfectly happy to know about implementations, whether open source or commercial -- I think it's pretty safe that it won't turn into a product pitch session 16:17:23 eric: representative of those companies (implementors?), he will appreaciate that ... 16:17:26 + +046128aadd 16:17:32 Zakim, who is making noise? 16:17:32 2) XML or more turtle like language 16:17:42 present+: Orri 16:17:42 audience will be wondering about the benefits and feasibility 16:17:43 juansequeda, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Ashok_Malhotra (24%), alexdeleon (15%), EricP (80%), [IPcaller] (35%) 16:17:46 3) SPARQL CONSTRUCT, SQL Views, RIF for interoperability 16:17:52 ashok: will be there at the panel? 16:18:15 eric: we will probably hear some from openlink 16:18:21 hhalpin, i'm skeptical that most of the audience will be swapped in to give informed feedback on that level of technical question 16:18:40 Zakim, who's making noise 16:18:40 I don't understand 'who's making noise', hhalpin 16:19:12 present+: Juan 16:19:16 hhalpin: need the exact number of participants 16:19:37 Zakim, who's noisy? 16:19:49 MacTed, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: EricP (48%) 16:20:20 hhalpin: some technical questions, sparql-sql-r2rml 16:21:50 glad to have your opinion orri! 16:22:00 I was just thinking that we should ask the audience if they have any preference. 16:22:17 present+: Souri 16:22:46 Present+: LeeF 16:22:54 Present+: Dan 16:22:56 -EricP 16:23:05 hhalpin: if people have questions, send email to me ... before friday 16:23:31 hhalpin: put them on the wiki 16:23:37 everyone should put questions for ivan for panel on wiki 16:23:40 I'll make the wiki page now. 16:23:45 hold on one sec... 16:23:48 +EricP 16:24:08 ashok: is this ok hhalpin? 16:24:12 hhalpin: ok 16:24:25 q+ to ask about TPAC 2010 vs ISWC for next f2f 16:24:29 ashok: F2F meeting 16:24:37 topic: face to face meeting 16:24:43 Topic: f2f at SemTech 16:24:48 ashok: let's hear eric about the logistitcs 16:25:55 eric: a room no pay for, ascreen, network may cost some money, a small number of people, is this sufficient?, 16:26:48 ashok: Room at Hilton, where? 16:27:14 eric: do not anything for network 16:27:38 ashok: would you be able to send an email today with the details? 16:27:43 Hilton Union Square: Room#? Time? 8-5pm? (with some breaks) 16:28:23 ashok; earlier better 16:28:38 ashok: starting time? 16:30:25 ashok: next topic A direcrt mapping of Relational data to RDF 16:30:48 s/direcrt/direct/ 16:31:16 ashok: having this valuavle F2F we will have progress 16:31:50 +1 to ashok about detailed discussion about the two main approaches 16:31:56 sure 16:32:03 ashok: one question, souri and juan are ok with sql approach 16:32:04 ? 16:32:11 http://userweb.cs.utexas.edu/~jsequeda/rdb2rdf/DirectMappingRules.txt 16:32:51 I will be glad (actually eager) to speak 16:33:15 ashok: what about the other approach? 16:33:23 eric: he can do it 16:34:11 ashok: sql based approach, rdf based approach and direct mapping, what else? 16:34:35 ashok: send a tentative agenda 16:35:22 hhalpin: next F2F in lyon november? 16:35:44 hhalpin: TPAC or ISWC? 16:35:58 ashok: when is the iswc? 16:36:07 Nov 7-11 16:36:27 TPAC Lyon France 1-5th Nov. 16:36:33 ISWC is Shanghai 16:36:38 Li Ma can make it... 16:37:06 In the SPARQL WG, we've had a lot of success with 2-location f2f meetings linked with video conferencing software 16:37:11 juan: where most the people are located? 16:37:11 I think it's mostly USA based, with a significant Europe minority. 16:37:19 they are *almost* as good as having everyone in one place, and a lot easier to setup 16:37:37 Planning to TPAC 2010? 16:37:38 +tpac -iswc 16:37:41 we should emulate SPARQL f2f 16:37:47 Who is going to be at TPA?C? 16:37:47 +1 16:37:53 +! 16:37:57 -tpac +iswc 16:38:00 I don't expect to be at TPAC, but there's a slim chance. 16:38:02 as Lee said 16:38:02 Marcelo has joined #rdb2rdf 16:38:04 +! 16:38:11 q+ 16:38:12 +1 16:38:23 ISWC 2010? 16:38:28 +1 16:38:33 +1 16:38:34 I don't expect to be at ISWC, but there's a slim chance. :-) 16:38:51 I still favor the sparql group's 2-location solution for f2f 16:38:56 ashok: Angela, where you going to be? iswc? 16:39:01 ack hhalpin 16:39:01 hhalpin, you wanted to ask about TPAC 2010 vs ISWC for next f2f 16:39:08 +1 ISWC, hopefully :) 16:39:14 ack Souri 16:39:56 "share the pain" :-) 16:40:09 We started 7am at our first f2f 16:40:28 ashok: what did you do for the video connection? 16:41:19 leef: no technical details, standard video protocols, sound goes well, it was a lot easy to organize 16:41:36 ashok: do we have a videoconference room at oracle? 16:42:09 juansequeda: maybe at UT 16:42:37 Marcelo1 has joined #rdb2rdf 16:43:23 I'm happy with a small face-to-face at ISWC 2010 and then a USA video conf - how about that? 16:43:32 q+ confirm on ISWC with video conferencing 16:43:40 q+ to ask re confirming 16:43:49 ack confirm 16:43:49 confirm, you wanted to comment on ISWC with video conferencing 16:43:54 ashok: let's talk about during august 16:44:19 hhalpin: ok, during august 16:45:07 ...except the SPARQL WG isn't currently planning to meet at TPAC :) 16:46:09 Topic: Direct Mapping 16:46:59 Richard recommended set theoretic approach 16:47:17 http://jay.w3.org/~eric/directGraph/schema 16:47:34 eric: volunteer juan 16:47:43 ... as editor 16:47:49 thanks ashok 16:48:33 ashok: published as a wokring draft 16:48:37 eric: yes, 16:49:06 http://userweb.cs.utexas.edu/~jsequeda/rdb2rdf/DirectMappingRules.txt 16:49:07 juan: is not confortable at the moment, logic is not right, syntax does not make sense 16:49:53 juan: is preparing the same thing that eric is doing, juan finish these rules today 16:50:35 juan: this is not juan system, is a logically corrected system 16:50:59 juan: not rush on this, let's discus this in F2F 16:51:24 juan: why 2 documents? 16:51:41 eric: one the rdf, the other the schema that describes the rdf 16:52:53 eric: different audiences ... 16:53:09 s/wokring/working/ 16:53:24 juan: they are semantically the same, why one doc with 2 sections 16:53:38 eric: how having the schema help us define the language? 16:53:56 juan: the schema is also a graph ... 16:54:08 eric: a graph that describes another graph 16:54:38 q+ to ask about direct mapping requirement 16:55:36 eric: for instance sparql wg split the documents as well, he is just following that 16:55:54 ack hhalpin 16:55:54 hhalpin, you wanted to ask re confirming and to ask about direct mapping requirement 16:56:48 hhalpin: put an action before we publish ... 16:57:21 1) Just e-mail Perez and Marcelo to check semantics also before we hit FPWD 16:57:35 although yes, of course we really need to publish more often. 16:57:40 +1 16:57:41 2) Also, we do have a direct mapping 16:58:32 juansequeda: again, do not rush on this 16:58:54 marcelo: agree with check the semantics 16:59:36 eric: datalog o set theoric for this? 16:59:39 let us discuss this at F2F (if time permits) 16:59:49 ashok: anything else? 17:00:00 RRSAgent, please draft minute 17:00:00 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please draft minute', ericP. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:00:02 ashok: how handle the minutes? 17:00:04 scribe should mail them out 17:00:09 to list 17:00:10 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:00:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/15-rdb2rdf-minutes.html ericP 17:00:22 trackbot, end meeting 17:00:22 Zakim, list attendees 17:00:22 As of this point the attendees have been +1.617.553.aaaa, LeeF, Ashok_Malhotra, Seema, MacTed, Souri, +1.562.249.aabb, hhalpin, juansequeda, alexdeleon, +35385271aacc, nunolopes, 17:00:23 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:00:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/15-rdb2rdf-minutes.html trackbot 17:00:24 RRSAgent, bye 17:00:26 ... EricP, [IPcaller], +046128aadd 17:01:23 I've been adding them to the homepage as soon as I can get around to it. 17:01:25 ashok: would you pls send this to the WG? 17:01:31 the key is to e-mail them to WG. 17:01:46 good luck everyone, wish I was there! 17:01:53 juansequeda: who will be earlier on saturday? 17:02:31 - +046128aadd 17:02:33 -Souri 17:02:35 -EricP 17:02:35 Marcelo1 has left #rdb2rdf 17:02:37 -juansequeda 17:02:39 -MacTed 17:02:39 apologies for the scribing 17:02:41 -Ashok_Malhotra 17:02:43 -Seema 17:02:45 -[IPcaller] 17:02:54 -nunolopes 17:03:01 rrsagent, make logs public 17:03:03 -alexdeleon 17:03:10 -LeeF 17:03:23 rrsagent, create minutes 17:03:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/15-rdb2rdf-minutes.html Ashok 17:04:46 -hhalpin 17:04:56 - +1.562.249.aabb 17:04:56 SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has ended 17:04:58 Attendees were +1.617.553.aaaa, LeeF, Ashok_Malhotra, Seema, MacTed, Souri, +1.562.249.aabb, hhalpin, juansequeda, alexdeleon, +35385271aacc, nunolopes, EricP, [IPcaller], 17:05:00 ... +046128aadd 19:27:38 Zakim has left #rdb2rdf 20:33:04 nunolopes has joined #RDB2RDF 20:47:46 nunolopes has joined #RDB2RDF 22:16:58 LeeF has joined #rdb2rdf