13:39:51 RRSAgent has joined #rdfa 13:39:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/22-rdfa-irc 13:42:37 trackbot, start meeting 13:42:39 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:42:41 Zakim, this will be 7332 13:42:41 ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFa()10:00AM scheduled to start in 18 minutes 13:42:42 Meeting: RDFa Working Group Teleconference 13:42:42 Date: 22 April 2010 13:43:43 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Apr/0094.html 13:43:54 Chair: Manu 13:44:12 Regrets: MarkB, JeffS, BenA 13:49:40 dongmei has joined #rdfa 13:49:56 Regrets: MarkB, JeffS, BenA, MarkusG 13:58:20 ShaneM has joined #rdfa 13:58:51 Knud has joined #rdfa 13:59:19 SW_RDFa()10:00AM has now started 13:59:24 RobW has joined #rdfa 13:59:25 +??P0 13:59:28 zakim, I am ??P0 13:59:28 +manu; got it 13:59:39 + +1.978.692.aaaa 14:00:07 Present: Ivan, Knud, Manu, RobW, Shane, Steven, Toby 14:00:09 + +03539149aabb 14:00:19 zakim, aaaa is Dongmei 14:00:19 +Dongmei; got it 14:00:28 zakim, dial steven-617 14:00:33 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:00:37 +Steven 14:00:47 +ShaneM 14:00:51 Benjamin has joined #rdfa 14:00:59 zakim, aaaa is RobW 14:00:59 sorry, manu, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 14:01:11 zakim, Dongmei is RobW 14:01:11 +RobW; got it 14:01:25 +[MIT528] 14:01:51 zakim, who is on the call? 14:01:51 On the phone I see manu, RobW, +03539149aabb (muted), Steven, ShaneM, [MIT528] (muted) 14:01:54 + +49.631.205.7.aacc 14:02:10 ack 035 14:02:10 Hello, mit528 is me 14:02:11 zakim, dial ivan-voip 14:02:11 ok, ivan; the call is being made 14:02:12 +Ivan 14:02:24 + +0785583aadd 14:02:24 zakim, aacc is Benjamin 14:02:25 +Benjamin; got it 14:02:31 zakim, who is on the call? 14:02:31 On the phone I see manu, RobW, +03539149aabb (muted), Steven, ShaneM, [MIT528] (muted), Benjamin, Ivan, +0785583aadd 14:02:38 that's me 14:02:49 zakim, aabb is Knud 14:02:49 +Knud; got it 14:02:55 zakim, who is on the call? 14:02:55 On the phone I see manu, RobW, Knud (muted), Steven, ShaneM, [MIT528] (muted), Benjamin, Ivan, +0785583aadd 14:02:57 I didn't see I was muted, kept on talking... 14:03:31 zakim, aadd is Toby 14:03:31 +Toby; got it 14:03:51 zakim, [MIT528] is Dongmei 14:03:51 +Dongmei; got it 14:03:58 zakim, who is on the call? 14:03:58 On the phone I see manu, RobW, Knud (muted), Steven, ShaneM, Dongmei (muted), Benjamin, Ivan, Toby 14:04:26 scribenick: RobW 14:04:41 Scribe: Robert 14:05:29 manu: skipping action items today, will only cover when needed rather than every meeting. 14:05:42 Yay! 14:05:46 whohoo 14:06:00 Facebook's Open Graph Protocol: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph 14:06:01 q+ 14:06:07 It was actually covered on US National Public Radio this morning 14:06:09 http://opengraphprotocol.org/ 14:07:07 Do they use a proper RDFa parser, I wonder. e.g. does ... work identically to ? 14:07:19 manu: "Great News" -- Facebook seems to have adopted RDFa in their Open Graph Protocol, published yesterday, http://opengraphprotocol.org/, calls out RDFa by name. Several partners and content providers. 14:09:46 q+ 14:10:15 q- 14:10:19 ack ivan 14:13:49 q+ to ask a question about og 14:13:59 q+ 14:14:18 ack shaneM 14:14:18 ShaneM, you wanted to ask a question about og 14:15:15 ack ivan 14:15:43 ACTION: Manu to talk to Thomas Roessler about Facebook announcement 14:15:43 Created ACTION-25 - Talk to Thomas Roessler about Facebook announcement [on Manu Sporny - due 2010-04-29]. 14:16:11 ACTION: Manu to start discussion about RDFa with Facebook 14:16:11 Created ACTION-26 - Start discussion about RDFa with Facebook [on Manu Sporny - due 2010-04-29]. 14:16:55 q+ to talk about their parser 14:17:12 ack manu 14:17:12 manu, you wanted to talk about their parser 14:19:36 q+ to move on 14:19:49 ack manu 14:19:49 manu, you wanted to move on 14:20:10 TOPIC: Raw triples via DOM API 14:20:29 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/drafts/2010/ED-rdfa-dom-api-20100421/js_docs_out/index.html 14:20:45 Benjamin: Report on some changes in last week 14:20:47 this is the jsdoc Document 14:20:55 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/drafts/2010/ED-rdfa-dom-api-20100421/rdfa_dom_api.js 14:22:24 Benjamin: Reduced hiearchy of resources, removed inner abstract nodes, leaving leaf notes which can be instantied via API 14:22:54 rdfa.foaf.name 14:23:20 Benajmin: Add vocabulary mapping for convenient access to URIs, e.g., shortcut rdfa.foaf.name for FOAF vocbulary 14:24:32 Benjamin: Added RDFa object type, based on idea of Mark, JSON-like to access properties 14:24:46 rdfaObject[rdfa.foaf.name] result in "foo" 14:25:19 var person = rdfa.extractObject("http://example.org/foo#me"); 14:25:32 person[rdfa.foaf.name] == "Jane Doe"; 14:26:29 manu: Agrees (for the most part) to Benjamin's changes. More disagreements with Mark, which we should discuss. 14:27:16 Current version of the spec is: http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdfa-dom-api/ 14:27:36 manu: Trying to make API as "native" to JS and other scripting languages as possible. 14:29:33 q+ 14:29:35 manu: One disagreement is that Mark does not want to add raw triples. Mark wants object projection. Raw triples gives more fundemental access for building on. 14:29:37 ack ivan 14:29:39 can't we have both raw triples and projection? 14:29:57 that's what we did with RDFaObject 14:30:02 ivan++ 14:30:46 If you can get at the triples, you can build objects that match your own data model from it; the inverse is not necessarily true. 14:31:00 ivan: Wants possibility to get raw triples. We need to remmeber that RDFa is only one serialization of RDF. There may be other approaches in addition, but no comment on these. 14:32:11 manu: agrees with tinkster, that raw triples at lower level enables building other models on top of it 14:32:16 +1 to both 14:32:49 +1 to both 14:33:01 Benjamin: current RDFa object, allows both triples and project 14:33:24 PROPOSAL: RDFa DOM API should provide both a raw triples interface and a projection-based interface. 14:33:26 s/project/projection 14:33:29 +1 14:33:35 +1 14:33:35 +1 14:33:35 +1 14:33:36 +0 14:33:37 +1 14:33:39 +1 14:33:40 1+1 14:34:05 Steven: Can live with resolution 14:34:14 ... not opposed 14:34:16 RESOLVED: RDFa DOM API should provide both a raw triples interface and a projection-based interface. 14:35:17 TOPIC: Native language objects via DOM API 14:36:09 manu: One issue with RDFaObject in the projection of data onto JS object. But what about when object has multiple objects for same predicate? 14:36:15 person[foaf.nick] === ["joe", "joeb", "joey"]; 14:36:23 RDFaObject could be renamed "Resource" (like RDFS) or "Thing" (like OWL). 14:36:38 if(person[foaf.nick] instanceof string) ... 14:37:10 person[foaf.nick] instanceof DOMString 14:37:12 person[foaf.nick] instanceof Array 14:37:38 manu: The problem is that we don't know if the container, e.g., person[foaf].nick is a DOMString or Array, multiple or single value. 14:37:39 person[foaf.nick][0] 14:38:19 if(person[foaf.nick] instanceof Array) {do x} else if(person[foaf.nick] instanceof String) {do y} 14:38:37 can we have a new class that behaves nicely in both ways in JavaScript? 14:39:04 manu: Fundemental limitation of language to do this both ways in JS 14:39:09 person[foaf.nick] == 14:39:21 we provide addional methods: 14:39:23 rdfaObject.getValue(rdfa.rdfs.comment): bar 14:39:23 rdfaObject.getValues(rdfa.rdfs.comment): foo,bar 14:39:34 personb[foaf.nick] = persona[foaf.nick]; 14:39:58 personb[foaf.nick] === "joe"; 14:40:11 persona[foaf.nick] === ["joe", "joeb", "joey"]; 14:40:32 manu: For example, above assignment would only copy first item in array 14:40:59 if (person.has(rdfa.foaf.nick, "Joe")) { window.alert("It's Joe!"); } 14:41:00 var nick = personb[foaf.nick].getSingleValue(); 14:43:03 manu: is there general agreement that we should provide native language objects? 14:43:17 ... any opposition? 14:44:04 persona.getProperty(foaf.nick) 14:44:10 I think it's definitely a good idea to have these; but not sure if they need to be part of the base DOM API - this could be a library layered on top of the API. 14:44:49 tinkster++++ 14:44:54 keep it simple 14:45:35 q+ 14:45:39 ack Benjamin 14:45:41 ivan: Agrees with tinkster. Keep in Simple. Put the basic stuff out there and add layers as time permits 14:45:48 q+ to discuss that this is Projection-based mechanism. 14:47:04 global rdfa 14:47:26 manu: two different things -- global rdfa object and then RDFaObject 14:47:26 RDFaObject is returned from rdfa.list() 14:47:30 rdfa.extractObject() 14:47:31 RDFaObject is returned from rdfa.getObject(); 14:48:43 q? 14:48:46 ack manu 14:48:46 manu, you wanted to discuss that this is Projection-based mechanism. 14:48:47 ivan: First step should be triple interface, then global rdfa object. These should be seperate from any additional things we add on top of this API. Concerned with over-engineering 14:51:39 we provide 8 methods :) 14:52:38 I think its fine... +1 14:52:41 manu: any objection to putting native language mechanism out in FPWD? 14:53:01 PROPOSAL: Put Native language object support into DOM API for FPWD. 14:53:08 +1 14:53:10 +1 14:53:11 Fine by me 14:53:13 + 14:53:15 +1 14:53:15 0 14:53:15 +1 14:53:16 +1 14:53:32 RESOLVED: Put Native language object support into DOM API for FPWD. 14:53:41 +1 14:53:42 TOPIC: Triple-DOM Element Association 14:53:44 :) 14:54:14 manu: associating DOM elements with generated triples, so you know where each part of a triple comes from. 14:55:25 manu: Any feedback on typing elements to each part of triple (subject/predicate/object) 14:55:33 ivan: would like to hear a use case 14:55:57 s/typing/tying 14:56:23 manu: E.g., highlight all subjects on page, or all objects on page 14:56:37 No, it's a good idea. In my parsing API, I can feed the calling code a DOM element for each triple, but it's just the "[current element]" in RDFa processing sequence terminology, so not necessarily useful. 14:57:11 So if people can get to the other relevant nodes, that's a good thing. 14:57:13 ShaneM: e..g, trace back to subject or object node from the predicate 14:57:38 s/e..g/e.g. 14:58:17 manu: more complicated in some programming platforms, with significant implementation costs, e.g., with SAX parser 14:58:41 q+ to end the meeting 14:58:41 ivan: Agrees. But might be a price to pay 14:59:07 I don't think it involves *that* much extra work. It should just be a matter of passing around three extra variables in the parsing context. 14:59:21 Blank Nodes, URIs, TypedLiterals, PlainLiterals would all have .element 15:00:08 getChildElementByID doesn't use "node" 15:00:17 getElementByID rather. 15:01:43 manu: Any closing thoughts? Next week likely resolution to create FPWD on API 15:02:07 http://www.w3.org/News/2010.html#entry-8777 15:03:23 I'l give it a shot 15:03:32 ACTION: Shane to review RDFa DOM API FPWD 15:03:32 Created ACTION-27 - Review RDFa DOM API FPWD [on Shane McCarron - due 2010-04-29]. 15:03:36 k thx bye 15:03:37 :) 15:03:38 -Toby 15:03:39 ACTION: Knud to review RDFa DOM API FPWD 15:03:39 Created ACTION-28 - Review RDFa DOM API FPWD [on Knud Möller - due 2010-04-29]. 15:03:43 who is going to be at WWW or WebScience? Should we have a little informal f2f? 15:03:55 -Steven 15:03:57 -RobW 15:03:57 -ShaneM 15:03:59 -Knud 15:04:10 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:04:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/22-rdfa-minutes.html RobW 15:04:29 I also stay a bit in this telcon to ask Manu some stuff about the api 15:05:44 thx bye 15:05:52 dongmei has left #rdfa 15:06:02 -Dongmei 15:07:15 http://ivan-herman.name/2010/04/22/rdfa-1-1-drafts/ 15:08:46 zakim, drop me 15:08:46 Ivan is being disconnected 15:08:47 -Ivan 15:13:00 ShaneM has left #rdfa 15:15:08 triple[0] === triple.subject 15:20:04 obj.iterate(function(s, p, o) {}); 15:20:09 obj.next() 15:20:15 obj.prev() 15:21:39 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/drafts/2010/ED-rdfa-dom-api-20100421/js_docs_out/rdfa.html 15:27:12 http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdfa-dom-api/ 15:37:32 -manu 15:37:34 -Benjamin 15:37:36 SW_RDFa()10:00AM has ended 15:37:38 Attendees were manu, +1.978.692.aaaa, +03539149aabb, Steven, ShaneM, RobW, +49.631.205.7.aacc, Ivan, +0785583aadd, Benjamin, Knud, Toby, Dongmei 17:32:23 Zakim has left #rdfa 17:50:29 Steven has left #rdfa