14:46:16 RRSAgent has joined #sparql 14:46:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/11/24-sparql-irc 14:46:18 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:46:18 Zakim has joined #sparql 14:46:20 Zakim, this will be 77277 14:46:20 ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 14 minutes 14:46:20 zakim, this will be SPARQL 14:46:21 Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference 14:46:21 Date: 24 November 2009 14:46:22 ok, LeeF; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 14 minutes 14:46:24 Chair: LeeF 14:46:27 Scribe: Chimezie 14:46:36 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Agenda-2009-11-24 14:46:42 AxelPolleres has joined #sparql 14:53:51 AlexPassant has joined #sparql 14:56:24 kasei has joined #sparql 14:57:44 SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has now started 14:57:51 + +1.310.453.aaaa 14:58:06 Zakim, aaaa is me 14:58:06 +kasei; got it 14:58:07 +Lee_Feigenbaum 14:58:08 OlivierCorby has joined #sparql 14:58:19 zakim, Lee_Feigenbaum is me 14:58:19 +LeeF; got it 14:58:25 +[IPcaller] 14:59:04 hmm... ok. 14:59:22 + +49.238.aabb 14:59:24 was appologizing ahead of time -- was travelling all day yesterday and haven't yet caught up on SD emails. 14:59:35 sandro has joined #sparql 14:59:40 +??P13 14:59:43 (and will pick up phone when I need to speak next :) 14:59:57 Zakim, ??P13 is me 14:59:57 +LukeWM; got it 15:00:03 zakim, IPCaller is me 15:00:03 +AndyS; got it 15:00:09 +??P14 15:00:13 + +1.312.863.aacc 15:00:14 Zakim: ??P14 is me 15:00:17 SteveH has joined #sparql 15:00:21 bglimm has joined #sparql 15:00:30 dcharbon2 has joined #sparql 15:00:42 zakim, who's here? 15:00:42 On the phone I see kasei, LeeF, AndyS, +49.238.aabb, LukeWM, ??P14, +1.312.863.aacc 15:00:43 Zakim: aacc is me 15:00:44 On IRC I see dcharbon2, bglimm, SteveH, sandro, OlivierCorby, kasei, AlexPassant, AxelPolleres, Zakim, RRSAgent, LeeF, LukeWM, AndyS, ivan, karl, trackbot, iv_an_ru, pgearon, 15:00:46 ... KjetilK 15:00:59 + +8686528aadd 15:01:15 Zakim, + 8686528aadd is me 15:01:15 I don't understand '+ 8686528aadd is me', bglimm 15:01:26 Zakim, +1.312.863.aacc is me 15:01:27 Zakim, 8686528aadd is me 15:01:27 +pgearon; got it 15:01:31 sorry, bglimm, I do not recognize a party named '8686528aadd' 15:01:35 + +1.919.543.aaee 15:02:22 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:02:22 On the phone I see kasei, LeeF, AndyS, +49.238.aabb, LukeWM, ??P14, pgearon, +8686528aadd, +1.919.543.aaee 15:02:36 Zakim, ??P14 is me 15:02:36 +AlexPassant; got it 15:02:42 zakim, aadd is bglimm 15:02:43 +bglimm; got it 15:02:57 Zakim, +1.919.543.aaee is me 15:02:57 +dcharbon2; got it 15:03:15 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:03:15 On the phone I see kasei, LeeF, AndyS, +49.238.aabb, LukeWM, AlexPassant, pgearon, bglimm, dcharbon2 15:03:19 zakim, dial ivan-voip 15:03:19 ok, ivan; the call is being made 15:03:21 +Ivan 15:03:31 + +0207735aaff 15:03:43 Zakim, aaff is SteveH 15:03:43 +SteveH; got it 15:03:52 +Sandro 15:04:07 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:04:07 On the phone I see kasei, LeeF, AndyS, +49.238.aabb, LukeWM, AlexPassant, pgearon, bglimm, dcharbon2, Ivan, SteveH, Sandro 15:04:22 AxelPolleres has joined #sparql 15:04:29 chimezie has joined #sparql 15:04:40 Zakim, passcode? 15:04:40 the conference code is 77277 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), chimezie 15:04:48 zakim, drop aabb 15:04:48 +49.238.aabb is being disconnected 15:04:49 - +49.238.aabb 15:05:13 +Chimezie_Ogbuji 15:05:28 Scribenick: chimezie 15:05:31 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:05:31 On the phone I see kasei, LeeF, AndyS, LukeWM, AlexPassant, pgearon, bglimm, dcharbon2, Ivan, SteveH, Sandro, Chimezie_Ogbuji 15:05:55 +[IPcaller] 15:05:57 + +49.238.aagg 15:05:59 LeeF:Might be a short agenda 15:06:10 zakim, IPCaller is Orri 15:06:10 +Orri; got it 15:06:42 zakim, who's speaking? 15:06:54 LeeF, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: LeeF (34%), bglimm (5%), +49.238.aagg (3%) 15:07:00 Zakim, mute me 15:07:00 bglimm should now be muted 15:07:17 zakim, aagg is OlivierCorby 15:07:17 +OlivierCorby; got it 15:07:27 topic: Admin 15:07:37 PROPOSED: Approve minutes at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2009-11-17 15:07:42 Do we have Orri now? Because Orri was initially the IP caller 15:08:11 RESOLVED: Approve minutes at http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/meeting/2009-11-17 15:08:23 Next meeting: 2009-12-01 @ 15:00 UK / 10:00 EST 15:08:30 Regrets: AxelPolleres 15:08:45 I think I'm out next week 15:08:47 can only do one hour 15:08:54 Regrets next week: Sandro 15:09:21 -Sandro 15:09:35 RDB2RDF asked us about data definitions, etc. 15:09:40 +Sandro 15:09:50 LeeF:RDB2RDF grouped asked a few questions Axel answered 15:10:02 ... conversations regarding co-location of F2F. I'm skeptical 15:10:17 ... go ahead with planning ours and considering opportunity if arises 15:10:27 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/F2F3 15:10:58 LeeF: please indicate status ASAP 15:11:04 Ori: location? 15:11:23 Ireland 15:11:28 -Sandro 15:11:31 europe 15:11:35 LeeF: Dual location Cambridge/MA or Galway/Oxford 15:11:50 British Isles 15:11:53 british isles? 15:11:56 There is, either Great Britain or United Kingdom, but I can't remember which one is what 15:12:11 +Sandro 15:12:25 Both Great Britain and United Kingdom exclude Ireland 15:12:26 Not GB (Eng_Soct+Wales) - "citizen of UK and GB and NI" 15:12:37 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/wiki/Comments 15:12:41 LeeF: Ivan added wiki page for tracking comments 15:12:58 Classic wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Isles 15:13:17 ... hopefully as comments get in, they get added here and potenential response is setup, edited, and sent to commenter 15:13:30 ... tracks the thread. Please try to use it, chairs will put comments there but anyone can use 15:14:03 i've been meaning to write a response to Leigh's serv. desc. email. Will try to do that this week. 15:14:04 Zakim, unmute me 15:14:04 bglimm should no longer be muted 15:14:25 Zakim, mute me 15:14:25 bglimm should now be muted 15:14:26 the linked wikipedia page has a good venn diagram :) 15:14:27 topic: service description 15:14:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2009OctDec/0483.html 15:16:23 Greg: Changes were WRT rough agreement from F2F conversation. Had a dataset description property that has been replaced with a default dataset and avaialble dataset properties 15:16:28 ... some conversation about naming 15:16:54 ... a default dataset and the available universe of graphs that can be used on FROM/FROM NAMED clauses 15:17:09 Greg: one thing in update is URL variance of those terms 15:17:22 http://www.w3.org/2009/sparql/docs/service-description-1.1/xmlspec.xml 15:17:22 Prateek has joined #sparql 15:17:44 ... haven't committed to CVS, wanted to discuss 15:17:47 + +1.937.775.aahh 15:17:51 LeeF: Easier if editors commit changes 15:17:58 .. even if under discussion 15:18:03 Zakim, +1.937.775.aahh is Prateek 15:18:03 +Prateek; got it 15:18:42 Greg: hoping ppl who needed this would chime in and drive discussion 15:19:04 commit early, commit often :) 15:19:12 ... this suggestion was for ppl that didn't want to list the entire dataset description. 15:19:49 ... we can assume the URI for a dataset description is dereferencable 15:20:16 Style Q: Does the linked to document notionally replace the original? (should it contain the orginal as well?) 15:20:19 LeeF:who had those usecases? 15:20:50 SteveH: we do have some usecases.. 10 millions of graphs 15:21:03 ... would like to be able to describe them. 15:21:15 ... not at the graph level, but want a description of the whole dataset 15:21:57 Greg: default graph gives you access to all the graphs in your deployment? 15:22:00 SteveH: yes 15:22:11 Will the description be large? At a SPARQL endpoint? 15:22:15 Greg:service desc. points to default graph - no need to describe individual graphs 15:22:52 q+ to mention a large description use case 15:23:13 SteveH: if it is explicitely open world, that is fine 15:23:13 ack AndyS 15:23:13 AndyS, you wanted to mention a large description use case 15:23:33 AndyS: one case is where you have alot of statistics that goes with description to guide federated querying 15:24:33 Multiple datasets is a separate issue to me 15:24:43 LeeF: comfortable having single property for these kinds of datasets desc. let them be open world - and if you don't want to include the triples in serv desc, then separate via linked data approach 15:26:05 (bad line here -- having a bit of trouble hearing everything that's being said) 15:26:17 LeeF: at F2F what was said was: if we go to a SPARQL service, there are 2 things i want 15:26:35 ... what is the RDF dataset the query hits if the dataset isn't specified in request? 15:26:49 ... specification says: up to implementation so we might want that in serv. desc. 15:27:04 ... other question: what are the universe of graphs names I can use in dataset description to do useful things? 15:28:10 Seems very useful to me 15:29:04 for service discovery, incremental querying, etc. 15:29:36 q+ 15:29:40 AndyS: I'm concerned with framing. I would like to see an implementation that uses REGEX expressions (POWDER?) 15:29:49 c.f voiD 15:30:11 LeeF: we are being agnostic about things like that 15:30:28 Ori: problem is that we have sites with millions of distinct graphs 15:30:31 ack ivan 15:30:34 s/Ori:/Orri: 15:30:36 http://www.w3.org/TR/powder-primer/ 15:30:41 Framing I'm concerned with is "multiple datasets" rather than limiting FROM/FROM NAMED. 15:30:44 Ivan: don't we have a usecase (POWDER)? 15:31:13 Ivan: we can define families of resources and RDF statements valid for them, seems relevant to this conversation - POWDER handles REGEX matching of groups of URIs, for instance 15:31:52 AndyS, would you be happy with renaming availableDataset as something else? availableGraphs or something like that? 15:32:05 ... for example we have SW logos/buttons, etc. I can describe them and prescribe a license to them in one go 15:32:07 ivan: is this something you think we should use directly, or continue to be agnostic about it so that someone could use powder or voiD or somethign else entirely? 15:32:11 s/:/,/ 15:32:14 .. this is the direction we are going (in some cases) 15:33:00 LeeF, yes (on the spot answer) The F2F descussion lead me down the wrong path and the email trail didn't contradict that interpretation. 15:33:11 AndyS, ok, thanks 15:33:21 (i didn't understand your concern until now) 15:33:31 i'll try to take a look at the primer. 15:33:39 Ivan: uses XML format 15:34:46 q? 15:35:00 Greg: this should not be contentious 15:35:42 ... also, is the use of available datasets should imply those are the only URIs usable in a dataset clause or is it just a mechanism to say you have descriptions from a subset 15:35:51 LeeF: I don't think we can mandate one way or another 15:36:42 ... I think we should take an open world approach 15:36:52 Greg: aren't there implementations that make CWA assumptions? 15:37:35 LeeF: seems useful in general (RDF) to say a set of triples follow a CWA 15:38:40 Sandro: I don't understand the semantics. there are graphs from a local cluster and names from other places 15:38:47 ... we can have a regex in either case 15:38:59 ... allowed graphs / cached graphs 15:39:22 ... Quad store that fetches anything in an intranet to cache 15:40:37 Greg: allowed graphs is better than allowed datasets, what we are taking about are available graph descriptions 15:41:01 Ori: can we say a quad store will fetch a resource if it doesn't cache it? 15:41:20 Greg: discussed IRI for indicating service will dereference URLs it hasn't loaded 15:41:30 Sandro: use allowed graphs for this 15:41:57 q+ to ask about status of describing the dataset structure. 15:42:10 ack AndyS 15:42:10 AndyS, you wanted to ask about status of describing the dataset structure. 15:42:24 VoiD-Issue-43: http://code.google.com/p/void-impl/issues/detail?id=43 15:42:33 Andy: describing the datasets themselves... 15:42:57 ... there is a hope to transfer what the SPARQL WG is doing into their spec, and vice versa 15:44:14 AndyS: take to email 15:45:03 LeeF: time to reach agreement 15:45:21 topic: abbreviated delete 15:46:35 kjetil has joined #sparql 15:46:44 LeeF: let us wait until next week to discuss graphs datastores, etc. 15:47:03 ... including conversation about USE / INCLUDING, etc.. (multiple update statements) 15:47:22 +??P1 15:47:29 Zakim, ??P1 is me 15:47:29 +KjetilK; got it 15:47:54 Zakim, mute me 15:47:54 KjetilK should now be muted 15:47:58 pgearon: Where do we put the graph we are removing (inside the template or in the DELETE)? 15:48:06 I'm only in favour of this abbreviate with GRAPH in templates, otherwise it's very confusing 15:48:25 s/abbreviate/abbreviation/ 15:48:42 why not DELETE FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } ? 15:49:14 hos is it not confusing? what does it mean? 15:49:23 DELETE { GRAPH { ?s ?p ?o } } 15:49:27 DELETE WHERE { GRAPH { ?s ?p ?o } } 15:49:31 ^ yup 15:49:42 remove the matched triples from the graph identified with 15:49:55 DELETE { GRAPH { ?s ?p ?o } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s ?p ?o } } 15:50:08 DELETE FROM ?g WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } ? (var for FROM) 15:50:14 inclear the graph 15:50:20 s/inclear/clear 15:51:03 +1 to abbr 15:51:04 LeeF: do we want an abbreviation 15:51:06 +1 to abbrev mechanism 15:51:07 +1 for abbreviation mechanism 15:51:07 yes 15:51:09 +! 15:51:13 +1 15:51:14 +100, actually :-) 15:51:14 0 15:51:35 I'd like to see an abbreviation mechanism, but keep it simple 15:51:51 maybe we have that discussion first 15:52:22 q+ 15:53:08 pgearon: I feel we need to nail down issues first 15:54:08 ack KjetilK 15:54:10 LeeF: maybe we should not do it by commitee, but have editors lead 15:55:00 KjetilK: lead template identical to WHERE pattern - this is basic usecase, make sure we don't duplicate syntax 15:55:22 KjetilK, this basic removal of duplication is what I've put into the document 15:55:45 strawpoll on FROM and GRAPH? 15:55:46 So far I've avoided issues of FILTER, etc, that have been discussed 15:55:55 -Sandro 15:56:20 Maybe having a (more) formal model of update would help. 15:56:39 SteveH, I take it you're saying that you don't want to see: DELETE WHERE { GRAPH { ?s ?p ?o } } 15:56:42 +1 to AndyS 15:56:46 SteveH: hoped it was clear enough for straw pol 15:56:51 oops, I mean, that's what you DO want to see 15:57:01 pgearon, yes, DO want to see that :) 15:57:09 and not DELETE FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } 15:57:17 I want to see DELETE $a WHERE $s == DELETE WHERE $a 15:57:28 and I think that's only possible with GRAPH syntax 15:58:02 Zakim, mute me 15:58:02 KjetilK should now be muted 15:58:04 s/$s/$a 15:58:21 LeeF: david will take over for Simon as coeditor on protocol document 15:58:30 David: not setup yet fully 15:59:42 -Ivan 15:59:43 -Chimezie_Ogbuji 15:59:44 -SteveH 15:59:44 -Prateek 15:59:46 -kasei 15:59:47 -bglimm 15:59:48 -pgearon 15:59:49 -LeeF 15:59:52 -KjetilK 15:59:52 -AlexPassant 15:59:56 -dcharbon2 15:59:59 -OlivierCorby 16:00:05 -AndyS 16:06:26 ivan has joined #sparql 16:06:37 ivan has left #sparql 16:06:59 -Orri 16:22:09 OlivierCorby has left #sparql 16:35:01 disconnecting the lone participant, LukeWM, in SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM 16:35:04 SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has ended 16:35:05 Attendees were +1.310.453.aaaa, kasei, LeeF, +49.238.aabb, LukeWM, AndyS, +8686528aadd, pgearon, AlexPassant, bglimm, dcharbon2, Ivan, +0207735aaff, SteveH, Sandro, 16:35:07 ... Chimezie_Ogbuji, +49.238.aagg, Orri, OlivierCorby, Prateek, KjetilK 18:04:04 Zakim has left #sparql 18:14:55 LukeWM has joined #sparql 20:12:15 SteveH has joined #sparql 21:32:54 AxelPolleres has joined #sparql 22:07:28 LukeWM has joined #sparql 22:08:06 LukeWM has joined #sparql 22:36:31 Tread has joined #sparql 22:40:03 enirctst has joined #sparql 22:50:06 enirctst has joined #sparql