RDFa Working Group

Minutes of 04 November 2010

Manu Sporny, Shane McCarron, Ivan Herman, Nathan Rixham, Benjamin Adrian
Knud Möller, Mark Birbeck, Steven Pemberton
Ivan Herman
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. Promote XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to Last Call with a publication date of November 9th, 2010. link
10:02:00 <ivan> Present: Manu, Shane, Ivan, Nathan, Benjamin
10:02:00 <ivan> scribenick: ivan

(Scribe set to Ivan Herman)

10:03:00 <ivan> Scribe: Ivan
10:03:00 <manu> Regrets: Knud, MarkB, Steven
10:04:00 <manu> Topic: XHTML+RDFa Last Call

1. XHTML+RDFa Last Call

10:04:00 <manu> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/drafts/2010/ED-xhtml-rdfa-20101101/

Manu Sporny: http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/drafts/2010/ED-xhtml-rdfa-20101101/

10:05:00 <ivan> manu: shane, are there any issues that have not been addressed?

Manu Sporny: shane, are there any issues that have not been addressed?

10:05:00 <ivan> ShaneM: mark had a concern in section 3 of the document

Shane McCarron: mark had a concern in section 3 of the document

10:05:00 <ivan> ... there are bulleted 'modifications' or additions to the processing rules

... there are bulleted 'modifications' or additions to the processing rules

10:06:00 <ivan> ... the last two he thinks needs additional clarification

... the last two he thinks needs additional clarification

10:06:00 <ivan> ... I think they are already covered in step 7, so it is not necessary

... I think they are already covered in step 7, so it is not necessary

10:06:00 <ivan> manu: are there test cases

Manu Sporny: are there test cases

10:06:00 <ivan> ShaneM: these are not new changes

Shane McCarron: these are not new changes

10:06:00 <ivan> ... so we should

... so we should

10:07:00 <ivan> manu: this particular issue does not have anything to do with the <html> element, as you say

Manu Sporny: this particular issue does not have anything to do with the <html> element, as you say

10:07:00 <ivan> .. anyone having a deep concern about not putting more words here?

.. anyone having a deep concern about not putting more words here?

10:07:00 <ivan> ... it would be editorial

... it would be editorial

10:07:00 <ivan> ShaneM: not sure

Shane McCarron: not sure

10:08:00 <ivan> manu: we are not changing the way the spec works, we just clarify what is happening, no design changes

Manu Sporny: we are not changing the way the spec works, we just clarify what is happening, no design changes

10:08:00 <ivan> ... do you agree

... do you agree

10:08:00 <ivan> ShaneM: I cannot imagine what change we would make and that would change anyone's processor

Shane McCarron: I cannot imagine what change we would make and that would change anyone's processor

10:08:00 <ivan> ... in this sense you are right

... in this sense you are right

10:08:00 <ShaneM> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdfa-core/Overview-src.html#sequence

Shane McCarron: http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdfa-core/Overview-src.html#sequence

10:09:00 <ivan> ... but the text in rdfa core, section 6 I think it explicitly deals with typeof

... but the text in rdfa core, section 6 I think it explicitly deals with typeof

10:09:00 <ivan> ... mark was saying that we need to say where in step 7 these additional processing rules come into play

... mark was saying that we need to say where in step 7 these additional processing rules come into play

10:09:00 <ivan> ... but I think it is very clear

... but I think it is very clear

10:11:00 <manu> Sequence, step #6: If no URI is provided by a resource attribute, then the first match from the following rules will apply:

Manu Sporny: Sequence, step #6: If no URI is provided by a resource attribute, then the first match from the following rules will apply:

10:11:00 <manu> if @typeof is present, then new subject is set to be a newly created bnode.

Manu Sporny: if @typeof is present, then new subject is set to be a newly created bnode.

10:11:00 <manu> XHTML+RDFa 1.1 says: In section 7.5, processing step 6, if no URI is provided by a resource attribute (e.g., @about, @href, @resource, or @src), then first check to see if the element is the head or body element. If it is, then act as if there is an empty @about present, and process it according to the rule for @about.

Manu Sporny: XHTML+RDFa 1.1 says: In section 7.5, processing step 6, if no URI is provided by a resource attribute (e.g., @about, @href, @resource, or @src), then first check to see if the element is the head or body element. If it is, then act as if there is an empty @about present, and process it according to the rule for @about.

10:11:00 <ivan> manu: it seems to be perfectly fine

Manu Sporny: it seems to be perfectly fine

10:12:00 <ivan> ... I agree with you shane there is no issue here

... I agree with you shane there is no issue here

10:12:00 <ivan> ShaneM: that was the only issue that I know of

Shane McCarron: that was the only issue that I know of

10:13:00 <ivan> manu: there was an issue in which order we process?

Manu Sporny: there was an issue in which order we process?

10:13:00 <ivan> .. only <base> carries over to the body

.. only <base> carries over to the body

10:13:00 <ivan> ... from head

... from head

10:14:00 <ivan> manu: any issues? any reason why we should not take XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to last call?

Manu Sporny: any issues? any reason why we should not take XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to last call?

10:15:00 <manu> PROPOSAL: Promote XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to Last Call with a publication date of November 9th, 2010.

PROPOSED: Promote XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to Last Call with a publication date of November 9th, 2010.

10:16:00 <ivan> Ivan: +1

Ivan Herman: +1

10:16:00 <manu> +1

Manu Sporny: +1

10:16:00 <nathan> +1

Nathan Rixham: +1

10:16:00 <Benjamin> +1

Benjamin Adrian: +1

10:16:00 <ShaneM> +1

Shane McCarron: +1

10:16:00 <manu> Mark Birbeck: +1 - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Nov/0026.html

Manu Sporny: Mark Birbeck: +1 - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Nov/0026.html

10:17:00 <manu> Knud Möller: +1 - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Nov/0027.html

Manu Sporny: Knud Möller: +1 - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdfa-wg/2010Nov/0027.html

10:17:00 <ivan> RESOLVED: Promote XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to Last Call with a publication date of November 9th, 2010.

RESOLVED: Promote XHTML+RDFa 1.1 to Last Call with a publication date of November 9th, 2010.

10:18:00 <ivan> Topic: HTML+RDFa Last Call plans

2. HTML+RDFa Last Call plans

10:18:00 <ivan> manu: for plan for HTML5+RDFa: the plan is to clean up the bugs on dec 5, and the idea is to put the documents to LC in early spring

Manu Sporny: for plan for HTML5+RDFa: the plan is to clean up the bugs on dec 5, and the idea is to put the documents to LC in early spring

10:18:00 <ivan> ... the biggest issue we have is that people that are trying to pull us into the fight into the HTML discussion so that RDFa processors should generate accessibilty triples

... the biggest issue we have is that people that are trying to pull us into the fight into the HTML discussion so that RDFa processors should generate accessibilty triples

10:18:00 <ShaneM> q+ to ask about PFWG

Shane McCarron: q+ to ask about PFWG

10:19:00 <manu> ack shaneM

Manu Sporny: ack shaneM

10:19:00 <Zakim> ShaneM, you wanted to ask about PFWG

Zakim IRC Bot: ShaneM, you wanted to ask about PFWG

10:19:00 <ivan> that would mean that html5+rdfa processors would generate different thigns than before

that would mean that html5+rdfa processors would generate different thigns than before

10:19:00 <ivan> ShaneM: what are you talking about with the pfwg hat on?

Shane McCarron: what are you talking about with the pfwg hat on?

10:21:00 <manu> Open bugs for HTML+RDFa: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10970 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11169

Manu Sporny: Open bugs for HTML+RDFa: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10970 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=11169

10:22:00 <ivan> ShaneM: there was an agreement not to follow that up?

Shane McCarron: there was an agreement not to follow that up?

10:22:00 <ivan> ... on 4th october he said he would not follow that up

... on 4th october he said he would not follow that up

10:22:00 <ivan> manu: ... in the rdfa group. But not in the html wg

Manu Sporny: ... in the rdfa group. But not in the html wg

10:23:00 <ivan> ... and he is pushing on accessibility discussion

... and he is pushing on accessibility discussion

10:23:00 <ivan> ... he was very involved, and he tried to pull the rdfa wg into this discussion

... he was very involved, and he tried to pull the rdfa wg into this discussion

10:23:00 <ivan> ... he thinks we should generate triples for <cite> is that the microdata spec supports it

... he thinks we should generate triples for <cite> is that the microdata spec supports it

10:23:00 <ivan> manu: but feature parity with microdata is not a goal for us

Manu Sporny: but feature parity with microdata is not a goal for us

10:25:00 <ShaneM> ACTION: Shane get a statement from the PFWG on HTML+RDFa issues 11169 and 10970 (triples for @longdesc and @cite)

ACTION: Shane get a statement from the PFWG on HTML+RDFa issues 11169 and 10970 (triples for @longdesc and @cite)

10:25:00 <trackbot> Created ACTION-39 - Get a statement from the PFWG on HTML+RDFa issues 11169 and 10970 (triples for @longdesc and @cite) [on Shane McCarron - due 2010-11-11].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-39 - Get a statement from the PFWG on HTML+RDFa issues 11169 and 10970 (triples for @longdesc and @cite) [on Shane McCarron - due 2010-11-11].

10:25:00 <manu> zakim, who is making noise?

Manu Sporny: zakim, who is making noise?

10:25:00 <Zakim> manu, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P19 (50%), ??P22 (19%), Ivan (62%)

Zakim IRC Bot: manu, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P19 (50%), ??P22 (19%), Ivan (62%)

10:26:00 <manu> zakim, who is on the call?

Manu Sporny: zakim, who is on the call?

10:26:00 <Zakim> On the phone I see no one

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see no one

10:26:00 <manu> zakim, mute ??P19

Manu Sporny: zakim, mute ??P19

10:26:00 <Zakim> sorry, manu, I do not know which phone connection belongs to ??P19

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, manu, I do not know which phone connection belongs to ??P19

10:27:00 <manu> Ivan: The point that we have to make clear is that the current RDFa Core 1.1 doesn't have any formal mechanism to extend RDFa Core w/ additional elements/attributes could/should be supported.

Ivan Herman: The point that we have to make clear is that the current RDFa Core 1.1 doesn't have any formal mechanism to extend RDFa Core w/ additional elements/attributes could/should be supported. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:27:00 <manu> Ivan: We don't have a formal mechanism where we can extend the attributes processed by RDFa Core - for example @datetime in HTML5.

Ivan Herman: We don't have a formal mechanism where we can extend the attributes processed by RDFa Core - for example @datetime in HTML5. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:28:00 <manu> Ivan: We don't have anything to extend the processing steps - we can't just add these items for different languages easily.

Ivan Herman: We don't have anything to extend the processing steps - we can't just add these items for different languages easily. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:28:00 <manu> Manu: We can't put it in the HTML+RDFa spec because you can't detect the difference between XHTML1.1 and HTML5 in a way that is not ambiguous 100% of the time. Having different processors do different things also makes implementation much more difficult. I think the key point to make is that RDFa doesn't stop anyone from generating these triples, but we shouldn't mandate this in the spec as it complicates implementations.

Manu Sporny: We can't put it in the HTML+RDFa spec because you can't detect the difference between XHTML1.1 and HTML5 in a way that is not ambiguous 100% of the time. Having different processors do different things also makes implementation much more difficult. I think the key point to make is that RDFa doesn't stop anyone from generating these triples, but we shouldn't mandate this in the spec as it complicates implementations. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:29:00 <ShaneM> FYI - what we said w.r.t. our own internal version of issue 10970 was:

Shane McCarron: FYI - what we said w.r.t. our own internal version of ISSUE-10970 was:

10:29:00 <ShaneM> I believe that the discussion was aware that this work might be done > in XHTML+RDFa. In the end, I agree with the working group that it > would be inappropriate at this time to try to introduce any > processing rules for @cite and @longdesc in any flavor of RDFa. My > recollection of the meeting is that this opinion was agreed by the > majority of the people present.

Shane McCarron: I believe that the discussion was aware that this work might be done > in XHTML+RDFa. In the end, I agree with the working group that it > would be inappropriate at this time to try to introduce any > processing rules for @cite and @longdesc in any flavor of RDFa. My > recollection of the meeting is that this opinion was agreed by the > majority of the people present.

10:29:00 <manu> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7670

Manu Sporny: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7670

10:30:00 <manu> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/120

Manu Sporny: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/120

10:36:00 <manu> Topic: ISSUE-52: Lightweight DataStore aligned with ECMAScript

(No events recorded for 6 minutes)

3. ISSUE-52: Lightweight DataStore aligned with ECMAScript

10:36:00 <manu> http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/52

Manu Sporny: http://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/track/issues/52

10:36:00 <ivan> manu: this is our biggest issue

Manu Sporny: this is our biggest issue

10:36:00 <ivan> ... but mark is not on the call today:-(

... but mark is not on the call today:-(

10:37:00 <ivan> ... there is a lot of stuff in it

... there is a lot of stuff in it

10:37:00 <ivan> ... there was some discussion on graph, store, data store, etc

... there was some discussion on graph, store, data store, etc

10:37:00 <ivan> ... a lot of the decision on the interface depends on that

... a lot of the decision on the interface depends on that

10:37:00 <ivan> ... question is whether we have a graph plus data store or not

... question is whether we have a graph plus data store or not

10:38:00 <ivan> nathan: if we do not have a graph in the api

Nathan Rixham: if we do not have a graph in the api

10:38:00 <ivan> ... so that is completely in the api at all

... so that is completely in the api at all

10:38:00 <ivan> ... we have a data store which is not clear whether it has one, or several set of triples

... we have a data store which is not clear whether it has one, or several set of triples

10:38:00 <ivan> ... so it was not fully defined

... so it was not fully defined

10:38:00 <ivan> ... when i implemented and i realized this

... when i implemented and i realized this

10:39:00 <ivan> ... want to realign it to have a clear set of triples

... want to realign it to have a clear set of triples

10:39:00 <ivan> ... the datastore interface is more an array a triples

... the datastore interface is more an array a triples

10:39:00 <ivan> ... and we came up that datastore is just a graph

... and we came up that datastore is just a graph

10:40:00 <ivan> ... mark said that he had the idea was raised but was pushed back

... mark said that he had the idea was raised but was pushed back

10:40:00 <manu> q+ to discuss complexity for developers.

Manu Sporny: q+ to discuss complexity for developers.

10:40:00 <manu> ack manu

Manu Sporny: ack manu

10:40:00 <Zakim> manu, you wanted to discuss complexity for developers.

Zakim IRC Bot: manu, you wanted to discuss complexity for developers.

10:41:00 <ivan> manu: the gut reaction i had was this is getting more an more complicated to developers

Manu Sporny: the gut reaction i had was this is getting more an more complicated to developers

10:41:00 <ivan> .... whatever we create should be simple for js developers

.... whatever we create should be simple for js developers

10:41:00 <ivan> ... but i want to make sure that the most common use case can be written down properly

... but i want to make sure that the most common use case can be written down properly

10:41:00 <ivan> q+


10:41:00 <ivan> ... and that is a danger

... and that is a danger

10:42:00 <ivan> ... it is not clear what a js developer would use this interface

... it is not clear what a js developer would use this interface

10:42:00 <ivan> .. when a make a query, do they path a graph, a datastore, would they realize the difference between the two?

.. when a make a query, do they path a graph, a datastore, would they realize the difference between the two?

10:42:00 <manu> ack ivan

Manu Sporny: ack ivan

10:43:00 <manu> Ivan: In RDFlib - there are only graphs.

Ivan Herman: In RDFlib - there are only graphs. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:43:00 <manu> Ivan: I do operations on the graph - that is in the Python world - I don't understand the necessity of a DataStore.

Ivan Herman: I do operations on the graph - that is in the Python world - I don't understand the necessity of a DataStore. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:43:00 <manu> Ivan: We have graphs or stores, why do we need both?

Ivan Herman: We have graphs or stores, why do we need both? [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:43:00 <manu> q+ to discuss named graphs.

Manu Sporny: q+ to discuss named graphs.

10:44:00 <nathan> q+ to addres points

Nathan Rixham: q+ to addres points

10:44:00 <manu> ack manu

Manu Sporny: ack manu

10:44:00 <Zakim> manu, you wanted to discuss named graphs.

Zakim IRC Bot: manu, you wanted to discuss named graphs.

10:44:00 <ivan> manu: one of the reason is that having a concept the named graph

Manu Sporny: one of the reason is that having a concept the named graph

10:44:00 <ivan> q+


10:44:00 <manu> ack webr

Manu Sporny: ack webr

10:44:00 <Zakim> webr, you wanted to addres points

Zakim IRC Bot: webr, you wanted to addres points

10:44:00 <manu> q+ webr to address points

Manu Sporny: q+ webr to address points

10:45:00 <manu> ack ivan

Manu Sporny: ack ivan

10:45:00 <manu> Ivan: We have separate graphs, the first is the processing graph, the other one is something else.

Ivan Herman: We have separate graphs, the first is the processing graph, the other one is something else. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:45:00 <manu> ack webr

Manu Sporny: ack webr

10:45:00 <Zakim> webr, you wanted to address points

Zakim IRC Bot: webr, you wanted to address points

10:45:00 <manu> q+ to discuss named graphs a bit more

Manu Sporny: q+ to discuss named graphs a bit more

10:45:00 <ivan> nathan: for the complexity

Nathan Rixham: for the complexity

10:46:00 <ivan> ... this interface proposed is the same as an array in js, we can call it a graph, but it is the same

... this interface proposed is the same as an array in js, we can call it a graph, but it is the same

10:46:00 <ivan> ... we need some more methods, but it is a a js array

... we need some more methods, but it is a a js array

10:46:00 <ivan> ... it is familiar and normal for js programmer

... it is familiar and normal for js programmer

10:46:00 <ivan> ... it is also easy to implement it

... it is also easy to implement it

10:46:00 <ivan> ... you have to proxy things to an array

... you have to proxy things to an array

10:46:00 <ivan> ... from that aspect it is simpler and familiar

... from that aspect it is simpler and familiar

10:47:00 <ivan> ... the difference between the two: a datastore is where we store the graphs

... the difference between the two: a datastore is where we store the graphs

10:47:00 <ivan> ... that is pretty much a datastore

... that is pretty much a datastore

10:47:00 <ivan> ... and if you have a datastore, we need a way to represent a graph

... and if you have a datastore, we need a way to represent a graph

10:47:00 <ivan> ... we need a form of a graph

... we need a form of a graph

10:48:00 <ivan> ... finally...when you store a graph you pass a name to it, and you get the named graph

... finally...when you store a graph you pass a name to it, and you get the named graph

10:48:00 <ivan> ... that is essentially the role of a datastore

... that is essentially the role of a datastore

10:49:00 <ivan> ... and there is no concept of a named graph in the datastore right now

... and there is no concept of a named graph in the datastore right now

10:49:00 <manu> ack manu

Manu Sporny: ack manu

10:49:00 <Zakim> manu, you wanted to discuss named graphs a bit more

Zakim IRC Bot: manu, you wanted to discuss named graphs a bit more

10:49:00 <ivan> manu: you did clarify the named graph issue

Manu Sporny: you did clarify the named graph issue

10:49:00 <ivan> ... the rdfa wg has to decide is how to decide on named graphs

... the rdfa wg has to decide is how to decide on named graphs

10:49:00 <ivan> q+


10:49:00 <ivan> ... we might want to work on that

... we might want to work on that

10:50:00 <nathan> q+ to make distinction between "RDFa API" and "RDF TripleStore API"

Nathan Rixham: q+ to make distinction between "RDFa API" and "RDF TripleStore API"

10:50:00 <ivan> ... we already the concept of a processor graph and we could formalize it in the api

... we already the concept of a processor graph and we could formalize it in the api

10:50:00 <manu> ack ivan

Manu Sporny: ack ivan

10:50:00 <manu> Ivan: I disagree

Ivan Herman: I disagree [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:51:00 <manu> Ivan: The RDFa Working Group does not have in its charter to do anything w/ Named Graphs - we don't even know what Named Graphs mean. There are ideas flying around in the community, but we don't know what the consensus is.

Ivan Herman: The RDFa Working Group does not have in its charter to do anything w/ Named Graphs - we don't even know what Named Graphs mean. There are ideas flying around in the community, but we don't know what the consensus is. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:52:00 <manu> Ivan: There will probably be an RDF WG, they will have to decide what to do w/ Named Graphs, but that is going to take much longer than the charter of this WG.

Ivan Herman: There will probably be an RDF WG, they will have to decide what to do w/ Named Graphs, but that is going to take much longer than the charter of this WG. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:52:00 <manu> Ivan: We should not push of LC for RDFa API for named graphs - that was the formal comment.

Ivan Herman: We should not push of LC for RDFa API for named graphs - that was the formal comment. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:52:00 <manu> Ivan: In practice, we should provide enough extensibility that would allow the named graph stuff in the future.

Ivan Herman: In practice, we should provide enough extensibility that would allow the named graph stuff in the future. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:53:00 <manu> Ivan: We have to deliver layer 1 and possibly layer 2 - RDFa API...

Ivan Herman: We have to deliver layer 1 and possibly layer 2 - RDFa API... [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:53:00 <manu> Ivan: but named graphs may be a layer 3 issue

Ivan Herman: but named graphs may be a layer 3 issue [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:53:00 <manu> Ivan: Doing Named Graphs is not in our charter -- formal.

Ivan Herman: Doing Named Graphs is not in our charter -- formal. [ Scribe Assist by Manu Sporny ]

10:53:00 <manu> ack webr

Manu Sporny: ack webr

10:53:00 <Zakim> webr, you wanted to make distinction between "RDFa API" and "RDF TripleStore API"

Zakim IRC Bot: webr, you wanted to make distinction between "RDFa API" and "RDF TripleStore API"

10:53:00 <ivan> nathan: i agree with what ivan said

Nathan Rixham: i agree with what ivan said

10:54:00 <ivan> ... with an rdfa document and the dom you do not need a store with multiple graphs

... with an rdfa document and the dom you do not need a store with multiple graphs

10:54:00 <ivan> ... what we need is a simple rdf graphs

... what we need is a simple rdf graphs

10:54:00 <ivan> ... you can get many of those, merge them, you can deal with them

... you can get many of those, merge them, you can deal with them

10:55:00 <ivan> ... what we do not have is to have multiple graphs with names etc, that is a matter of the rdf level and is not rdfa level

... what we do not have is to have multiple graphs with names etc, that is a matter of the rdf level and is not rdfa level

10:55:00 <manu> q+ to say that we don't have to name the graphs.

Manu Sporny: q+ to say that we don't have to name the graphs.

10:55:00 <manu> ack manu

Manu Sporny: ack manu

10:55:00 <Zakim> manu, you wanted to say that we don't have to name the graphs.

Zakim IRC Bot: manu, you wanted to say that we don't have to name the graphs.

10:55:00 <ivan> manu: part of me agrees with you

Manu Sporny: part of me agrees with you

10:56:00 <ivan> ... we can have a concept of a graph, and we can put it in a datastore

... we can have a concept of a graph, and we can put it in a datastore

10:56:00 <ivan> ... but that could mean a merge it, so we loose the provenance information

... but that could mean a merge it, so we loose the provenance information

10:56:00 <ivan> ... we try to balance it

... we try to balance it

10:56:00 <ivan> ... ivan is right, if we do a named graph then we are creating a precedence

... ivan is right, if we do a named graph then we are creating a precedence

10:56:00 <Benjamin> q+ to ask if multiple stores can exist in the scope of a single document

Benjamin Adrian: q+ to ask if multiple stores can exist in the scope of a single document

10:57:00 <manu> ack Benjamin

Manu Sporny: ack Benjamin

10:57:00 <Zakim> Benjamin, you wanted to ask if multiple stores can exist in the scope of a single document

Zakim IRC Bot: Benjamin, you wanted to ask if multiple stores can exist in the scope of a single document

10:57:00 <ivan> ... then we can a problem if, for example, a rdf group says that it has to have a uri as a name, we have problems

... then we can a problem if, for example, a rdf group says that it has to have a uri as a name, we have problems

10:57:00 <ivan> Benjamin: can we have multiple stores in a document?

Benjamin Adrian: can we have multiple stores in a document?

10:57:00 <ivan> ... is it possible to handle them?

... is it possible to handle them?

10:57:00 <ivan> .. i think it is

.. i think it is

10:58:00 <ivan> nathan: currently we need a distinction between a graph and a store

Nathan Rixham: currently we need a distinction between a graph and a store

10:58:00 <ivan> ... you can have multiple contexts, documents...

... you can have multiple contexts, documents...

10:58:00 <ivan> ... if we define in a some way that we can have multiple datastores

... if we define in a some way that we can have multiple datastores

10:58:00 <manu> q+ to ask Nathan to create DataStore and RDFGraph IDL

Manu Sporny: q+ to ask Nathan to create DataStore and RDFGraph IDL

10:58:00 <ivan> ... but generally it is possible

... but generally it is possible

10:59:00 <ivan> ... we have to think about different environments, because people want it

... we have to think about different environments, because people want it

10:59:00 <ivan> ... we cannot do that with only one store and one databse

... we cannot do that with only one store and one databse

10:59:00 <ivan> ... one other thing

... one other thing

10:59:00 <ivan> ... there is a sparql consideration there, which raised the FROM thing

... there is a sparql consideration there, which raised the FROM thing

10:59:00 <ivan> ... we have to specify what the FROM is

... we have to specify what the FROM is

10:59:00 <manu> ack manu

Manu Sporny: ack manu

10:59:00 <Zakim> manu, you wanted to ask Nathan to create DataStore and RDFGraph IDL

Zakim IRC Bot: manu, you wanted to ask Nathan to create DataStore and RDFGraph IDL

11:00:00 <ivan> manu: it is difficult for me to imagine what exactly you have in mind

Manu Sporny: it is difficult for me to imagine what exactly you have in mind

11:01:00 <ivan> nathan: we definitely need a graph, and many people will need a store

Nathan Rixham: we definitely need a graph, and many people will need a store

11:01:00 <ivan> ... but a store is so common that we can as well standardize it

... but a store is so common that we can as well standardize it

11:01:00 <ivan> ... there conceptually two distinct things

... there conceptually two distinct things

11:01:00 <ivan> q+


11:01:00 <manu> ack ivan

Manu Sporny: ack ivan

11:02:00 <ivan> manu: can you write the interfaces down so that we can discuss them next week

Manu Sporny: can you write the interfaces down so that we can discuss them next week

11:02:00 <manu> q+ to end the telecon

Manu Sporny: q+ to end the telecon

11:04:00 <nathan> q+ to clarify minor detail

Nathan Rixham: q+ to clarify minor detail

11:04:00 <manu> ack manu

Manu Sporny: ack manu

11:04:00 <Zakim> manu, you wanted to end the telecon

Zakim IRC Bot: manu, you wanted to end the telecon

11:04:00 <ivan> --- adjurned

--- adjurned

11:04:00 <manu> ack webr

Manu Sporny: ack webr

11:04:00 <Zakim> webr, you wanted to clarify minor detail

Zakim IRC Bot: webr, you wanted to clarify minor detail

11:13:00 <manu> http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-core/#accessing-the-processor-graph

(No events recorded for 9 minutes)

Manu Sporny: http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-core/#accessing-the-processor-graph

11:16:00 <ShaneM> The point I raised was that the RDFa API needs to at the very least allow access to the processor graph and the default graph (and the combined graph?)

Shane McCarron: The point I raised was that the RDFa API needs to at the very least allow access to the processor graph and the default graph (and the combined graph?)

11:22:00 <ivan> zakim, drop me

(No events recorded for 6 minutes)

zakim, drop me

11:22:00 <Zakim> sorry, ivan, I do not see a party named 'ivan'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, ivan, I do not see a party named 'ivan'

11:22:00 <Zakim> SW_RDFa()10:00AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_RDFa()10:00AM has ended

11:22:00 <Zakim> Attendees were

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#1) generated 2010-11-04 16:03:23 UTC by 'msporny', comments: 'Minor fixups/clarifications to RDFa WG minutes.'