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Proposed Recommendation Disposition of Comments
From RDFa Working Group Wiki
RDFa 1.1 Proposed Recommendation Disposition of Comments
The following document outlines the disposition of comments received during the RDFa 1.1 Candidate Recommendation Phase:
Originating Commenter | Issue | Description | Result | Commenter Response |
Gregg Kellogg | ISSUE-133 | Processing step missing when @property, @typeof, and @about are on the same element | RESOLVED with non-substantive editorial change | Satisfied |
Alex Milowski | ISSUE-134 | RDFa Core 1.1, Section 7.5, Step 11 wording ambiguity | RESOLVED with no change | Satisfied |
Alex Milowski | ISSUE-136 | RDFa Lite 1.1 Document Conformance regarding @href/@src and @rel/@rev | RESOLVED with non-substantive editorial change | Satisfied |
Niklas Lindström | ISSUE-138 | CURIE regex is not restrictive enough | RESOLVED with non-substantive editorial change | Satisfied |
Liam Quin and Alex Milowski | ISSUE-142 | Introductory text clarification on RDFa Lite (Liam Quin), clarification on the meaning of @about="[]" (Alex Milowski), spelling out the case of empty list generation (Alex Milowski), | RESOLVED with non-substantive editorial changes, RESOLVED with non-substantive editorial changes, RESOLVED with non-substantive editorial changes | Satisfied, Satisfied, Satisfied |