19:08:06 RRSAgent has joined #ws-ra 19:08:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/07/14-ws-ra-irc 19:08:08 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:08:08 Zakim has joined #ws-ra 19:08:10 Zakim, this will be WSRA 19:08:10 ok, trackbot; I see WS_WSRA()3:30PM scheduled to start in 22 minutes 19:08:11 Meeting: Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference 19:08:11 Date: 14 July 2009 19:11:33 Paul has joined #ws-ra 19:17:49 Bob has joined #ws-ra 19:24:01
  • li has joined #ws-ra 19:25:08 Ashok has joined #ws-ra 19:26:12 fmaciel has joined #ws-ra 19:27:30 Wu has joined #ws-ra 19:28:31 WS_WSRA()3:30PM has now started 19:28:39 +??P0 19:28:47 +[Microsoft] 19:29:04 + +0207827aaaa 19:29:20 dug has joined #ws-ra 19:29:24 + +1.571.262.aabb 19:29:25 Zakim, aaaa is Paul 19:29:25 +Paul; got it 19:29:26 Geoff has joined #ws-ra 19:29:43 Vikas has joined #ws-ra 19:29:51 + +0759029aacc 19:30:11 trackbot, start telecon 19:30:14 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:30:16 Zakim, this will be WSRA 19:30:16 ok, trackbot, I see WS_WSRA()3:30PM already started 19:30:17 Meeting: Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference 19:30:17 Date: 14 July 2009 19:30:24 + +1.408.970.aadd 19:30:29 Tom_Rutt has joined #ws-ra 19:30:38 DaveS has joined #ws-ra 19:30:43 +Ashok_Malhotra 19:30:50 +[IBM] 19:30:59 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Jul/0033.html 19:31:02 +Wu_Chou 19:31:07 chair: Bob Freund 19:31:48 +??P9 19:32:06 I can't get to ANY of the issues - the web site is blocking me 19:32:12 +Tom_Rutt 19:32:36 + +1.408.642.aaee 19:32:57 +Yves 19:33:29 Sreed has joined #ws-ra 19:35:51 scribe: Sreedhara Narayanaswamy 19:36:00 scribenick: Sreed 19:36:37 Note to chair: Bob I will need to go mobile about half way through the call, but will stay on as long as I have connectivity. 19:36:42 Ram has joined #ws-ra 19:36:50 Bob: Posted agend is it acceptable 19:37:23 asir has joined #ws-ra 19:37:54 Bob: Any objects in accepting the Minutes of 7th July 19:38:53 Topic: Team 6401 19:40:14 Gil: Non functional reqs specific to 6401 19:40:53 how can I tell? 19:41:13 D. Support Migration It should facilitate a migration path of eliminating the offending outbound operations in existing web service implementations. 19:41:15 is there a cmd to show the hosts my msg hits? 19:41:19 on windows 19:41:37 Bob: Migration no functional improvements & changes are pemissible 19:41:41 dug: http://www.showmyip.com/ 19:41:42 q+ 19:41:57 ack gpi 19:42:02 19:42:12 bi01p1.nc.us.ibm.com 19:43:13 gpliz: speicifc to as how the notifications would look like, a particular of construction of WS Eventing 19:43:47 q+ 19:44:10 dug, it should be cleared now 19:44:12 gpliz: Other implementations related to migration 19:44:21
  • q+ 19:44:28 ahhh, I feel so much better!!! thanks a ton Yves!!!!!!! 19:44:43 s/functional/functional take-aways 19:44:51 q+ 19:44:52 Bob: Particular to older specs what is the point in the migration path 19:44:56 ack li 19:45:53 Li: Migration web services WSDL out bound operations 6401 is trying to develop solution for out bound operations WS Eventing will propose solution 19:46:44 Li: If these web services spec is this current will allow to migrate specific to out bound operations 19:47:02 Bob: Are you suggesting existing implementations migrated without code change 19:48:02 Li: Web services specification from other standard - in these WSDL the out bound operations. These WSDL specs to be BP compliant 19:48:35 Li: Migrate from un-compatible state to compatilble state 19:48:36 ack wu 19:48:44 ack dug 19:48:52 q+ 19:49:10 ack qu 19:49:12 Dug: Previous F2F discussed in migration doc need to address this 19:49:18 ack wu 19:49:40 q+ 19:50:09 q- 19:50:09 Bob: Other specs will not be BP compliant? 19:51:13 q+ 19:51:39 ack gpi 19:51:43 Wu: it should be relatively to change the BP compliance as required 19:51:46 ack gp 19:52:17 what's the point of this discussion? we're all agreed it not going into the spec so what are we arguing about? 19:52:51 each company will figure out how much of a migration process there is for each feature - vote (make proposals) appropriately 19:52:55 gpilz: Alternative proposal disucssing with the working groups. Reqs should be relatively easy to migrate 19:53:47 gpilz: Migration chosen in particular specs that been discussing using the WS Eventing 19:53:52 q+ 19:54:39 Bob: Migration path information in the document Geoff did this. Why is there further requirement on migration? 19:55:32 Wu: Solution we developed presented other web services vendor to compse with us - particular requirement 19:55:58 ack wu 19:56:04 Bob: Providing the information (paragraph) related to this 19:56:19 Wu: Can provide this paragraph 19:56:40 q+ 19:57:03 on firm mud 19:57:11 ACTION: Wu will work on information related to the migration (paragraph) 19:57:11 Created ACTION-82 - Will work on information related to the migration (paragraph) [on wu chou - due 2009-07-21]. 19:58:42 Geoff: We need Wu & Gpliz to do with the specifications related to this 19:58:42 ack geo 19:59:26 Bob: New issue Issue-7088 20:00:39 Bob: Need to have the information related to 7088 before the F2F 20:01:23 Bob: We have working document then we can close 7088 - also issues can be opened to this 20:01:44 q+ 20:01:52 Bob: Issue-6720 20:02:12 Bob: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6720 20:02:23 ack dave 20:03:00 Bob: We had a proposal for the 6720 20:03:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Jul/0027.html 20:03:28 q+ 20:04:11 Ashok: checking in bugzilla 20:05:09 let's get drunk and behead some royalty! 20:05:44 Ashok: Problem was we didnt know exactly second paragraph any document XML Schema: Structures], [XML Schema: ] 20:07:04 Dug: support transfer 20:07:47 q+ 20:07:51 Ashok: will get the XML or policy 20:07:57 q- 20:08:32 Dug: Meta section identifier attribute 20:08:58 ack geo 20:09:14 Geoff: I don't get what is going on in this 20:09:36 q+ 20:09:58 Geoff: Get operation can return many things including multiple documents interms of Dug was saying it is really not correct 20:10:00 Tom_Rutt has joined #ws-ra 20:10:41 Geoff: Get request single representation of the spec any metadata can return policy, not the get metadata itself 20:10:54 Geoff: As what we are arguing in this 20:11:54 Ashok: Original question spec can get all of these things 20:12:49 Geoff: What is actually get is the meta data resource may return any of those - metadata resource many things meta data elements itselt 20:13:17 ack dug 20:14:15 Dug: Meta you get back could be next meta data element 20:14:30 q+ 20:15:25 ack asir 20:15:30 Dug: different data comming back so what I wrote is correct 20:15:58 Asir: It is confusing 20:16:06 q+ 20:16:31 Asir you're going too far 20:16:50 ack dug 20:17:10 Sre has joined #ws-ra 20:17:35 q+ to point out that the term 'dialect' is overloaded in this conversation 20:17:50 Dug: Single meta data unit with particular identifier 20:18:01 ack asir 20:18:01 asir, you wanted to point out that the term 'dialect' is overloaded in this conversation 20:18:21 Asir: Confusing conversation word dialect 20:18:51 Dug: Using the word dialect - modifying 20:19:05 Asir: particular statement is not correct 20:20:02 Asir: Why more than one dialect 20:20:11 Dug: One queue name 20:20:35 Asir: I agree metadata queue name it can have children can have more metadata section 20:20:46 Dug: Meta data wrapper 20:20:57 Asir: confusing the terminology 20:21:18 Bob: Asir suggest alternative text 20:21:57 Ashok: Not completely I didn't now the intent as some clarification required 20:22:30 Asir: It has the variable as wants to return not sure about specific information to put forward 20:22:55 Ashok: One metadata section which can different dialects which we need to spellout this 20:23:11 Asir: I understand & can work out on this 20:23:28 Bob: Asir & Ashok will produce alternative text 20:24:23 q+ 20:24:26 we signed up for clarification text 20:24:51 ACTION: Asir & Ashok needs to work on the text 20:24:51 Created ACTION-83 - & Ashok needs to work on the text [on Asir Vedamuthu - due 2009-07-21]. 20:25:12 I'd like 6680 added to the agenda then - sorry I misread the #'s 20:25:13 ack dug 20:25:20 6680 should be a no-brainer 20:25:36 ie. close w/no action 20:25:41 topic: 6803 20:26:05 Bob: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6803 20:28:18 Geoff: Discussion to take place WS Fragment, some time needs to have discussions what we need to do 20:28:29 Geoff: Is any issue related to this 20:30:32 Bob: Recoomenbd closing 6803 w/o prejudice 20:30:33 q_ 20:30:34 q+ 20:30:58 No objection 20:31:52 Bob: Can we dscuss 6680? 20:32:12 Dug: Strictly editorial. Opened by Gil 20:32:34 ... no longer applies. We shd close 20:33:01 Bob: Any objection to close 6680 woth no action 20:33:11 Geoff: I need a minute 20:33:42 ... ok no objection to closing 20:33:48 Gil: No objection 20:33:50 q+ 20:33:57 q- 20:34:34 RESOLUTion: Issue 6680 closed with no action. 20:34:54 ack geo 20:35:31 Geoff: We would like option to open a related issue 20:35:41 When the Delivery Format feature is engaged the formatting of the going events occurs after any filtering. 20:36:05 Bob: Yes. That's what I meant by 'close with no prejudice' 20:36:28 s/issue/issue related to or subsequent to 6803 20:36:33 Dug: Topic: 6980 20:37:02 Dug: Explains issue 20:37:04 q+ 20:37:21 ack geo 20:37:55 not Body, its the Event XML 20:37:59 q+ 20:38:34 Geoff: Implication is if we only filter over the content and if we have a header that influences the body we have a problem 20:38:51 ... this is possible 20:39:10 q+ 20:39:15 q+ 20:39:15 ack dug 20:39:27 ... don't want to rule out something that may be impt for someone 20:39:39 Dug: We are filtering on event XML 20:40:47 ... if they want to filter on envelope they need a different mechanism 20:41:24 ack [Micro 20:41:31 ack wu 20:41:42
  • q+ 20:42:00 Wu: This is good if it does not disrupt existing apps 20:42:29 ack gpi 20:42:37 ... we shd double-check apps 20:42:56 bob - I can answer that 20:43:04 Gil: What is 'raw eveny XML'? Does it incclude action URIs 20:43:26 s/incclude/include/ 20:43:41 Dug: Does not include action URIs 20:43:44 ack li 20:44:13 Actually, ws-e says: Context Node: the SOAP Envelope containing the notification. 20:44:19 Li: Xpath filtering is missing the context 20:44:35 q+ 20:44:36 q+ 20:44:46 q- 20:44:47 q- 20:44:49 q+ 20:44:50 ... what if the msg has multiple parts 20:45:12 Dug: There can only be 1 part 20:45:55 ... we may need a separate issue about the the shape of an event 20:47:08 ... filtering has to happen before the binding 20:47:34 Li: If we have 2 parts we don't know which part is bound to body 20:47:49 Bob: Do you need more time? 20:47:59 ... 1 weeks? 20:48:13 +1 to gil 20:48:22 Gil: The issue hat Li just raised is related to issue 6401 20:48:40 - +0759029aacc 20:48:47 ack gpi 20:48:48 s/hat/that/ 20:49:13 q+ 20:49:16 ... problem is how events are described 20:49:51 q+ 20:50:26 ... what do you do with a wrapped notification 20:50:49 ack tom 20:51:21 ... my proposal for 6401 and Dug's proposal for this issue meshes very well 20:51:37 ack wu 20:51:58 Tom: I need a usecase why anyone would filetr on anything other than the first child 20:52:53 ws bp requirments (both for rpc/lit and doc/lit) allow only one child of soap:body. I see no reason to filter on anything other than first child of soap body 20:53:25 Bob: I don't hear a lot of disagreement but folks seems to want a bit more time. Let's revisit next week 20:53:54
  • one man's trash is another's gold 20:54:13 q+ 20:54:37 Bob: Proposes we deal with 6980 and then 6692a 20:55:06 Dug: Could we get a concrete proposal for 6692a? 20:55:15 ack dug 20:55:39 Geoff: You have talked abt 4 issues. 20:55:40 LOL Geoff - you're a dreamer 20:55:58 ... I am working on d. 20:56:20 a, b, c could be dealt with as separate issues 20:56:38 q+ 20:56:56 ack dug 20:57:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Jul/0015.html 20:57:06 Bob: That's a good idea! 20:58:13 bring me the blue pages! 20:58:32 q+ 20:58:55 Bob: We will await proposal 20:59:13 Topic: 6421 20:59:23 Dug: CNA? 20:59:47 No objections heard 21:00:12 RESOLUTION: 6421 closed with no action 21:00:16 -Wu_Chou 21:00:17 - +1.408.970.aadd 21:00:18 -Tom_Rutt 21:00:18 - +1.571.262.aabb 21:00:19 -[IBM] 21:00:20 -??P0 21:00:20 -??P9 21:00:21 -Yves 21:00:22 Adjourned 21:00:23 - +1.408.642.aaee 21:00:25 -[Microsoft] 21:00:26 gpilz has left #ws-ra 21:00:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/07/14-ws-ra-minutes.html Yves 21:00:35 trackbot, end telcon 21:00:35 Zakim, list attendees 21:00:35 As of this point the attendees have been [Microsoft], +0207827aaaa, +1.571.262.aabb, Paul, +0759029aacc, +1.408.970.aadd, Ashok_Malhotra, [IBM], Wu_Chou, Tom_Rutt, +1.408.642.aaee, 21:00:36 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 21:00:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/07/14-ws-ra-minutes.html trackbot 21:00:37 RRSAgent, bye 21:00:37 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/07/14-ws-ra-actions.rdf : 21:00:37 ACTION: Wu will work on information related to the migration (paragraph) [1] 21:00:37 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/07/14-ws-ra-irc#T19-57-11 21:00:37 ACTION: Asir & Ashok needs to work on the text [2] 21:00:37 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/07/14-ws-ra-irc#T20-24-51 21:00:38 ... Yves