ISSUE-124: Should HTML + RDFa Lite and HTML+RDFa Document Conformance requirements be different?

RDFa Lite Document Conformance

Should HTML + RDFa Lite and HTML+RDFa Document Conformance requirements be different?

RDFa 1.1 Lite
Raised by:
Manu Sporny
Opened on:
Raised by Paul Cotton:

Paul Cotton raises the question about whether or not we should provide two levels of document conformance for RDFa in HTML, or just one.

The question of a subset of attributes creating a new conformance class also came up, but we had decided to not have two conformance classes based on a subset of RDFa attributes. We should verify that this is still true.
Related Actions Items:
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Related emails:
  1. RE: Official Response to ISSUE-124 from RDF Web Apps WG (from on 2012-01-30)
  2. Official Response to ISSUE-124 from RDF Web Apps WG (from on 2012-01-28)
  3. Telecon Agenda - December 15th 2011, 1400 UTC (from on 2011-12-11)
  4. Re: ISSUE-124 (RDFa Lite Document Conformance): Should HTML + RDFa Lite and HTML+RDFa Document Conformance requirements be different? [RDFa 1.1 Lite] (from on 2011-12-08)
  5. ISSUE-124 (RDFa Lite Document Conformance): Should HTML + RDFa Lite and HTML+RDFa Document Conformance requirements be different? [RDFa 1.1 Lite] (from on 2011-12-08)
  6. RDF Web Apps ISSUE-124 (was: Re: Request for Review of RDFa Lite FPWD) (from on 2011-12-07)

Related notes:

RESOLVED: RDFa Lite 1.1 will make normative statements about Document Conformance, but stay silent on RDFa Processor conformance. HTML+RDFa 1.1 will depend on RDFa Core 1.1 and RDFa Lite 1.1 and will make normative statements both on Document Conformance and RDFa Processor conformance.

Manu Sporny, 28 Jan 2012, 17:15:43

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