IRC log of svg on 2010-05-24

Timestamps are in UTC.

08:47:59 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #svg
08:47:59 [RRSAgent]
logging to
08:48:01 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
08:48:01 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #svg
08:48:03 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG
08:48:03 [Zakim]
I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
08:48:04 [trackbot]
Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference
08:48:04 [trackbot]
Date: 24 May 2010
08:49:36 [ed]
Zakim, remind me in 8 hours that it's time for dinner
08:49:36 [Zakim]
ok, ed
08:51:59 [ed]
Zakim, this will be SVG WG Belgium F2F day 1 (May 24, 2010)
08:51:59 [Zakim]
I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, ed
09:01:36 [ChrisL]
ChrisL has joined #svg
09:01:40 [ed]
Focus for the first two days: finish SVG 1.1 F2
09:02:08 [ChrisL]
hey guys i will be a long in a minute, just geting a taxi there from my hotel. sorry to be late
09:02:21 [ChrisL]
rrsagent, here
09:02:21 [RRSAgent]
09:06:47 [ed]
09:07:09 [ChrisL]
what room are you in (or is it signposted)?
09:09:00 [shepazu]
shepazu has joined #svg
09:09:10 [ChrisL]
hey guys i will be a long in a minute, just geting a taxi there from my hotel. sorry to be late
09:09:12 [ChrisL]
what room are you in (or is it signposted)?
09:09:57 [ed]
there's a sign outside the door, it's just to the right after you enter
09:10:03 [ChrisL]
09:10:07 [ChrisL]
see you in a few
09:10:29 [shepazu]
ChrisL: take a right out of the lobby, there's a sign on th wall, it's the Luxemburg room
09:10:37 [ed]
agenda+ ACTION-2676
09:27:44 [ed]
moved ACTION-2386 to SVG 2.0, after discussion with jwatt and pdengler
09:31:32 [shepazu]
AlexD: we're really just starting now
09:32:00 [shepazu]
scribeNick: shepazu
09:32:11 [shepazu]
chair: ed
09:33:01 [pdengler]
pdengler has joined #svg
09:34:40 [AlexD]
Thanks shepazu!
09:34:53 [ChrisL]
ChrisL has joined #svg
09:35:17 [shepazu]
Topic: ACTION-2386
09:35:31 [ed]
zakim, take up agenda 1
09:35:31 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "ACTION-2676" taken up [from ed]
09:37:07 [ed]
09:37:25 [jwatt]
jwatt has joined #svg
09:37:54 [ed]
changes here:
09:41:56 [shepazu]
"Fix the 1.1 second edition wording for values that are accessed where no attribute was provided"
09:42:21 [shepazu]
ed: right now, it's got mixed definitions, I think it should always be 0
09:43:46 [shepazu]
s/right now, it's got mixed definitions, I think it should always be 0/in most cases, you get a 0 value if you get it through the DOM/
09:46:09 [shepazu]
... each attribute has a default value
09:46:37 [shepazu]
... for example, on the svg element, width and height have a default value of '100%'
09:47:27 [shepazu]
... and that is what's returned when you access it though the DOM
09:48:04 [ChrisL]
09:48:06 [shepazu]
... but it's not exactly clear in the spec....
09:48:40 [shepazu]
... with the core DOM, getAttribute will give you 'undefined'
09:49:05 [pdengler]
The spec states "If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if a value of '100%' were specified."
09:49:40 [ed]
data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=""><script>alert(document.documentElement.width.baseVal.value)</script></svg>
09:50:04 [shepazu]
jwatt: but it's not clear what svg.width.baseVal.value should be
09:50:48 [shepazu]
ed: I think it makes more sense to initialize them all to the same value
09:51:13 [shepazu]
pdengler: but it's useful to get and change that value
09:51:58 [shepazu]
ChrisL: ok, it's more clear for width and height, but what about other attributes?
09:52:17 [shepazu]
.... width and height are special cases
09:52:46 [shepazu]
ed: filterRez is an example where it changes
09:53:22 [ed]
09:53:30 [shepazu]
... and another is text-length, where it depends on the size of the text string
09:53:40 [ed]
09:54:18 [shepazu]
ChrisL: width and height are special so that it scales automatically
09:54:50 [shepazu]
jwatt: I think if it's not defined, it should throw an exception
09:55:02 [shepazu]
... we don't want users to get the wrong values
09:57:14 [shepazu]
pdengler: what is the meaning of "the effect is as if"?
10:00:42 [shepazu]
ChrisL: text-length allows an explicit override for text length, in case the actual length isn't correct
10:01:45 [shepazu]
ChrisL: we've got specific cases where a particular default value is defined, but where we haven't done that, we need to we need to define them
10:02:32 [shepazu]
pdengler: the DOM should reflect the default value
10:02:49 [shepazu]
10:04:17 [ChrisL]
The core dom has no knowledge of the element and attribute sematics while a specific dom does.
10:04:19 [shepazu]
shepazu: I think it might confuse authors that .getAttribute and .baseVal.value returning different values would be confusing
10:04:46 [shepazu]
ChrisL: but that's why we have the SVG DOM... it adds useful functionality for authors
10:07:21 [shepazu]
ed: when you ask for a text element text-length and there wasn't one specified in the markup, you should get the same value as the SVG DOM function that defines the same value
10:07:28 [ed]
10:09:53 [ed]
myTextElement.textLength.baseVal.value should be the same as myTextElement.getComputedTextLength()
10:10:35 [ChrisL]
for text length, the textLength attribute is an override
10:15:03 [shepazu]
shepazu: is this the long-term change we want?
10:15:42 [shepazu]
ed: yes
10:16:19 [shepazu]
ChrisL: we should include the list in the issue in the spec
10:17:11 [shepazu]
ed: we can say that wherever it's not defined elsewhere, these values should be used
10:21:38 [shepazu]
jwatt: if the filterRes attribute is not set, and you read the value from filterRes attribute value with getAttribute (which will be 0), and set the value, it will disable rendering
10:22:22 [ed]
i'm just checking the changlog, seems I did change it once, to be fully covering all types
10:22:23 [ed]
10:22:30 [jwatt]
s/with getAttribute/from the filterRes JS property/
10:24:14 [shepazu]
ed: with the textLength, and you change the string, is it changed live?
10:24:43 [shepazu]
ChrisL: yes, unless the value is set explicitly in the markup
10:26:02 [AlexD]
How is that going to work? If textLength becomes the equivalent of getComputedTextLength then fonts need to be instantiated, etc. Doesn't make sense to me.
10:26:26 [ChrisL]
alex, i just said that too
10:26:36 [shepazu]
(bad scribing)
10:26:38 [AlexD]
OK, sorry.
10:26:57 [ChrisL]
well, you couldn't hear me from there :)
10:27:02 [ChrisL]
i was agreeing with you
10:27:12 [pdengler]
If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if a value of '100%' were specified.
10:27:18 [jwatt]
the spec says "If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if the author's computation exactly matched the value calculated by the user agent"
10:27:44 [shepazu]
ed: but percentages are relative to the viewport
10:28:31 [ed]
break for lunch
10:28:47 [AlexD]
Lucky I have the BBQ on, enjoy...
10:30:10 [ChrisL]
problem is we want a default value that says "no scaling" and the value is a length, so it needs to be number, and 100% is relative to the viewport so won't work
10:30:19 [ChrisL]
and "non" won't work either
10:30:27 [ChrisL]
ok, lunch
11:39:38 [jwatt]
jwatt has joined #svg
11:47:03 [ChrisL]
back from lunch
11:50:22 [ed]
ed has joined #svg
11:56:20 [ed]
myTextElm.textContent ="mystring";
11:56:21 [ed]
var foo = myTextElm.textLength.baseVal.baseVal.value
11:56:33 [ed]
myTextElm.textContent ="mystring updated with more text";
11:56:51 [ed]
myTextElm.textLength.baseVal.value = foo;
11:57:02 [ed]
what value does 'foo' have?
11:57:57 [ed]
11:58:35 [pdengler]
pdengler has joined #svg
11:58:52 [ed]
rrsagent, pointer?
11:58:52 [RRSAgent]
11:59:32 [jwatt]
foo never changes
11:59:40 [jwatt]
12:00:06 [jwatt]
myTextElm.textLength.baseVal.value will change, then change back
12:06:49 [pdengler]
scibenick: pdengler
12:06:57 [pdengler]
scribenick: pdengler
12:07:19 [pdengler]
shepazu: Let's go back to use cases. When woulod I as a developer want this.
12:07:28 [pdengler]
jwatt: When is getComputedTextlength useful
12:07:51 [pdengler]
ed: It's easier to use than bbox when you only want textlength as the string, because you have to use getbbox.width instead
12:08:17 [pdengler]
shepazu: Ok, which is harder: text.getComputedTextLength() or getBbox().width
12:08:56 [pdengler]
ChrisL: The textLength property has an effect on rendering (thus changing the boundingbox)
12:09:54 [pdengler]
ed: getComputedTextLength() does not look at textlLength at all
12:10:24 [pdengler]
shepazu: The use case is: find out what the textLength is so I can change soemthing else (put a box around it); change some other element to match the tetxLength
12:10:33 [pdengler]
jwatt: All of those things can be done with get bbox
12:10:56 [pdengler]
shepazu: Or I want to see if it's the right length and change it
12:11:13 [pdengler]
ed: When you have a textLength attribute set, it might squeeze or stretch text
12:11:20 [pdengler]
jwatt: But wouldn't that be the same as bbox?
12:11:32 [pdengler]
ed: Yes, but it would not be getComputedTextLength()
12:13:05 [pdengler]
shepazu: (on white board)
12:14:45 [AlexD]
Isn't getBBox around all of the text, whilst getComputedTextLength handling advance width only? I thought that was the case, so fancy fonts have a longer GetBBox.width than what getComputedtextLength returns.
12:15:05 [ed]
12:16:13 [ed]
but getComputedTextLength also depends on the font as I read the spec
12:16:32 [ed]
but it doesn't care about the 'textLength' attribute
12:18:14 [fat_tony]
fat_tony has joined #svg
12:19:53 [fat_tony]
scribenick: fat_tony
12:20:00 [fat_tony]
scribe: anthony
12:38:27 [pdengler]
jwatt: the textength jscript property, if the textLength is not set, then the value should return the same value as getComputedtextLength()
12:38:41 [pdengler]
jwatt: If it is set, then it will return what is set
12:42:22 [AlexD]
Does that imply that textLength sets the advance width lengths as opposed to the Bbox lengths - I hope so...
12:43:12 [AlexD]
i.e. the stretch/contraction based on char ABC widths etc. that only takes into account advance, not glyph extent.
12:43:19 [fat_tony]
12:47:50 [fat_tony]
Summary: Let's just postpone resolving the case where the text is not in the document
12:48:47 [fat_tony]
For the case where the textLength attribute is not set the textLength property will return the save value as the getComputedTextLength() method
12:49:18 [AlexD]
Resolved, move on...
12:50:13 [fat_tony]
and add a note saying that 'when the textLength attribute is set, the values returned by the textLength property and by getComputedText() method will likely be different.'
12:52:30 [ed]
will do the changes mentioned as part of ACTION-2676
13:00:01 [ed]
13:02:03 [ed]
13:02:03 [trackbot]
ACTION-2461 -- Jonathan Watt to suggest some rewritten text for these suspend methods -- due 2009-02-23 -- OPEN
13:02:03 [trackbot]
13:03:40 [ed]
moved to SVG 2.0
13:03:46 [ed]
13:03:46 [trackbot]
ACTION-2469 -- Jonathan Watt to flesh out the intrinsic sizing erratum with text backported from 1.2T -- due 2009-02-24 -- OPEN
13:03:46 [trackbot]
13:03:50 [ed]
moved to SVG 2.0
13:04:33 [jwatt]
s/return the save/return the same/
13:19:18 [ed]
13:22:00 [ed]
people doing actions on 1.1F2 and testsuite
13:23:29 [fat_tony]
We'll divide the testsuite work up
13:28:59 [fat_tony]
We need to fix the three fields in all the tests
13:29:13 [fat_tony]
Doug, you review from animate-dom-01-f.svg to filters-comptran-01-b.svg
13:29:36 [fat_tony]
Chris, you review from filters-conv-01-f.svg to painting-stroke-02-t.svg
13:29:59 [fat_tony]
JWatt, you review from painting-stroke-03-t.svg to struct-frag-05-t.svg
13:30:15 [fat_tony]
I will review from struct-frag-06-t.svg to types-dom-07-f.svg
13:30:45 [ChrisL]
Run the test. No interaction required.
14:07:05 [ed]
ed has joined #svg
14:11:23 [jwatt]
jwatt has joined #svg
14:12:07 [ed]
ed has joined #svg
14:16:42 [jwatt]
jwatt has joined #svg
14:17:44 [ed]
ed has joined #svg
14:19:36 [ed_]
ed_ has joined #svg
14:21:35 [shepazu]
shepazu has joined #svg
14:24:32 [AlexD]
Have to leave now, happy reviewing.
14:40:07 [ed_]
ed_ has joined #svg
14:45:12 [pdengler]
pdengler has joined #svg
14:46:02 [fat_tony]
fat_tony has joined #svg
14:46:21 [fat_tony]
filters-conv-01-f.svg to painting-stroke-02-t.svg
14:46:52 [fat_tony]
need to change operatorScript to "Run the test. No interaction required.
15:01:39 [ed]
ed has joined #svg
15:19:52 [ed]
ok, starting on animate-elem-11-t
15:48:30 [ed]
animate-elem-12 done
15:55:25 [pdengler]
pdengler has joined #svg
15:56:13 [pdengler]
checked tests from filters-turb-02-f to fonts-elem-01-t
16:09:34 [ed]
animate-elem-13 done
16:11:15 [ed]
ed has joined #svg
16:49:37 [Zakim]
ed, you asked to be reminded at this time that it's time for dinner
16:50:06 [ed]
trackbot, end telcon
16:50:06 [trackbot]
Zakim, list attendees
16:50:06 [Zakim]
sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is
16:50:07 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
16:50:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate trackbot
16:50:08 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, bye
16:50:08 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items