IRC log of soap-jms on 2009-07-28

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:03:44 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #soap-jms
16:03:44 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:03:46 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
16:03:46 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #soap-jms
16:03:48 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be SJMS
16:03:48 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM scheduled to start 3 minutes ago
16:03:49 [trackbot]
Meeting: SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group Teleconference
16:03:49 [trackbot]
Date: 28 July 2009
16:04:21 [mphillip]
Zakim, list
16:04:21 [Zakim]
I see WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM, Team_(wf)16:00Z, SW_RIF()11:00AM active
16:04:22 [Zakim]
also scheduled at this time is XML_ET-TF()11:00AM
16:04:46 [mphillip]
16:04:56 [mphillip]
Chair: Eric
16:05:09 [mphillip]
Scribe: mphillip
16:05:50 [mphillip]
TOPIC: Minutes
16:05:58 [mphillip]
Minutes of last call:
16:06:10 [eric]
16:06:26 [eric]
Ooops - wrong link in the agenda - that's the updated link to the agenda from the last meeting.
16:07:51 [mphillip]
no objections to minutes
16:07:56 [mphillip]
TOPIC: Review the agenda
16:09:06 [mphillip]
no problem with agenda
16:09:11 [mphillip]
Regrets: Derek, Peter
16:09:31 [mphillip]
TOPIC: Review action items
16:09:32 [mphillip]
16:09:43 [mphillip]
No progress on action 32
16:10:26 [mphillip]
Ditto, actions 68, 91, 93
16:10:42 [mphillip]
close action-94
16:10:43 [trackbot]
ACTION-94 to reword the protocol-2024 proposal closed
16:11:01 [mphillip]
Message posted for action 94 - closed subject to review
16:11:41 [mphillip]
Eric: has started created issues, work still in progress
16:11:53 [mphillip]
Eric: for action 95
16:12:45 [mphillip]
Amy: Sent note to list re: action 96 - does not believe FAQ questions on URI are relevant to W3C FAQ - will start answering questions on wiki
16:12:54 [mphillip]
close action-96
16:12:54 [trackbot]
ACTION-96 Formulate further FAQ questions closed
16:13:09 [mphillip]
Eric: No status on action 97
16:13:56 [mphillip]
Phil: Wiki page reviewed, no further FAQ questions for the moment - any new ones will be added to the wiki as they occur
16:14:10 [mphillip]
close action-98
16:14:10 [trackbot]
ACTION-98 Formulate further FAQ questions closed
16:14:59 [mphillip]
Eric: The FAQ page has been edited to add an initial structure and the questions have been added, and preliminary answers put in by Phil
16:15:06 [mphillip]
cloase action-99
16:15:13 [mphillip]
close action-99
16:15:13 [trackbot]
ACTION-99 Edit the FAQ page to add a general structure to the Wiki closed
16:15:39 [mphillip]
Phil: Not all FAQ questions answered!
16:15:46 [mphillip]
TOPIC: URI specification
16:16:24 [mphillip]
Eric: Has been in touch with Dongbo representing Oracle and hopes to get sign-off
16:17:08 [mphillip]
Peter: No update from Progress
16:17:34 [mphillip]
Mark: Positive news from IBM counsel - should be able to approve with a note to the public list tomorrow
16:17:47 [mphillip]
TOPIC: Raised issues
16:18:04 [mphillip]
16:18:23 [mphillip]
Eric: 5 issues raised so far
16:18:51 [mphillip]
Issue4 relates to action 94 - will review on this call
16:19:32 [mphillip]
Eric: We will wait until Derek and Peter are on the call before we officially open the issues
16:20:27 [mphillip]
Eric: Next week we will review the issues, and see if we can accept the proposals (documented in the issues) to resolve them
16:21:08 [mphillip]
TOPIC: Accepting proposals to close open issues
16:21:19 [mphillip]
no issues open yet
16:21:28 [mphillip]
TOPIC: FAQ - discussion
16:21:53 [mphillip]
Phil: Process question on Wiki: We don't need action items to make changes do we?
16:22:00 [mphillip]
Eric: No it's not normative
16:22:27 [mphillip]
Phil: If anyone would like to suggest alternative wording for answers then they are welcome
16:23:31 [mphillip]
Eric: It uses mediawiki so there is a discussion page which we can use instead of holding discussions via email, or we can just amend the page... for instance adding links to the spec. where appropriate
16:24:15 [mphillip]
Mark: Will review the page and add / enhance answers where I can
16:25:08 [mphillip]
Eric: We should plan to have a time when we review the FAQ page more formally and all explicitly approve the content. Until then, we should all feel empowered to edit the page
16:26:00 [mphillip]
Eric: Would also encourage you to get colleagues to look at the spec. and wiki and make suggestions
16:26:23 [mphillip]
Eric: Other editors can be added to the page if necessary
16:26:56 [mphillip]
TOPIC: Implementations - any updates?
16:27:09 [mphillip]
No updates
16:27:19 [mphillip]
16:27:32 [mphillip]
16:27:55 [mphillip]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:27:55 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mphillip
16:28:16 [eric]
eric has left #soap-jms
16:29:13 [mphillip]
mphillip has left #soap-jms