14:55:12 RRSAgent has joined #htmlt 14:55:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/05/04-htmlt-irc 14:55:18 zakim, this will be htmlt 14:55:18 ok, gsnedders; I see HTML_WG(HTMLT)11:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 14:55:24 zakim, what's the code? 14:55:24 the conference code is 48658 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), gsnedders 14:59:06 HTML_WG(HTMLT)11:00AM has now started 14:59:14 +[Microsoft] 15:01:59 krisk has joined #HTMLT 15:02:33 hello 15:02:44 zakim, what's the code? 15:02:44 the conference code is 48658 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), krisk 15:03:12 trackbot, status 15:03:12 This channel is not configured 15:03:40 trackbot, prepare telcon 15:03:40 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:03:40 If you want to associate this channel with an existing Tracker, please say 'trackbot, associate this channel with #channel' (where #channel is the name of default channel for the group) 15:04:00 trackbot #htmlt 15:04:42 trackbot, prepare telcon 15:04:42 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:04:42 If you want to associate this channel with an existing Tracker, please say 'trackbot, associate this channel with #channel' (where #channel is the name of default channel for the group) 15:05:24 plh has joined #htmlt 15:05:36 Zakim, this will be htmlt 15:05:36 ok, krisk, I see HTML_WG(HTMLT)11:00AM already started 15:05:48 trackbot, prepare telcon 15:05:48 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:05:48 If you want to associate this channel with an existing Tracker, please say 'trackbot, associate this channel with #channel' (where #channel is the name of default channel for the group) 15:05:59 trackbot-ng, start telcon 15:06:01 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:06:03 Zakim, this will be HTML 15:06:04 Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference 15:06:04 Date: 04 May 2010 15:06:04 ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG(HTMLT)11:00AM already started 15:06:16 +Plh 15:07:30 adrianba has joined #htmlt 15:08:53 zakim, Microsoft is adrianb, kkrueger 15:08:53 I don't understand 'Microsoft is adrianb, kkrueger', krisk 15:09:01 + +04613479aaaa 15:09:12 zakim, aaa is me 15:09:14 sorry, gsnedders, I do not recognize a party named 'aaa' 15:09:19 zakim, aaaa is me 15:09:19 +gsnedders; got it 15:09:19 should we start the meeting? 15:09:29 zakim, Microsoft has adrianba, krisk 15:09:30 +adrianba, krisk; got it 15:09:30 anyone want to scribe? 15:09:32 --> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2010May/0000.html agenda 15:10:06 scribenick: adrianba 15:10:11 scribe: adrianba 15:10:15 chair: krisk 15:10:21 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2010May/0000.html 15:10:38 TOPIC: Check for any bugs on approved tests (currently zero) 15:11:21 krisk: currently zero, but we can have some bugs once we make changes to the harness 15:11:37 ...to support james graham's async feedback 15:12:18 gsnedders: don't want to start with one harness and to keep hacking another on top and one on top of that 15:12:28 krisk: do you have an idea what that should look like? 15:12:35 gsnedders: not really 15:12:42 jgraham: ping 15:12:49 krisk: in the windows tests i think i did something along those lines 15:13:08 plh: i wonder how independent we can be from the harness 15:14:01 ...so that the tests can be written in a way that makes it easy to switch to a new harness 15:14:13 ...if we get another harness that is better 15:14:29 ...we don't have to re-write everything 15:14:34 FWIW I think the async stuff is the stuff that makes it hard to switch harnesses too 15:14:45 krisk: is this about consistency so that we can depend upon certain things being in the test 15:15:07 gsnedders: the main thing is about having the assert functions that check for what the test is testing 15:15:12 ...assertEquals, etc. 15:15:43 krisk: if you are too specific about what has to be written then you lose flexibility 15:15:51 ...but it has to say pass/fail in a consistent manner 15:16:09 Given a set of assertFunctions and two harnesses that implement them, it should be quite easy to swicth synchronous tests between the two harnesses 15:16:18 ...there will be some tests where assertEquals isn't going to work for you 15:16:30 gsnedders: most harnesses have these kind of functions 15:16:41 ...the main thing that varies is how you say what tests should be run 15:17:32 krisk: nothing would prevent you from changing later - for example i changed from jsunit by replacing a lot of the include files 15:17:50 but with an async test, you are typically deep into the harness-specific behaviour to determine what you need to write, when it gets called, how you express failure, and so on 15:17:58 ...in that regard, if a browser vendor didn't like how the tests ran they could make updates to run in their own way 15:18:49 krisk: the basic contract between the test and the harness is all that has to be defined 15:19:01 ...even if you had an async test you could poll and know the test was starting to run 15:19:11 ...and through some setTimeouts continue to check if the work has been done 15:19:25 ...and at some point the harness can say the work didn't complete and move on 15:19:33 That sounds like a harness-specific design 15:19:38 ...but in the end it needs to look for a pass or test completed result in a consistent way 15:19:52 You can't just replace a test designed to work in that way with one designed to work in a different way 15:20:05 plh: right now, kris you provided one? 15:20:12 krisk: i wouldn't say a harness, more like a loader 15:20:21 ...could be extended to do more 15:20:29 plh: do we need to do more? i suggest we don't need to 15:20:40 ...once we have plenty of tests we can focus on that if necessary 15:20:50 gsnedders: once we have plenty of tests it will be harder to change 15:21:02 ...for example if someone gives lots of tests for a section of the spec 15:21:08 FWIW my point of view is that we should write a harness and provide hooks for people to get the results out for whatever purpose they have 15:21:28 e.g. customs regression-detection systems 15:21:34 *custom 15:21:46 plh: the reason i'm not in a hurry to develop another test harness is to avoid duplicating work 15:21:56 ...would rather delay discussion on test harness until june 15:22:00 ...see where we are then 15:22:16 krisk: regardless of the harness we should define the consisten way of seeing a pass 15:22:24 plh: yes, we should define assertEquals, etc 15:22:32 krisk: i mean even like tag id 15:22:39 gnsedders: why do we need to define that? 15:22:53 krisk: a number of tests have different ways of saying the pass 15:22:57 one assert != one passing test 15:23:05 ...at the moment mostly it is reading what is on the screen 15:23:26 gsnedders: i sent e-mail an hour ago about how to programatically get this out 15:23:46 s/how to/getting this/ 15:24:08 this post ? 15:24:10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2010May/0005.html 15:24:21 yeah 15:24:51 krisk: when you call assertEquals, the implementation of that will go call something else 15:24:57 ...so you take the logging out of the test 15:25:06 ...then you can change assertEquals to do whatever you want 15:25:13 So one approach is that you have a callback funtion that you call when the test has a result 15:25:16 gsnedders: this is what most of the JS libraries do 15:25:33 krisk: otherwise you have a consistent place - the harness knows to go look there 15:25:43 gsnedders: the problem is that you have to keep polling the DOM 15:25:54 ...but a function means you can send it back as soon as you get the call 15:26:05 ...makes it easy to send back to regression tracking systems 15:26:11 To be clear, a single assertEquals should not be considered a single result. One result may be the combination of several assertions 15:26:44 krisk: should the harness be in control? what happens if the test blows up? 15:26:58 gsnedders: the harness should catch all exceptions 15:27:27 ...for critical issues in a browser you won't be able to access the DOM either 15:27:32 ...i don't think there's a difference 15:28:01 krisk: it sounds like we would want to change the DOM tests JS implementation of assertEquals to fit into a harness at some point 15:28:09 gsnedders: yeah 15:28:18 krisk: sounds like we have agreement 15:29:03 wiki -> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/Testing 15:29:03 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/Main_Page 15:30:28 TOPIC: Review Current Tests Posted To List For Approval 15:30:43 krisk: we've covered this too 15:30:52 TOPIC: Ask group for any upcoming tests to be approved/submitted 15:31:00 krisk: is anyone thinking about submitting more tests? 15:31:29 plh: one of the reasons I was asking this - do we have anything that says which areas we are looking for tests for 15:32:00 ...for example, progress events for video aren't implemented in some browsers - if we ask for video tests we might get tests for things that aren't stable 15:32:15 ...i remember we said that we wanted tests for window because that was more stable 15:32:19 krisk: video would be one 15:32:26 plh: yes, as long as you don't go too far 15:32:33 ...for example, testing the js play function is fine 15:33:24 plh: i might start working on video tests, probably not in may 15:33:25 Writing video tests is one way to ensure that we support async tets well :) 15:33:31 *tests 15:34:02 krisk: some people at microsoft have some tests that we'd like to submit soon too 15:34:14 plh: i don't want to duplicate effort 15:34:24 ...if there are people who will submit video tests soonish 15:34:37 gsnedders: i will when i have time 15:34:48 ...hopefully this month 15:35:17 plh: video will be important -