15:44:14 RRSAgent has joined #core 15:44:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/28-core-irc 15:44:19 zakim, this will be I18N 15:44:20 ok, aphillip; I see I18N_CoreWG()12:30PM scheduled to start in 46 minutes 15:44:27 RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 15:44:39 Meeting: Internationalization Core WG Teleconference 15:44:45 Chair: Addison Phillips 15:44:48 Scribe: Addison Phillips 15:44:52 ScribeNick: aphillip 15:45:12 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2010Apr/0009.html 15:45:21 rrsagent, make minutes 15:45:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/28-core-minutes.html aphillip 16:26:00 David has joined #core 16:26:25 najib-ma has joined #core 16:26:58 Hi 16:28:23 I18N_CoreWG()12:30PM has now started 16:28:30 +aphillip 16:28:37 Hello Najib 16:29:30 + +44.141.888.aaaa 16:29:54 fsasaki has joined #core 16:30:01 zakim, +44 is David 16:30:02 +David; got it 16:31:03 +??P4 16:34:24 Norbert has joined #core 16:34:56 +Norbert 16:36:36 Topic: Minutes and Agenda review 16:36:46 r12a has joined #core 16:36:52 Topic: Action Items 16:37:07 addison: invite Mark to participate in the calendaring call with an explanatory email 16:37:10 DONE 16:37:18 zakim, dial richard please 16:37:18 ok, r12a; the call is being made 16:37:20 +Richard 16:37:24 addison: write email to public-html endorsing richard's response (and IanH's proposal deprecating Content-Language) as the WG position 16:37:26 DONE 16:37:48 Topic: Info Share 16:38:29 india office opening next week: richard to be speaking there next week 16:38:42 richard: regrets next week 16:39:12 Felix: next Monday presenting at "BIS" conference about multilingual web (mostly ITS related stuff, and a bit about the EU project) http://bis.kie.ae.poznan.pl/13th_bis/keynotes.php#sasaki 16:40:06 norbert: first indications of a unicode conference (call for participation) 16:40:52 addison: invited to be co-chair of IRI WG 16:41:07 congrats! ;) 16:42:04 zakim, who is noisy? 16:42:15 aphillip, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Felix (46%), aphillip (25%), Norbert (4%) 16:42:37 Topic: When is the calendaring call? 16:43:25 andrewc has joined #core 16:43:41 need to re-doodle? 16:43:53 richard: can update if you put the link in 16:44:06 http://doodle.com/vinifwmdfitwv66a 16:44:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/28-core-minutes.html aphillip 16:45:04 ACTION: Norbert: send notice of extension to DAWG, us,mark, and the two CLDR folks on the calendaring call 16:45:26 Topic: JavaScript Internationalization discussion 16:47:06 +[IPcaller] 16:47:12 addison: summarizes what has happened so far 16:47:42 norbert: would be interested, but maybe not "foolish" enough to volunteer time ;-) 16:47:58 david: +1 16:48:49 addison: think they need all the browser vendors and especially MS 16:55:10 Topic: Bidi Document Progress 16:55:17 richard: haven't heard back from aharon yet 16:55:42 Topic: HTML5 Date Handling 16:56:25 david: basic issue is that implications in date fields haven't been addressed 16:56:37 ... "this is similar to but not same as 8601" 16:56:47 ... dateLocal in input field has bothered me 16:56:56 ... not comparable 16:57:04 ... lose meaning out of context 16:57:20 ... don't carry utc/offset info 16:57:29 ... only deal with gregorian calendar 16:57:36 ... no DST handling 16:57:58 ... so even if local time (say 1:30 am) may have two of same during dst transition 16:58:03 ... etc. 16:58:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/28-core-minutes.html aphillip 16:58:37 david: so that's the problem; can we address that more formally with them? 16:59:26 http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/input.datetime-local.html 16:59:29 andrew: explicitly ignored time zone issues 17:00:40 addison: what happens when you submit? you get a string? 17:00:47 norbert: probably... server just store and return 17:01:34 david: there was a suggestion of things like "time your plane lands" 17:03:23 andrew: what are the usage scenarios: those are probably interesting? 17:03:59 addison: write an email to HTML-WG asking for more info on date-local including a pointer to usage scenarios 17:04:45 including -> in particular 17:04:54 a pointer -> information about 17:05:38 ACTION: Addison, write an email to HTML-WG asking for more info on date-local and in particular usage scenarios 17:05:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/28-core-minutes.html aphillip 17:06:45 ACTION: addison: ping HTML-WG chairs about next steps on Issue-88 17:08:14 Note well: we have a standing action item to read HTML5 and comment on it as needed 17:08:35 richard: sent out a question about charset attribute 17:08:55 ... can have on and