16:57:25 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 16:57:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/01-tagmem-irc 16:57:53 DKA has joined #tagmem 17:00:09 zakim, who is talking? 17:00:09 sorry, noah, I don't know what conference this is 17:00:15 masinter has joined #tagmem 17:00:17 zakim, this is TAG 17:00:17 ok, Ashok; that matches TAG_Weekly()1:00PM 17:00:23 zakim, who is talking? 17:00:35 noah, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: DKA (45%) 17:00:40 +Ashok_Malhotra 17:00:50 jar_ has joined #tagmem 17:01:05 -DKA 17:01:10 chair: Noah_Mendelsohn 17:01:11 +Masinter 17:01:18 scribenick: Ashok 17:01:25 +DKA 17:01:25 +Jonathan_Rees 17:01:26 +DanC 17:01:32 scribe: Ashok_Malhotra 17:01:35 zakim, mute me 17:01:35 DKA should now be muted 17:03:27 Topic: Convene 17:03:37 RESOLVED: to cancel TAG weekly telcon 8 Apr 17:04:38 (resolved last week, I gather; just a reminder) 17:04:57 zakim, who is here? 17:04:57 On the phone I see Noah_Mendelsohn, Ashok_Malhotra, Masinter, DKA (muted), Jonathan_Rees, DanC 17:04:59 On IRC I see jar_, masinter, DKA, RRSAgent, Zakim, Ashok, noah, timbl, DanC, trackbot 17:05:51 present: Noah_Mendelsohn, Dan_Connolly, Dan_Appelquist, Larry_Masinter, Ashok_Malhotra 17:06:05 regrets: John_Kemp, Henry_Thompson 17:06:19 zakim, unmute me 17:06:19 DKA should no longer be muted 17:06:34 Minutes of March 4 have been checked in 17:06:44 ... by DanA 17:07:17 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/03/04-minutes.html 17:08:41 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/03/11-minutes.html 17:08:54 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/03/11-minutes.html 17:09:01 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/tag-weekly 17:09:08 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/04/01-agenda 17:09:11 Minutes of March 11 above 17:09:38 PROPOSED: to approve 11 March, noting DKA's regrets 17:09:40 DanA: I was not on the call on 3/11 but gave regrets 17:10:14 RESOLUTION: Minutes of March 11 are approved. URL is above 17:12:04 present+: Jonathan_Rees 17:12:20 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/03/25-minutes.html 17:14:05 Noah: We need to tell TPAC folks about TAG meeting 17:14:35 ... suggest we say "TAG members will be on a best effort basis... we will meet Mon and Fri" 17:15:16 ACTION: Noah to verify with TAG TPAC plans and communicate to W3C teem due April 13 17:15:16 Created ACTION-423 - Verify with TAG TPAC plans and communicate to W3C teem due April 13 [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2010-04-08]. 17:15:39 action-423 due 13 Apr 17:15:39 ACTION-423 Verify with TAG TPAC plans and communicate to W3C teem due April 13 due date now 13 Apr 17:16:05 action-415: see http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/03/24-tagmem-minutes.html 17:16:05 ACTION-415 Edit ftf minutes day 1 (Wednesday 24 March) notes added 17:16:09 close action-415 17:16:09 ACTION-415 Edit ftf minutes day 1 (Wednesday 24 March) closed 17:16:43 Topic: HTML 5 review: [14]ISSUE-41 (LanguageVersioning-41): HTML5 17:17:12 Noah: We don't have a share tracking system with HTML folks 17:18:00 ack me 17:18:20 We opened ACTION 407 Need to respond 17:18:24 action-407? 17:18:24 ACTION-407 -- Henry S. Thompson to propose an update to DanC's prose from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2010Feb/0878.html to explicitly reference or encorporate the HTML history, similarly to the way 2854 does -- due 2010-04-13 -- OPEN 17:18:24 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/407 17:18:46 looking at http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/03/26-minutes.html ... 17:19:05 Noah: maybe nothing to do here since Henry is not here 17:19:13 text/html registration is http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2010/03/26-minutes.html#item07 17:19:59 i think there's a bigger architectural issue about MIME types, what they're for, how they're used in the web 17:20:07 q+ 17:21:03 LMM: I'm concerned that there is not a good understanding about MIME types 17:21:20 ... there is a lot of confusion. This relates to a lot of open issue. 17:21:23 http://www.w3.org/1999/09/specification.html 17:21:39 issue-1? 17:21:39 ISSUE-1 -- Should W3C WGs define their own media types? -- RAISED 17:21:39 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/issues/1 17:21:40 ... I think we shd write a finding about MIME types 17:21:52 q+ to note http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2004/0430-mime 17:22:28 Noah: I'm happy to entertain the proposal 17:22:40 masinter: A mime type doesn't license anyone to do anything 17:22:45 ... but Paul wants feedback soon 17:23:23 LMM: Let's focus on feedback 17:23:44 s/LMM:/Noah:/ 17:23:55 Noah: I suggest we tell Paul we are working on it but it will be a bit late 17:23:58 q? 17:24:10 q? 17:24:14 I think we should take up the bigger issue 17:24:20 ack next 17:24:21 +1 to your suggested approach, Noah. 17:24:32 I'd rather have correct feedback than bad feedback sooner 17:24:41 issue-1? 17:24:41 ISSUE-1 -- Should W3C WGs define their own media types? -- RAISED 17:24:41 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/issues/1 17:25:15 (on that page, it says "State: PENDING REVIEW") 17:25:18 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2004/0430-mime 17:25:23 DanC: We have a finding on MIME types from April 2004 17:25:47 "Internet Media Type registration, consistency of use" 17:25:55 DanC: It says you should have a MIME type ... not let sec and type get out of sync 17:26:37 It doesn't say what MIME types mean, whether they should be sniffed, whether it's reasonable to write recommendation "The document FOOBAR-XML can be served as A or B" 17:27:02 DanA: This finding reads to me like RTFM 17:27:12 it doesn't give guidelines on redefinition of MIME types, about change controllers 17:27:13 q? 17:27:17 ack next 17:27:18 ... I think Larry was suggesting something in the Web Arch 17:27:19 DanC, you wanted to note http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2004/0430-mime 17:27:58 q+ 17:28:04 ack next 17:28:08 DanC: It will be yet more stuff to read ... It's all documented ... 17:28:10 q? 17:28:34 Noah: I'm sympathetic to writing findings 17:28:37 I'm proposing updating http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2004/0430-mime, not writing a new finding. 17:28:51 (I'd be happy to see masinter pull a rabbit out of a hat, so to speak.) 17:29:04 the RFCs on MIME types don't talk about MIME types in the web, for example, they focus on email 17:29:12 ... there is a lot we have been discussing that existing findings don't address 17:29:17 don't mention use of MIME types in content-negotiation 17:29:27 ... who can put some effort into it? 17:29:30 could address the text/html application/xhtml+xml issue 17:29:36 Ashok has joined #tagmem 17:29:49 ("content negotiation" doesn't occur in http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2004/0430-mime . interesting.) 17:29:51 q? 17:30:02 Noah: When you start a finding there is a chance the group will not approve it 17:30:16 ... we need someone to step up 17:30:31 LMM: I'm willing to work on it 17:31:03 I will be willing to help. 17:31:17 . ACTION Masinter: draft update to TAG mime type finding (with DanA) to address [KEYWORDS, please?] 17:31:47 Noah: Due date f2f? 17:32:23 LMM: I will start some discussions on www-tag 17:32:32 i will have an action to propose changes on www-tag in the next 3 days 17:32:59 and another action to prepare a proposed update to finding based on that discussion by F2F 17:33:46 Larry, Dan wants keywords 17:33:57 DanC: Need keyword to say what's wrong with the finding 17:34:21 Noah: Need guidance on how to respond to PaulC 17:34:36 . ACTION Masinter: propose some changes/additions to 0430-mime, due in 3 days 17:34:39 ... we have ACTION-407 dates ahve slipped a bit 17:34:52 ACTION Masinter: propose some changes/additions to 0430-mime, due in 3 days 17:34:52 Created ACTION-424 - Propose some changes/additions to 0430-mime, due in 3 days [on Larry Masinter - due 2010-04-08]. 17:34:57 q? 17:35:06 Topic: HTML WG [20]ISSUE-81: "representation" instead of "resource" 17:35:36 ACTION Masinter: draft updated 0430-mine, with help from DanA, due by next TAG F2F, based on www-tag discussion 17:35:36 Created ACTION-425 - Draft updated 0430-mine, with help from DanA, due by next TAG F2F, based on www-tag discussion [on Larry Masinter - due 2010-04-08]. 17:35:46 Noah: PaulC sent mail saying they had a concern with out planning esp. issue 81\ 17:35:56 ... I said it was closed 17:36:32 DanC: It was pending review ... I thought it would be on f2f agenda 17:36:41 Noah: Oops missed that 17:36:49 action-389? 17:36:49 ACTION-389 -- Larry Masinter to take Dan's proposal on resource/representation and turn it into a change proposal -- due 2010-02-25 -- PENDINGREVIEW 17:36:49 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/389 17:36:49 q+ jar to say "document" 17:37:08 ack next 17:37:10 jar, you wanted to say "document" 17:37:24 (can't hear over noise here, will respond to IRC but not phone) 17:37:27 JAR: I remember exchanged mail w/DanC 17:38:22 ... seems straightforward ... suggest HTML5 revert to language used by HTML4 --- replace "resource" to "document" 17:38:34 Noah: What abt representation? 17:38:42 JAR: Not used in HTML4 17:39:45 q? 17:40:00 Noah: Someone shd step up and say "here is a story we can tell HTML" otherwise we can say we have changed our mind and will not provide input 17:40:10 +TimBL 17:40:33 LMM: It's editorial, I don't want to work on editorial stuff 17:40:43 present+: TimBL 17:40:59 s/LMM:/DanC:/ 17:41:23 DanC: We are discussing resource and representation but no one seem inclined to work on it 17:42:43 JAR: There are many occurrences of "resource" in the document 17:43:10 RT @aetxebeste: RT @openstreetmap: Announcing closedstreetmap.org http://post.ly/X2pg 17:43:21 TimBL: How many of those cannot be turned into "document" 17:43:43 soory clipboard fail 17:44:00 http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/Overview.html 17:44:02 s/soory/sorry/ 17:44:50 JAR: How strongly does Tim feel about this ... inconsistent use of resource 17:45:04 ... inconsistent with other usage 17:45:11 curl http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/Overview.html | grep -i resource | wc => 659 7123 65235 17:45:40 Others feel "resource" means a sequence of bytes with a media type 17:45:52 danc: Ian gives evidence that 'resource' is already used in w3c documents to mean bytes (+ media type etc) 17:46:21 [[ 17:46:21 Ian points out usage that suggests "a resource is a bag of bits" 17:46:21 in HTML 4, CSS, SVG etc. 17:46:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2009Sep/1132.html 17:46:22 ]] 17:46:28 -- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2009Dec/0070.html 17:46:52 "This specification defines an abstract language for describing documents and applications, and some APIs for interacting with in-memory representations of resources that use this language." 17:46:58 1.6 17:48:25 "There are various concrete syntaxes that can be used to transmit resources that use this abstract language, two of which are defined in this specification." 17:48:27 JAR: Looking at Ian's mail 17:48:48 ... the one Dan pasted in -- 1132 17:49:24 Ian's mail: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2009Sep/1132.html 17:50:04 Noah: I don't find his examples compelling 17:50:10 JAR: Agrees 17:50:25 (rfc2616 is what? ) 17:50:30 the term "resource" is ambiguous 17:50:39 q? 17:50:50 so you can easily find documents that use it in lots of ways 17:51:00 (I think rfc2616 is replaced by http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt ) 17:51:03 JAR: If Tim is happy, I'm happy 17:51:05 can we really address editorial issues one-by-one 17:51:08 ? 17:51:21 http://masinter.blogspot.com/2010/03/resources-are-angels-urls-are-pins.html 17:51:51 apparently. 17:52:18 Noah: I find this as reasoning from the converse 17:52:47 the MIME type finding update could also talk about resources & representations? 17:52:56 or maybe it should be an update to webarch? 17:52:57 ... argues from XML Schema where the wording is not great! 17:53:23 DanC: It's an editorial matter 17:54:14 "Indeed. Nor do resources. The URL "http://twitter.com/hixie" has as its 17:54:14 significance "use the HTTP protocol on the server with host name 17:54:14 'twitter.com' on port 80 with path '/hixie'"; it doesn't have any more 17:54:14 Noah: I think it's more than editorial because usage may be confusingly different 17:54:14 actual significance than that." 17:54:15 T 17:54:29 his is nt what web arch says, it is a diff philosophy 17:54:39 as chair of HTTP WG at the time, I can say authoritatively that 2616 was the result of a battle over functional behavior, and editorial issues were definitely second priority 17:54:40 This is not a falsifiable claim; irrelevant. 17:54:47 q? 17:55:33 s/This is/Ian's significance claim/ 17:56:29 LMM: Let's take it one word at a time editorially 17:56:50 s/Let's take it/I wonder about the value of taking it/ 17:57:12 Noah: Dicussion of URI and URL discussion was fruutful 17:57:14 q? 17:57:38 masinter` has joined #tagmem 17:57:50 Noah: What would TAG like to tell the HTML WG? 17:59:50 Tim: Represenation is a messy word 18:00:12 JAR: I suggest "document" as alternative to "resource" 18:00:13 Trouble is, I like "document" as an altarntive for "resource" - not "representation". 18:00:23 How about "file"? 18:00:31 That is a set of bits 18:00:55 q+ 18:00:56 HTML4 uses "document"... that seems good... it reads well 18:00:58 q? 18:01:10 s/JAR: I suggest "document" as alternative to "resource"/JAR: I suggest "document" as alternative to html5:resource/ 18:01:23 "A URL is a string used to identify a resource. 18:01:23 " 2.5.1 is fine 18:01:30 -Masinter 18:01:42 I hear TimBL saying he likes "document" as a synonym for webarch:resource 18:02:24 No, I "document" as a synonym for webarch:resource 18:02:34 s/I/I like/ 18:03:02 No, I like "document" as a synonym for webarch:resource 18:03:14 No, I like "document" as a synonym for webarch:resource 18:03:25 it is doing some stupid completeion 18:03:42 aaaaaaaa stupid client 18:03:45 ah... webarch:information-resource 18:03:55 webarch:foo 18:04:05 webarch:InformationResource 18:04:15 for webarch:InformationResource 18:04:32 I like "document" as a synonym for webarch:InformationResource 18:04:49 Phew 18:05:00 So, that's what Tim meant... 18:05:25 Gow about "file" as a set of bits 18:05:40 and representation as the combination of returned metadata and the file 18:05:46 s/Gow/How/ 18:06:18 DKA: Asks about the state of play on the issue 18:06:36 DanC: I sent comments to TAG not the editors 18:07:04 DKA: Why not ask editors to put in explanotory note at the start of the document 18:07:19 q? 18:07:25 I note http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/Overview.html has scripts which prevent it from being used easily 18:07:25 ack me 18:07:28 ack next 18:08:35 http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html 18:09:30 "A script on this page is busy" 18:09:58 Noah: Do we really need to edit the source? 18:10:26 Currently, "resource" is used inconsisently within the spec. Therefore, it would have to be edited by a persopn, 18:10:36 the status section of the editor's draft notes http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/html5/ and svn checkout http://svn.whatwg.org/webapps/ 18:11:43 s/persopn/person/ 18:13:32 (inconsistently? I haven't seen that. could you point out 2 inconsistent uses, tim? that could) 18:13:57 Tim: Yes 18:14:31 ... sometimes it says a URI identifies a resource 18:16:43 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/html5/spec/ 18:17:09 -DKA 18:19:00 Noah: They think we offered to do some drafting but we have not 18:19:22 DanC: Tim was proposing to give them instructions 18:23:32 ) --> abreve; U+00103 ă ac; U+0223E acd; U+0223F acirc; U+000E2 â acirc U+000E2 title="">â acirc U+000E2 â acute; U+000B4 ´ acute U+000B4 < 18:23:34 title="">´ acute U+000B4 ´ acy; U+00430 а aelig; U+000E6 æ aelig U+000E6 æ aelig U+000E6 æ af; U+02061 afr; U+1D51E agrave; U+000E0 à agrave U+000E0 à agrave U+000E0 à alefsym; U+02135 aleph; U+02135 alpha; U+003B1 α amacr; U+00101 ā amalg; U+02A3F ⨿ amp; U+00026 & amp U+00026 & amp U+0002 18:24:00 & and; U+02227 andand; U+02A55 andd; U+02A5C andslope; U+02A58 18:24:05 andv; U+02A5A ang; U+02220 ange; U+029A4 angle; U+02220 angmsd; U+02221 < 18:24:11 angmsdaa; U+029A8 angmsdab; U+029A9 angmsdac; U+029AA angmsdad; U+029AB angmsdae; U+029AC 18:24:18 is not an editable editor's draft. 18:24:22 Things like that do not made a drafteditable. 18:26:08 Noah: I'm happy to delegate the respose to Paul to someone else 18:27:47 I would like the TAG to ask the HTML WG to change the document so that the same word "resource" is not used for different concepts. 18:28:48 I understand the position of the editor so that it's already not used for different concepts. 18:30:37 s/respose/response/ 18:31:27 Noah: We can make correction without having access to the source 18:32:19 ... we can copy/paste from a browse window 18:35:16 Noah: I will communicate with Paul informally 18:35:42 Noah: ADJOURNED 18:35:55 rrsagent, make logs public 18:36:05 rrsagent, pointer 18:36:05 See http://www.w3.org/2010/04/01-tagmem-irc#T18-36-05 18:36:39 -Noah_Mendelsohn 18:37:45 -Ashok_Malhotra 18:38:26 -Jonathan_Rees 18:40:26 -DanC 18:40:27 -TimBL 18:40:27 TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended 18:40:29 Attendees were DKA, Noah_Mendelsohn, Ashok_Malhotra, Masinter, Jonathan_Rees, DanC, TimBL 20:32:54 Zakim has left #tagmem 21:19:20 jar_ has joined #tagmem