18:59:33 RRSAgent has joined #core 18:59:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/08/19-core-irc 18:59:41 Zakim has joined #core 18:59:47 zakim, this will be I18n 18:59:47 ok, aphillip; I see I18N_CoreWG()3:00PM scheduled to start in 1 minute 18:59:50 YvesS has joined #core 18:59:56 RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 19:00:04 Meeting: Internationalization Core Teleconference 19:00:08 Chair: Addison Phillips 19:00:19 ScribeNick: aphillip 19:00:27 rrsagent, make minutes 19:00:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/08/19-core-minutes.html aphillip 19:01:15 I18N_CoreWG()3:00PM has now started 19:01:22 + +1.303.945.aaaa 19:01:42 r12a has joined #core 19:01:52 zakim, 303.945.aaaa is YvesS 19:01:52 sorry, YvesS, I do not recognize a party named '303.945.aaaa' 19:01:55 +??P0 19:02:03 zakim, dial richard please 19:02:03 ok, r12a; the call is being made 19:02:05 +Richard 19:02:08 zakim, 1.303.945.aaaa is YvesS 19:02:08 sorry, YvesS, I do not recognize a party named '1.303.945.aaaa' 19:02:17 +addison 19:02:21 andrewc has joined #core 19:02:23 zakim, 1.303.945 is YvesS 19:02:23 sorry, YvesS, I do not recognize a party named '1.303.945' 19:03:17 +??P6 19:04:29 dchiba has joined #core 19:04:53 Topic: Agenda 19:05:14 Topic: Action Items 19:05:17 +[Oracle] 19:05:27 Richard: respond on our behalf to CSS on ruby issue 19:05:31 getting close though 19:05:43 addison: set up document edit transition with dan for ws-i18n 19:06:04 richard: publish i18n-guide-frameword as (retired, obsolete) WD 19:06:25 waiting for Ian to return... he's just back.. so soon 19:06:35 Topic: Info Share 19:07:01 the new bcp 47 is to be published RFC 5646 RSN 19:07:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/08/19-core-minutes.html aphillip 19:07:51 richard: plugging away at bidi thing 19:07:55 ... techniques doc 19:08:18 ... and warning us that he's pretty darn close to finishing 19:08:29 ... so any comments should be make now 19:08:38 ... working on notes doc that techniques links to 19:08:44 richard: related to bcp47 19:08:47 http://rishida.net/utils/subtags/ 19:08:56 richard: working hard on updating it 19:09:06 ... language tag search tool 19:09:29 ... trying to make it so that people can understand how to make/not make language tags 19:09:41 ... providing error and warnings when checking tags 19:10:10 ... plus links to ethnologue, uniview for language and script subtags as appropriate 19:10:21 ... want to write an article along side it 19:10:31 ... on how to choose language tags 19:10:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/08/19-core-minutes.html aphillip 19:11:34 Topic: HTML 5 old issues 19:11:35 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2009Aug/0005.html 19:11:52 html5 guys trying to close out some issues 19:12:09 ISSUE-11: default-encoding 19:12:09 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/11 19:12:09 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2009Aug/0697.html 19:12:25 default encoding is the issue that concerns us 19:12:29 need to decide on this 19:12:52 [[ 19:12:54 Otherwise, return an implementation-defined or user-specified default character encoding, with the confidence tentative. In non-legacy environments, the more comprehensive UTF-8 encoding is recommended. Due to its use in legacy content, windows-1252 is recommended as a default in predominantly Western demographics instead. Since these encodings can in many cases be distinguished by inspection, a user agent may heuristically decide which to use as a default. 19:12:56 ]] 19:13:40 hmm... 19:13:52 I would s/these encodings/UTF-8 19:14:14 richard: what are legacy environment and Western demographic 19:17:27 http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#determining0 19:17:45 http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#determining-the-character-encoding 19:20:59 item 7 is the browser's default setting, e.g. the view > encodings menu 19:32:12 http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#character-encodings-0 19:43:25 ACTION: addison: to write a response proposing new text for html5 immediately following call for forwarding today 19:44:17 richard: we need to start looking at html5 in earnest 19:44:46 ... asap 19:45:02 addison: thinks we need to pull out material on supersets as a separate document 19:46:07 ACTION: all: review HTML5 (rolling action item to be reviewed weekly) 19:46:59 richard intends to ask to publish bidi techniques next week 19:47:33 Topic: AOB? 19:47:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/08/19-core-minutes.html aphillip 19:50:14 -andrewc 19:50:16 -addison 19:50:16 -[Oracle] 19:50:17 -Felix 19:50:19 -YvesS 19:50:23 -Richard 19:50:24 I18N_CoreWG()3:00PM has ended 19:50:25 Attendees were +1.303.945.aaaa, Felix, Richard, addison, YvesS, andrewc, [Oracle] 19:51:22 r12a has left #core 19:51:42 r12a has joined #core 19:51:46 hey, addison 19:52:01 will you be at the unicode editorial mtg tomorrow ? 19:55:50 aphillip ? 20:15:55 r12a has left #core 21:17:29 Zakim has left #core