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To PR schedule
From SPARQL Working Group
- Telco: 07/08/2012 (tentative chair: Lee)
- Implementations/Test Suite:
- Finish Query and Update and Federation test suites & implementation reports (just small updates remain)
- Graph Store Protocol test suite -- we haven't done anything here, so this is a big deficiency
- Regular updates on entailment implementation status
- Publications/Drafts:
- check on open issues on Update, if any cf. http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/To_PR#Update_.28PR.29
- Comment processing
- Implementations/Test Suite:
- Telco: 14/08/2012 (tentative chair: Axel)
- Implementations/Test Suite:
- Finish Protocol validator / test suite -- we might need to devote a full teleconference to a working session on this
- Regular updates on entailment implementation status
- Publications/Drafts:
- Comment processing
- Implementations/Test Suite:
- Telco: 21/08/2012 (tentative chair: Lee)
- Implementations/Test Suite:
- Finish implementation report of Service Description by making sure Greg is able to test Chime's implementation
- Regular updates on entailment implementation status
- Publications/Drafts:
- check whether we got any more LC comments on Query to work in and discuss them in case
- line up docs for CR/PR pub
- Comment processing
- Implementations/Test Suite:
- Telco: 28/08/2012 (tentative chair: Axel)
- Implementations/Test Suite:
- Ideally, have implementation reports ready for all docs
- Regular updates on entailment implementation status
- Publications/Drafts:
- Wrap up on external reviews and comments
- Final/Overall Editing actions for CR/PR, cf. here
- Implementations/Test Suite:
--> Goal: be in a position to vote for CR/PR publications either in the 28/08 or 04/09 Telco. Plan is that we go to PR directly for all docs where implementation reports are ready (or not necessary), and to CR for the others.