16:56:40 RRSAgent has joined #ws-ra 16:56:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/01/27-ws-ra-irc 16:56:42 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:56:42 Zakim has joined #ws-ra 16:56:44 Zakim, this will be WSRA 16:56:44 ok, trackbot; I see WS_WSRA(F2F)11:00AM scheduled to start 56 minutes ago 16:56:45 Meeting: Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference 16:56:45 Date: 27 January 2010 16:57:42 asoldano has joined #ws-ra 16:59:53 Ram has joined #ws-ra 16:59:55 Bob has joined #ws-ra 17:00:54 WS_WSRA(F2F)11:00AM has now started 17:01:05 +asoldano 17:01:22 trackbot, start telecon 17:01:23 +[Fujitsu] 17:01:24 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:01:26 Zakim, this will be WSRA 17:01:26 ok, trackbot, I see WS_WSRA(F2F)11:00AM already started 17:01:27 Meeting: Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference 17:01:27 Date: 27 January 2010 17:01:40 rrsagent, this meting spans midnight 17:01:40 I'm logging. I don't understand 'this meting spans midnight', Bob. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:01:47 rrsagent, this meting spans midnight 17:01:47 I'm logging. I don't understand 'this meting spans midnight', Bob. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:01:48 Tom_Rutt has joined #ws-ra 17:02:01 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 17:02:02 what is the conference code today? 17:02:07 9772 17:02:49 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0171.html 17:02:54 +Tom_Rutt 17:03:22 DaveS has joined #ws-ra 17:03:58 +MartinC 17:05:43 +[IPcaller] 17:05:56 scribenick: Sreed 17:06:36 Bob: Minutes of meeting - Jan 26 is approved 17:07:12 Vikas has joined #ws-ra 17:08:25 +Gilbert_Pilz 17:08:28 +J.Mischkinsky 17:08:30 Bob: WSRA F2F is coming up with Redmond Microsoft campus Mar 30th to April 1st 17:10:47 Bob: Any objection related to WSRA F2F meeting to be scheduled on Mar 30th to Apr 1st 17:12:04
  • li has joined #ws-ra 17:12:55 +Li 17:13:02 Bob: Follow-up F2F end of May 17:13:34 Ram: Last week of Jun is fine (22nd to 24th) 17:14:50 Yves: will host next F2F meeting 17:16:28 s/will/can/ :-) 17:18:44 Wu has joined #ws-ra 17:19:19 Bob: The next F2F proposed in Jun 15th to 17th 17:19:57 -Gilbert_Pilz 17:21:42 Bob: F2F meeting - Jun 15th to 17th in Sophia, France 17:23:11 Bob: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8205 17:23:24 TOPIC: 8205 17:24:28 -asoldano 17:24:32 dug: Minor spec unique more than one meta resource is associated - MEX Data element 17:24:50 Asir: Need to understand the value 17:24:55 +asoldano 17:25:46 dug: Two meta data resources both fo them MEX meta data element - two docs, not able to combine need to keep it separate 17:26:20 Asir: MEX data container attribute extensibility that changes the semantics? 17:26:53 dug: Adding an attribute extensibility addtionally qualifies in the MEX data element - information 17:27:27 Asir: Need to look into a concreate example on this 17:27:45 Ashok: what would be situation related to this 17:28:29 dug: merge meta data elements together 17:28:55 Asir: I am not seeing much value to this 17:29:17 Asir: I would like to undertand the value 17:29:50 DaveS: What semantic would you attach to the spec in related to this 17:31:51 Asir: If you are changing the semantics if you are adding/changing - relationship - just modfied the representation 17:33:33 dug: MEX meta data create a sub class - extensibility point changes to semantics of sub class 17:34:11 dug: not changing the basic semantics 17:34:14 -J.Mischkinsky 17:35:13 q+ jeffM 17:35:39 Gil: logical conclusion - section level it should be fine 17:36:26 dug: there is inconsistent in the spec now 17:36:41 ack jeff 17:37:43 q+ 17:37:57 jeffM: addiing semantics doesnt change the scope 17:38:41 ack dug 17:38:42 asir has joined #ws-ra 17:38:58 dug: Trying to understand what the problem in making the changes 17:41:04 Asir: It can be represented using the exisiting for making the change provide the information that would help to articulate others 17:42:58 Bob: Extensibiility elements - there is no way of scoping the extensions - in this case there is no change in the semabtics of the parent 17:44:22 Gil: merge extended meta data at the section level 17:45:19 -Li 17:49:07 Ram: Attribute extensibilty element violates unique constraint then need to discuss 17:49:41 dug: can't merge them in this case 17:50:10 q? 17:50:28 Gil: extend meta data element - fix one of them remove attribute extensibility or unique constraint 17:51:30 Asir: 7986 attaching the policy what you do for attribute extensibility? 17:53:07 Bob: members accepting Dug's proposal 17:54:28 Asir: what is the compelling argument -related to attribute extensbility 17:57:05 gpilz has joined #ws-ra 17:57:29 q+ 17:57:47 Ashok: Technical arugument - lot better in this semantic defintion more than one data section - provide a real world use case example related to this 17:58:25 Asir: I want to have logical reason for the change 18:06:24 ack wu 18:07:14 Wu: Implementation perspective I don't see much conflict 18:11:25 preferred way is to use the multiple mex element approach. 18:11:56 Bob: Issue no 8205 resolved as proposed with the ammendedment - preferred way is to use the multiple mex element approach 18:11:59 when there are multiple mex:Metadata elements are involved 18:12:09 -Tom_Rutt 18:12:15 -asoldano 18:17:35 In addition to doug's proposal, the added text can be "It may also embed as multiple metadata as separate metadata sections under one metadata element" 18:17:56 s/as/ / 18:18:40 "It may also embed multiple metadata as separate metadata sections under one metadata element" 18:18:43 -[IPcaller] 18:25:25 TOPIC: 8290 18:25:53 RESOLUTION: 8205 resolved as proposed plus additional recommendation text 18:25:59 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8290 18:26:48 Proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0161.html 18:26:52 q+ 18:27:19 ack dug 18:28:29 to the end of bullet #2: , or an HTTP reachable resource. 18:30:11 Bob: Resolved issue 8290 18:30:34 TOPIC: 8292 18:30:45 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8292 18:30:49 Proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0042.html 18:31:17 +Tom_Rutt 18:31:38 Bob: Any discussion 18:32:41 Proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0092.html 18:33:25 MartinC has joined #ws-ra 18:34:34 Ram: accepting the proposal retaining the sentense that was removed 18:36:01 resolved as amended 18:36:09 Bob: Resolved 8292 18:36:22 TOPIC: 8294 18:36:35 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8294 18:37:01 Ram's comment: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0150.html 18:37:17 Ram: comment above 18:38:34 Bob: Any objection 18:39:15 Bob: Issue 8294 resolved with Ram comment 18:39:28 +Li 18:40:11 Topic: 8180, 8299, 8302 18:40:37 Vikas has joined #ws-ra 18:40:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0162.html 18:41:09 ack li 18:41:45 Bob: any discussion on combined proposal as posted by Gil? 18:46:54 MartinC has left #ws-ra 18:46:58 MartinC has joined #ws-ra 18:47:10 gpliz: Resource Manager/Server - intro section discusses related to operations - 3 use cases - added a new paragraph, info as in the above doc 18:48:31 Ram: Send me a request to create a resource & update a request, is there are any expectation - clarification question 18:49:47 gpliz: Next change adding the representation element - nothing in it 18:50:08 Ram: what are the differenent representations 18:50:23 gpliz: As discussed in the doc 18:57:23 Bob: Any discussions 19:04:53 Ram: Discussed in the message - what is null really mean. 3 Cases have been disucssed 19:06:11 Ram: Non-empty representation, Empty-representation matches with gpliz proposal 19:07:16 Ram: Null representation assuming resources does not exsist - how the behavior effected 19:08:24 gpliz: In the proposal it address the create - null or non existent 19:10:11 gpliz: Resource associated to null constructor 19:10:50 gpliz: Default constructor creating resource with no representation - return empty 19:11:59 Ram: reffering to doc - last column Null representation assuming resource exists default form (assumption) 19:13:17 Ram: How do we express the resource which is in default form in XML 19:22:30 s/Jan 26/Jan 19 19:25:34 Bob: XML resource has representation 19:31:52 http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-well-formed 19:39:55 Bob: Gill's proposal few areas need to be modified or clarified 19:49:37 fmaciel has joined #ws-ra 19:57:32 -Tom_Rutt 19:57:35 -MartinC 19:57:50 -[Fujitsu] 20:00:10 fmaciel has left #ws-ra 20:08:38 -Li 20:08:39 WS_WSRA(F2F)11:00AM has ended 20:08:40 Attendees were asoldano, [Fujitsu], Tom_Rutt, MartinC, [IPcaller], Gilbert_Pilz, J.Mischkinsky, Li 21:00:12 we resume 21:00:56 TOPIC: 6435 21:02:00 Zakim has left #ws-ra 21:02:05 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6435 21:03:50 DaveS has joined #ws-ra 21:04:48 zakim, who is on the call? 21:06:10 RRSAgent, invite zakim 21:06:10 I'm logging. I don't understand 'invite zakim', MartinC. Try /msg RRSAgent help 21:06:18 gpliz: Send renew request, expiration time goes off - pending expiration - end renew response, service the description (active) 21:07:26 Zakim has joined #ws-ra 21:07:28 Bob: State table of Subscription/Event state table 21:08:10 Zakim, who is on the call? 21:08:10 sorry, MartinC, I don't know what conference this is 21:08:11 On IRC I see DaveS, MartinC, gpilz, asir, li, Tom_Rutt, Bob, Ram, RRSAgent, Sreed, dug, trackbot, Yves 21:08:56 Bob: Subscription expires during the renew - inconsistent state of the subscription - renew occurs 21:09:37 gpilz: this is distributed computing all the entire subscription/event will have several states 21:09:42 Zakim, this is WS_WSRA(F2F) 21:09:42 ok, MartinC; that matches WS_WSRA(F2F)11:00AM 21:10:01 zakim, who is on the call? 21:10:01 On the phone I see MartinC (muted), Li, [Fujitsu] 21:10:21 Bob: State to change is timeout other is renew, if renew happens it cant timeout - state of the object 21:13:30 +Tom_Rutt 21:14:43
  • q+ 21:19:42 ack li 21:21:05 q+ 21:21:44 q- 21:21:45 li: I agree with gpilz point - state of the subscription (data structure represents the subscription) 21:22:19 q+ 21:22:54 dug: two diff subscription objects but they are separate objects - going with Li direction these dont have the coorelation services v/s client 21:26:46 Bob: Li can discuss on your second point 21:28:08 q+ 21:31:04 Bob: we have series of operations - respone might be message or state change,but one side is the state of subscription , it is not state sharing protocol - stable protocol which could specify known state 21:31:33 Li: very good suggestion 21:32:55
  • http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0173.html 21:34:06 Wu has joined #ws-ra 21:39:10 Bob: Pointng to event source subscription table - subscribe request if not active create, for a diff response to state 21:41:27 Bob: dug's observation subscription before exisits doesnt exist, is the state of non-existent - no distinction one time existed 21:43:19 q+ 21:43:35 dug:state table about an event source - one row - subscription state table doesnt have subscribe request row 21:44:02 Bob: Issue getting lifecycle - subscription manager job 21:46:09 There is no distinction in terms of the state that a non-existent subscription, and a non-existent subscription but one time existed (e.g. before expired) 21:50:02 q+ 21:52:57 can anyone clarify why it is bad to separate the state tables, one for each processing entity subject to conformance, Why combine two into one table? 21:53:16 answer, It is an editorial convenience, since one of the tables is so trivial 22:03:23 asir has joined #ws-ra 22:12:21 q+ 22:13:04 ack tom 22:14:02 Tom Rutt: will it be a maintenance issue related to this proposal 22:15:04 Is the benefit of the state tables being present to help the reader, worth the effort to maintain the spec over time as changes are made to the text 22:15:45 q+ 22:15:56 q+ 22:16:12 Ram: fine with the direction the challenge - from implementation perspective the developers might feel different 22:16:32 ack ram 22:16:37 ack gp 22:16:41 ack wu 22:17:07 Wu: I second ram's comments & also second Bob's comment, this is part of the spec & we need to maintain 22:17:42 +1 to bob 22:19:55 -MartinC 22:20:13 MartinC has left #ws-ra 22:22:01 Bob: Continue working on state tables - to be completed 22:29:52 q+ 22:30:32 State table is informative and we can decide at LC, since it does not add any additional semantics. 22:31:45 ack asir 22:31:51 ack dug 22:32:25
  • q+ 22:33:23 q+ 22:33:31 ack li 22:33:34 ack gp 22:37:38 Bob: we should continue on disucssions 22:39:23 Bob: Choices - we can accept the draft or required changes to it or defer for now & discuss it later 22:39:46 Bob: related to state table is anything wrong 22:44:41 Bob: related to proposal will be deffered for discussion till tomorrow & issues can open on this if any 22:46:54 -Tom_Rutt 22:58:34 +Tom_Rutt 23:00:02 -Li 23:00:39
  • bye 23:00:45 TOPIC: 7986 23:00:46 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/att-0170/wseventing-7986.html 23:06:22 q+ 23:06:51 dug: policy alternative - superset messages 23:08:00 gpilz: Subscription - notification WSDL & other set of subscribers provide different choice - is this possible in the proposal 23:11:03 q+ 23:11:49 ack asir 23:11:58 i have another point to make as well 23:13:46 Asir: set of policies - a policy has no of alternatives 23:16:27 ack wu 23:16:42 Wu: I agree with Asir & gpilz comments 23:17:26 q+ 23:17:28 Bob: Last sentence removed in the proposal any objects 23:18:03 ack asir 23:25:33 Ashok has joined #ws-ra 23:25:40 When present, this OPTIONAL parameter includes the Endpoint Subject Policy that the event source supports for sending notifications. This element MUST have one child element - typically a wsp:Policy element or a wsp:PolicyReference element. A subscriber can use this information to discover the valid set of alternatives that MAY be used within a wse:NotifyTo EPR which will be used for any... 23:25:41 ...Notification message sent from the event source to the event sink. If the event source advertises Notification WSDL then any Policy associated with those WSDLs SHOULD be consistent with the alternatives in this parameter. 23:27:38 asir: what it means by consistent 23:28:48 asir: how do you enforce the policy & can drop the last sentence 23:28:59 How about "Any policy expressions included within this parameter SHOULD be consistent with those policy expression alternatives s of the Notification WSDL that the event source advertise." 23:32:08 When present, this OPTIONAL parameter includes the Endpoint Subject Policy that the event source supports for sending notifications. This element MUST have one child element - typically a wsp:Policy element or a wsp:PolicyReference element. A subscriber can use this information to discover the valid set of Policy Alternatives that MAY be used within a wse:NotifyTo EPR which will be used for... 23:32:10 ...any Notification message sent from the event source to the event sink. Any policy alternatives included within this parameter SHOULD be compatible with those policy alternatives available of the Notification WSDLs that the event source advertises. 23:32:11 Bob: we should be able to fix this 23:33:17 Bob: Any objection to the new text ammended to the proposal 23:34:02 s/policy alternatives/Policy Alternatives/g 23:34:27 Bob: Any objection 23:35:08 RESOLVED: 7986 as described above 23:35:19 TOPIC: 7791 23:35:53 proposal at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0180.html 23:37:26 q+ 23:38:57 asir: optional policy assertion parameter defined as mentioned in proposal 23:39:27 ack dug 23:40:30 q+ 23:40:57 dug: policy is one many possibe things future client talking to future resource - it should resource metadata minimum include WSDL what operations & attached - abstract them more to metadata 23:41:24 asir: I need to know the policy - transfer resource perspective 23:41:33 ack asir 23:41:50 dug: limited view current use case care about - what about the specific metadata 23:43:08 q+ 23:43:22 DaveS: if the factory is resource is the MEX metadata associated - in the factory metedata find WSDL it comes back - deployment strategy 23:44:17 asir: talking to resource factory - will it give metadata giving about the children 23:46:50 q+ 23:48:58 ack dug 23:49:55 q+ 23:51:38 ack asir 23:52:30 asir: as discussed yesterday related to event source policy assertion WSDL of the event source for all the notification messages WSDL can carry policy & the metadata 23:55:01 Bob: Any objection to proposal 23:56:03 dug: Doesnt accept the current proposal 23:57:36 if we adopt this direction then we need to extend it 00:12:31 q+ 8191 00:14:18 ACTION: Bob to responed to issue submitter 00:14:18 Created ACTION-143 - Responed to issue submitter [on Bob Natale - due 2010-02-04]. 00:15:07 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/att-0166/wsfrag-8191.html 00:15:08 TOPIC: 8191 00:15:10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/att-0166/wsfrag-8191.html 00:18:46 In the event that there is more than one node which would match the XPath, the implementation MUST select or return the first node only. 00:19:00 q+ 00:19:41 ack 8191 00:19:59 jeffm has joined #ws-ra 00:20:20 ack ram 00:21:15 I cannot hear ram now 00:24:05 Ashok: Support you are doing put - XPATH selects 5 nodes 00:24:43 s/Support/Suppose/ 00:27:06 Ram: providing expression language XPath 1.0 - check to see we use Xpath on using multiple nodes 00:28:04 Ram: we are taking away some flexibility in XPath 00:28:25 q+ 00:29:00 ack tom 00:31:28 Bob: Need some more time on this? 00:32:16 TOPIC: 8196 00:33:19 TOPIC: 8229 00:33:33 Topic: 8196 00:37:18 q+ 00:40:09 q+ 00:41:40 q+ 00:41:43 ack tom 00:43:21 Tom_Rutt: I dont understand about this proposal - prefix mapping anybody using XPath these prefix are namespaces, I like the way done in CMDBf 00:44:32 gpilz: XPath 1.0 specify local name possible call out text value 00:44:32 q+ 00:45:54 ack ram 00:47:11 ack dave 00:49:48 q+ 00:50:47 dug: explain related to late binding 00:52:36 Ram: no transformation been produced been consumed, there is transformed in the middle transforms or needs to do 00:52:43 ack asir 00:53:26 q+ 00:53:32 q+ 00:54:40 asir: I am not fully convinced with this problem talking about XPath there are no. of usage which are succesful XML Query, XML Schema - take care of the mapping of prefix. We have good support SOAP 1.2 it clearly identifies elements must statement be preserved 00:54:48 ack ram 00:54:55 ack gpi 00:55:00 ack tom 00:55:16 gpilz: Other specs are broken that needs out spec is broken 00:56:06 the problem is this: the filter writer wants to write constraints which require the use of namespaces, 00:56:36 q+ 00:57:22 ack yve 00:57:43 the filter writer does not know what prefixes are going to be used in what is being filtered on 00:58:25 here's a link to a (slightly incorrect) example of using namespace-uri(): http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0130.html 00:58:30 q+ 00:59:14 q+ 00:59:39 ack asir 00:59:45 ack gpi 01:00:11 xpath was designed to work with both xquery and xslt, each of these has a different way to resolve namespace prefix mappings 01:00:39 so xpath has no way to resolve namespace prefixes on its own 01:02:24 ack tom 01:03:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0130.html 01:03:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0130.html 01:03:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0130.html 01:03:04 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2010Jan/0130.html 01:04:30 HHHH /a\[namespace-uri()='http://www.example.com']/b\[namespace-uri()='http://www.example.com'] 01:04:35 /a\[namespace-uri()='http://www.example.com']/b\[namespace-uri()='http://www.example.com'] 01:04:42 //*[namespace-uri()='http://foo.example.com'] 01:05:36 q+ 01:07:28 ack ram 01:08:35 what about eventing filters 01:09:25 Gil is doing a proposal that address three spec. Enum, Eventing, and Frag 01:10:16 -Tom_Rutt 01:10:22 -[Fujitsu] 01:10:24 WS_WSRA(F2F)11:00AM has ended 01:10:26 Attendees were MartinC, Li, [Fujitsu], Tom_Rutt 01:13:27 rrsagent, generate minutes 01:13:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/01/27-ws-ra-minutes.html Bob 01:27:41 gpilz has left #ws-ra