12:07:12 RRSAgent has joined #pling 12:07:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/06/10-pling-irc 12:07:20 rrsagent, please set log public 12:07:31 zakim, this is pling 12:07:31 ok, rigo; that matches P3P_PLING()8:00AM 12:07:38 zakim, who is here? 12:07:38 On the phone I see ??P3, +358.504.87aaaa, +0496221434aabb, +49.896.004.aacc 12:07:41 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, rigo, assadarat, renato 12:07:49 +Lalana 12:07:53 zakim, code? 12:07:53 the conference code is 75464 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), rigo 12:08:28 +Rigo 12:09:00 jgirao has joined #pling 12:09:01 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/2009-06-10 12:09:05 chair: renato 12:09:09 scribe: rigo 12:09:15 scribenick: rigo 12:09:55 present+ rigo, renato, hannes 12:11:03 present+ Lalana, Andreas, Joao_Girao 12:11:29 lkagal has joined #pling 12:13:11 action: rigo and Renato to follow up with media annotation group for policy integration --PENDING 12:14:04 agenda+ media annotations 12:14:22 Topic: Geolocation Privacy 12:15:33 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-geolocation/ 12:20:37 HT: it is more than API, it is collecting location data from local sensor sending location data to server 12:20:45 matheusa has joined #pling 12:21:27 RW: if no UI.. 12:21:47 HT: than it is even more of a problem as you can't ask for consent 12:22:44 HT: latitude and fire eagle are all about presence 12:24:34 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-geolocation/2009Jun/0003.html 12:26:03 HT: once you have collected geodata, you need a sticky policy 12:27:44 action: HT to send link on sticky policies to list 12:28:30 HT: Geopriv started to draft a new document to explain geopriv on a high level 12:32:56 HT: some fancy negotiations were proposed, but geolocation WG reluctant to even implement most basic privacy tools 12:34:23 HT: some provided example specification and implementation, so its not so complicated 12:35:00 HT: some want to collect all information as it is valuable and don't want to deal with the complicated privacy stuff 12:39:06 LK: will need some damage before they are eager to pedal back 12:41:12 RW: it is like cookies 12:41:31 HT: it is the same, so many of them and not want to ask ever again 12:46:06 Alessandra Toninelli, Ora Lassila, Deepali Khushraj, and Rebecca Montanari: What's on Users' Minds? Empowering Smart Phones with a Socially-Aware Policy Model. IEEE Pervasive Computing, Special Issue on Smarter Phones, April 2009. 12:46:32 - +0496221434aabb 12:51:37 agenda? 12:54:29 RI: report from Social Web XG and relations to PLING. SC XG will form privacy task force eventually that should also talk to PLING 12:54:42 zakim, next agendum 12:54:42 agendum 1. "media annotations" taken up [from rigo] 12:58:21 zakim, who is making noise 12:58:21 I don't understand 'who is making noise', rigo 12:58:24 zakim, who is making noise? 12:58:35 rigo, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P3 (4%), +358.504.87aaaa (50%), +49.896.004.aacc (74%), Rigo (15%) 12:58:42 zakim, drop aacc 12:58:42 +49.896.004.aacc is being disconnected 12:58:46 - +49.896.004.aacc 12:59:43 action: Rigo and Renato to create wiki page for offical requirement to media annotation wg requiring URI ref mechanism for policy 13:02:16 next call 8 july 2009 13:02:30 -Rigo 13:02:31 -??P3 13:02:32 - +358.504.87aaaa 13:02:34 -Lalana 13:02:36 P3P_PLING()8:00AM has ended 13:02:37 Attendees were +358.504.87aaaa, +0496221434aabb, +49.896.004.aacc, Lalana, Rigo 13:02:38 rrsagent, please draft minutes 13:02:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/06/10-pling-minutes.html rigo 13:02:53 rrsagent, bye 13:02:53 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/06/10-pling-actions.rdf : 13:02:53 ACTION: rigo and Renato to follow up with media annotation group for policy integration --PENDING [1] 13:02:53 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/06/10-pling-irc#T12-13-11 13:02:53 ACTION: HT to send link on sticky policies to list [2] 13:02:53 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/06/10-pling-irc#T12-27-44 13:02:53 ACTION: Rigo and Renato to create wiki page for offical requirement to media annotation wg requiring URI ref mechanism for policy [3] 13:02:53 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/06/10-pling-irc#T12-59-43 13:03:03 zakim, bye 13:03:03 Zakim has left #pling