20:00:42 RRSAgent has joined #svg 20:00:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/11/30-svg-irc 20:00:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:00:44 Zakim has joined #svg 20:00:46 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 20:00:46 ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG()3:00PM scheduled to start now 20:00:47 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 20:00:47 Date: 30 November 2009 20:00:52 GA_SVGWG()3:00PM has now started 20:00:53 +Shepazu 20:01:32 +[IPcaller] 20:01:47 Zakim, [IP is me 20:01:47 +ed; got it 20:03:44 ChrisL has joined #svg 20:04:18 rrsagent, here 20:04:18 See http://www.w3.org/2009/11/30-svg-irc#T20-04-18 20:04:45 agenda+ Spec conventions http://www.w3.org/People/Schepers/spec-conventions.html 20:05:26 agenda+ svg params 20:05:26 + + 20:08:04 agenda+ update on ACTION-2682 (svg errata implementation report) 20:16:29 anthony has joined #svg 20:16:37 +??P2 20:16:54 jwatt has joined #svg 20:16:55 +??P3 20:17:04 Zakim: who's here? 20:17:08 Zakim, ??P2 is me 20:17:08 +anthony; got it 20:17:08 Zakim, who's here? 20:17:09 On the phone I see Shepazu, ed, +, anthony, ??P3 20:17:11 On IRC I see jwatt, anthony, ChrisL, Zakim, RRSAgent, ed, shepazu, trackbot, ed_work, eseidelDesk 20:17:14 Zakim, pick a victim 20:17:14 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Shepazu 20:17:20 zakim, ??p2 is Anthony 20:17:20 I already had ??P2 as anthony, ChrisL 20:17:28 Zakim, ?? is me 20:17:28 +jwatt; got it 20:19:13 agenda? 20:19:15 scribe: Jonathan Watt 20:19:23 scribenick: jwatt 20:19:32 zaki, take up agendum 3 20:19:45 zakim, take up agendum 3 20:19:45 agendum 3. "update on ACTION-2682 (svg errata implementation report)" taken up [from ed] 20:19:56 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2009OctDec/0049.html 20:20:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2009OctDec/att-0049/implementation-report.html 20:20:30 CL: I sent an email with the implementation report 20:20:46 ...if you look in the first column, it styles it in grey if there are no passes at all 20:20:59 ...there are four of those, and we're wondering what to do about that 20:21:12 ...or we can back those out 20:21:34 ...and publish 2nd edition with a note that those need traction 20:21:45 btw, latest "nightly" gogi passes the http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.1F2/test/svg/animate-dom-01-f.svg test 20:24:58 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/ 20:26:52 agenda+ CVS patch comments 20:28:53 ED: types-dom-02-f tests some parts that (animVal mutability) that we didn't errata, it's just testing previous 1.1 behavior 20:28:54 types-dom-02-f could be split, some is errate related and some is not. opera passes the erata-elated part 20:28:57 CL: my action would be to figure out which errata need to be backed out 20:29:33 DS: backing out would not mean that the errata are lost, only that they would go to a 3rd Edition errata 20:29:52 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/Errata_in_SVG_1.1_Second_Edition 20:30:46 Stroking subpaths of zero length painting-stroke-10-t.svg 20:31:01 ACTION: ed to split types-dom-02-f.svg into two tests, one part testing animVal, one testing the rest (errata parts) 20:31:01 Created ACTION-2700 - Split types-dom-02-f.svg into two tests, one part testing animVal, one testing the rest (errata parts) [on Erik Dahlström - due 2009-12-07]. 20:31:40 Firefox nightly 20090929 is elderly 20:32:00 jwatt: firefox trunk passes i think 20:33:12 ... oh, no it doesn't 20:33:15 References to characters in SVGTextContentElement should be UTF-16 code units text-dom-02-f.svg 20:35:54 text-dom-02-f.svg opera gogi and safari pass the top 3 subtests. 20:36:55 safari 4.0.3 passes first and third subtests 20:38:46 firefox nightly passes 1 and 4 20:39:55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_B 20:45:06 JW: it might be a good idea to to use a TTF/OTF/WOFF font instead of SVG fonts so the test is only testing what it purports to be testing 20:45:32 ...because lack of SVG fonts will mean these DOM methods will not pass 20:45:52 ...I mean they could pass, but the test will fail because of lack of SVG font support 20:46:21 ACTION: ChrisL to split the test 20:46:21 Created ACTION-2701 - Split the test [on Chris Lilley - due 2009-12-07]. 20:47:54 agenda? 20:47:59 fixed in tracker to be meaningful 20:48:34 Zakim, take up agendum 1 20:48:34 agendum 1. "Spec conventions http://www.w3.org/People/Schepers/spec-conventions.html" taken up [from shepazu] 20:51:53 DS: I was talking to Ian Jacobs about having standard conventions across specifications so that people could transfer knowledge between specifications 20:52:27 ...I adopted some of the conventions from the SVG for DOM Events 20:52:49 ...the above document would change what SVG is doing too in our next version of the spec 20:53:27 www-archive@w3.org 20:53:39 ...I took the convention discussion to www-archive since that seems to be the w3c's general discussion list 20:53:51 http://www.w3.org/People/Schepers/spec-conventions.html 20:54:07 ...what do you think? 20:54:53 CL: I think it's a good idea in general, and it certainly means people need to learn less if they have an interest in more than one specification 20:55:02 ...in general I think it's good work 20:55:09 AG: I think it's good 20:56:12 DS: as long as people are using the markup conventions they can restyle if the default style doesn't work for them for some reason 20:56:43 ...we can't simply say that there's one stylesheet that you reference 20:56:57 ...there will be a supplementary stylesheet 20:57:16 ...would the SVG WG be willing to adopt this? 20:58:15 ...whatever specs I'm editing I plan to use this for 20:58:58 ...there are also conventions about putting an id on things you call out, since if they are that important they should be linkable to 20:59:40 JW: it sounds good in principle, but I'm minuting so haven't looked at the doc 21:00:20 ...is this still a work in progress, will it change a lot? 21:00:31 DS: I don't think it will change a lot 21:00:37 ...at least not the markup 21:00:46 ...the styles will probably change 21:01:44 Carl proposed two different types of issue 21:02:14 ...so I separated out blocking issues 21:02:32 Hixie suggested a change to use XXX 21:02:42 Bert on the chairs list proposed changes 21:02:47 I incorporated those 21:03:14 Fantasai suggested improvements to the semantic markup 21:03:20 which I added 21:03:51 using rather than for example 21:04:36 I got a bit of pushback about that from someone at Opera 21:04:47 but accessibility people were behind it 21:05:01 s/someone/Gregory/ 21:08:26 CL: I think using is overloading it, but I can understand where the accessibility people are coming from if it makes things easier for them given the current state of the art with screen readers 21:09:48 CL: is it the right time to start changing "real" documents right now, or should we wait a while 21:10:00 JW: that's where I was coming from 21:10:27 DS: well in my experience you need to use it to start getting feedback, good or bad 21:10:48 ...so I think we should start using it to get focus on the issue 21:11:33 CL: I think that's fine 21:12:40 RESOLUTION: The SVG WG will start using the conventions proposed by Doug 21:14:36 Zakim, take up agendum 4 21:14:36 agendum 4. "CVS patch comments" taken up [from shepazu] 21:15:51 ED: for small typo type things I find patch files very useful 21:19:17 DS: I prefer to see things inline, not in the form of a patch 21:19:37 ...I think it's just as easy to quote the offending text in an email 21:22:28 ...I'm also afraid that in a time of high feedback, if we set a trend of accepting patches, then something we might not want could at some point slip through 21:22:50 CL: I'd also prefer an email just saying what text needs fixed 21:23:39 AG: we also have the issue that our internal format is not the final document we generate 21:24:04 ...so patches would probably be patching the wrong document and therefore be a problem to integrate 21:28:37 ACTION: Chris to reply to Helder explaining why we would prefer not to receive patch files 21:28:37 Created ACTION-2702 - Reply to Helder explaining why we would prefer not to receive patch files [on Chris Lilley - due 2009-12-07]. 21:29:02 agenda? 21:30:27 DS: I sent an email to the HTML WG explaining that their current version of params can only be used with plugins 21:31:19 ...mjs sent replied saying he'd discourage use of and would prefer