15:03:20 RRSAgent has joined #htmlt 15:03:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/06-htmlt-irc 15:03:43 rssagent, set logs public 15:04:08 trackbot has joined #htmlt 15:04:08 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:04:08 If you want to associate this channel with an existing Tracker, please say 'trackbot, associate this channel with #channel' (where #channel is the name of default channel for the group) 15:05:52 trackbot, associate this channel with #html-wg 15:05:52 Associating this channel with #html-wg... 15:06:06 trackbot, start telcon 15:06:08 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:06:08 Zakim has joined #htmlt 15:06:10 Zakim, this will be HTML 15:06:10 trackbot, WAI_PFWG(HTMLTF F2F)3:30AM is already associated with an irc channel; use 'move HTML to here' if you mean to reassociate the channel 15:06:11 Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference 15:06:11 Date: 06 April 2010 15:06:29 zakim, this will be htmlt 15:06:29 adrianba, WAI_PFWG(HTMLTF F2F)3:30AM is already associated with an irc channel; use 'move htmlt to here' if you mean to reassociate the channel 15:06:41 zakim, move htmlt here 15:06:41 I don't understand 'move htmlt here', adrianba 15:07:27 anyone else on the call? 15:08:55 meeting: htmltf 15:09:29 zakim, move htmlt to here 15:09:29 htmlt matches both WAI_PFWG(HTMLTF F2F)3:30AM and HTML_WG(HTMLT)11:00AM, adrianba 15:09:45 zakim, move html_wg(htmlt) to here 15:09:45 ok, adrianba; that matches HTML_WG(HTMLT)11:00AM 15:10:59 zakim, zakim, who is here? 15:10:59 I don't understand your question, adrianba. 15:11:04 zakim, who is here? 15:11:04 On the phone I see +1.425.941.aaaa, [Microsoft] 15:11:06 On IRC I see trackbot, RRSAgent, adrianba, krisk, gsnedders 15:11:17 zakim, [Microsoft] is adrianba 15:11:17 +adrianba; got it 15:11:33 zakim, aaaa is krisk 15:11:33 +krisk; got it 15:12:30 scribe: adrianba 15:12:34 scribenick: adrianba 15:12:39 chair: krisk 15:12:51 agenda item #1 Check for any bugs on approved tests 15:13:08 topic: #1 Check for any bugs on approved tests (currently zero) 15:13:31 krisk: don't think we have any, just checking 15:13:47 Sharonbn has joined #HTMLT 15:16:02 krisk: don't have any approved tests, and no bugs there 15:16:02 Sharonbn has left #HTMLT 15:16:13 topic: #2 Review Current Tests Posted To List For Approval 15:17:09 adrianba: there was discussion on the list about whether it makes sense to review a single test 15:18:03 adrianba: does it make sense to review in batches or individually? 15:18:17 krisk: small batches are good, large batches are bad 15:19:36 adrianba: i can see that having a suite helps to look at the direction things are going but at the same time an individual test is either valid or not 15:19:50 Sharon has joined #HTMLT 15:20:06 krisk: testing one test in isolation would be odd but knowing that there are more to come it makes sense 15:23:40 krisk: will continue discussion on the mailing list about approval of the current test being considered 15:25:00 topic: #3 Ask group for any upcoming tests to be approved/submitted 15:25:52 krisk: will send mail to public-html requesting more tests be submitted 15:26:16 topic: #4 Do we want to create a script to turn xhtml tests -> html tests where applicable? 15:26:48 krisk: in the past, tests were submitted in pure xml and then transformed 15:26:57 ... do we want to do something similar? 15:27:47 ... this might not work for all cases, we might need to have xhtml5 and html5 tests 15:27:56 ... need to discuss on the mailing list 15:29:03 adrianba: would be good to avoid extra work if it's not necessary 15:29:16 sharon: maybe it can be the test author's decision 15:29:31 topic: #5 Does HG have a static IP Address? Need for X-Domain testing 15:29:52 krisk: i'll follow-up with plh on this - think this is the case 15:30:50 ...this will help to address phillip's feedback 15:31:00 ...about security tests 15:31:24 topic: #6 Start discussion on how the test suite would move from HG -> w3.org 15:32:15 adrianba: are the tests directly accessible with http from the repository? 15:32:38 yes, e.g http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html/rawfile/tip/tests/submission/Microsoft/htmldom/loader.html?anchor01.html 15:33:09 krisk: but we probably want a dated snapshot 15:33:25 ...will discuss with plh how he thinks this can work 15:33:46 ...not moving tests would be great 15:33:57 ...don't want to have different server names that could break tests 15:34:06 ...which might not be immediately noticed 15:34:53 krisk: that's everything for now 15:35:09 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:35:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/04/06-htmlt-minutes.html adrianba 15:36:05 rrsagent, make logs public 15:36:44 -adrianba 15:36:47 -krisk 15:36:50 HTML_WG(HTMLT)11:00AM has ended 15:36:53 Attendees were +1.425.941.aaaa, adrianba, krisk 16:00:00 gsnedders has left #htmlt 17:33:03 Zakim has left #htmlt