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Social Networking at W3C

Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux <> Mobile Web Initiative Activity Lead

W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking

Barcelona, Spain, 15-16 January 2009

Rules of the game

Time Commitments

Data Mining and Semantic Web

Proposed Incubator Group (XG)?

Decentralized Architecture for Social Networks

Don't create new technologies

Look at how the existing technologies (OpenID, OAuth, RDF/RDFa, FOAF) work together, identify possible gaps

Business case for a decentralized architecture?


Business models

Open questions around:

XG ? IG ? A simple mailing list?

Privacy and Trust

Feedback / questions to existing PLING Interest Group?

Adapated User Experiences

Outreach towards social networks operators on accessibility and mobile friendlyness

→ Feedback to existing W3C groups (WAI Education & Outreach, Mobile Web Initiative?)

Context and Communities

Existing work in Geolocation Working Group, Ubiquitous Web Applications Working Group, Web Applications Working Group

Continuing the discussion

Slides and draft minutes available next week

Workshop report available 2/3 weeks

Send me pointers to your blogs, photos; your notes would be much appreciated