12:48:09 RRSAgent has joined #ssn 12:48:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/13-ssn-irc 12:48:11 RRSAgent, make logs world 12:48:11 Zakim has joined #ssn 12:48:13 Zakim, this will be 7769 12:48:13 ok, trackbot; I see INC_SSN()9:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes 12:48:14 Meeting: Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group Teleconference 12:48:14 Date: 13 April 2010 12:48:25 Regrets: Oscar, Krzysztof 12:48:35 agenda+ Roll call 12:48:45 agenda+ Decision about Member Submission 12:49:03 agenda+ Accuracy of measurement etc. 12:49:10 agenda+ AOB 12:49:22 Chair: Holger 12:50:57 kelsey has joined #ssn 12:52:53 INC_SSN()9:00AM has now started 12:53:00 +??P0 12:53:13 zakim, ??P0 is me 12:53:13 +Holger; got it 12:53:20 + +1.206.662.aaaa 12:53:23 dongmei has joined #ssn 12:55:01 vhuang has joined #ssn 12:56:04 zakim, 1.206.662.aaaa is me 12:56:04 sorry, kelsey, I do not recognize a party named '1.206.662.aaaa' 12:56:33 zakim, +1.206.662.aaaa is me 12:56:33 +kelsey; got it 12:56:59 kierry has joined #ssn 12:58:57 newnick kerry 12:59:14 hi, Kerry, it's me, Dongmei 12:59:24 +??P3 12:59:28 hi dongmei -- welcome! 12:59:43 Are you on the phone this week -- it works much better! 12:59:55 i am not quite familar with irc 13:00:01 yes, 13:00:15 + +1.716.688.aabb 13:00:31 could you tell me the phone number? 13:00:40 +[IPcaller] 13:00:53 zakim, who's on the phone? 13:00:53 On the phone I see Holger, kelsey, ??P3, +1.716.688.aabb, [IPcaller] 13:01:55 +kerry 13:02:11 Arthur has joined #ssn 13:02:35 Payam has joined #SSN 13:02:56 michael_ has joined #ssn 13:03:12 laurent_lefort_cs has joined #ssn 13:03:28 +[IPcaller.a] 13:03:45 +[IPcaller.aa] 13:03:57 +[IPcaller.aaa] 13:04:22 -[IPcaller.aa] 13:04:33 zakim, [IPcaller.aaa] is me 13:04:33 +michael_; got it 13:04:47 +[IPcaller.aa] 13:04:54 zakim, IPcaller.a is me 13:04:54 +Arthur; got it 13:05:04 zakim, who's on the phone? 13:05:04 On the phone I see Holger, kelsey, ??P3, +1.716.688.aabb, [IPcaller], kerry, Arthur, michael_, [IPcaller.aa] 13:05:16 zakim, [IPcaller.aa] is me 13:05:17 zakim, IPcaller.a is me 13:05:18 +laurent_lefort_cs; got it 13:05:20 sorry, Payam, I do not recognize a party named 'IPcaller.a' 13:05:39 zakim, IPcaller is me 13:05:39 +Payam; got it 13:05:53 +[MIT528] 13:06:06 + +1.937.775.aacc 13:06:13 kierry has joined #ssn 13:06:23 zakim, who's making noise? 13:06:33 Holger, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Holger (14%) 13:06:35 dongmei, Phone number: +1.617.761.6200 (Boston) or + (Nice) or +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol) Conference code: 7769 ("SSNX") 13:06:52 newnick kerry 13:07:03 zakim, who's making noise? 13:07:11 yes, dialed 13:07:15 Holger, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Payam (9%), [MIT528] (29%) 13:07:23 there is no voice? 13:07:41 agenda? 13:07:43 dongmei -- i think your line is creating a lot of noise for everyone 13:07:46 yes, i'm fine 13:07:55 cory has joined #ssn 13:08:00 - +1.937.775.aacc 13:08:03 can't hear... 13:08:13 heavy noise 13:08:13 just me?? 13:08:15 I cannot hear. 13:08:16 Holger, I can't hear you 13:08:20 can't hear either 13:08:24 Too much noise. 13:08:30 +1 13:08:32 heavy noise here too 13:08:41 + +1.937.775.aadd 13:08:44 zakim, mute [MIT528] 13:08:44 [MIT528] should now be muted 13:09:54 i think that is dongmei, currently at MIT, I thnik 13:10:24 i'm at mit now 13:10:52 I'm muted 13:10:52 hi, laurent 13:11:23 zakim, unmute [MIT528] 13:11:23 [MIT528] should no longer be muted 13:12:08 Dongmei is a visiting scholar at MIT (Boston) 13:12:27 Part of a group working on Standards in China 13:12:55 zakim, mute [MIT528] 13:12:55 [MIT528] should now be muted 13:13:11 Yep 13:13:27 ScribeNick: laurent_lefort_cs 13:14:44 topic: Decision about Member Submission 13:15:15 Kerry reminding everyone the content of our charter 13:15:29 + +1.202.408.aaee 13:16:05 The decision to make today is whether we make a Member submission or not. 13:16:31 lbermude has joined #ssn 13:16:40 Question to everyone: are there member organisation wishing to lead / develop that member submission? 13:17:19 s/organisation/organisations/ 13:17:42 The answer from the group is negative. 13:18:28 Next motion: proposal to retract this deliverable from the objectives of the XG. 13:19:09 No comments on the proposal. 13:19:36 +1 13:19:38 +1 13:19:48 +1 13:19:51 +1 13:19:53 +1 13:19:53 Vote to retract the member submission (+1 = agree to retract) 13:19:56 +1 13:19:59 +1 13:20:16 i go with 0, i need to learn much 13:20:23 +1 13:20:42 +q 13:20:55 Conclusion of the vote: decision by the XG to retract the submission 13:21:54 ACTION to kerry adjust wikki and report to W3C 13:21:54 Sorry, couldn't find user - to 13:21:55 http://www.w3.org/2008/04/scribe.html 13:23:16 - +1.937.775.aadd 13:23:34 ACTION: kierry to adjust wiki and report to W3C 13:23:34 Sorry, couldn't find user - kierry 13:23:43 ACTION: kerry to adjust wiki and report to W3C 13:23:43 Created ACTION-15 - Adjust wiki and report to W3C [on Kerry Taylor - due 2010-04-20]. 13:24:32 Arthur: what is the result of the group if we don't do the submission? 13:24:55 ack Arthur 13:25:09 Holger: the topics will be covered in the semantic markup report but not formalised as a submission 13:26:07 topic: Accuracy of measurement etc. 13:26:52 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/ssn/wiki/Modelling_of_Accuracy%2C_etc 13:28:18 michael: since last meeting received comments from Luis 13:29:06 Luis: I have work on an example with Carlos Rueda 13:29:37 http://mmisw.org/browser/individuals/1100099319/ 13:31:14 http://mmisw.org/browser/manage/?action=load&clear=true&uri=http://mmisw.org/ont%3Fform=owl%26uri=http://mmisw.org/ont/mmi/devontssn 13:32:11 Go to the Vaisala individual http://mmisw.org/browser/individuals/1100099319/ 13:32:57 +q 13:33:43 ack laurent_lefort_cs 13:34:38 +q 13:34:50 Laurent: the OWL is quite verbose but that's normal 13:35:35 ack michael_ 13:35:57 Luis: explaining how to navigate from the sensor to the description of each quality/capability 13:36:22 I still can't find the example! 13:36:42 Michael: does the example handle the cases where the accurACY DEPENDS ON THE CONDITIONS (E.G. THE WIND SPEED)? 13:36:51 http://mmisw.org/browser/classes/-120147420/?session=127f75f5ba9-9-127f7631433 13:36:51 ... aM i MISSING SOMETHING? 13:37:43 Luis: no, this is correct. The example does not handle this. 13:38:31 kerry, follow Luis last posted link, then All Individuals, then WM 30 13:39:24 s/aM i MISSING SOMETHING/am I missing something/ 13:39:38 Subclass of MeasurementCapability -> MeasurementCapabilityWithCondition 13:40:36 Luis: Capability with condition is a special type of capability 13:41:12 yes 13:42:25 +q 13:42:54 ack vhuang 13:43:41 vincent: question on the use of operational restrictions for measurement capability 13:43:41 +q 13:44:18 ... can you have different conditions leading to different capability values? 13:45:11 cgi-irc has joined #ssn 13:45:23 ack michael_ 13:45:33 Luis: yes, need more examples 13:47:11 Luis: asking if the example of the wiki page is available in RDF 13:48:09 ACTION: Luis to extend the MMI example with measurement capabilities with conditions 13:48:10 Created ACTION-16 - Extend the MMI example with measurement capabilities with conditions [on Luis Bermudez - due 2010-04-20]. 13:48:36 ACTION: Michael to upload the RDF corresponding the the wiki page example 13:48:37 Created ACTION-17 - Upload the RDF corresponding the the wiki page example [on Michael Compton - due 2010-04-20]. 13:48:56 topic: AOB 13:49:32 +q 13:49:44 ack laurent_lefort_cs 13:50:34 laurent: i cleaned them up a few minuutes ago! 13:51:08 Laurent: asking who want to help to tidy the wiki pages (call for Cory for help on the Semantic Markup pages) 13:51:34 Laurent: asking everyone to close the actions which are finished 13:51:49 +q 13:52:08 ack kierry 13:52:38 Kerry: I have closed as much as I could except one for Luis I was not sure. 13:53:15 yes closed 13:53:57 +q 13:54:49 Michael: Luis send me a powerpoint to start from. I'm planning to do this very shortly. 13:54:51 ack michael_ 13:55:03 Laurent: I think the date are first week of May. 13:55:13 s/date are/date is/ 13:55:36 ACTION: Michael to report on EGU presentation to be delivered by Simon 13:55:36 Created ACTION-18 - Report on EGU presentation to be delivered by Simon [on Michael Compton - due 2010-04-20]. 13:56:03 +q 13:56:58 ack kierry 13:57:02 Kerry: It's the time to submiit a workshop proposal at ISWC (Shangai) for the Semantic Sensor Network workshop 13:57:28 ...yes 13:57:36 ... calling for expression of interest for this workshop 13:58:00 yes 13:58:19 Q.: what is the submission deadline for the workshop, for the papers? 13:58:28 A. around september 13:58:50 bye! 13:58:52 -Payam 13:58:53 - +1.202.408.aaee 13:58:53 -??P3 13:58:55 -kelsey 13:58:55 - +1.716.688.aabb 13:58:56 -Arthur 13:58:57 -michael_ 13:59:00 -Holger 13:59:01 Arthur has left #ssn 13:59:02 thank,bye- 13:59:02 vhuang has left #ssn 13:59:06 -kerry 13:59:09 michael_ has left #ssn 13:59:14 -kierry 13:59:20 s/submiit/submit/ 13:59:20 zakim, bye 13:59:20 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Holger, kelsey, +1.716.688.aabb, kerry, michael_, Arthur, laurent_lefort_cs, Payam, [MIT528], +1.937.775.aacc, +1.937.775.aadd, 13:59:20 Zakim has left #ssn 13:59:24 ... +1.202.408.aaee 13:59:36 rrsagent, make log public 13:59:37 dongmei has left #ssn 13:59:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:59:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/13-ssn-minutes.html Holger 14:00:01 rrsagent, bye 14:00:01 I see 5 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2010/04/13-ssn-actions.rdf : 14:00:01 ACTION: kierry to adjust wiki and report to W3C [1] 14:00:01 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/04/13-ssn-irc#T13-23-34 14:00:01 ACTION: kerry to adjust wiki and report to W3C [2] 14:00:01 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/04/13-ssn-irc#T13-23-43 14:00:01 ACTION: Luis to extend the MMI example with measurement capabilities with conditions [3] 14:00:01 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/04/13-ssn-irc#T13-48-09 14:00:01 ACTION: Michael to upload the RDF corresponding the the wiki page example [4] 14:00:01 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/04/13-ssn-irc#T13-48-36 14:00:01 ACTION: Michael to report on EGU presentation to be delivered by Simon [5] 14:00:01 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/04/13-ssn-irc#T13-55-36 14:00:13 good night ;-)