ISSUE-130: Disallow href, rel, and rev on elements in host languages that do not allow it

HREF, REL and REV everywhere

Disallow href, rel, and rev on elements in host languages that do not allow it

3rd LC Comments - RDFa 1.1 Core
Raised by:
Manu Sporny
Opened on:
From Henri Sivonen: says "If HTML+RDFa
document conformance is desired, all RDFa attributes and valid values
(including CURIEs), as listed in RDFa Core 1.1, Section 2.1: The RDFa
Attributes, must be allowed and validate as conforming when used in an HTML4,
HTML5 or XHTML5 document."

It doesn't really say which elements these attributes are added to. The failure
to say which elements the attributes are added to is a bug, but knowing the
nature of RDFa as a general overlay, it's safe to guess that the above-quoted
text tries to add attributes to all elements.

The section referred to, ,
doesn't contain proper normative statements defining "RDFa attributes and valid
values". However, it says "For a complete list of RDFa attribute names and
syntax, see Attributes and Syntax."

That section ( lists href, src, rel
and rev.

One has to conclude that HTML+RDFa adds href, src, rel and rev to all elements.
I think it's a bad idea to add attributes that look like HTML attributes but
that only have their RDFa functionality--not the usual HTML functionality of
the attributes of the same names--to elements, because this is confusing.

Please don't add attributes that already have a meaning in HTML to HTML
elements that don't already have those attributes in unextended HTML.

More here:
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. Re: Official Response to ISSUE-132 from RDF Web Apps WG (from on 2012-04-26)
  2. Re: Official Response to ISSUE-130 from RDF Web Apps WG (from on 2012-04-25)
  3. Re: Official Response to ISSUE-130 from RDF Web Apps WG (from on 2012-03-15)
  4. Official Response to ISSUE-130 from RDF Web Apps WG (from on 2012-02-26)
  5. [REVISED] Telecon Agenda - February 23rd 2012, 1500 UTC (from on 2012-02-23)
  6. Re: Telecon Agenda - February 23rd 2012, 1500 UTC (from on 2012-02-20)
  7. Re: ISSUE-130 (HREF, REL and REV everywhere): Disallow href, rel, and rev on elements in host languages that do not allow it [3rd LC Comments - RDFa 1.1 Core] (from on 2012-02-20)
  8. ISSUE-130 (HREF, REL and REV everywhere): Disallow href, rel, and rev on elements in host languages that do not allow it [3rd LC Comments - RDFa 1.1 Core] (from on 2012-02-20)
  9. Telecon Agenda - February 23rd 2012, 1500 UTC (from on 2012-02-19)

Related notes:

PROPOSAL: Allow Host Languages where RDFa attributes overlap with their attributes to define if validation warnings occur when attributes such as @href, @rel and @rev are used on elements where they have historically not seen use.

PROPOSAL: Do not allow Host Languages to disallow @href, @rel and @rev usage on all elements.

Manu Sporny, 23 Feb 2012, 05:37:47

PROPOSAL: Ensure that HTML+RDFa 1.1 validators express warnings when @href, @rel and @rev are used on elements where they have historically not seen use.

Manu Sporny, 23 Feb 2012, 05:41:51

RESOLVED: In RDFa Core, @href should be specified as an optional RDFa attribute. In HTML+RDFa, @href is only allowed on elements that it has traditionally been allowed on. In XHTML+RDFa, @href is allowed on all elements. In XHTML+RDFa, XML+RDFa and HTML+RDFa, @rel and @rev are allowed on all elements. (non-substantive)

Manu Sporny, 26 Feb 2012, 22:09:19

The commenter has not replied on the fix that the WG proposed; issue is now closed (2012-05-07)

Ivan Herman, 7 May 2012, 18:02:00

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