13:29:03 RRSAgent has joined #au 13:29:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/06/16-au-irc 13:29:05 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:29:05 Zakim has joined #au 13:29:07 Zakim, this will be AUWG 13:29:07 ok, trackbot, I see WAI_AUWG(F2F)8:30AM already started 13:29:08 Meeting: Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference 13:29:08 Date: 16 June 2009 13:29:30 zakim, who is here? 13:29:30 On the phone I see +1.703.889.aaaa, AnnM 13:29:31 On IRC I see RRSAgent, ReedShaff, jeanne, jtrevir, AnnM, trackbot 13:29:35 Jan has joined #au 13:29:49 zakim, aaaa is really Adobe 13:29:49 +Adobe; got it 13:29:58 scribe: Jan 13:30:24 Sueann has joined #au 13:30:53 zakim, Adobe has Jan_Richards, Greg_Pisocky, Reed_Shaffner, Jutta_Treviranus, Sueann_Nichols, Jeanne_Spellman 13:30:53 +Jan_Richards, Greg_Pisocky, Reed_Shaffner, Jutta_Treviranus, Sueann_Nichols, Jeanne_Spellman; got it 13:31:08 regrets+ Tim_Boland 13:31:19 regrets+ Andrew_Ronksley 13:31:38 Present++Jan_Richards, Greg_Pisocky, Reed_Shaffner, Jutta_Treviranus, Sueann_Nichols, Jeanne_Spellman 13:31:48 rrsagent, make logs public 13:31:53 rrsagent, make minutes 13:31:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/06/16-au-minutes.html jeanne 13:33:15 present+ Ann_McMeekin 13:34:14 chair: Jan, Jutta 13:34:22 scribe: jeanne 13:35:43 rrsagent, make minutes 13:35:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/06/16-au-minutes.html jeanne 13:36:24 topic: brainstorming contacts for reviewers, implementors, and evaluators 13:38:50 ARonksley has joined #au 13:40:17 +??P9 13:40:55 zakim, ??P9 is really ARonksley 13:40:55 +ARonksley; got it 13:41:05 present+ Andrew_Ronksley 13:46:40 Greg has joined #au 13:48:44 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009AprJun/0071.html 13:49:06 topic: New proposals - B.1.1 13:50:56 B.1.1.3 Conforming Alternate Technology: If a Web content technology 13:50:56 does not create accessible Web content (e.g. a bar chart created in a 13:50:56 PNG image file), then an conforming alternate technology (e.g. a date 13:50:56 table in HTML) will be available to the author(s) prior to publishing. 13:50:56 (Level AAA) 13:51:29 JT: Why should it be level AAA? This is more important than a AAA. 13:52:08 ... a company that is seeking ATAG compliance, should be willing to make the effort to insure that their content is accessible 13:53:56 Reed: I think the way this is worded implies this is another special thing rather than an acceptable alternative 13:54:17 B.2.1.4 Guide Accessible Alternatives: If Web content is created or 13:54:17 integrated that is not accessible, (e.g. a bar chart created in a PNG 13:54:17 image file), the author(s) will be guided to create or integrate a 13:54:17 conforming alternate technology (e.g. a date table in HTML) prior to 13:54:17 publishing. (Level AAA) 13:54:37 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009AprJun/0071.html 13:57:24 Jan has joined #au 13:57:57 JT: We need to weigh are approach to authoring accessibly from the start 13:58:15 JT: We need to make sure that accessible technology is used 13:58:42 GP: I have concerns with expectation that one tool doing everything 13:58:56 JT: No recognizes that one tool can't can't do everything 13:59:26 JT: Just have to include something in bundle that allows it 13:59:55 RS: But end of the road is the point...maybe someone will make a great scanner+repair 14:00:03 JT: But means lots of retrofit 14:00:12 RS: But ex? 14:00:24 JT: Retrofitting is usally redoing things 14:00:40 GP: We have to handle multiple authoring styles 14:00:57 JT: Yes there is a whole range of things 14:01:19 JT: We are encouraging thinking from beginning PLUS ability to hndle accessiblity at the end 14:01:31 JS: ARIA example... 14:01:52 JS: If putting in nav tree structure put in ARIA from early in the process 14:04:56 Jutta: make it possible for authors to author accessibly from the start 14:05:48 GP: give me products that support the features to get to an accessible solution, if controls and objects can't support accessible solution you wouldn't what that 14:06:27 RS: What is an automatic prompt? 14:08:43 Reviewing Jean's email 14:10:49 RS: disagreement is this to guide accessible content or from the outset. 14:11:14 Jutta: it should be possible to make an accessible outcome from the outset 14:12:02 Jan: sees this as being part of the conformance statement 14:12:16 Jan: Should blow away the old b.1 14:13:08 Jan: we should have support for tools that enable accessibility from the outset 14:14:04 RS: in large organizations the work flow can cause problems having focus on accessibility 14:14:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009AprJun/0074.html\ 14:14:36 Jan: update to the conformance claim 14:15:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009AprJun/0074.html 14:18:47 GP accessibility may not happen until all of the parts (images) are brought together 14:19:44 Jutta: there are multiple cases. There are cases when accessibility needs to be there from the start, in other cases it can be added in at the end 14:21:32 GP: it's all a moment in time when accessibility should happen 14:23:29 Jan: Jan's proposal is about the claim. 14:23:34 versus the guide. 14:24:45 JS: not all of the tools need to be atag compliant versus Jan: because part A is in there, the tools do need to meet Atag 14:25:56 RS what would the claim look like? 14:36:41 Jan there is no objective review of technologies 14:48:15 RS: having problem trying to figure out the claim to atag 14:48:38 Jan: try and cut it down and make a claim on a scenario 14:49:36 Jan: That's what WCAG 2.0 does 15:13:07 Jean: bundles should be for checking and repair. 15:14:20 Jutta: compound issues. 15:20:05 RS: why does b.1 not produce Atag 15:20:21 why does b.1 not just state output meet atag 15:20:41 Jutta: we don't say that because there is the issue of the author. 15:21:09 JT If you make or incorporate content make sure that is is possible to create accessible output using that content 15:21:43 JT You want to increase the liklihood that any author is producing accessible output with it 15:22:07 ReedShaff has joined #au 15:22:59 JT: It has to be possible. It has to be just as easy at is to make it accessible as it is to make it inaccessible 15:24:14 JR: It would be nice to go into B and do the triage we discussed yesterday 15:24:28 JR: B.1.1 we will need to return to 15:24:49 JT: ATAG is unlike WCAG in that we have the wildcard of the author. The developer cannot and should not, control what the author produces. The author has free choice. 15:25:03 Therefore was we want to do in B1 is: 15:25:42 Make sure that when the authoring tool has full control over the content (automatic processes) it is accessible and meets WCAG 2.0 15:26:43 JR: B.1.2 Ensure that the authoring tool preserves the accessibility information 15:26:54 For all else we want to make it possible and easy for the author to produce accessible content. We want to encourage them and guide them in making accessible content. It should be as easy if not easier to make accessible content as it is to create inaccessible content 15:27:40 And we want to support them in checking that their content is accessible and then repair it if it isn't. 15:29:24 We want accessible authoring to be naturally integrated, part of the workflow, where appropriate and possible from the beginning of the process rather than as a retrofit. 15:31:05 B.1.2.2 Medium 15:34:59 RS: Perhaps we should define automatically 15:35:55 JR: Triage Okay. No problem here B.1.3 15:36:19 JR: Moving on, B.2.1 Guide Authors to create accessible content 15:36:29 JR: Triage High 15:37:01 JR: B.2.2 Assist Authors in checking for accessiblity problems. Lots of comments 15:43:13 JR: B.2.2 Triage High 15:44:49 JR: B.2.3 Repair Accessibility (AAA) 15:47:45 JR: B.2.3 Triage None 15:48:02 Action: JR to clarify repair assistance language 15:48:02 Created ACTION-166 - Clarify repair assistance language [on Jan Richards - due 2009-06-23]. 15:48:27 action: JR to clarify repair assistance in B.2.3 15:48:27 Created ACTION-167 - Clarify repair assistance in B.2.3 [on Jan Richards - due 2009-06-23]. 15:49:54 Topic B.2.4 Assist authors with managing alternative content for non-text content 15:57:24 B.2.4 Triage None 15:58:20 Topic Guideline B.2.5 Assist authors with accessible templates and other pre-authored content 16:00:27 B.2.5 Triage Medium 16:00:55 Topic Guideline B.3.1 Ensure that accessible authoring actions are given prominence 16:01:09 B.3.1 Triage None 16:01:43 Topic Guideline B.3.2 Ensure that sequential authoring processes integrate accessible authoring practices 16:05:13 RS: This is another one where I am concerned we are forcing design contraints on people. Who says it has to come at the end for instance? 16:14:19 B.3.2 Triage HIGH 16:15:26 Topic Guideline B.3.3 Ensure that features of the authoring tool supporting the production of accessible content are available 16:15:59 B.3.3 Triage NONE 16:20:32 Topic Guideline B.3.4 Ensure that features of the authoring tool supporting the production of accessible content are documented 16:22:15 B.3.4 Triage None 16:22:35 Topic Guideline B.3.5 Ensure that any authoring practices demonstrated in documentation are accessible. 16:23:45 RS: What do we mean by documentation? Where is it coming from? 16:24:42 JT: One of the AODA legislation requirements was to put a proviso over the things you have control over 16:26:12 SN: It's like saying any example for any piece of code has to be written accessibly 16:26:35 RS: Then I would feel comfortable making that single A (if you take out any) 16:36:31 rrsagent, make minutes 16:36:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/06/16-au-minutes.html jeanne 16:38:04 Breaking for lunch. Be back in 30 minutes at 1:10 EDT 16:39:06 -ARonksley 16:49:22 ARonksley_ has joined #au 16:55:14 ARonksley_ has joined #au 16:56:40 ARonksley__ has joined #au 17:01:06 -AnnM 17:01:40 +AnnM 17:01:44 ARonksley_ has joined #au 17:12:52 ARonksley_ has joined #au 17:13:43 set scribe:ReedShaff 17:14:27 Discussing B3.2 or and B3.1 need to get accessibility into the the core of the authoring process 17:14:49 JT: The workflow part was integrated, not any point, it is a habitual part of the process in general 17:14:57 + +2 17:14:58 JR: ok maybe they aren't the saem 17:15:07 JR: Starting with B2.1 17:30:55 RS and JR: How do we deal with issues involving the aggregating of content 17:32:23 RS: For example, my app may include a video from another source that isn't captioned and which my tool can't add captions 17:46:21 Sueann: how does this change anything? 17:46:36 JR: conforming alternate is a way of meeting WCAG 17:49:01 JR: maybe we add something to be more explicit 17:57:02 Sueann: how can we check for all of these things people are inserting? 17:57:16 Greg: this is incredibly complex logic 17:58:03 Sueann: informing the user versus informing the purchaser 17:58:17 Sueann: you don't want to, the tools aren't tutorials 17:58:26 JR: they might include some guidance along the way 18:32:44 Sueann: it has nothign to do with UI 18:32:47 Greg: or a prompt 18:33:57 Sueann: set accessible properties for all objects that the tool can edit 18:36:43 JT: I want to do it in the middle of doing my workflow 18:36:51 Greg: you can always pretend your done 18:37:05 JT: then I as an author have to fool the tool 18:37:21 Sueann: AA I can query them at anytime 18:37:35 Sueann: real time checking is triple AAA 18:38:26 Greg: I as an author have a way of setting those propertieis 18:38:47 Sueann: you can't check anything until it meets AA criteria, it has been queried and has no sev1 or 2 issues 18:39:19 AAA: cannot publish until queried, no anwers, and automatic checking 18:39:49 JR: other two might be relevant to enterprise tools only 18:40:08 Greg: no that was just because it was in practice, basically change the wording 18:40:46 Sueann: run a report, where are my failures? 18:42:23 JT: if we go back to what we set for A, it's possible as an author, i can do it 18:42:37 JT: I may not be knowledgable the tools guides me, makes it more likely 20:20:12 action Jutta: b1.1 rational 20:20:12 Created ACTION-168 - B1.1 rational [on Jutta Treviranus - due 2009-06-23]. 20:29:59 - +2 20:36:26 +??P2 20:46:08 rrsagent, make minutes 20:46:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/06/16-au-minutes.html jeanne 20:46:38 -AnnM 20:51:05 -Adobe 20:52:21 -??P2 20:52:22 WAI_AUWG(F2F)8:30AM has ended 20:52:23 Attendees were +1.703.889.aaaa, AnnM, Jan_Richards, Greg_Pisocky, Reed_Shaffner, Jutta_Treviranus, Sueann_Nichols, Jeanne_Spellman, ARonksley, +2 20:58:41 Zakim has left #au 21:26:50 ARonksley has left #au