15:07:45 RRSAgent has joined #swd 15:07:45 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/06/23-swd-irc 15:07:49 rrsagent, bookmark 15:07:49 See http://www.w3.org/2009/06/23-swd-irc#T15-07-49 15:07:54 zakim, this will be swd 15:07:54 ok, TomB, I see SW_SWD()11:00AM already started 15:07:58 Meeting: SWD WG 15:08:01 Chair: Guus 15:08:09 rrsagent, please make record public 15:08:40 Guus: No agenda - short call - sent around a few issues 15:08:51 Scribe: TomB 15:08:55 scribenick: tomb 15:09:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2009Jun/0033.html 15:09:18 message about tesminonials and vting 15:09:27 s/vting/voting/ 15:09:44 ...Make sure your AC rep will vote for SKOS PR 15:09:59 ...Open to July 15 15:10:19 Next: testimonials. Need to be W3C members. Brainstorm now. 15:10:26 Other candidates besides LC? 15:10:57 Lots of cultural heritage orgs but not w3c members. 15:11:25 Stanford Center for biomedical ontologies? 15:12:03 ACTION Guus to ask Stanford for tetimonial 15:14:07 ACTION Guus to ask Libby Miller for BBC testimonial 15:14:27 ACTION Guus to ask Asemantics for testimonial 15:17:55 ACTION Guus to ask Ivan to contact OCLC 15:20:31 - +0013120598aaaa 15:22:10 + +0013120598aabb 15:23:18 TomB_ has joined #swd 15:26:55 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/EARL10/WD-EARL10-Schema-20090610 <- EARL latest WD 15:28:38 Ralph has joined #swd 15:29:09 +Ralph 15:29:30 [hi, sorry to be late; got stuck in another meeting that ran over] 15:32:53 -??P54 15:32:54 -??P5 15:32:56 -Guus_Schreiber 15:33:00 -Antoine 15:33:08 Antoine has left #swd 15:33:15 zakim, list participants 15:33:15 As of this point the attendees have been Guus_Schreiber, Tom_Baker, +0013120598aaaa, +0013120598aabb, Antoine, Ralph 15:33:22 +Diego 15:33:29 +Sean 16:00:55 -Ralph 16:00:56 -Tom_Baker 16:00:56 SW_SWD()11:00AM has ended 16:00:57 Attendees were Guus_Schreiber, Tom_Baker, +0013120598aaaa, +0013120598aabb, Antoine, Ralph 17:36:04 Zakim has left #swd