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Chatlog 2010-04-15
From RDFa Working Group Wiki
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13:50:28 <RRSAgent> RRSAgent has joined #rdfa 13:50:28 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/04/15-rdfa-irc 13:50:43 <manu> trackbot, start meeting 13:50:46 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world 13:50:48 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 7332 13:50:48 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDFa()10:00AM scheduled to start in 10 minutes 13:50:49 <trackbot> Meeting: RDFa Working Group Teleconference 13:50:49 <trackbot> Date: 15 April 2010 13:51:35 <manu> Present: Ivan, Steven, MarkB, Manu, Benjamin, Knud, Shane 13:51:41 <manu> Regrets: BenA, Toby 13:51:43 <manu> Chair: Manu 13:52:12 <manu> rrsagent, make logs public 13:53:24 <markbirbeck> markbirbeck has joined #rdfa 13:58:54 <Zakim> SW_RDFa()10:00AM has now started 13:59:01 <Zakim> +Benjamin 13:59:38 <Zakim> +??P9 13:59:48 <manu> zakim, I am ??P9 13:59:48 <Zakim> +manu; got it 14:00:17 <ivan> zakim, dial ivan-voip 14:00:17 <Zakim> ok, ivan; the call is being made 14:00:18 <Zakim> +Ivan 14:00:37 <ShaneM> ShaneM has joined #rdfa 14:01:15 <markbirbeck> zakim, code? 14:01:16 <Zakim> the conference code is 7332 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), markbirbeck 14:01:27 <Knud> Knud has joined #rdfa 14:01:49 <Zakim> +knud 14:01:56 <Zakim> +markbirbeck 14:02:21 <Steven> zakim, dial steven-617 14:02:21 <Zakim> ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:02:22 <Zakim> +Steven 14:03:15 <manu> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Apr/0062.html 14:03:31 <Zakim> +ShaneM 14:04:08 <manu> scribenick: ivan 14:04:42 <ivan> Topic: Resolutions on FPWD Items 14:04:56 <ivan> manu: a couple of resolutions should be on records, 14:05:02 <ivan> ... get the issues closed 14:05:12 <ivan> ... and have a resolution on getting fpwd-s 14:05:27 <manu> http://www.doodle.com/uqe9pxru7eu8n7d8 14:05:28 <ivan> manu: we had a poll that we did not record 14:05:41 <Knud> zakim, mute me 14:05:41 <Zakim> knud should now be muted 14:05:44 <ivan> manu: this covered the four items that had a wide agreement 14:05:53 <ivan> ... first: supporting of @profiles 14:06:13 <ivan> ... looking at it there were 2 against, we covered their reasons 14:06:21 <ivan> ... we should not rehash that 14:06:36 <manu> PROPOSAL: Support the general concept of RDFa Profiles - an external document that specifies keywords for CURIEs. 14:07:29 <ivan> ivan: +1 14:07:38 <manu> +1 14:07:38 <Benjamin> +1 14:07:41 <Knud> +1 14:07:47 <Steven> +1 14:07:50 <markbirbeck> +1 14:07:56 <Steven> This is not a vote - it's a straw poll that demonstrates rough consensus among the RDFa WG. 14:07:57 <ShaneM> +1 14:08:09 <manu> RESOLVED: Support the general concept of RDFa Profiles - an external document that specifies keywords for CURIEs. 14:08:38 <manu> PROPOSAL: Support the concept of having a default prefix mechanism without RDFS resolution. 14:08:41 <ivan> ivan: +1 14:08:50 <manu> +1 14:08:50 <Benjamin> +1 14:08:51 <Knud> +1 14:08:55 <Steven> +1 14:08:59 <markbirbeck> +1 14:09:16 <ShaneM> +1 14:09:26 <manu> RESOLVED: Support the concept of having a default prefix mechanism without RDFS resolution. 14:10:09 <manu> PROPOSAL: Support expressing the RDFa Profile document in RDFa (for example: rdfa:prefix/rdfa:keyword, or rdfa:alias) 14:10:16 <ivan> ivan: +1 14:10:18 <Steven> +1 14:10:19 <manu> +1 14:10:23 <Benjamin> +1 14:10:32 <Knud> +1 14:11:12 <ShaneM> +1 14:11:13 <markbirbeck> -1 14:12:19 <ivan> steven: mark, do you oppose this proposal? 14:12:37 <ivan> mark: I would be fine if we changed it to 'one of the possible mechanism would be rdfa' 14:12:49 <ivan> ... I think we can still have that discussion 14:13:10 <ivan> manu: we had a bit of discussions with that wording and we had a general discussion based on that - we don't want to change the proposal at this point because there is wide agreement to this wording and it could impact FPWD. 14:13:22 <ivan> ... looking at the proposal and the +1-s I would resolve it and we can have a discussion at a later stage 14:13:25 <manu> RESOLVED: Support expressing the RDFa Profile document in RDFa (for example: rdfa:prefix/rdfa:keyword, or rdfa:alias) 14:14:12 <manu> PROPOSAL: Provide an alternate mechanism to express mappings that does not depend on xmlns: (for example: @token, @vocab or @map) 14:14:20 <ivan> ivan: +1 14:14:25 <manu> +1 14:14:26 <Benjamin> +1 14:14:29 <Knud> +1 14:14:32 <Steven> -1 14:14:32 <markbirbeck> +1 14:14:50 <ivan> ivan: same question to steven... does he oppose or can live with it? 14:15:18 <ivan> steven: I was not sure whether I should say -1 or 0, an alternate means 'as well as' 14:15:27 <ShaneM> +1 14:15:27 <ivan> manu: this is really for languages without @xmlns: 14:15:52 <ivan> ... and whether or not namespaces exist in html5 at the conceptual level is debatable, but the WHATWG folks are claiming so 14:16:03 <ivan> ... the vast majority of our arguments over namespaces and @xmlns: (RDFa doesn't require either) revolved around that 14:16:14 <ivan> ... we want RDFa to be used in languages that do not have @xmlns: or namespaced elements 14:16:20 <ivan> ... for those languages, @prefix makes more sense than @xmlns: 14:16:21 <ShaneM> Moreover using xmlns pollutes the namespaces of a parser unnecessarily. 14:16:40 <ivan> Steven: I do not agree that html5 does not fall into this category 14:16:43 <ivan> q+ 14:16:48 <manu> ack ivan 14:17:58 <manu> RESOLVED: Provide an alternate mechanism to express mappings that does not depend on xmlns: (for example: @token, @vocab or @map) 14:18:12 <ivan> ivan: What about deprecating @xmlns:? 14:18:19 <manu> Topic: Deprecation of @xmlns: in RDFa 1.1 14:18:21 <ivan> ... it is in the current version of RDFa Core 14:18:42 <manu> +1 for deprecation of xmlns: 14:18:49 <Steven> -1 for deprecation 14:18:50 <manu> Ivan: I can live with deprecation of xmlns: 14:19:08 <manu> Ivan: we need a resolution for this if we are going to have it in RDFa Core 1.1 FPWD 14:19:16 <ivan> shane: I did this offline, asked Manu, he agreed and we added the text in there 14:19:32 <ivan> ... I agree that this should be discussed by the WG 14:19:38 <ivan> ... since having two is confusing 14:19:53 <ivan> manu: the reason I thought we would be going this direction is because we've had this discussion before in RDFa WG - Whether or not to deprecate xmlns: 14:20:02 <ivan> ... the issue is confusing - having two equal prefixing mechanisms 14:20:09 <ivan> ... we've also talked about the namespace issues - how RDFa doesn't need namespaces and how using xmlns: confuses a great number of people. 14:20:10 <Steven> I disagree more strongly on this one than the last 14:20:20 <ivan> ... If we had known what we know now about the confusion xmlns: creates in regular web developers. Some people still think that RDFa requires namespaces (even though RDFa doesn't require namespaces). Back in RDFa 1.0, when we re-used xmlns:, we would have probably defined a new attribute instead of re-using @xmlns: if we know what we know now (which is impossible)... looks like we'll need to discuss this in much more depth, then. 14:20:30 <ivan> steven: I am against deprecating it 14:20:30 <markbirbeck> q+ 14:20:44 <ivan> ... I do not like breaking backward compatibility 14:20:48 <ivan> manu: it does not break backward compatibility 14:21:01 <ivan> ... deprecation means a strong a signal not to use 14:21:15 <ivan> shane: technically it means it is not removed yet but it can be 14:21:31 <manu> ack mark 14:21:36 <ivan> ... steven, if it said 'prefix is preferred, is that fine'? 14:21:38 <ivan> steven: yes 14:21:46 <ivan> mark: 'deprecated' means there is a decision to remove it in the future 14:21:56 <ivan> ... we have to send a strong signal 14:22:48 <ivan> ... I do not agree that we would have not used xmlns: - done it differently 14:23:01 <manu> q+ to clarify "we'd do it differently" 14:23:10 <ivan> ... at the time we used what w3c had an emphasis on at the time - xmlns: - now things have changed, not as much of an emphasis on namespaces and xmlns: - we made the right decision in the context of what was going on at the time. 14:23:20 <ShaneM> +1 to marks concern 14:23:54 <ivan> ack manu 14:23:54 <Zakim> manu, you wanted to clarify "we'd do it differently" 14:23:54 <Steven> +1 to Mark 14:24:59 <Knud> "xmlns is discouraged"? 14:25:09 <markbirbeck> +1 to Knud 14:25:46 <Zakim> -ShaneM 14:25:47 <Zakim> +ShaneM 14:26:06 <ivan> PROPOSAL: the FPWD should say something like "prefix is preferred" but not explicitly deprecate xmlns 14:26:20 <ShaneM> +1 14:26:21 <manu> +1 14:26:22 <ivan> ivan: +1 14:26:28 <Knud> +1 14:26:31 <Benjamin> +1 14:26:31 <Steven> I can live with that 14:28:31 <markbirbeck> 0 14:28:35 <ivan> markbirbeck: That doesn't send a very strong message, does it? 14:29:52 <manu> PROPOSAL: Remove mention of "xmlns: is deprecated" from the RDFa Core 1.1 FPWD 14:30:08 <manu> +1 14:30:08 <ivan> ivan: +1 14:30:10 <markbirbeck> +1 14:30:23 <Knud> +1 14:30:23 <Benjamin> +1 14:30:24 <Steven> +1 14:30:35 <ShaneM> +1 14:30:36 <ivan> RESOLVED: Remove mention of "xmlns: is deprecated" from the RDFa Core 1.1 FPWD 14:30:45 <ivan> manu: We will have to discuss this in more depth and reach some kind of consensus about deprecating xmlns: after the FPWDs are out there. 14:31:03 <manu> Topic: Resolve to Publish RDFa Core 1.1 and XHTML+RDFa 1.1 FPWD 14:31:16 <ivan> manu: shane, an overview? 14:31:46 <ivan> shane: as far as can see, modulo pubrules, the document is in agreement with the resolutions of the group 14:31:56 <ivan> ... fpwd does not have to be perfect 14:32:17 <ivan> ... xhtml did not have the same review as core, but that is all right, not much changed there since XHTML+RDFa 1.0 :-) 14:32:26 <ivan> Ivan: I have concerns about the core and not publishing RDFa DOM API at the same time 14:32:42 <ivan> ... as soon as we put it out to the public, we will have the public reacting negatively to not publishing RDFa DOM API with the other two documents. 14:32:40 <ivan> manu: Shane, got a link to the RDFa Core 1.1 and XHTML+RDFa 1.1 documents? 14:32:55 <ShaneM> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/drafts/ 14:33:11 <ShaneM> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/drafts/2010/ED-rdfa-core-20100414/ 14:33:20 <ShaneM> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/drafts/2010/ED-xhtml-rdfa-20100413/ 14:33:25 <ivan> q+ 14:33:34 <manu> ack ivan 14:34:08 <manu> PROPOSAL: Publish RDFa Core 1.1 as First Public Working Draft 14:34:53 <manu> Ivan: Are we going to publish RDFa DOM API now as well? 14:35:37 <manu> Ivan: I think people might misunderstand the publishing RDFa DOM API at a later date as something negative. 14:35:46 <manu> q+ to discuss RDFa DOM API publication 14:35:50 <markbirbeck> q+ 14:36:19 <manu> Ivan: I'm concerned that people may think we're not concerned about the RDFa DOM API - we do care about it, very much. 14:36:23 <manu> ack markbirbeck 14:36:30 <ivan> mark: I can understand your concern, Ivan 14:36:33 <ivan> ... but I disagree 14:36:52 <ivan> ...the audience to this spec is very different 14:37:12 <ivan> .. my feeling is that the rdfa core and the xhtml will go unnoticed by general web developers. 14:37:21 <ivan> ... but RDFa itself is the story and it's evolved 14:37:30 <ivan> ... however the dom api is a different audience, different story - audience is parser developers 14:37:41 <ivan> ... RDFa DOM API is really aimed at web developers and we really think we should aim it at the html authors 14:37:42 <ivan> q+ 14:37:46 <manu> ack manu 14:37:46 <Zakim> manu, you wanted to discuss RDFa DOM API publication 14:37:51 <ivan> manu: I agree with mark 14:38:13 <ivan> ... i do not want us to get into mind set where we think that all of these specs must be published at the same time. 14:38:23 <ivan> ... We shouldn't create artificial ties between the documents that do not exist. 14:38:33 <ivan> ... but, let's suppose that all of Ivan's fears come true - bad community backlash due to a misunderstanding of where our priorities are 14:38:41 <ivan> ... we have to have courage, and take the heat if that happens 14:38:54 <ivan> ... we are not talking about pushing the dom api by a couple of months, we are talking about slipping publication by two weeks. 14:39:07 <ivan> ... if slipping the date by two weeks ends up resulting in nasty remarks about the RDFa WG 14:39:19 <ivan> ... those nasty remarks will be invalidated after two weeks time - when we publish the RDFa DOM API document 14:39:22 <manu> ack ivan 14:40:15 <markbirbeck> Fair point Ivan. I was bending the stick too far. :) 14:41:35 <manu> Ivan: I hope I'm being paranoid - and I wouldn't object to FPWD. 14:41:52 <manu> Ivan: I think these are the same audiences - we've changed some pretty major stuff. 14:42:10 <Zakim> +knud 14:42:16 <manu> PROPOSAL: Publish RDFa Core 1.1 as First Public Working Draft 14:43:05 <manu> +1 14:43:05 <ivan> ivan: +0.5 14:43:06 <markbirbeck> +1 14:43:07 <Benjamin> +1 14:43:10 <Knud> +1 14:43:11 <ShaneM> +1 14:43:11 <markbirbeck> :) 14:43:22 <Steven> +1 14:43:36 <manu> RESOLVED: Publish RDFa Core 1.1 as First Public Working Draft 14:44:00 <manu> PROPOSAL: Publish XHTML+RDFa 1.1 as First Public Working Draft 14:44:04 <manu> +1 14:44:04 <Steven> +1 14:44:06 <Benjamin> +1 14:44:07 <markbirbeck> +1 14:44:09 <Knud> +1 14:44:13 <ivan> ivan: +0.5 (just to be consistent) 14:44:23 <markbirbeck> I was wondering what you'd do. :) 14:44:24 <ShaneM> +1 14:44:29 <manu> RESOLVED: Publish XHTML+RDFa 1.1 as First Public Working Draft 14:45:14 <ivan> manu: Great job guys on these FPWD! Many thanks to Shane who worked tirelessly to get these documents into shape over the past several weeks! 14:46:45 <ivan> clap clap clap 14:46:50 <ivan> wohooo 14:46:52 <ivan> etc 14:46:56 <markbirbeck> Nice work Shane! 14:47:08 <ivan> Topic: RDFa DOM API 14:47:25 <ivan> manu: I have not put the API on the focus on the agendas for the past two months and I'm afraid that has put us in this situation of not being able to publish RDFa DOM API FPWD along with RDFa Core and XHTML+RDFa - so let's put all of our focus on RDFa DOM API now... get it to FPWD quickly. 14:47:48 <ivan> ... Benjamin, Mark and and I had discussion on how to improve it 14:47:54 <markbirbeck> q+ To apologise for causing delay on DOM API. 14:48:02 <ivan> ... what we want to do is to focus solely on the dom api for the coming 2 weeks 14:48:21 <Benjamin> Current version of the RDFa DOM API document: http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdfa-dom-api/ 14:48:29 <ivan> mark: apologize for causing delay, I was away with no internet connection... 14:48:44 <Benjamin> And the latest version of the Javascript prototype: http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdfa-dom-api/rdfa_dom_api.js 14:48:55 <ivan> ... the key issue I am trying to push this towards 14:49:18 <ivan> ... we should give people an api to select the elements of the dom that resulted in a triple in the triple store 14:49:32 <ivan> ... I put something up today for us to discuss 14:49:47 <ivan> manu: the concern I had is that I cannot implement element tracking in Firefox using the librdfa parser 14:50:04 <ivan> ... i know we are talking about an rdfa api 14:50:22 <ivan> ... but it will be very difficult to implement that for implementers that don't have access to the core DOM document object 14:50:31 <ivan> ... i do not know how to implement that in c and c++ in Firefox. 14:50:38 <ivan> mark: i think it is pretty easy 14:50:46 <ivan> manu: i would like to see some code 14:50:58 <ivan> ... if we can implement it in the c and c++ in Firefox, then we should have the feature. 14:51:11 <ivan> mark: this raises the question what we want to achieve with this api 14:51:26 <ivan> ... just querying triples is not really useful 14:51:54 <ivan> manu: that is not what i mean; if we want people to write Firefox extensions that modify the dom and give them extra methods - if we can't do that in a Firefox extension, we have a problem. 14:52:12 <ivan> ... this is usually done is c and c++, and we especially have this issue with the new @profile attribute. 14:52:34 <ivan> ... I do not think you can do it in pure javascript - dereference external @profile documents. 14:52:41 <ivan> ... this is not about implementing it in Redland, you can do that easily. 14:52:57 <ivan> ... it is about the restrictions that Firefox and Chrome put on their extension writers 14:53:15 <ivan> mark: if we want to do something for the in-browser developers, we have to see what is useful to those developers - tying to elements is very useful. 14:53:18 <manu> +1 to what Mark just said. 14:53:28 <ivan> ... we may need an additional thing in the api 14:53:44 <ivan> ... maybe we need some events that get passed 14:53:54 <ivan> ... we have to try to solve this rather than drop it 14:54:30 <ivan> manu: with that said, do you have examples of extending the Document object in Firefox? Not using Javascript - but with C/C++? 14:55:02 <ivan> markbirbeck: we had all kinds of things experimented with in our xforms work, there are lots of stuff we looked at 14:55:18 <ivan> manu: are you opposed getting just triples in javascript? 14:55:44 <ivan> markbirbeck: i do not have a problem with some kind of layering 14:55:55 <ivan> ... eg in sparql you have the notion of projection 14:56:08 <ivan> ... the result is the set of results with all kinds of properties 14:56:16 <ivan> ... you get back objects 14:56:32 <ivan> ... that is natural for js programmers 14:56:34 <ivan> q+ 14:56:37 <Benjamin> The current API version may be easily extended to query DOM nodes with certain RDFa content. 14:56:37 <ivan> ack markbirbeck 14:56:37 <Zakim> markbirbeck, you wanted to apologise for causing delay on DOM API. 14:56:38 <manu> ack mark 14:57:07 <ivan> markbirbeck: i have not looked at other languages, we may have a language specific holes where objects can be used 14:57:22 <ivan> ... and languages should fill that in - use whatever makes sense natively - objects in object-oriented languages. 14:57:36 <ivan> ... but all objects should have a pointer at that element where the triple comes from 14:57:59 <Benjamin> q+ 14:58:23 <ivan> ... we get both the semantics and the element that produced that 14:58:26 <manu> ack ivan 14:59:38 <manu> q+ to discuss triples-as-objects 14:59:41 <Benjamin> -1 to Ivans proposal 14:59:48 <manu> ack benjamin 15:00:04 <manu> Ivan: We don't have to provide every feature when doing a FPWD - do we really need this in there. 15:00:13 <ivan> Benjamin: The RDFa DOM API is not in a publish-able state right now - we cannot publish it today 15:00:26 <ivan> ... I think we should reach a concensus about the general style of the document 15:00:49 <ivan> ... we should get a feeling for what the api would look like 15:00:51 <manu> q- 15:00:55 <manu> q+ to end the telecon 15:01:04 <ivan> manu: we can add mark's proposal to this and see how it works together with the stuff that's already in there. 15:01:10 <ShaneM> Remember that published documents have their own momentum... Once it starts rolling in a certain direction it is hard to change. The faster it rolls the harder it is to redirect. 15:01:40 <ivan> manu: mark, what would help us most is to give us examples 15:01:47 <ivan> ... see how we can have this happen 15:01:53 <ivan> meeting adjourned 15:02:10 <Zakim> -markbirbeck 15:02:12 <Zakim> -Steven 15:02:14 <Zakim> -knud 15:02:20 <Zakim> -Benjamin 15:02:31 <Knud> +1 to what Shane just said 15:02:50 <markbirbeck> +1.5 15:03:00 <markbirbeck> (I'm using up the bits that Ivan didn't use. :)) # SPECIAL MARKER FOR CHATSYNC. 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