11:34:37 RRSAgent has joined #pling 11:34:37 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/05/11-pling-irc 11:34:40 rrsagent, make record public 11:37:45 zakim, code? 11:37:45 the conference code is 75464 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), tlr 11:53:28 P3P_PLING()8:00AM has now started 11:53:36 + +352. 11:59:41 Ashok has joined #pling 12:01:54 What is the conference code? 12:02:15 75464 12:02:48 + +035850487aabb 12:02:57 +Ashok_Malhotra 12:04:00 +??P6 12:07:47 +??P10 12:10:11 MAWG feedback 12:10:13 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pling/2010Apr/0010.html 12:11:11 RI comments 12:11:18 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pling/2010Apr/0011.html 12:12:32 Other ideas? 12:13:37 zakim, call thomas-skype 12:13:37 ok, tlr; the call is being made 12:13:39 +Thomas 12:13:48 - +352. 12:13:54 zakim, I am thomas 12:13:54 ok, tlr, I now associate you with Thomas 12:14:23 Policy types? 12:15:56 DavidC: Sticky policies from PrimeLife - list of policy types 12:16:09 Hannes: keep it simple 12:17:29 DC: policy language specified? 12:17:46 q+ 12:18:11 Hannes: see CC as example, loose binding to content 12:19:09 ack thomas 12:21:39 tlr: recommend simplifying 12:21:45 ... identifier (URI) 12:21:47 ... type (URI) 12:21:50 ... that's all 12:22:04 ... propose dropping value, organization 12:22:44 zakim, call thomas-781 12:22:44 ok, tlr; the call is being made 12:22:45 +Thomas 12:22:46 -Thomas 12:24:23 Thomas: Identifier - maybe deref or just the "identifier" 12:24:49 DavidC: need to get the policy? 12:25:33 http://www.w3.org/Submission/ccREL/ 12:29:56 the point is: identifier is an *identifier* 12:32:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pling/2010Apr/0010.html 12:32:51 "This attribute holds the description of the license" 12:34:07 http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab/# 12:34:07 policy.type: see RDFa 12:34:21 license 12:34:22 license refers to a resource that defines the associated license. 12:36:28 http://www.w3.org/TR/mediaont-10/#property-definition 12:39:08 ma:copyright = The copyright statement. Identification of the copyrights holder (Digital Right Management is out of scope for MAWG, see the [PLING] for more information on this topic 12:39:21 ma:policy = Description of the policy of the media resource or reference. see the [PLING] for more information on this topic 12:40:05 I'm actually becoming convinced of having a policy field with a human-readable attribute, and http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml#license as the canonical type for a copyright license. 12:40:57 So if you look at: 12:40:58 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pling/2010Apr/0011.html 12:41:07 and remove "issuer" 12:41:11 are were there? 12:41:38 wfm 12:41:57 ma:createDate 12:42:37 also, make type URI-valued 12:43:02 yes 12:45:17 use the xhtml license URI 12:45:53 spreibus has joined #pling 12:46:29 action: RI to writeup updated proposal for MAWG and sent to list 12:46:31 apologies for the late arrival -- I only got the message about the time shift to 12h UTC now. 12:47:03 OK - thanks for joining! 12:47:48 Agenda: US Privacy Bill 12:47:50 http://www.boucher.house.gov/images/stories/Privacy_Draft_5-10.pdf 12:48:21 Thanks. 12:49:15 q+ 12:49:46 http://www.ntia.doc.gov/frnotices/2010/FR_PrivacyNOI_04232010.pdf 12:53:45 Update on Current Items 12:54:07 PLING note....still going....contributions welcome 12:54:20 Geolocation Privacy 12:54:26 Workshop planned 12:54:42 re PLING note on Best Practices: 12:54:47 http://www.w3.org/2010/api-privacy-ws/ 12:56:34 how much of the "User Consent" is happening in the user agent and how much through the site? I would argue the browser is the better place, mainly because (a) it allows consistent presentation, similar to the current information bar in browsers, e.g. Firefox for GeoLocation; (b) because it allows recording of consent, similar to stored passwords 12:58:08 spreibus, a possible answer is that access control isn't privacy 12:58:17 we know how to do access control in the browser. 12:58:55 true, access control is not privacy. 12:59:10 I see the best practices as reaching beyond access. 12:59:26 eventually emphasising "informed consent" 12:59:55 -??P10 12:59:56 -Ashok_Malhotra 12:59:57 -??P6 12:59:58 - +035850487aabb 12:59:59 -Thomas 12:59:59 P3P_PLING()8:00AM has ended 13:00:00 Attendees were +352., +035850487aabb, Ashok_Malhotra, Thomas 13:00:59 Thomas, can u make the minutes and make public? 13:02:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:02:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/05/11-pling-minutes.html tlr 13:02:31 rrsagent, make record public 15:01:24 Zakim has left #pling