18:18:51 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 18:18:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-aapi-irc 18:19:31 Eliot_Graff has joined #aapi 18:19:41 wendy has joined #aapi 18:20:27 aloha gregory!! 18:21:56 is there a telephonnic bridge for this slot? 18:26:55 FYI: html wg schedule for day 1: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tAbypWTudUfZZQMT2iSR6xg&output=html 18:27:04 being updated in real-time 18:31:55 Laura has joined #aapi 18:33:04 Hi 18:56:22 myakura has joined #aapi 19:02:54 silvia1 has joined #aapi 19:03:14 what room is this meeting in? 19:03:43 (actual location in hotel - there are three of us wondering around) 19:05:01 silvia1: 1243 in the north tower 19:05:25 Eliot_Graff has joined #aapi 19:05:48 Zakim has joined #aapi 19:05:59 Stevef has joined #aapi 19:06:04 I'll try to keep notes. Feel free to correct 19:06:19 wendy has joined #aapi 19:06:32 setting up projection 19:06:36 intros 19:06:44 Cynthia Shelly, Microsoft 19:07:10 Steve Faulkner 19:07:31 Wendy Chisholm 19:07:39 Glenn Bookout 19:08:10 Matt, adobe 19:08:17 Sylvia Pfieffer 19:08:26 Msataka Yakurat 19:08:31 Eliot Graff 19:08:34 John Folio 19:08:44 Eric Carlson 19:08:45 silvia has joined #aapi 19:08:51 s/Yakurat/Yakura/ 19:09:00 s/Folio/Foliot/ 19:09:14 eric_carlson has joined #aapi 19:09:15 Michael(tm) Smith 19:09:28 cyns has joined #aapi 19:11:18 Janina Sajka 19:11:30 things to cover 19:11:37 zakim, what's the conference code? 19:11:37 sorry, oedipus, I don't know what conference this is 19:12:13 working on setting up a phone link 19:12:58 Things to cover: ARIA & HTML both have ways to define semantics of elements 19:13:15 ...oely related but created separately 19:13:33 zakim, who is here? 19:13:33 has not yet started, oedipus 19:13:34 On IRC I see cyns, eric_carlson, silvia, wendy, Stevef, Zakim, Eliot_Graff, myakura, Laura, RRSAgent, oedipus, Hixie, mjs, MichaelC 19:13:41 HTML is not very well suited for making up UIs 19:13:47 "marking" 19:14:08 link to google doc of ARIA mapping http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AlVP5_A996c5dG9RSE9GMy1JaVlBQ2dIWDliczJHckE&hl=en_GB work in progress 19:14:10 s/making/marking/ 19:14:19 turned difs and spans but often doesn't work for users with assistive tech 19:14:29 ARIA fills some gaps 19:14:41 HTML5 fills some of those gaps, but in different ways 19:15:30 the goal here is to understand overlaps bet HTML and ARIA, hoew they relate 19:15:48 and specifically for HTML, when you apply ARIA, how do the changes take effect 19:16:17 s/hoew/how/ 19:16:36 spreadsheet shows overlaps and HTML implementations 19:17:04 this is taken from Ian's work, but not identical to Henri's work 19:17:15 JF has joined #aapi 19:17:15 1st two columns are what's in HTML5 19:18:14 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria/rdf_model.png 19:18:21 link to google doc of ARIA mapping http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AlVP5_A996c5dG9RSE9GMy1JaVlBQ2dIWDliczJHckE&hl=en_GB work in progress 19:18:30 this second link is the model for ARIA roles and how they relate 19:18:55 input types are similar to HTML mapping 19:19:22 HTML interractive section: defines a command 19:19:37 all of the elements that "do stuff" 19:19:46 http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#interactive-elements 19:20:20 command def in html5: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/commands.html#commands 19:20:30 ARIA spec says ARIA always wins & HTML says don't put a bunch of roles 19:21:40 HTML maintains backward compatibility to non-ARIA browsers 19:21:57 MikeSmith has joined #aapi 19:22:07 RRSAgent, make minutes 19:22:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-aapi-minutes.html MikeSmith 19:22:38 glenn has joined #aapi 19:22:53 if you put a role of button on a link, it doesn't change anything but the AT knows it's a button 19:23:13 ...a hint to user to tell how to interact, doesn't impose any new behaviors 19:23:27 n event handler does change the behavior 19:23:40 ...ARIA patches that mismatch 19:24:16 ...a whole lot of DHTML is not accessible and ARIA's a fix 19:25:18 ...we want to avoid errors that someone repurposes an element 19:26:00 if people get a warning or type mismatch, they may take the ARIA off to get rid of the error. e don't want that. 19:26:04 the spec says that validators have to complain about the element, not the aria role, which should take care of that 19:26:16 Other topics other than what's on the spreadsheet? 19:26:24 doesn't seem to be 19:26:58 look at the spreadsheet: first column is the feature, second is the default role, third is accepted overrides 19:27:27 widget types and structure typs. a big dsemantic diff 19:27:54 ...in HTML content and UI are mixed 19:28:14 fire alarm is going off 19:28:20 ARIA roles added to the a element should be conforming in HTML5 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8000 19:29:17 link is to initial bug around the issue 19:29:44 Look at . It defines a command; link is in the input roles. 19:29:52 it's overriden in the wild 19:30:06 button is like that 19:30:22 all of the things in HTML that define a command (bottom of sheet) 19:30:46 In the spreadsheet: should it be overriden? Where? Why? 19:32:50 we are trying to agree that there are groups of overrides: structures, widgets, (and commands as a subset of widget) is the proposal 19:33:10 ....HTML has navigational kinds of rols, too. 19:33:34 ....one other thing that the TF will do is to look at the sets and try to get them to match. 19:33:50 ...looking for input here if these groupings make sense; 19:34:15 are there objections? 19:34:38 HTML elelments will throw an error if you put an ARIA role on them 19:34:49 it's not clear from the minutes what the goal of these groupings would be 19:36:03 Goal of groupings would allow more overrides than are in the spec, to support things that are currently done in the wild: like repurposing lists as menus; links as buttons 19:36:11 ...tables as tab panels, etc. 19:36:33 ...and to have fewer validation warnings for ARIA implementation. 19:36:49 ...don't want a page to be less valid if you add ARIA. 19:37:07 ....if the warnings cause developers to remove ARIA, it would be a bad thing. 19:37:21 ....Seeing nods around the table 19:38:04 Looking for consensus around this approach 19:38:13 so the categories would be things that are conforming and correct, things that are wrong and not conforming, and what? 19:38:23 mattmay has joined #aapi 19:38:44 Grouping is about UI elements versus document elements 19:39:30 Example: if you take an HTML element and add compatible ARIA (in the same category) then that would be conformaing and correct 19:40:02 ...if you add ARIA that's not in the same category, the DOM would still do it, but there would be a conformance error (but the browser wouldn't care) 19:40:14 s/intros/Topic: Intros 19:40:36 ...if you took a link and made it a menu item, that would be OK, but if you made it a contentinfo, that would not be OK 19:41:11 let's look at the spreadsheet and examine specific cases 19:41:23 ...to see if they make sense 19:41:44 i/Things to cover:/Topic: ARIA and HTML, semantics and overrides 19:41:51 RRSAgent, make minutes 19:41:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-aapi-minutes.html MikeSmith 19:42:17 is a link and is a command. Command elements (in override column) 19:42:42
Steve thinks contentinfo is incorrect 19:42:56 contentinfo is a langmodel role 19:43:45 it can contain information, but you should only have one contentinfo role in a single document 19:44:21 if the address has a default role of conteninfo it can cause duplication 19:44:35 here's a place where ARIA shoul add a role 19:44:35 contentinfo is broader than 19:44:35 there isn't a 1-to-1 mapping between
in HTML5 and contentinfo in ARIA 19:45:00 prolix has joined #aapi 19:45:09 contentinfo is broader than 19:45:17 there isn't a 1-to-1 mapping between
in HTML5 and contentinfo in ARIA 19:46:29 the danger is that there's --in theory--instances of repurposing of doc element into widget role is not conformant in HTML, but you can't check that conformance 19:47:05 ...you can change the way the user interacts, and it's OK, but when you stick an ARIA role on it, it CAN be checked. ARIA flags document conformance issues 19:47:31 Broader issue of late-bound attributes, modified via script 19:47:40 ..what can be done about that--if anything? 19:48:11 ....having things found in the validator seems incorrect and may cause them to take the ARIA off. 19:48:29 list of ARIA roles in http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab/ 19:49:03 it'll be difficult. the event handler will do different thingss, depending on use 19:49:23 target should be trate by the UA as a suggestion -- a strong suggestion, but a suggestion by default, nevertheless 19:49:32 maybe checking if a handler has a role? 19:49:54 what point does scripted action cross into something that shouldn't be allowed 19:50:43 is the real underlying issue that people are putting event handlers on things that are not supposed to? Does it make sense that an address have a click handler? 19:51:05 It will change the conformance rules considerable for some elements 19:51:20 Does MS have any thoughts? 19:51:31 but are you superfreaked out? 19:51:47 Does it seem likely to be a deployment blocker? 19:51:51 Hmmmm 19:52:18 wendy has joined #aapi 19:52:44 The new Accessability model from Microsoft has a concept of patterns 19:53:02 ...woorth exploring for ARIA2: this is both a heading and clickable 19:53:22 What exactly would change? 19:53:34 structural elements, mainly 19:53:44 a lot of the document items would not be allowed to be overridden 19:54:50 This would be a warning? 19:55:03 ....Then it wouldn't require a schema change 19:55:27 The validator should offer hints to make valid pages 19:55:28 very good idea 19:56:15 when Hixie made some things conforming but obsolete, we added warnings. If it's just changes the conformance checker, then it's doable 19:56:39 Validator by design is made to conform to the spec 19:56:50 Looking for Henri's input 19:57:37 The warning message should be agnostic: NOT "take off the ARIA" 19:57:44 Resolution? 19:58:44 hsivonen has joined #aapi 19:59:36 Resolution: Event handlers on document elements with strong semantics would trigger validation warnings, as would ARIA roles on those same document elements. "Obsolete but conforming" 20:00:06 hsivonen, any thoughts on that? 20:00:07 work item: figure out what those elements are 20:00:13 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:00:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-aapi-minutes.html MikeSmith 20:00:48 also, it would be a good idea to make suggestions to the author of the web page on how to improve their markup: did you mean to use a