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How can W3C help the Social Networking Industry?

Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux <> Mobile Web Initiative Activity Lead

W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking

Barcelona, Spain, 15-16 January 2009

W3C: Leading the Web to its Full Potential

W3C Mobile Web Initiative

MWI sponsors
  • Goal: bring Web to mobile
  • Created in 2005 (early days for mobile Web)
  • Results
    • "Mobile Web Best Practices" W3C standard
    • mobileOK W3C standard
    • mobileOK checker tool
    • Mobile Web for developing countries
    • ...

What W3C brings

In practice...

Working GroupInterest GroupIncubator Group
W3C Staff CommitmentStrongLightNone
CharterNeeds reviews from W3C MembershipNeeds reviews from W3C MembershipOnly need 3 W3C Members to agree
DeliverablesStandards, tests, tools, guidelines,...Tools, guidelines, ...White papers
Meetings Weekly on the phone; 3/4 times a year face-to-face Sometimes teleconf, usually just mailing list and IRC Weekly on the phone; sometimes one or two face-to-face
Participation mode Reserved to W3C Members and Invited Experts, but can work in public Can be limited or not; work in public Reserved to W3C Members and Invited Experts, but can work in public

How can W3C Help?

Let's try to answer during these two days!