13:40:12 RRSAgent has joined #xhtml 13:40:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/07/15-xhtml-irc 13:40:14 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:40:14 Zakim has joined #xhtml 13:40:16 Zakim, this will be IA_XHTML2 13:40:16 ok, trackbot; I see IA_XHTML2()9:45AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 13:40:17 Meeting: XHTML2 Working Group Teleconference 13:40:17 Date: 15 July 2009 13:40:48 I am present on IRC for now; there is noise in the office. 13:46:23 ok 13:47:19 alessio has joined #xhtml 13:47:50 zakim, who is here? 13:47:50 IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has not yet started, Steven 13:47:51 On IRC I see alessio, Zakim, RRSAgent, Steven, Tina, MoZ, trackbot 13:48:21 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Jul/0012 13:48:37 Steven has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Jul/0012 13:49:38 Regrets: Markus 13:50:28 Present: Steven, MoZ(remote), TIne(Remote), Shane 13:50:54 zakim, dial steven-617 13:50:54 ok, Steven; the call is being made 13:50:55 IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has now started 13:50:56 +Steven 13:51:20 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 13:51:24 s/TIne/Tina/ 13:51:38 Present+Alessio 13:51:58 +??P19 13:52:18 zakim, ??P19 is Alessio 13:52:18 +Alessio; got it 13:52:19 zakim, ??P19 ia Alessio 13:52:19 I don't understand '??P19 ia Alessio', alessio 13:53:46 +McCarron 13:54:12 Topic: Chairing 13:54:30 Steven: Markus has agreed to co-chair for the rest of the year 13:54:50 Topic: Summer Period 13:55:00 Steven: I am away for three weeks, Markus too 13:55:09 Shane: [laughs] 13:55:21 Steven: Feel free to meet to get things done 13:55:47 I will be gone between the 15th and 22nd of August. However, due to somewhat expected family problems I may be sending more regrets than normal. 13:55:55 Topic: Issues 13:56:12 Subtopic: ISSUE 17: DTD doesn't allow @lang 13:56:28 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/bjoern-issues.html#ISSUE16 13:56:32 SHANE: fIXED 13:56:41 Ss/SHANE/Shane/ 13:56:49 s/fIXED/Fixed/ 13:57:22 Shane: It's telling that he can't be polite about this sort of thing 13:57:54 Subtopic: No implementation report 13:57:56 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/bjoern-issues.html#ISSUE17 13:58:05 Shane: DO we need an implementation report for a PER 13:58:07 Steven: No 13:58:18 Shane: Then what am I missing? 13:58:22 Scribe: Steven 13:58:49 Shane: THere is a second part to this issue 13:58:57 Steven: Oh, I should have split it off,sorry 13:59:08 s/TH/Th/ 13:59:25 Shane: He says that XHTML 1.1 requires to be ... 13:59:34 ... not true, it says "SHOULD" 13:59:42 XHTML 1.1 documents SHOULD be labeled with the Internet Media Type "application/xhtml+xml" as defined in [RFC3236]. For further information on using media types with XHTML, see the informative note [XHTMLMIME]. 13:59:47 Steven: Then fine 14:00:20 Worth noting, perhaps, that RFC 'SHOULD' doesn't mean "absolutely have to". Never did. 14:00:49 previous REC is at http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xhtml11-20010531/ 14:01:49 Shane: In the previous rec, we didn't say anything on this topic 14:02:43 an editors draft at: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/ED-xhtml11-20090106/conformance.html#strict 14:02:53 Shane: DO we mention it in M12N? 14:02:57 Shane: Definitely not 14:04:40 ... M12N does not define a document type 14:04:45 s/DO/Do/ 14:05:02 Shane: XHTML+RDFa also says SHOULD on the media type 14:06:05 So the conclusion on issue 18.2 is that he is just wrong 14:06:12 S/So/Steven: So/ 14:06:17 Shane: Yes 14:06:38 Subtopic: ISSUE 19: Empty string in @lang 14:06:45 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/bjoern-issues.html#ISSUE18 14:06:58 Shane: Don't understand this; he's talking about XHTML 1.0 14:07:09 ... and also 1.1 14:07:42 Shane: HTML 4.0 does not permit an empty lang attribute 14:07:47 s/.0// 14:08:08 ... apparently xml:lang does 14:08:40 Steven: Have we ever had a request for this change? 14:08:43 Shane: No 14:09:11 Steven: What does I18N say? 14:09:24 Shane: I'm sure they support an empty value,for turning off the lang 14:10:23 ... I don't see how we can make that change 14:10:40 ... which means that lang and xml:lang are not the same 14:11:15 http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/2007-10-26/multipage/section-global.html 14:11:24 Steven: HTML5 has changed this 14:11:49 Shane: I don't think they can do that 14:12:20 ... because in XML says that xml:lang says something else 14:12:29 In particular, the empty value of xml:lang is used on an element B to override a specification of xml:lang on an enclosing element A, without specifying another language. Within B, it is considered that there is no language information available, just as if xml:lang had not been specified on B or any of its ancestors. 14:13:15 rationale: When embedding an XML fragment within a document (such as wrapping a payload inside a SOAP envelope), it is necessary to be able to specify that language information specified higher up in the element tree doesn't apply in the fragment, i.e. to break the inheritance chain without specifying a new language. Note that the empty string is different from the RFC 3066 tag "und" (undetermined). The latter is used "if the language associated with 14:14:05 Shane: Interesting rationale 14:14:18 When embedding an XML fragment within a document (such as wrapping a payload inside a SOAP envelope), it is necessary to be able to specify that language information specified higher up in the element tree doesn't apply in the fragment, i.e. to break the inheritance chain without specifying a new language. Note that the empty string is different from the RFC 3066 tag "und" (undetermined). The latter is used "if the language associated with an item ca 14:14:32 an item cannot be determined" or "for works having textual content consisting of arbitrary syllables, humming or other human-produced sounds for which a language cannot be specified." (from MARC Code List for Languages). The former (empty string) may be used whenever language codes are not applicable, such as for "instrumental or electronic music; sound recordings consisting of nonverbal sounds; audiovisual materials with no narration, printed titl 14:15:09 Steven: For a PER can we make this change? 14:15:23 ... I think yes 14:15:30 +1 14:15:52 Shane: My point is "what should UAs expect" 14:16:03 s/expect/expect?/ 14:16:10 Shane: Means a change to M12N 14:16:36 Steven: We've never been asked to make this change 14:16:49 ... we were asked to add lang from HTML4, but not with the empty value 14:17:07 Shane: M12N doesn't have lang! 14:18:15 Steven: XML spec has type CDATA 14:18:27 ... what do we have for xml:lang, and lang? 14:19:16 http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/PER-xhtml11-20090507/xhtml11.html#s_doctype 14:20:51 Shane: In the DTD we have LanguageCode.datatype 14:21:03 ... which is CDATA, so the DTD allows it to be empty 14:21:47 Steven: So are we OK on this issue? 14:21:57 yes 14:22:07 Shane: I think so 14:22:35 Steven: Let's just point out that lang and xml:lang accept the same values, and the definition of what lang means is taken from HTML4 14:23:00 ... but that lang *is* allowed to be empty 14:23:25 Subtopic: ISSUE 20(?): Inheritance from M12N 14:23:36 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/bjoern-issues.html#ISSUE19 14:24:28 Shane: Is there an issue 14:24:42 Steven: That's why I put a question mark; I wasn't sure 14:24:51 s/issue/issue?/ 14:26:04 hane: He doesn't have a reference to the "two dozen issues",so I don't know what he's talking about. But anyway, that's about M12N 14:26:23 ... but he's wrong, there was no reason why M12N 1.1 couldn't have been a PER 14:26:48 in fact, I don't see the problem 14:27:01 ... anyway, this is wrt M12N, not these specs; next week's problem 14:27:21 Subtopic: ISSUE 21: @profile 14:27:29 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/bjoern-issues.html#ISSUE20 14:27:41 Shane: If this is a problem, it is a problem with M12N 14:27:56 ... but M12n says it is a space-separated list of URIs 14:28:45 ... but the implementation is broken, so needs fixing 14:29:14 ... but these are not in TR space 14:29:33 ACTION: Shane to update implementations of @profile, and errata 14:29:34 Created ACTION-93 - Update implementations of @profile, and errata [on Shane McCarron - due 2009-07-22]. 14:29:44 Steven: So this is fixed 14:30:17 Subtopic: ISSUE 22: bdo lacks event attributes 14:30:27 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/bjoern-issues.html#ISSUE21 14:31:10 (sorry that the URIs don't match the topic; automatic numbering took the first wor of the heading and appended a number, starting at 0) 14:31:50 Shane: HTML4 never had these 14:33:30 Steven: He never sent this to us! This is something he sent to www-archive in 2005 14:34:15 Shane: In the previous version of XHTML 1.1 bd odidn't take the events either 14:34:48 ACTION: Shane add @lang to bdo for xhtml 1.1 14:34:48 Created ACTION-94 - Add @lang to bdo for xhtml 1.1 [on Shane McCarron - due 2009-07-22]. 14:34:59 bd o/bdo / 14:35:12 s/bd o/bdo / 14:35:33 Steven: Nothjing to do then 14:35:36 s/j// 14:36:12 Subtopic: ISSUE 23: No @version in XHTML Basic 14:36:20 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/bjoern-issues.html#ISSUE22 14:37:19 Does XHTML Basic /need/ a @version for any particular reason? 14:38:02 Steven: It is in HTML4, but deprecated 14:38:11 Shane: It is not in XHTML1 14:38:18 (Rationale: since XHTML Basic require a DOCTYPE, is there any version information in @version that add anything for document authors or users?) 14:38:20 Steven: Probably should have been 14:39:50 Shane: But we're not revving XHTML 1.0, right 14:39:54 Steven: Right 14:40:59 Steven: We reinstated version because DOCTYPEs were being made optional 14:41:06 ... so we agreed to allow version 14:41:08 right 14:41:21 ... in the Basic and Print we require the DTD 14:41:30 s/DTD/DOCTYPE/ 14:42:47 Steven: Print and Basic are noth for devices,and the owners of that space didn't ask us to add version 14:42:54 s/noth/both/ 14:43:24 Shane: Perhaps not, but version is in the implementation, just not in the prose 14:43:32 ACTION: Shane add @version information to XHTML Basic 1.1 PER similar to XHTML 1.1... maybe XHTML Print alsoThe start tag SHOULD contain a version attribute that declares the version of XHTML in use. The version of this version of XHTML is -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN. 14:43:32 Created ACTION-95 - Add @version information to XHTML Basic 1.1 PER similar to XHTML 1.1... maybe XHTML Print alsoThe start tag SHOULD contain a version attribute that declares the version of XHTML in use. The version of this version of XHTML is -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN. [on Shane McCarron - due 2009-07-22]. 14:44:48 Steven: Let's make it a may 14:44:51 Shane: Agree 14:44:58 Alessio: Yes 14:45:07 Change SHOULD to MAY for @version ... incorporate into XHTML Basic, XHTML Print, and XHTML 1.1. Don't mention in XHTML 1.0 unless we are going to rev it 14:45:27 Topic: Adjourn 14:45:32 \Steven: We have another 4 issues 14:45:40 -McCarron 14:45:41 Steven: I have to go I'm afraid 14:45:52 -Steven 14:45:52 [ADJOURN] 14:45:54 -Alessio 14:45:56 IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has ended 14:45:57 Attendees were Steven, Alessio, McCarron 14:45:58 zakim, McCarron was ShaneM 14:45:58 I don't understand 'McCarron was ShaneM', ShaneM 14:46:04 zakim, McCarron is ShaneM 14:46:04 sorry, ShaneM, I do not recognize a party named 'McCarron' 14:46:06 rrsagent, make minutes 14:46:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/07/15-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 17:12:26 Zakim has left #xhtml 18:53:21 MoZ has joined #xhtml 19:18:21 MoZ has joined #xhtml 22:03:28 MoZ has joined #xhtml 22:33:44 MoZ has joined #xhtml