ISSUE-22: Backwards compatibility issue with case-sensitive prefixes in RDFa 1.0

Case-sensitive prefixes

Backwards compatibility issue with case-sensitive prefixes in RDFa 1.0

RDFa 1.1 Core
Raised by:
Manu Sporny
Opened on:
Section 7.5 item 4 indicates that prefixes, whether from @prefix or @xmlns, MUST be converted to lower case. However, XML namespace prefixes are case-sensitive. Test 0123 checks to ensure that this case sensitivity is retained in namespace mappings. I presume that this test is obsoleted by RDFa 1.1, and it's okay to break these dependencies (which were discouraged anyway).

This creates a backwards-compatibility issue with RDFa 1.0, where prefixes are case sensitive.

The RDFa Working Group must provide a resolution asserting that it is okay to break backwards compatibility with RDFa 1.0 in this manner.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. Re: [Comment response] To Gregg Kellogg (from on 2010-06-02)
  2. [Comment response] To Gregg Kellogg (from on 2010-06-02)
  3. RDFa WG telecon minutes for 2010-05-13 (from on 2010-05-13)
  4. Re: Telecon Agenda - 13th May 2010, 1400 UTC (from on 2010-05-13)
  5. Re: Telecon Agenda - 13th May 2010, 1400 UTC (from on 2010-05-11)
  6. Telecon Agenda - 13th May 2010, 1400 UTC (from on 2010-05-10)
  7. ISSUE-22 (Case-sensitive prefixes): Backwards compatibility issue with case-sensitive prefixes in RDFa 1.0 [RDFa 1.1 Core] (from on 2010-05-04)

Related notes:

More in this thread:

Manu Sporny, 4 May 2010, 03:43:42

RESOLVED: For prefixes defined via xmlns: and @prefix, the prefix text should be converted to lowercase by the RDFa Processor.

Manu Sporny, 17 May 2010, 02:00:07

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