20:27:56 RRSAgent has joined #ws-ra 20:27:56 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/02/09-ws-ra-irc 20:27:58 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:27:58 Zakim has joined #ws-ra 20:28:00 Zakim, this will be WSRA 20:28:01 Meeting: Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference 20:28:01 Date: 09 February 2010 20:28:01 ok, trackbot, I see WS_WSRA()3:30PM already started 20:28:27 +Bob_Freund 20:29:07 +vikas 20:29:30 Vikas has joined #ws-ra 20:29:59 +asoldano 20:31:10 chair: Bob Freund 20:31:14 Ashok has joined #ws-ra 20:31:32 scribe: Alessio Soldano 20:31:39 Ram has joined #ws-ra 20:31:51 scribenick: asoldano 20:32:16 +Gilbert 20:32:38 +Ashok_Malhotra 20:32:52 +[Microsoft] 20:32:55 Tom_Rutt has joined #ws-ra 20:33:11 gpilz has joined #ws-ra 20:33:18
  • li has joined #ws-ra 20:33:41 asir has joined #ws-ra 20:33:47 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Feb/0008.html 20:34:04 +Li 20:34:05 +Tom_Rutt 20:36:04 TOPIC: approval of agenda 20:36:38 RESOLUTION: agenda approved 20:36:53 TOPIC: approval of minutes of last F2F 20:37:11 RESOLUTION: minutes approved 20:39:33 Katy has joined #ws-ra 20:39:48 currently outstanding action item to be handled at last call 20:41:13 + +0207827aaaa 20:42:23 next week we confirm the date for the last calls 20:43:42 katy: don't know if IBM can join F2F in France 20:44:21 where is that? 20:44:31 okay 20:44:40 How about east or west coast? 20:48:09 TOPIC: 8160 20:48:25 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8160 20:48:44 q+ 20:48:57 ack ram 20:49:37 RESOLUTION: 8160 resolved with combination of comments 1 and 2 20:50:11 TOPIC: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8271 20:50:25 zip: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/att-0194/wseventing-8271.zip 20:54:18 RESOLUTION: 8271 resolved with the proposal on comment #1 20:54:52 TOPIC: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8298 20:54:54 zip: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Feb/att-0006/wst_8298.zip 20:58:38 q+ 20:58:39 q+ 20:58:44 q+ 20:58:57 ack ram 20:59:18 ack dug 20:59:46 q- 21:00:38 RESOLUTION: 8298 resolved with the proposal on comment #1 21:00:57 TOPIC: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8304 21:01:05 zip: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Feb/att-0005/wsenum-8304.zip 21:01:52 Ashok has joined #ws-ra 21:04:01 katy: propose to use something different from "ought not to" in introduction 21:04:35 ... perhaps with a re-wording 21:04:44 .. of the sentence 21:04:52 In general, the ordering or completeness of the enumeration is not significant; 21:05:12 In general, the ordering or completeness of the enumeration is not guaranteed; 21:05:34 In general, the ordering or completeness of the enumeration is undefined; 21:05:49 In general, the ordering or completeness of the enumeration is undefined; the returned data items represent a selection by the data source of items it wishes to present to that consumer at that time in that order, with no guarantee that every available item is returned or that the order in which items is returned has any semantic meaning whatsoever (of course, any specific data source can provide strong guarantees, if so desired). 21:06:13 The ordering or completeness of the enumeration is undefined; the returned data items represent a selection by the data source of items it wishes to present to that consumer at that time in that order, with no guarantee that every available item is returned or that the order in which items is returned has any semantic meaning whatsoever (of course, any specific data source can provide strong guarantees, if so desired). 21:06:39 bob: last line acceptable? 21:06:54 bob: accepted change 21:09:55 q+ 21:09:57 q+ 21:10:22 ack ram 21:10:55 q+ 21:11:44 q+ 21:12:11 ram: propose to leave SHOULD NOT instead of MUST NOT on section 3.2 21:12:24 ack katy 21:12:51 ack dug 21:12:52 katy: want to think about this some more 21:13:06 +[Oracle] 21:13:15 q+ 21:14:22 ack tom 21:14:31 q+ 21:15:10 +1 to Tom! 21:15:21 The consumer MUST NOT issue additional Pull request messages after a Pull response containing a wsen:EndOfSequence element has been received. 21:15:22 ack gp 21:15:46 Tom: change receipt to return 21:16:35 ack du 21:18:09 accepted modified text 21:19:24 s/receipt to return/returned to received/ 21:20:48 Upon successful processing of a Pull request message, a data source MUST return a Pull response message of the following form: 21:21:23 Upon successful processing of a Release request message, a data source MUST return a Release response message, of the following form: 21:22:00 Upon successful processing of a Release request message, a data source MUST return a Release response message of the following form: 21:22:26 bob: above changes to be added to the proposal (1st and 3rd) 21:23:27 q+ 21:23:33 Upon successful processing of an Enumerate request message, a data source MUST create an enumeration context and return that context in an Enumerate response message of the following form: 21:23:36 ack dug 21:26:10 bob: change above in section 3 approved too 21:26:41 RESOLUTION: 8304 resolved with comments from 1 to 5 21:27:23 TOPIC: MOAP ;) 21:28:36 zip: http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ra/10/02/moap.zip 21:30:20 -vikas 21:30:53 -sreed 21:34:10 + + 21:37:31 q+ 21:37:56 Vikas has joined #ws-ra 21:38:48 ack asir 21:39:41 + +1.703.860.aacc 21:43:34 q+ 21:46:04 ack gp 21:46:13 Bootstrap case is spelled out at http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ra/edcopies/wsmex.html#Bootstrapping-Metadata-Retrieval 21:46:18 -[Oracle] 21:46:22 q+ 21:46:27 +J.Mischkinsky 21:49:00 q+ 21:49:22 ack dug 21:50:12 ack asir 21:56:39 q 21:56:49 bob: more time for the proposal to be analysed 21:57:01 q+ 21:57:12 s/analysed/analysed has been requested 21:57:37 ack asir 21:59:11 bob: issues without proposal might be proposed for closing with no action next week 21:59:47 - +1.703.860.aacc 21:59:47 bye 21:59:49 - + 21:59:49 -Tom_Rutt 21:59:50 -[IBM_Watson] 21:59:50 -Li 21:59:51 -[Microsoft] 21:59:51 -Ashok_Malhotra 21:59:53 -Bob_Freund 21:59:54 -asoldano 22:00:03 - +0207827aaaa 22:00:05 -Gilbert 22:00:07 -J.Mischkinsky 22:00:08 WS_WSRA()3:30PM has ended 22:00:09 rrsagent, generate minutes 22:00:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/02/09-ws-ra-minutes.html Bob 22:00:09 Attendees were [IBM_Watson], sreed, Bob_Freund, vikas, asoldano, Gilbert, Ashok_Malhotra, [Microsoft], Li, Tom_Rutt, +0207827aaaa, [Oracle], +, +1.703.860.aacc, 22:00:10 gpilz has left #ws-ra 22:00:12 ... J.Mischkinsky 23:36:24 Bob has joined #ws-ra