IRC log of mediafrag on 2010-03-03
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 09:59:24 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #mediafrag
- 09:59:24 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 09:59:26 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 09:59:26 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #mediafrag
- 09:59:28 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be IA_MFWG
- 09:59:28 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see IA_MFWG()5:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute
- 09:59:29 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Media Fragments Working Group Teleconference
- 09:59:29 [trackbot]
- Date: 03 March 2010
- 09:59:59 [raphael]
- Chair: Raphael
- 10:00:04 [raphael]
- Regrets: Erik, Silvia
- 10:00:12 [raphael]
- Agenda:
- 10:01:15 [davy]
- davy has joined #mediafrag
- 10:01:55 [Zakim]
- IA_MFWG()5:00AM has now started
- 10:02:02 [Zakim]
- +raphael
- 10:02:06 [Zakim]
- +mhausenblas
- 10:02:40 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate raphael
- 10:03:17 [raphael]
- Present: raphael, michael, yves, davy
- 10:03:20 [Zakim]
- +Yves
- 10:03:40 [Zakim]
- + +0329331aaaa
- 10:03:47 [conrad]
- conrad has joined #mediafrag
- 10:04:30 [raphael]
- Regrets+ Jack
- 10:04:57 [raphael]
- scribenick: raphael
- 10:05:05 [raphael]
- scribe: Raphael
- 10:05:12 [raphael]
- Topic: 1. Admin
- 10:05:29 [raphael]
- PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 24 February 2009 telecon,
- 10:05:31 [raphael]
- ?
- 10:05:33 [mhausenblas]
- +1
- 10:05:34 [davy]
- +1
- 10:05:34 [raphael]
- +1
- 10:05:39 [raphael]
- Minutes accepted
- 10:05:45 [raphael]
- ACTIOn-145?
- 10:05:45 [trackbot]
- ACTION-145 -- Raphaël Troncy to adjust the milestones in the charter -- due 2010-03-03 -- OPEN
- 10:05:45 [trackbot]
- 10:06:41 [raphael]
- close ACTION-145
- 10:06:41 [trackbot]
- ACTION-145 Adjust the milestones in the charter closed
- 10:06:54 [raphael]
- see the new table schedule on the group home page,
- 10:07:06 [raphael]
- ACTION-119?
- 10:07:06 [trackbot]
- ACTION-119 -- Yves Lafon to request admins to set up a cvs notifications mailing list and notifications -- due 2009-10-14 -- OPEN
- 10:07:06 [trackbot]
- 10:08:08 [Zakim]
- + +81.80.614.3.aabb
- 10:08:21 [raphael]
- zakim, aabb is Conrad
- 10:08:21 [Zakim]
- +Conrad; got it
- 10:09:06 [raphael]
- Topic: 2. F2F meeting
- 10:09:15 [raphael]
- Agenda:
- 10:09:45 [conrad]
- Zakim, mute me
- 10:09:45 [Zakim]
- Conrad should now be muted
- 10:10:04 [raphael]
- I'm requesting you put more items of things you would like to have been discussed
- 10:10:29 [raphael]
- Topic: 3. Specification
- 10:10:38 [raphael]
- ACTION-134?
- 10:10:38 [trackbot]
- ACTION-134 -- Erik Mannens to mark up the spec with normative and informative classes -- due 2010-02-10 -- OPEN
- 10:10:38 [trackbot]
- 10:10:57 [conrad]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 10:10:57 [Zakim]
- Conrad should no longer be muted
- 10:11:37 [raphael]
- Propose to close it, since we marked up already what is stable and not
- 10:11:45 [raphael]
- Some support from Yves
- 10:11:48 [raphael]
- no objetions
- 10:11:50 [conrad]
- +1
- 10:11:54 [davy]
- +1
- 10:11:56 [raphael]
- s/objetions/objections
- 10:11:56 [mhausenblas]
- +1
- 10:12:03 [raphael]
- close ACTION-134
- 10:12:03 [trackbot]
- ACTION-134 Mark up the spec with normative and informative classes closed
- 10:12:21 [raphael]
- ACTION-142?
- 10:12:21 [trackbot]
- ACTION-142 -- Raphaël Troncy to apply this change in the section 5.1.3 (jack's note) -- due 2010-02-24 -- OPEN
- 10:12:21 [trackbot]
- 10:12:30 [raphael]
- close ACTION-142
- 10:12:30 [trackbot]
- ACTION-142 Apply this change in the section 5.1.3 (jack's note) closed
- 10:13:01 [raphael]
- Topic: 4. Media URI Syntax
- 10:13:07 [raphael]
- ACTION-126?
- 10:13:07 [trackbot]
- ACTION-126 -- Yves Lafon to follow up on error in ABFN for npt -- due 2009-12-23 -- OPEN
- 10:13:07 [trackbot]
- 10:13:11 [conrad]
- Zakim, mute me
- 10:13:11 [Zakim]
- Conrad should now be muted
- 10:13:24 [raphael]
- Yves: it is done, both the wiki page and the document has been changed
- 10:13:49 [raphael]
- In the document, at the end, there is a consolidated annex with what we have imported
- 10:14:23 [Yves]
- 10:15:02 [Yves]
- Wall-clock time code
- 10:15:10 [Yves]
- Editorial note: Philip
- 10:15:13 [Yves]
- The datetime definition should be imported from either global date and time (HTML 5) or utc-time (RFC 2326).
- 10:15:19 [Yves]
- Editorial note: Yves
- 10:15:22 [Yves]
- In fact it should be a subset of ISO 8601, RFC 3339 would do. (Need WG decision)
- 10:16:07 [raphael]
- Issue: which def should we take?
- 10:16:07 [trackbot]
- Created ISSUE-15 - Which def should we take? ; please complete additional details at .
- 10:16:17 [Yves]
- 10:16:25 [raphael]
- drop ISSUE-15
- 10:17:33 [raphael]
- Yves: I would prefer to use the 3339 rather than the def used in HTML5 and the RTSP protocol
- 10:18:20 [raphael]
- ... HTML5 have chosen the ISO def rather than the RFC definition
- 10:18:29 [raphael]
- ... I think they are the same, but we should be consistent in our ref
- 10:19:12 [raphael]
- Raphael: do you want a WG decision now ? We are not that many on the call
- 10:19:37 [raphael]
- Yves: this is not rocket science, but should be pretty straightforward
- 10:19:46 [conrad]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 10:19:46 [Zakim]
- Conrad should no longer be muted
- 10:20:04 [raphael]
- Raphael: I would propose a 5 min discussion at the F2F meeting
- 10:20:30 [raphael]
- ... in order to take a WG decision (re: section
- 10:20:53 [raphael]
- Bug at is corrected
- 10:21:08 [raphael]
- Bug at is corrected
- 10:21:18 [raphael]
- The 's' has been dropped
- 10:21:30 [raphael]
- close ACTION-126
- 10:21:30 [trackbot]
- ACTION-126 Follow up on error in ABFN for npt closed
- 10:21:42 [raphael]
- Yves: the 's' was already optional but has been dropped
- 10:22:13 [Yves]
- 10:22:36 [raphael]
- Yves: the Annex B collects all the bits of the syntax
- 10:22:54 [raphael]
- ACTION-150?
- 10:22:54 [trackbot]
- ACTION-150 -- Erik Mannens to summarize the discussion on the quotes in a mail or on the wiki -- due 2010-03-03 -- OPEN
- 10:22:54 [trackbot]
- 10:23:32 [raphael]
- Raphael: whether we should have quotes or not for track and id will be a topic at the F2F meeting
- 10:23:44 [raphael]
- Yves: using quotes seem more secure ... but it is matter of discussion
- 10:23:58 [Yves]
- wwe need jack for this one
- 10:24:09 [Yves]
- s/ww/w/
- 10:24:16 [raphael]
- Topic: 5. Protocol
- 10:24:21 [raphael]
- ACTION-123?
- 10:24:21 [trackbot]
- ACTION-123 -- Yves Lafon to come up with ABNF for header syntax -- due 2009-12-09 -- OPEN
- 10:24:21 [trackbot]
- 10:24:36 [raphael]
- -- pending
- 10:24:49 [raphael]
- Yves: we need some further discussion
- 10:25:16 [raphael]
- ... in particular how we express the non-temporal dimension
- 10:25:29 [raphael]
- ... my plan is to actually _do_ that during the F2F meeting
- 10:26:47 [raphael]
- Raphael: this is another topic for the f2f
- 10:26:56 [raphael]
- Topic: 6. Rendering media fragments in the UA
- 10:27:02 [raphael]
- ACTION-141?
- 10:27:02 [trackbot]
- ACTION-141 -- Conrad Parker to add a paragraph in the section 5.2.1 that further clarify the role of the UA for rendering a media fragment -- due 2010-02-24 -- OPEN
- 10:27:02 [trackbot]
- 10:27:20 [raphael]
- Conrad: I will do that by f2f
- 10:27:41 [raphael]
- ACTION-135?
- 10:27:41 [trackbot]
- ACTION-135 -- Erik Mannens to extend section 5 regarding spatial and track dimension -- due 2010-02-10 -- OPEN
- 10:27:41 [trackbot]
- 10:27:56 [raphael]
- Davy: I have looked at it a little bit
- 10:28:14 [davy]
- 10:28:18 [raphael]
- ... look for examples
- 10:28:40 [raphael]
- Davy: examples of bow text fragments can be rendered, highlighted
- 10:28:50 [davy]
- 10:29:01 [raphael]
- ... I look also at the annotation tool of YouTube
- 10:30:24 [conrad]
- Zakim, mute me
- 10:30:24 [Zakim]
- Conrad should now be muted
- 10:30:56 [raphael]
- ... we also look at Flash development
- 10:31:08 [raphael]
- ... on the F2F I will make an implementation report
- 10:31:17 [raphael]
- ... perhaps with a demo
- 10:31:30 [raphael]
- ... but mainly the problems we have
- 10:32:21 [raphael]
- Topic: 7. Test Cases
- 10:32:28 [raphael]
- ACTION-118?
- 10:32:28 [trackbot]
- ACTION-118 -- Michael Hausenblas to come up with individual 'normal' test cases (+/- 20) -- due 2010-03-09 -- OPEN
- 10:32:28 [trackbot]
- 10:32:47 [raphael]
- close ACTIONB-118
- 10:32:49 [raphael]
- close ACTION-118
- 10:32:49 [trackbot]
- ACTION-118 Come up with individual 'normal' test cases (+/- 20) closed
- 10:33:18 [raphael]
- ACTION-147?
- 10:33:18 [trackbot]
- ACTION-147 -- Michael Hausenblas to add all MF WG members to corrib -- due 2010-03-05 -- OPEN
- 10:33:18 [trackbot]
- 10:34:33 [raphael]
- ... will be done by F2F
- 10:34:54 [raphael]
- Michael: goal of the F2F is to review the TC that are in corrib
- 10:35:47 [raphael]
- Other actions
- 10:35:52 [raphael]
- ACTION-71?
- 10:35:52 [trackbot]
- ACTION-71 -- Michael Hausenblas to investigate whether he could have an implementation in Javascript that does the client-side media fragments parsing -- due 2009-10-14 -- CLOSED
- 10:35:52 [trackbot]
- 10:37:05 [raphael]
- Davy: we mostly look at how to generate HTTP headers with js
- 10:37:20 [raphael]
- ... not really on parsing media fragments
- 10:37:39 [raphael]
- ... Silvia was looking at this
- 10:38:07 [raphael]
- Raphael: I will ask Silvia if she wants to take this action or not at f2f
- 10:38:57 [raphael]
- Topic: 8. AB
- 10:39:07 [raphael]
- Raphael: is there any other business to discuss?
- 10:39:47 [raphael]
- Next gathering is in Ghent
- 10:39:59 [raphael]
- Michael: will be around most of the time remotely
- 10:40:17 [raphael]
- Silvia: any slots you will 'more' here than others?
- 10:40:22 [conrad]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 10:40:22 [Zakim]
- Conrad should no longer be muted
- 10:41:19 [silvia]
- the morning sessions, as usual
- 10:41:40 [raphael]
- same for conrad
- 10:41:52 [raphael]
- Raphael: we will focus deep discussion during our morning sessions
- 10:42:08 [silvia]
- thanks, much appreciated
- 10:42:29 [Zakim]
- -Yves
- 10:42:30 [Zakim]
- -mhausenblas
- 10:42:31 [Zakim]
- -raphael
- 10:42:32 [Zakim]
- -Davy
- 10:42:33 [Zakim]
- -Conrad
- 10:42:33 [Zakim]
- IA_MFWG()5:00AM has ended
- 10:42:33 [raphael]
- Raphael: please, all, finish all your actions BEFORE the f2f
- 10:42:34 [Zakim]
- Attendees were raphael, mhausenblas, Yves, +0329331aaaa, Davy, +81.80.614.3.aabb, Conrad
- 10:42:51 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate raphael
- 10:43:26 [raphael]
- 10:45:20 [raphael]
- SribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics
- 10:45:22 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate raphael
- 10:45:50 [davy]
- davy has left #mediafrag
- 10:45:59 [raphael]
- ScribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics
- 10:46:03 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate raphael
- 10:46:34 [raphael]
- s/AB/AOB
- 10:46:38 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate raphael
- 10:47:08 [raphael]
- zakim, bye
- 10:47:08 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #mediafrag
- 10:47:13 [raphael]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 10:47:13 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items