Details on Product RDF API

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There are 6 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-86 (edit)
prefixes and terms
POSTPONED Determine if prefixes and terms can be collapsed into one concept in the RDFa API 2011-02-28 RDF API 0
ISSUE-91 (edit)
POSTPONED Load remote documents via query() 2011-04-21 RDF API 0
ISSUE-92 (edit)
SPARQL support
POSTPONED SPARQL support in RDF API 2011-04-21 RDF API 0
ISSUE-93 (edit)
persistent storage
POSTPONED Persistent storage mechanism for RDF API 2011-04-21 RDF API 0
ISSUE-95 (edit) POSTPONED Figure out a word to use when referring to the 'value' of a RDFNode 2011-05-05 RDF API 0
ISSUE-112 (edit)
RDFParser and DataParser
POSTPONED RDFParser doesn't extend DataParser 2011-10-24 RDF API 0

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: all.html,v 1.1 2015/03/27 14:12:42 vivien Exp $