16:00:47 RRSAgent has joined #rif 16:00:47 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/02/09-rif-irc 16:00:56 rrsagent, make minutes 16:00:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/02/09-rif-minutes.html ChrisW 16:01:41 +[IBM] 16:01:42 rrsagent, make logs public 16:01:48 zakim, ibm is temporarily me 16:01:48 +ChrisW; got it 16:01:52 DaveReynolds has joined #rif 16:01:56 csma has joined #rif 16:02:00 +[NRCC] 16:02:29 zakim, [NRCC] is me. 16:02:29 +Harold; got it 16:02:38 +??P55 16:03:13 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:03:13 On the phone I see Mike_Dean, Sandro, ChrisW, Harold, DaveReynolds 16:03:18 Gary_Hallmark has joined #rif 16:03:22 Trying to join 16:03:46 Scribe: DaveReynolds 16:03:52 scribenick: DaveReynolds 16:03:53 +LeoraMorgenstern 16:04:17 +Gary 16:04:42 Last weeks minutes: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2010Feb/att-0010/2010-02-02-rif-minutes.html 16:04:50 PROPOSED: Approve last week's minutes 16:05:05 RESOLVED: Approve last week's minutes 16:05:51 + +95356aaaa 16:06:06 zakim, aaaa is me 16:06:06 +csma; got it 16:06:58 Meeting: RIF Telecon 9 Feb 2010 16:07:03 Chair: Chris Welty 16:07:11 Topic: 2cnd PRD LC 16:07:36 csma: latest PRD draft added notion of compound action, introduces notion of simple action (atomic or compound) 16:07:55 csma: retract can retract single fact, or whole object 16:08:19 csma: added form to retract all values for an object on a given slot (also atomic) 16:09:10 csma: compound is fixed sequence of atomic actions, single instance of this is modify, retract all values of slot in frame then assert new value 16:09:45 csma: consequent editorial changes - replacing atomic action by simple action, changing examples etc 16:10:04 AdrianP has joined #rif 16:10:06 cmsa: second non-editorial change, new section 4.2.2, rules normalization 16:10:26 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2010Feb/0019.html 16:10:53 cmsa: avoid changing semantics by assuming rules normalized to remove disjunctive conditions by mapping to set of rules with same action part 16:11:00 Regrets: MichaelKifer 16:11:18 s/cmsa/csma/ 16:11:21 +??P30 16:11:33 Zakim, ??P30 is me 16:11:33 +AdrianP; got it 16:11:38 csma: also normalize by replacing compound actions by their atomic actions 16:11:40 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:11:40 On the phone I see Mike_Dean, Sandro, ChrisW, Harold, DaveReynolds, LeoraMorgenstern, Gary, csma, AdrianP 16:12:11 csma: last change, introduce notion of intermediate state of the transition system 16:12:44 csma: cycle states are the state after an action block has been executed, transitional state is state after each atomic action has been performed 16:12:51 RE: Definition (Production rule system state). 16:13:08 "... is either a system cycle states or a system transitional states. "? 16:13:22 csma: changed concept resolution to apply in each transitional state, previously only applied to what is now called the cycle states 16:13:37 (http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/draft/rif-prd/#Definitions_and_notational_conventions) 16:13:44 csma: this is a substantial change to the semantics 16:13:54 queue yourself to ask that, Harold? 16:14:47 csma: Also clarified use of xml:base (section 8.2) as discussed and resolved at last telecon, allow relative IRIs in RIF XML syntax anywhere IRIs are allowed 16:15:04 q? 16:15:23 RE: 8.2 xml:base 16:15:39 "... including constant type, symbol spaces, location, and profile."? 16:15:46 constant types 16:16:06 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/draft/rif-prd/#xml:base 16:16:07 q+ 16:16:47 Harold: typos in draft noted via IRC 16:17:13 Leora: modify is now a compound act? 16:18:26 before we had it as a "true" modify, where the implicit retract does not fire negated rules 16:18:28 csma: yes, previously an atomic action now equivalent to a sequence, relevant due to the transitional states affecting refraction 16:18:43 q+ 16:19:07 ack leora 16:19:13 ack harold 16:19:24 csma: the absence of an atomic modify is a problem for some systems such as jRules, will have to change implementation substantially 16:20:04 Harold: many people would distinguish simple v. compound, nomenclature is potentially confusing 16:20:35 csma: would prefer better wording but this choice meant least changes to text 16:20:39 q+ 16:21:05 csma: simple actions are simple in terms of syntax, though can represent and implicit sequence, whereas an action block is an explicit sequence 16:21:12 s/and/an/ 16:21:14 ack Gary 16:21:22 Gary: could say "action" rather than "simple action" 16:21:35 csma: OK 16:22:04 Chris: has there been a review other than from Gary? 16:22:08 csma: no 16:22:57 action: Adrian to review changes to PRD spec by Thursday 16:22:57 Created ACTION-978 - Review changes to PRD spec by Thursday [on Adrian Paschke - due 2010-02-16]. 16:23:54 action: adrian to review PRD draft by noon (europe) thursday 16:23:55 Created ACTION-979 - Review PRD draft by noon (europe) thursday [on Adrian Paschke - due 2010-02-16]. 16:25:39 PROPOSED: Publish the new draft of PRD as a Last Call WD, after csma changes simple actions to actions, corrects a few typos, and pending Adrian's positive review by 6am ET Thursday. 16:25:50 +1 (NRC) 16:26:02 +1 Oracle 16:26:10 +1 16:26:15 -Harold 16:26:16 +1 16:26:21 PROPOSED: Publish the new draft of PRD as a Last Call WD, after csma changes simple actions to actions, corrects a few typos, and pending Adrian's positive review by 6am ET Thursday. (Others are also free to object by that time, as well.) 16:26:26 +1 (self) 16:26:34 last call period to be minimum, 21 days., 16:26:39 +1 16:26:42 +1 (IBM) 16:27:16 +1 16:27:28 zakim, who is here? 16:27:28 On the phone I see Mike_Dean, Sandro, ChrisW, DaveReynolds, LeoraMorgenstern, Gary, csma, AdrianP 16:27:30 On IRC I see AdrianP, Gary, csma, DaveReynolds, RRSAgent, LeoraMorgenstern, sandro, mdean, ChrisW, AxelPolleres, trackbot, Harold, Zakim 16:27:34 +1 (self) 16:27:44 +1 16:28:31 TOPIC: use Case modify/noloop 16:28:32 RESOLVED: Publish the new draft of PRD as a Last Call WD, after csma changes simple actions to actions, corrects a few typos, and pending Adrian's positive review by 6am ET Thursday. (Others are also free to object by that time, as well.) 16:28:46 s/use/test/ 16:29:07 Chris: simply remove test case? 16:29:32 csma: yes, will also add new test cases in parallel with last call, being discussed in PRD task force 16:29:49 PROPOSED: remove http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wiki/Modify_noloop 16:29:58 +1 16:29:59 +1 16:30:00 +1 16:30:10 +1 16:30:19 +1 16:30:23 RESOLVED: remove http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wiki/Modify_noloop 16:30:47 action: leora to ask stella to remove modify_noloop 16:30:47 Created ACTION-980 - Ask stella to remove modify_noloop [on Leora Morgenstern - due 2010-02-16]. 16:30:56 TOPIC: AOB 16:31:11 zakim, list attendees 16:31:11 As of this point the attendees have been Mike_Dean, Sandro, ChrisW, Harold, DaveReynolds, LeoraMorgenstern, Gary, +95356aaaa, csma, AdrianP 16:31:13 -Gary 16:31:15 -LeoraMorgenstern 16:31:21 -Mike_Dean 16:31:22 -AdrianP 16:31:22 rrsagent, make minutes 16:31:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/02/09-rif-minutes.html ChrisW 16:31:51 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:31:51 On the phone I see Sandro, ChrisW, DaveReynolds, csma 16:31:56 -DaveReynolds 16:45:58 + +5875aabb 16:46:10 -csma 16:46:24 zakim, aabb is me 16:46:24 +csma; got it 16:57:41 http://www.systap.com/bigdata.htm 17:17:52 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/draft/rif-prd/ 17:23:52 -ChrisW 17:23:58 -Sandro 17:24:03 -csma 17:24:04 SW_RIF()11:00AM has ended 17:24:08 Attendees were Mike_Dean, Sandro, ChrisW, Harold, DaveReynolds, LeoraMorgenstern, Gary, +95356aaaa, csma, AdrianP, +5875aabb 17:34:40 ChrisW has joined #rif 18:41:43 AxelPolleres has left #rif