19:22:48 RRSAgent has joined #ws-ra 19:22:48 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/10/20-ws-ra-irc 19:22:50 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:22:50 Zakim has joined #ws-ra 19:22:52 Zakim, this will be WSRA 19:22:52 ok, trackbot, I see WS_WSRA()3:30PM already started 19:22:53 Meeting: Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference 19:22:53 Date: 20 October 2009 19:25:02 zakim, who is on? 19:25:02 I don't understand your question, dug. 19:25:28 zakim, who is here? 19:25:28 On the phone I see [IBM] 19:25:29 On IRC I see RRSAgent, fmaciel, asoldano, Bob, dug, trackbot, Yves 19:25:40 zakim, IBM is dug 19:25:40 +dug; got it 19:26:37 +Bob_Freund 19:26:48 Ram has joined #ws-ra 19:27:02 + +1.408.274.aaaa 19:27:07 zakim, aaaa is fmaciel 19:27:07 +fmaciel; got it 19:27:28 + +39.331.574.aabb 19:27:46 zakim, +39.331.574.aabb is asoldano 19:27:46 +asoldano; got it 19:28:18 is there a webpage with these directions? 19:28:30 (I assume next time I'll scribe...) 19:28:33 Ashok has joined #ws-ra 19:28:46 +[Microsoft] 19:28:49 ok, I'll search 19:28:51 thanks 19:29:15 + +984999aacc 19:29:27
  • li has joined #ws-ra 19:29:47 scribe: Fred maciel 19:29:47 regrets+ Yves lafon 19:29:47 scribenick: fmaciel 19:29:47 Topic: Opening 19:30:05 +Ashok_Malhotra 19:30:20 + +1.571.262.aadd 19:31:00 + +1.408.642.aaee 19:31:12 Tom_Rutt has joined #ws-ra 19:31:36 gpilz has joined #ws-ra 19:31:56 +Tom_Rutt 19:32:41 + +1.908.696.aaff 19:32:41 regrets+ Katy Warr 19:33:16
  • zakim, aaff is li 19:33:17 +li; got it 19:33:19 asir has joined #ws-ra 19:33:53 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Oct/0042.html 19:34:55 added issues 7553 and 7207 to agenda 19:35:15 Sreed has joined #ws-ra 19:36:07 added issue 7982 to agenda 19:37:08 thanks for not infecting us :-) 19:37:12 ;-) 19:37:24 -Ashok_Malhotra 19:39:37 Agenda approved as amended 19:40:02 topic: New Issues 19:40:04 7 new issues 19:40:34 Vikas has joined #ws-ra 19:40:40 All seven new issues approved 19:41:07 q+ 19:41:50 topic: Approval of minutes 19:42:25 ack ram 19:42:43 RESOLUTION: minutes of Oct 13 approved 19:42:54 Topic: Logistics 19:43:13 at least 5 sec I'd say 19:44:05 q+ 19:44:19 November F2F: FYI 7 registered observers 19:45:16 ack dug 19:45:19 January F2F: No objection to dates (2010-01-26 through 2010-01-28). 19:45:43 Location is Sunnyvale, CA. See e-mail from Dave for more details. 19:46:07 q+ 19:46:22 ack gp 19:46:39 Topic: Handling of external reviewer's comments 19:47:00 +1 to creating issues - only way to track the comments 19:47:58 Need to create issue, review resolution with reviewer and see if reviewer agrees. 19:48:46 +1 to them opening the issues - that way they're worded corrcetly 19:48:48 correctly 19:48:56 Topic: Issues with proposals 19:49:08 Issue 7068 19:49:11 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Oct/0018.html 19:50:02 q+ 19:50:26 ack ram 19:50:50 When present, this OPTIONAL parameter .... (add OPTIONAL) 19:53:44 Add OPTIONAL to all specs/all optional policy parameters 19:54:09 RESOLUTION: Approved as amended with "OPTIONAL" text. 19:54:40 Issue 7811 19:56:59 RESOLUTION: proposal in issue approved. 19:57:11 Issue 7207 19:57:17 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7207 19:58:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Oct/0049.html 19:59:21 RESOLUTION: proposal approved. 19:59:53 Issue 7553 20:00:18 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Oct/0045.html 20:01:49 Message 45 should be included in the bug as part of the proposal 20:02:23 RESOLUTION: approved with updated proposal including message 45 20:03:23 q+ 20:03:56 q- 20:04:26 Issue 7982 20:04:34 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7982 20:05:55 RESOLUTION: proposal accepted, resolved. 20:06:33 Issue: 7828 7588 7586 20:06:33 Created ISSUE-1 - 7828 7588 7586 ; please complete additional details at http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ra/tracker/issues/1/edit . 20:07:03 Oops - please erase later 20:07:13 Issue 7828 7588 7586 20:07:14 s/Issue:/Topic: Issue/ 20:07:30 Thanks dug 20:07:34 yep 20:08:02 Topic: Issues 7828, 7588, 7586 20:08:24 Latest note on this: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Oct/0044.html 20:10:12 sort of - proposal is here: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Oct/0044.html the other link has some minor editorial tweaks. 20:10:52 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Oct/0041.html 20:11:05 q+ 20:11:11 41 == proposal, 44 is editorial suggestions 20:11:27 ack ram 20:13:50 Ram to review, postpone to next week 20:14:26 topic: Issue 6435 20:15:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Sep/att-0032/Eventing-State-Tables-v3.doc 20:15:43 Issue 7912 could be resolved today. 20:18:32 +fjh2 20:18:35 q+ 20:18:36 DaveS has joined #ws-ra 20:19:49 Didn't we eliminate some of the states at the Hursley F2F? 20:20:52 zakim, who is making noise? 20:21:04 Bob, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: fjh2 (19%), +1.408.642.aaee (25%) 20:21:22
  • q+ 20:22:33 ack dug 20:23:44 ack li 20:23:45 q+ 20:24:13 +1 to Subscriber/EventSink 20:24:50 ack ram 20:26:48 zakim who is making noise? 20:26:55
  • loud noise 20:26:57 I hear TONS of static 20:26:57 too noisy 20:27:12 All willing to accept proposal except for 20:27:14 Ram 20:27:16 zakim, who is making noise 20:27:16 I don't understand 'who is making noise', gpilz 20:27:23 zakim, who is making noise? 20:27:24 bob -can'thear you 20:27:27
  • can't hear anything 20:27:29 Can't hear anything! 20:27:33 zakim, who is making noise? 20:27:38 asoldano, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: dug (27%), Bob_Freund (72%) 20:27:49 fmaciel, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: fjh2 (32%), dug (7%), Bob_Freund (7%) 20:28:13 q+ 20:29:46 7970 might be an easy one 20:30:52 - +984999aacc 20:31:00 Topic: issue 7912 20:32:27 perhpaps we can wait a week for this 20:32:37 q+ 20:32:49 + +984999aagg 20:33:08 the proposal sounds concrete enough 20:33:13 ack asir 20:34:51 The idnifier field was there already right? 20:34:56 yeah 20:34:56 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7912 20:36:14 acl gpi 20:36:16 ack gpi 20:38:10 +1 20:42:00 7970 might be easy 20:42:26 action: Doug/Katie to write concrete proposal 20:42:26 Sorry, couldn't find user - Doug/Katie 20:42:40 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7970 20:42:51 Bob, please edit again 20:43:03 Topic: issue 7970 20:43:53 proposal 1: A Web service that accepts requests to create subscriptions. 20:43:53 I need more time to review this issue. 20:44:06 Proposal 2: A Web service that accepts requests to create subscriptions for a certain set of notification that might be generated. 20:44:33 action: Doug and Katy to produce a more concrete proposal for Issue-7912 20:44:33 Created ACTION-118 - And Katy to produce a more concrete proposal for Issue-7912 [on Doug Davis - due 2009-10-27]. 20:44:43 This changes the notion that the event source generates the events. 20:45:34
  • proposal 2 is better 20:45:38 q+ 20:45:54 ack ram 20:47:49 for proposal 2: s/notification/notifications/ 20:48:23 review and resolution posponed 20:49:19 Topic: issue 7968 20:50:30 RESOLUTION: proposal accepted. 20:50:37 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7969 20:51:14 Topic: issue 7969 20:52:38 resolution postponed 20:52:55 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7986 20:54:26 - +1.571.262.aadd 20:54:30 q+ 20:54:41 ack asir 20:54:52 Topic: issue 7986 20:59:54 - +984999aagg 20:59:55 - +1.408.642.aaee 20:59:56 -[Microsoft] 20:59:57 -Bob_Freund 20:59:58 -fjh2 20:59:59 -li 20:59:59 -dug 21:00:01 -fmaciel 21:00:02 -asoldano 21:00:07 fmaciel has left #ws-ra 21:00:34 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:00:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/10/20-ws-ra-minutes.html Bob 21:00:39 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:00:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/10/20-ws-ra-minutes.html Bob 21:04:17 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:04:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/10/20-ws-ra-minutes.html Bob 21:05:02 disconnecting the lone participant, Tom_Rutt, in WS_WSRA()3:30PM 21:05:03 WS_WSRA()3:30PM has ended 21:05:05 Attendees were dug, Bob_Freund, +1.408.274.aaaa, fmaciel, asoldano, [Microsoft], +984999aacc, Ashok_Malhotra, +1.571.262.aadd, +1.408.642.aaee, Tom_Rutt, +1.908.696.aaff, li, fjh2, 21:05:08 ... +984999aagg 21:09:35 Bob has joined #ws-ra 22:01:17 asir has joined #ws-ra 23:08:41 Bob has joined #ws-ra 23:40:03 Bob has joined #ws-ra 23:45:40 Bob has joined #ws-ra 23:54:26 Bob has joined #ws-ra