13:06:40 RRSAgent has joined #prov-xg 13:06:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-irc 13:06:42 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:06:42 Zakim has joined #prov-xg 13:06:44 Zakim, this will be 98765 13:06:44 ok, trackbot; I see INC_PROVXG()9:00AM scheduled to start 6 minutes ago 13:06:45 Meeting: Provenance Incubator Group Teleconference 13:06:45 Date: 25 April 2010 13:07:05 zakim, who's on the phone? 13:07:05 INC_PROVXG()9:00AM has not yet started, kerry 13:07:06 On IRC I see RRSAgent, kerry, raphael, trackbot 13:07:18 trackbot, start telecon 13:07:20 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:07:22 Zakim, this will be 98765 13:07:22 ok, trackbot; I see INC_PROVXG()9:00AM scheduled to start 7 minutes ago 13:07:23 Meeting: Provenance Incubator Group Teleconference 13:07:23 Date: 25 April 2010 13:07:33 zakim, who is here? 13:07:33 INC_PROVXG()9:00AM has not yet started, raphael 13:07:34 On IRC I see RRSAgent, kerry, raphael, trackbot 13:08:02 zakim, this is INC_PROVXG 13:08:02 ok, raphael; that matches INC_PROVXG()9:00AM 13:08:28 zakim, aabb is Raleigh_Room 13:08:28 +Raleigh_Room; got it 13:08:37 Yolanda has joined #prov-xg 13:08:44 zakim, + is me 13:08:45 sorry, kerry, I do not recognize a party named '+' 13:08:51 pgroth has joined #prov-xg 13:09:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 13:09:44 Topic: 1. Agenda review 13:09:53 scribenick: raphael 13:10:00 Chair: Yolanda 13:10:15 SamCoppens has joined #prov-xg 13:10:33 Yolanda: I will collect fees for the workshop, 90$ each or perhaps less, I have receipts 13:11:28 Present: Yolanda, Raphael, Yogach, Sam, Andrea, Chris, July, Sapias, Paul, Olaf, Christine, Kerry (on phone) 13:12:01 Yogesh has joined #prov-xg 13:12:34 s/Yogach/Yogesh 13:12:57 Chris: could we do a quick introduction each? 13:13:42 Sam: IBBT in Ghent, PhD, aggregating information, LOD, learning objects, social graphs ... need for provenance in all my projects 13:14:23 Yogesh: PostDoc, e-Science group in Microsoft, scientific workflow, how provenance can be used in clusters, clouds 13:15:15 Raphael: EURECOM, France, multimedia semantics, study semantics for multimedia annotation, multimedia content delivery, multimedia personalisation 13:15:57 Yolanda: intersted in 3 aspects: provenance in workflow, provenance for capturing human decision, provenance for content trust 13:16:27 Christine: Australia, Internet Policy, would be happy to bring a legal aspect to this group (privacy) 13:17:03 Olaf: Berlin (DB group), I'm trying to answer query over distributed information, interested in information quality ... need provenance 13:17:41 Paul: VU Amsterdam, postdoc, worked on various provenance challenges, interested in provenance for mashup, particuarly e-science 13:18:32 Sathia: semantic web, provenance for the scientific community 13:19:22 July?: Oxford, sw + web science, provenance for linked data (work with Olaf) and implement the OPM model for data.gov.uk 13:19:56 Chris: University of Berlin, started the LOD project, worked on Named Graph with Jeremy Carroll, work on information quality assessment 13:20:13 July = Jun 13:21:04 Andreas: Karlsruhe, I'm crawling SW since 5+ years, bringing together database, sensors data and SW technologies, need for provenance 13:21:08 s/July/Jun 13:22:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 13:22:48 s/July?:/Jun: 13:24:25 ssahoo2 has joined #prov-xg 13:26:27 Raphael: what is your policy for the documents you want to publish? There is the executive summary, self-contained, short ... but would you like to publish an exhaustive document containing all use cases and requirements? 13:26:55 Paul: not really readable at this moment for people outside of the group ... so not really plan 13:27:53 Yolanda: there is a single document for all use cases: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/Requirements 13:28:02 ... no, http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/Use_Case_Report 13:28:40 Andreas: it reads really well, now is the time to link to technical solutions, I guess would happen in next document 13:29:09 Yolanda: I'm interested in multumedia requirements and also digital signatures 13:29:28 Paul: I have talked to Dan Brickley from the SWXG about this 13:30:10 ChrisBizer has joined #prov-xg 13:30:12 aharth has joined #prov-xg 13:30:19 ... a lot of techies people, that might cover just an aspect of the provenance problem space and come up with their own solution 13:31:00 ... can be the liaison, but hard to get their attention 13:31:14 Chris: well, this is perhaps a indication for us to work more on the technical aspects too 13:31:21 ... to appear in their radat 13:31:26 s/radat/radar 13:32:26 Chris: state of the art document is good, but how to go forward now ? 13:32:36 ... feel there is consensus on the OPM model 13:33:08 ... but we could go forward 13:35:32 ssahoo2 has joined #prov-xg 13:38:07 Chris: I think there is some frustration from people who would like to test things now 13:41:48 Yolanda: having a document that explains the mappings between various models such as Provenance Vocabulary, OPM, etc. is actually our plan 13:41:57 ... we might not go further 13:47:52 Chris: we have technical people in the group, deployment people, and there is urgent pressure from the LOD community, what I suggest is to suggest technical solutions, simple vocabulary that we agreed on, or mappings between vocabularies 13:50:29 DeborahMcG has joined #prov-xg 13:50:51 ssahoo2 has joined #prov-xg 13:51:20 ssahoo2 has joined #prov-xg 13:57:47 Paul: we have now the requirements, but we haven't done yet the gap analysis, i.e. see which technology match which requirements 13:57:56 ... perhaps this could be our next step 13:59:32 Chris: I belive the soa document should contain some mappings between the various models 14:00:06 Yolanda: we have the user requirements report ... our timeline schedule a soa report (end of June) and a roadmap (end of September) 14:02:37 Paul: assuming OPM at the core, we have mappings between PML, Provenance Vocabulary, Provenir, PREMIS and OPM 14:05:09 Yolanda: perhaps we could start collecting in a single place these mappings, even if we do not cover all the list of related technologies, but we have a start 14:05:55 Yogesh: should we not first do the gap analysis, i.e. check which model fits which use cases before working on the mappings? 14:06:07 Yolanda: I think we should do both 14:08:11 aharth has joined #prov-xg 14:09:26 All, I am afraid that I need to leave now. Bye and thanks. 14:09:40 thanks kerry for joining 14:09:47 hope it was useful 14:09:47 -Kerry 14:14:43 Raphael: take inspiration of the mappings tables from the Media Ontology, http://www.w3.org/TR/mediaont-10/ 14:19:03 Raphael: another suggestion is to take a concrete example from the use case document and try to represent the provenance information with each models and ontologies 14:19:16 ... in order to compare the resulting representations or rdf graphs 14:19:43 Jun: yes, we intend to do that, and give feedback to authors of models of which use cases are realizable or not 14:19:54 Chris: should not be a task for the Provenance challenge? 14:20:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 14:28:21 ChrisBizer has joined #prov-xg 14:28:32 ChrisBizer has left #prov-xg 14:33:17 raphael has joined #prov-xg 14:33:18 jun has joined #prov-xg 14:33:31 scribenick jun 14:33:39 scribenick: jun 14:33:42 ChrisBizer has joined #prov-xg 14:33:42 Yolanda: update on the discussion of the state of art document 14:33:59 Yoland: Luc proposed to use a matrix to do a technology gap analysis 14:34:25 Yolanda:not only the gap but also the strength and weakness of these technologies 14:35:02 Yolanda: a matrix is a systematic way to organize things 14:36:21 Yolanda: Luc also suggested that we should have some sense of goals/scope to anchor, e.g., what my needs are 14:36:49 Yolanda:Paolo suggested to use the RDF next step paper as a starting example for the exercise 14:37:46 Yolanda: we will use the three use case scenarios to see how they cover your goals 14:38:45 Yolanda: Luc suggested a block diagram for each use case, an architecture picture, of how provenance pieces could fit together for a use case 14:39:46 Yolanda: maybe there could some themes in the use case scenario, to reflect the goals, to help us to have a better idea about "goals" 14:40:09 Yolanda: we talked more about how the matrix could look like 14:40:49 Yolanda: maybe we can look at one particular scenario, to go through the exercise 14:41:38 Yolanda: take one scenario, articulate tech. requirements, the goals; to draw some architecture, provenance solution for the scenario; and then look at relevant technologies and systems 14:42:39 Topic 2: Gap analysis study 14:43:10 Yolanda: James also suggested to keep the content in the matrix brief, and link to the "why"s 14:48:15 Chris: suggested to define the matrix for aligning vocabularies 14:52:30 Topic 3: definition of provenance 14:52:50 Yolanda: everybody puts their def. on the wiki page: what is provenance 14:53:11 Chris: maybe someone has done a survey of provenance definition? 14:53:31 Paul: Luc has a pretty good collection of the definition and will point to his chapter on the wiki 14:55:01 Topic 4: define the matrix for provenance vocabulary mapping 15:04:12 s/Topic 2:/Topic: 2 15:04:17 s/Topic 3:/Topic: 3 15:04:21 s/Topic 4:/Topic: 4 15:04:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 15:06:16 s/scribenick jun/Topic: 2. Gap analysis study 15:06:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 15:07:04 s/Topic 2: Gap analysis study/ 15:07:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 15:07:38 s/Topic 2: Gap analysis study// 15:07:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 15:24:34 scribenick: Yolanda 15:24:48 exit 15:26:17 scribenick: Yogesh 15:27:11 Sathya: Start with set of common terms? Four primary vocabolaries 15:27:49 (Starting to discuss Provenance_Vocabulary_Mappings) 15:29:12 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/Provenance_Vocabulary_Mappings 15:29:48 Paul: Listing provenance vocabularies at the wiki page... 15:30:10 Jun: FOAF has provenance vocabulary. We'll add that later. 15:31:51 Need to link the vocabularies with URL of technology in the wiki 15:32:50 Satya: Start listing common set of terms rather than complete listing, given limited time 15:33:13 Chris: Delegate description of vocabularies in the Wiki to experts on the model 15:36:20 Paul: List of provenance vocabularies is a subset of the list of technolgies available at http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/wiki/Relevant_Technologies 15:38:53 Chris: Do we have experts on the vocab list present here? 15:39:15 Satya: Yes 15:40:24 Raphael: Use mapping table similar to Media Ontology 15:41:09 Paul: Show relation between list of terms and their existence in the vocabulary 15:41:37 Chris: How do we get this list? 15:41:52 Satya: Manually go through the vocab schemas and list them out. 15:42:49 Chris: Do we distinguish between property and class for the terms? 15:44:52 Olaf: Property for may be class for another. So lets not distinguish. 15:46:28 Raphael: Add namespace prefix to each model 15:50:46 Raphael: Wiki editing tips for tables... 15:54:46 Paul: We may want a link to a document that describes the formal mapping, if it exists 16:02:14 Christine: Can we get a definition for the term? E.g. link to it 16:03:02 Chris: Can we have a temporary model term to map to? 16:05:11 Yolanda: Use opm as the "standard" term and then map others to them? 16:05:37 raphael has joined #prov-xg 16:05:50 Chris: Use opm term if available and if not, that identifies gap in opm 16:07:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 16:08:36 Christine: Do we need to explain why we choose OPM as the reference model? 16:08:45 Yolanda: Not right now 16:09:12 Jun: OPM's OWL serialization? 16:09:20 Paul: No, the OPM model 16:20:25 Yogesh: List all OPM terms in the wiki so it can be used a template 16:21:03 Yolanda: Do dublin core terms map to agent? 16:23:36 Paul: Other vocabs will also have a high level equivalent of agent. Not as specific as dublin core agent. 16:26:05 Kathrin has joined #prov-xg 16:26:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 16:27:40 A good table to look at from the multimedia ontology mappings is #21: http://www.w3.org/TR/mediaont-10/EBUCore.html 16:33:18 Chris: Deadline for finishing the mapping? 16:33:44 Satya: Is incharge of this. 16:33:59 Satya: 1 month to fill in first draft 16:34:26 Satya: May 15th for first draft 16:34:51 Only take those terms relevant to provenance 16:35:13 Satya has final say on whether to add a new reference term 16:35:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 16:35:21 breaking for lunch 16:35:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 16:54:59 DeborahMcG has joined #prov-xg 18:19:42 pgroth has joined #prov-xg 18:23:33 Yogesh has joined #prov-xg 18:24:56 back from lunch 18:25:06 Yolanda: Expand the mappings tomorrow. Moving on. 18:25:54 raphael has joined #prov-xg 18:26:20 ssahoo2 has joined #prov-xg 18:26:55 Yolanda: discussing use case in the requirements document 18:27:41 Yolanda: use case 1: news data aggregation, case 2: disease outbreak, case 3: provenance in business contract 18:28:48 Yolanda: use case 1 selected by vote 18:28:57 SamCoppens has joined #prov-xg 18:30:18 Paul: identify goal of selecting the use case 18:30:37 Topic: User Requirements review 18:30:59 Yolanda 18:31:50 :identify goals 18:35:33 Yogesh: what does "technology" mean - model or implementation? 18:42:16 ssahoo2 has joined #prov-xg 18:42:24 Paul: who are the audience? 18:43:12 Raphael: The AFP news agency sells a provenance toolkit to collect provenance of news entries from tweets etc. 18:44:17 Raphael: The AFP toolkit allows to identify the source author and time information associated with a news entity 18:44:40 Raphael: but it does not trace the exact path of the news entity 18:45:32 Paul: The news aggregator use case does not address this scenario 18:46:42 Paul: example scenario for use case 1: check the license of all providers for news aggregator 18:48:12 Yolanda: this use case is more about unstructured content integration 18:49:55 Satya: this scenario also includes RSS feed aggregators 18:50:45 Paul: query from user for this use case - how to track where the information is sources 18:52:58 tlr has joined #prov-xg 18:53:20 Chris: provenance of a blog - ability to track back to the original source of the information 18:54:40 Jun: user care about freshness of the data and the available technology to achieve this 18:55:21 Jun: entry point for the use cases can be topics of the use case 18:57:52 Paul: entry points should balance between being too specific about provenance or use case domain 19:00:54 Paul: allows conveying the provenance of the content to user 19:01:09 aharth has joined #prov-xg 19:03:05 Paul: Scalability of provenance systems for Web news application 19:08:53 Yolanda: entry points will overlap across use cases 19:10:26 Satya: the entry points may be driven by the context of the use case or domain 19:46:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 19:50:14 Yolanda: identify the technical requirements for the entry points of use case 1 20:18:37 ssahoo2 has joined #prov-xg 20:22:51 Yogesh: start with existing user requirements and remove requirements that are not specific to the use case - to identify user requirements for the entry points of the use case 20:23:25 Paul: The technical requirements are not curated in the use cases 20:23:59 Yolanda: the user requirements are curated but technical requirements may need to be reviewed 20:24:42 Yogesh to review the technical requirements for the use cases 20:29:01 Yogesh: entry points can be separated from technical requirements 20:31:25 tlr has joined #prov-xg 20:36:59 ssahoo2 has joined #prov-xg 20:39:19 Jun: understanding technical requirement is easier in context of specific user requirements 20:47:41 Yogesh to edit the requirements page to reflect user requirement 21:00:35 Technical requirements added for entry points of use case 1 21:04:32 Paul/Satya: nesting of meta provenance - provenance of provenance grounds out according to requirements of the application 21:16:31 ssahoo2 has joined #prov-xg 21:36:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/25-prov-xg-minutes.html raphael 22:05:01 disconnecting the lone participant, Raleigh_Room, in INC_PROVXG()9:00AM 22:05:04 INC_PROVXG()9:00AM has ended 22:05:07 Attendees were +, +1.919.755.aabb, Raleigh_Room, Kerry 22:06:20 Zakim has left #prov-xg 22:37:59 tlr has joined #prov-xg