IRC log of ua on 2009-12-10
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 17:46:32 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #ua
- 17:46:32 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 17:46:34 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 17:46:34 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #ua
- 17:46:36 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be WAI_UAWG
- 17:46:36 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see WAI_UAWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 14 minutes
- 17:46:37 [trackbot]
- Meeting: User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference
- 17:46:37 [trackbot]
- Date: 10 December 2009
- 17:47:01 [AllanJ]
- rrsagent, set logs public
- 17:56:43 [jeanne]
- jeanne has joined #ua
- 17:57:31 [Zakim]
- WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has now started
- 17:57:37 [Zakim]
- +AllanJ
- 17:59:57 [Zakim]
- +Jeanne
- 18:00:02 [sharper]
- sharper has joined #ua
- 18:01:03 [sharper]
- zakim, code?
- 18:01:03 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 82941 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), sharper
- 18:02:12 [Zakim]
- +Greg
- 18:02:45 [Greg]
- Greg has joined #ua
- 18:03:16 [Zakim]
- +??P9
- 18:03:20 [sharper]
- zakim, ??P9 is sharper
- 18:03:20 [Zakim]
- +sharper; got it
- 18:03:28 [AllanJ]
- regrets: Kelly_Ford, Kim_Patch, Jan_Richards, Henny_Swan
- 18:04:19 [AllanJ]
- Agenda+ Logistics (Regrets, agenda requests, comments)? Agenda+ review survey
- 18:04:45 [AllanJ]
- Agenda+ review survey
- 18:04:56 [AllanJ]
- Agenda+ new assignments (4.7.2-5, 4.8)
- 18:08:03 [AllanJ]
- scribe: allanj
- 18:08:30 [AllanJ]
- GL: discusses comments to 4.9.6
- 18:08:41 [AllanJ]
- ...replace UA with user agent
- 18:10:40 [AllanJ]
- ... clarify 'and/or' based on what's there, not what the author provides. need to clarify in the definitions and supplemental materials
- 18:15:09 [AllanJ]
- ... settle on one term for "time-based media" (4.9.3), "animation" (4.9.7), and "video" (4.9.6)
- 18:15:41 [AllanJ]
- issue: settle on one term for "time-based media" (4.9.3), "animation" (4.9.7), and "video" (4.9.6)
- 18:15:41 [trackbot]
- Created ISSUE-61 - Settle on one term for "time-based media" (4.9.3), "animation" (4.9.7), and "video" (4.9.6) ; please complete additional details at .
- 18:18:45 [AllanJ]
- ... ISO has slow multimedia as an AA level not A
- 18:22:34 [AllanJ]
- ... is media broad enough, should we choose a different word, to generalize to encompass audio, video, animation, haptic, etc.
- 18:23:55 [AllanJ]
- what about canvas element.
- 18:25:04 [AllanJ]
- GL: if all control of timing is done by a script then it is up to the author to provide functionality.
- 18:28:12 [AllanJ]
- issue: editorial checks -- review document for 'recognize', 'and/or', initialisms (UA, acromyns, etc.)
- 18:28:12 [trackbot]
- Created ISSUE-62 - Editorial checks -- review document for 'recognize', 'and/or', initialisms (UA, acromyns, etc.) ; please complete additional details at .
- 18:34:19 [AllanJ]
- discussion of flash threshhold
- 18:38:12 [AllanJ]
- WCAG flash language: Three Flashes or Below Threshold: Web pages do not contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one second period, or the flash is below the general flash and red flash thresholds. (Level A)
- 18:40:38 [AllanJ]
- SH: wants to combine 4.4.1 and 4.4.2
- 18:45:35 [AllanJ]
- GL: what about 'blink' element. if UA has a hard coded blink rate of 4+ times, then UA is in violation.
- 18:48:32 [mhakkinen]
- mhakkinen has joined #ua
- 18:49:05 [AllanJ]
- ... UA that recognizes flashing control should provide a mechanism to limit the number of flashes.
- 18:49:11 [Zakim]
- +??P11
- 18:49:17 [AllanJ]
- WCAG understanding:
- 18:50:08 [AllanJ]
- zakim, P11 is really mhakkinen
- 18:50:08 [Zakim]
- sorry, AllanJ, I do not recognize a party named 'P11'
- 18:50:23 [AllanJ]
- zakim, ??P11 is really mhakkinen
- 18:50:23 [Zakim]
- +mhakkinen; got it
- 18:50:49 [Greg]
- Actually my point was that if a Web page uses the <BLINK> tag and the UA renders that by flashing the content four times per second, the UA would not violate the currently worded guidelines, but we should revise the guidelines so it would be in violation of something.
- 18:52:01 [AllanJ]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 18:52:01 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AllanJ
- 18:53:53 [Greg]
- We can either modify 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 to restrict both the UA UI *and* recognized flashing in rendered content, or we could add separate success criteria for the latter.
- 18:59:45 [Greg]
- To go further, should the UA be required to override recognized Web content attributes that would cause blinking that violates the thresholds? Or, should the UA only be required not to violate them when IT (the UA itself) provides the blink rate?
- 19:07:23 [AllanJ]
- Intent- to avoid causing seizures.
- 19:07:35 [Greg]
- I suggest that we recommend the user agent provide a user option to constrain recognized blinking in web content to fall within the general flashing and red flashing ranges so as to avoid triggering seizures in individuals with photosensitive seizure disorders.
- 19:08:28 [AllanJ]
- intent - this is about preventing physical harm
- 19:08:37 [AllanJ]
- ... to the user
- 19:11:49 [AllanJ]
- two items: user option to set blink rate; and, default flashing rate for interface and content
- 19:12:27 [Greg]
- "the user interface and default presentation of recognized flashing Web content never violate..."?
- 19:13:43 [AllanJ]
- action: Jim to rewrite 4.4.1 to include the user interface and default presentation of recognized flashing Web content never violate and create user has the option to...
- 19:13:43 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-258 - Rewrite 4.4.1 to include the user interface and default presentation of recognized flashing Web content never violate and create user has the option to... [on Jim Allan - due 2009-12-17].
- 19:18:44 [AllanJ]
- issue: mechanism to expand marque (or other element) to read the content within - scroll bars, etc
- 19:18:44 [trackbot]
- Created ISSUE-63 - Mechanism to expand marque (or other element) to read the content within - scroll bars, etc ; please complete additional details at .
- 19:23:31 [Greg]
- Suggestion: the UA should allow the user to perform on CSS images and background images any action they could perform on normal, foreground images. Same with extra text e.g. bullets and numbering.
- 19:24:23 [AllanJ]
- issue: the UA should allow the user to perform on CSS images and background images any action they could perform on normal, foreground images. Same with extra text e.g. bullets and numbering. UA should have access to CSS DOM or its generated content.
- 19:24:24 [trackbot]
- Created ISSUE-64 - The UA should allow the user to perform on CSS images and background images any action they could perform on normal, foreground images. Same with extra text e.g. bullets and numbering. UA should have access to CSS DOM or its generated content. ; please complete additional details at .
- 19:26:09 [Zakim]
- -Jeanne
- 19:26:10 [Zakim]
- -sharper
- 19:26:10 [Zakim]
- -AllanJ
- 19:26:12 [Zakim]
- -Greg
- 19:26:21 [Zakim]
- -mhakkinen
- 19:26:22 [Zakim]
- WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has ended
- 19:26:23 [Zakim]
- Attendees were AllanJ, Jeanne, Greg, sharper, mhakkinen
- 19:26:46 [AllanJ]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 19:26:46 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AllanJ
- 19:27:59 [AllanJ]
- zakim, please part
- 19:27:59 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #ua
- 19:28:10 [AllanJ]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 19:28:10 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AllanJ
- 19:28:41 [AllanJ]
- rrsagent, please part
- 19:28:41 [RRSAgent]
- I see 1 open action item saved in :
- 19:28:41 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Jim to rewrite 4.4.1 to include the user interface and default presentation of recognized flashing Web content never violate and create user has the option to... [1]
- 19:28:41 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 19:28:42 [mhakkinen]
- FYI retro link and marquis page with both blink tag and blink css
- 19:28:45 [mhakkinen]