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Vacation List2012
From SPARQL Working Group
SPARQL Working Group Summer 2012 List
This is an ordered list of working group members for the purposes of determining availability during the summer 2012 teleconferences. Initialized from the 2011 list. Please enter your expected unavailability/vacation times in order to adapt the summer schedule. We have put active members first (who appeared regularly in recent teleconferences, and inactive members thereafter. If you feel your name misplaced, please feel free to move yourself to the respective category or extend the list.
- Buil Aranda, Carlos
- Corby, Olivier
- Das, Souripriya
- Feigenbaum, Lee
- Gearon, Paul
- Glimm, Birte not available 2012-08-03 to 2012-08-21
- Harris, Steve available all summer (barring last minute meetings)
- Hawke, Sandro
- Humfrey, Nicholas
- Keen, Arthur
- Michaelis, Nico
- Ogbuji, Chimezie
- Perry Matthew
- Passant, Alexandre
- Polleres, Axel -- not available 2012-09-04, 2012-09-11
- Prud'hommeaux, Eric
- Seaborne, Andy -- generally available from now to mid Sept., except "at risk" 2012-08-28
- Williams, Gregory not available 2012-08-23 to 2012-09-02
Not active
- Charboneau, David
- Clark, John
- Erling, Orri
- Ezzat, Ahmed
- Franconi, Enrico
- Huerga, Iker
- Jain, Prateek
- Jekjantuk, Nophadol
- Koivula, Tommi
- Labarga, Alberto
- Mikhailov, Ivan
- Newman, David
- Parsia, Bijan
- Schutzer, Daniel
- Straccia, Umberto
- Thomas, Edward
- Vänttinen, Jari
- Wilson-Mawer, Luke