15:59:08 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:59:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/12/07-hcls-irc 15:59:16 Zakim, this will be BioRDF 15:59:16 ok, kei; I see SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 15:59:31 agenda+ introduction [Kei] 15:59:40 mscottm has joined #hcls 15:59:49 agenda+ magetab parsing [Lena, Jim, Michael, Helen] 16:00:10 SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has now started 16:00:11 agenda+ provenance and workflow [Satya, Jun, Yolanda] 16:00:17 +ssahoo2 16:00:22 Zakim, take up next agendum 16:00:22 agendum 1. "introduction" taken up [from Kei] 16:01:02 +Kei_Cheung 16:01:05 -ssahoo2 16:01:06 +ssahoo2 16:01:20 + +1.510.381.aaaa 16:01:50 +mscottm 16:02:22 Zakim, who is here? 16:02:22 On the phone I see ssahoo2, Kei_Cheung, +1.510.381.aaaa, mscottm 16:02:23 On IRC I see mscottm, RRSAgent, Zakim, kei, matthias_samwald, ssahoo2, ericP 16:02:24 matthias_samwald1 has joined #hcls 16:03:14 dialing in 16:03:14 Zakim, aaaa is AllenHobbs 16:03:15 +AllenHobbs; got it 16:03:19 LenaDeus has joined #hcls 16:03:42 +??P21 16:04:05 Zakim, ??P21 is LenaDeus 16:04:05 +LenaDeus; got it 16:04:13 + +0012aabb 16:04:36 matthias_samwald1 has left #hcls 16:04:42 matthias_samwald1 has joined #hcls 16:05:18 +EricP 16:06:14 I can't hear Kei anymore.. 16:06:20 i can 16:06:27 just came back! 16:06:54 strange.. 16:07:17 ALan: Kaser Permanente attended F2F in Santa Clara 16:07:29 Software application in Health Care in general 16:07:38 follow up ... 16:08:18 clinical backgroup clinical psychology 16:08:30 clincian working with neurosurgeon 16:10:27 kei: we need to come up with a representation of the description of the experiment and associated raw data set in RDF 16:10:46 kei: looking at mage-tab format to convert to RDF structure 16:11:08 kei: there are many ways to convert in order to obtain the RDF 16:11:58 Lena: Limpopo is the name of a river 16:12:20 kei: mage-tab is a bundle of several tab delimited files 16:12:37 kei: idf stands for investigation description format 16:13:04 kei: sdrf is sample to data relationship format 16:13:47 kei: when generating gene list, different statistical tests are used 16:15:16 lena: IDF and SDRF files from array express using session number from authors of paper 16:15:49 lena: faced two issues in conversion of file data to RDF 16:16:16 lena: missing predicates to link entities extracted from the files 16:16:50 lena: created a list of predicates and will map these predicates to MGED ontology 16:17:46 lena: should the MAGE-ML structure be represented in RDF? 16:18:35 kei: need to include ontology terms for microarray data provenance 16:19:26 kei: Helen curated examples and identified relevant ontology terms 16:21:15 lena: easy to convert data in IDF SDRF files which are linked to MAGE-TAB 16:22:17 kei: conversion should output RDF conforming to ontology terms 16:22:27 kei: NCBO biomedicla annotator allows import free text to identify biological ontology terms 16:22:52 kei: tested with Bio-annotator to associate ontology terms to entities 16:23:27 scott: we should try to select the data that is interesting 16:24:32 scott: take first the things that we can link to other types of data 16:24:40 -AllenHobbs 16:25:14 kei: we can maybe take a few examples and create the structure by hand 16:26:34 kei: mage-tab parsing can be fed back to the arrayexpress group 16:26:59 ssahoo2: we also need to create a schema and then convert to RDF 16:27:38 kei: we have 3 interesting examples that could demonstrate the use of much of the mage-tab content 16:29:11 matthias: programmed a prototype and integrated the ontology by NCBO for annotating and creating aTags 16:30:03 kei: based on the examples we have, we can look at the aTag approach and see how much we can annotate 16:30:23 kei: could aTag be complementary to a format like mage-tab? 16:30:40 agree 16:30:50 +1 matthias 16:32:09 ssahoo2: using NCBO to look for all existing ontologies 16:32:54 kei: although there is a lot of redundancy, which terms should be used frmo which ontolgy 16:33:13 satya: we usually look for the text description to understand which fits best 16:34:38 lena: map entity to mulitple ontology terms 16:35:04 kei: shared names ontology can be used to map to many ontologies 16:36:24 satya: ncbo has mappings to other ontologies that we could use 16:36:46 scott: gene lists are in the scope of shared names 16:37:03 scott: find a neutral source of URI to identify concepts 16:37:53 scott: if we have a gene list, it would be good to bring it to the shareed names comitee 16:39:02 kei: something like the neuroscience ontology (NIFSTD) should be used 16:40:34 kei: mged has done a good job in annotating experimental details 16:40:35 +1 on using NIFSTD 16:42:29 kei: we should only use semi-automatic mage-tab parsing to generate rdf output to assess the target ontology structure 16:43:43 scott: how to process a list? 16:44:07 kei: if the paper includes a few hundred expressions genes, these com in the format of text files 16:44:36 matthias :it can maybe be broken down into smaller lists 16:45:11 scott: is there an alterantive to use rdf:Bag for the gene list? 16:45:43 matthias: instead, we could repeat properties 16:45:47 rdf representation of a gene list 16:46:26 kei: as 'gene list', do we mean the list of gene IDs or some expression values associated and reported in the experiment? 16:47:25 satya: we should probably leave room to allow for numeric expression values 16:48:12 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/MicroarrayExperimentContext 16:48:18 satya: we can describe the attributes of the experimental set - these are all provenance about the gene list 16:49:09 satya: we should pick and chose what is the provenance information that is relevant 16:51:06 satya: right now we have a list of terms, but a problem is the predicates that link the terms together 16:51:54 kei: how to apply the gene lists to the shared names? 16:52:27 scott: add the use case to the wiki of shared names 16:52:59 scott: ncbo is also involved in shared names 16:54:13 scott: express gene lists using shared names 16:54:59 I have to leave... can someone take over scribbing, please? :) 16:55:13 I will scribe lena 16:55:14 i have to leave now as well! -- bye. 16:55:17 tks! 16:55:25 bye everybody! 16:55:32 thanks, Lena 16:55:33 -LenaDeus 16:55:41 - +0012aabb 16:55:56 scott: shared names will reference other sources that describe the given gene, for example Entrez gene 16:56:59 action item: add gene list to shared names 16:57:47 action item: add additional terms to microarray experiment context wiki: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/MicroarrayExperimentContext 16:58:21 kei: next meeting on 23rd Dec 16:59:07 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:59:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/12/07-hcls-minutes.html ericP 16:59:15 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 16:59:20 -ssahoo2 16:59:25 -mscottm 16:59:37 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:59:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/12/07-hcls-minutes.html mscottm 16:59:43 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 17:13:45 -Kei_Cheung 17:18:45 disconnecting the lone participant, EricP, in SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM 17:18:48 SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has ended 17:18:49 Attendees were ssahoo2, Kei_Cheung, +1.510.381.aaaa, mscottm, AllenHobbs, LenaDeus, +0012aabb, EricP 18:37:35 mscottm has joined #hcls