14:34:44 RRSAgent has joined #xhtml 14:34:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/11/18-xhtml-irc 14:34:46 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:34:48 Zakim, this will be IA_XHTML2 14:34:48 ok, trackbot; I see IA_XHTML2()9:45AM scheduled to start in 11 minutes 14:34:49 Meeting: XHTML2 Working Group Teleconference 14:34:49 Date: 18 November 2009 14:40:47 Chair: Steven 14:41:18 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Nov/0005 14:41:26 Steven has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Nov/0005 14:41:36 mgylling has joined #xhtml 14:41:39 Regrets: Alessio, Tina 14:42:06 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 14:42:25 IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has now started 14:42:26 +ShaneM 14:43:09 +mgylling 14:43:10 -mgylling 14:43:10 +mgylling 14:46:20 zakim, dial steven-617 14:46:20 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:46:21 +Steven 14:49:50 Scribe: Steven 14:49:55 Steven: News on Oasis? 14:49:58 Markus: No 14:50:11 Topic: Role module 14:50:31 Steven: News? 14:50:44 Markus: George and I attended a call last week with PF. 14:50:57 oedipus has joined #xhtml 14:51:05 ... we need role for distribution context 14:51:19 +Gregory_Rosmaita 14:51:53 ... we're trying to figure out a role module into a state so that it is not locked to ARIA values 14:51:56 synopsis of discussion: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Nov/0007.html 14:52:08 q+ to say that GJR sent an update 14:52:13 ... PF taking over the module wasn't discussed as I recall 14:52:25 Gregory: I jest sent a note to the list. 14:52:31 s/jest/just/ 14:53:02 ... raising that role is a PF responsibility 14:53:08 +MoZ 14:53:14 ... we are considering moving it to PF 14:53:24 Steven: No decision yet? 14:53:27 Gregory: No 14:54:55 Markus: SVG and SMIL3 use @role 14:55:14 ... it's a generic mechanism that shouldn't be tied to accessibility 14:55:29 Gregory: role has generic use cases 14:55:36 Markus: Exactly 14:55:55 ... and it would be a shame if HTML5 locked it to ARIA 14:56:10 ack me 14:56:10 oedipus, you wanted to say that GJR sent an update 14:56:24 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Nov/0007.html 14:56:28 Markus: Gregory's route is the best one 14:56:40 ... I would join PF to bring generic role forward in W3C 14:57:50 Steven: Will a decision be taken this year? 14:57:55 Gregory: I will push for it 14:58:04 ... @role is ready 14:58:14 ... small amount of work 14:58:28 Shane: We already completed last call 15:01:10 q+ to say that for a non-modular language, there are a lot of HTML5 modules out there (canvas api, html5+rdfa, etc.) 15:01:39 ... wrt generic values, we need a way to define new non-prefixed values in CURIEs 15:01:48 ... we're discussing this in the RDFa TF 15:01:53 GJR needs to check on status of @profile in HTML5 -- was slated to be dropped, but 2 factions (accessibility and non-a11y) stronly support it 15:02:16 ack me 15:02:16 oedipus, you wanted to say that for a non-modular language, there are a lot of HTML5 modules out there (canvas api, html5+rdfa, etc.) 15:03:39 Gregory: 01for a non-modular language, there are a lot of HTML5 modules out there (canvas api, html5+rdfa, etc.) 15:04:05 Shane: APIs are different from syntax extensions 15:04:09 agreed 15:04:23 ... HTML5+RDFa has not been agreed to be published yet 15:04:45 ... the group doesn't agree that there is an extension mechanism 15:04:59 Gregory: We need leadership from above, and we're not getting it 15:06:13 markus, did you discuss Liam Quinn's "imaginary namespaces"? 15:06:49 http://www.w3.org/QA/2009/11/default_prefix_declaration.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=laconi 15:07:42 Liam's proposal: http://www.balisage.net/Proceedings/vol3/html/Quin01/BalisageVol3-Quin01.html 15:09:15 Shane: The problem always boils down to javascript and cross site downloading 15:09:27 ... browsers would have to support it 15:10:37 Topic: PERs 15:11:29 rock'n'roll! 15:12:21 SP: asked to adjust wording on bits of replies, but main point from review, at transition call expect us to have shown that all the things that were changed in normative values actually running -- need to review which are really different 15:12:29 SM: what PERs are we discussing? 15:12:35 SP: XHTML 1.1, Basic, and Print 15:13:00 SM: PER asked about most recently was M12n -- put others on hold because of M12n 15:13:13 SP: already sent a message about M12n and the other 3 PERs 15:13:32 SM: normative changes -- modularization changes some modules -- those changes will affect other markup languages 15:13:53 SP: will they change the way the other markup languages operate -- could say yes due to "lang" and "target" 15:14:04 SP: not sure what a sufficient demonstartion would be 15:14:23 SM: what tests? need to show content validates against schemas we publish 15:14:33 SM: fundamental question: what has changed? 15:15:01 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/ED-xhtml-modularization-20091007 15:15:32 http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xhtml-modularization-20081008 15:15:49 SP: can't find PER draft 15:15:58 SM: may not have one so could keep in draft space 15:16:05 SP: disposition of comments 15:16:36 SM: looking in spec -- draft that is up in TR space is the PER, just doesn't say so 15:16:48 SM: need to diff-mark again to ascertain changes 15:16:50 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/ED-xhtml-modularization-20091007/ 15:17:21 i/SP: asked to adjust/scribenick: oedipus 15:17:44 SM: added datatype -- diff against last editor's draft, not last REC 15:17:56 SP: previous editor's draft: 15:18:37 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/ED-xhtml-modularization-20090930/ 15:18:38 SM: 2009-09-30 draft 15:19:14 SM: description of changes in "Status of Document" section 15:19:34 SP: name on FORM and IMG; USEMAP, etc. 15:19:56 SM: take a spin through document to ensure no other changes not described in status of document 15:20:16 SM: USEMAP not just on IMG -- should state in "Status" alos on INPUT and OBJECT 15:20:21 s/alos/also 15:21:29 ACTION: Shane - ensure that all changes to PER are described in the "Status of Document" section 15:21:30 Created ACTION-103 - - ensure that all changes to PER are described in the "Status of Document" section [on Shane McCarron - due 2009-11-25]. 15:21:54 SP: modules hard to test in traditional sense; if we publish it and show languages using modules correctly, should allay lingering fears 15:22:46 SP: drum a few tests together in preperation for re-submission 15:22:58 SM: where to put tests? 15:23:10 SP: may need a mini-test suite to demonstrate 15:23:41 SM: XHTML 1.1, Basic and Print -- these module changes will effect all of those 15:23:44 SP: correct 15:24:19 SM: don't know what means to demonstrate them -- test document for each markup language that uses specific features; have to ensure still works in browser that block features 15:24:44 SP: XHTML Print: IMAGEMAP doesn't have any effect; FORMs don't have an effect; 15:25:00 SP: no real normative affect on Print -- only real change is schemas 15:25:45 SP: for XHTML Basic, changes same as for 1.1 -- any test file for Basic can be done for 1.1 with only change of DOCTYPE in HEAD 15:26:26 ACTION: Steven - set up test document that can be used for XHTML Basic and XHTML 1.1 (same test file, different DOCTYPES) 15:26:26 Created ACTION-104 - - set up test document that can be used for XHTML Basic and XHTML 1.1 (same test file, different DOCTYPES) [on Steven Pemberton - due 2009-11-25]. 15:26:54 ACTION: Shane - adjust schema for XHTML Basic, 1.1, and Print 15:26:54 Created ACTION-105 - - adjust schema for XHTML Basic, 1.1, and Print [on Shane McCarron - due 2009-11-25]. 15:27:27 topic: XHTML2 Draft 15:27:37 SP: need to review action items logged against draft 15:27:48 SM: i need to produce a note which i haven't yet done 15:27:59 [ADJOURNED] 15:28:03 -mgylling 15:28:06 -ShaneM 15:28:08 -MoZ 15:28:17 -Gregory_Rosmaita 15:28:18 -Steven 15:28:19 IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has ended 15:28:20 Attendees were ShaneM, mgylling, Steven, Gregory_Rosmaita, MoZ 15:28:38 rrsagent, make minutes 15:28:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/18-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 15:50:21 Gregory, Oedipus? 15:50:35 Did you mean to send that message to XHTML2 or WAI PF? 17:39:38 oedipus has joined #xhtml 17:39:40 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/wiki/HTML_Task_Force